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Why Did You Come To Thailand The First Time?


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I had become very disillusioned with Japanese culture, work and personal relationships. For several years any chance I got I left Japan and took trips to other countries. I had been dating a Filipino whom I met in Japan and visiting him in his country- but that went well and truly sour. A friend of mine there who had been coming to Thailand for years suggested that I decompress by visiting Thailand on a vacation- and then I was doomed.


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Got here through diplomatic channels (my dad was the Romanian ambassador here), after many holidays here, when I finished high school I decided I wanted a less irritating university than Engineering back home, so I went for a Telecom. Science degree here at ABAC...got a year or so until I'm done, remains to be seen what will happen afterwards. Between that and teaching in a relaxed, but professional environment, I've been quite comfortable indeed :o

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One thing about me, I’m sort of the adventurous type, venturing out alone to places I don’t know. I like to also share my first experience to the Land Of Smile (LOS), not in Bangkok but to Hatyai.

It was back in 1982, when I became a "man" and got my “key” (21 years old) where I am allowed to travel out of the country by myself. I was in the Armed Forces at that time, and man, as usual during our free time, exchanged stories with my collegues. It was this one guy who kept telling us of his sexual escapades to Hatyai, showing us pictures of the girls there, which burned my desire to travel to this wonderful place.

I collected as much information as I can from my friends with regards to which hotel to stay, how much the girls will cost, etc. Too bad there wasn't any forums to "enlighten" us and also I don't think we have heard of the Internet back then.

When I got my “key”, I decided that it was time to travel out. So after some persuasion, mum decided it was OK for me to travel alone and gave me SGD500.00. I also have some savings on my own too.

One month before my expected departure, I started to prepare myself. No masturbation and no sex. Bought a bottle of multi-vitamin pills and take it obediently everyday. Also took Brands Essence of Chicken weekly. In camp, I went for jogs every morning and had a can of stout almost every evening. When I looked at myself, man, was I powerful!!!

I booked my bus ticket which was only $40 (2 way) plus another $2.00 for the illegal so-called “toll fee” which the Malaysian authorities collected along the journey. Then I went to the money changer to change $500.00. The rate then was $1.00 to 14 baht. Man..! I had 7,000 baht! I also bought a box of condoms on the advice of my friends as they said it was hard to get it in Hatyai at that time.

The night before my trip, I couldn’t sleep, getting excited over my first trip to "monger" out of the country, and to add to that, ALONE! I rehearsed and recalled all that I have learn from my friends. Also practiced some basic Thai words with a Thai-English dictionary which one of my friends loan me.

The next day, I went to board my 44-seater bus. The bus was almost full with a mix of both Singaporeans and Thais (male and female). I did not get the chance to have one of the cute Thai girls sitting beside me, or else I could have struck a conversation with them on the journey.

The journey was a f**king long 18 plus hours. There were no highways at that time, and the bus do not provide blankets like they do today. Moreover, my ###### seat couldn't even recline. Anyway, my excitement of going to Hatyai beats all discomfort I had in the bus, and my military training has taught me to sleep under any conditions (we can even sleep while standing in the drizzle, kekeke).

There were a few stops for breaks and eventually we reached the border in the wee hours of dawn. At the immigration point on the Thai side of the borders were many tuk-tuks coming to us with various brochures of hotels. I took out my Thai-English Dictionary to try to communicate with them, but <deleted>, they all speak Hokkien, a Chinese dialect that all Singaporeans know. Anyway, from earlier info I gathered back home, I negotiated with a tuk-tuk, and it took the tuk-tuk an hour before arriving at the hotel. Th first hotel has large rooms, no aircon but had a big fan in the ceiling for only 100 Baht. No can do, I wanted more comfort! The Tuk-tuk driver told me that aircon rooms will cost about 300 baht so we went to the recommended Scala Hotel. (You can’t find the hotel anymore.) where the tuk-tuk driver, Ah Tee carried my bag as I checked in to the hotel. Ah Tee, by the way was a Thai Chinese and speaks Teochew, another Chinese dialect similar to Hokkien.

The hotel was only 280 Baht, clean, with bathtub, etc, like what you find now in Hatyai Palace but newer. They have a coffeehouse at the lobby and a barber shop, lounge area with newspapers, etc. Once in my room, Ah Tee straight away ask me in chinese "Big brother, do you want a girl?". I replied "of course", What the <deleted> (<deleted>) am I here for? So off we went on his tuk-tuk to the "farm" houses. Driving around in his tuk-tuk, I can see many guys with cute chicks having breakfast together and my interest level kept increasing, kekeke.

We reached a shophouse and the pimp there straight away “welcome” me, saying in Chinese "Come come come, very pretty girls". The pimp pressed a buzzle with a long ring, and soon you see about 30 girls all gathering to “fall in” into their respective positions. I was asked to sit opposite the girls and to choose.

<deleted>!!, like this? 30 pairs of eyes were looking at me! Shit! I already felt shy and dare not look up back at them. Luckily, Ah Tee came and sat beside me and comforted me. "Take you time, look slowly!"At least with another guy beside me, I slowly scanned the girls with my radar eyes. Woooow! Really cute, man! Don’t know how to make up my mind.

Then Ah Tee asked me whether I have anyone in mind. I had, but he said to wait and see other places too! So he took me out, pimp smiling and saying come back later if I cannot find a suitable girl from other places. We went to a couple of doors away, and again same thing happened. Each pimp has their own method of getting the girls to fall in, some use whistle, some door bells, some just shouted.

I guessed I must have seen about 10 to 15 farms when Ah Tee asked me who I wanted. <deleted>, I cannot remember the farm which I spotted a chick, so Ah tee took me round again. Kekekeke. Those days, the tuk-tuk drivers were very patient. I finally found my chick, and after negotiation, the price came to 350 Baht for a One Night Stand (ONS). <deleted>! the time was only about 11.00 am and she will be with me until 9.00 am the next day!

The girl’s name was “Joy” and man, is she going to give me one hel_l a lot of joy! She came with us on the tuk-tuk to the hotel, and Ah Tee told me he will fetch me at 1.00pm for lunch, giving me more than an hour to experience my "Joy".

I don't think I should bore you guys as I can really go on and on with what I did with Joy and the other girls I had which will be 10 pages of my whole experiences but generally, that was my introduction to the LOS.

*sign* those were the days....

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I was working in Oman and had a Thai girlfriend working at the same place in the Accts department. Anyway we were both getting fed up with the ME so decided to have a holiday in Thailand. While we were here I met a friend working in a hotel and he offered me a job so we went back to Oman, resigned, and a month later were hard at work in BKK.


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Just after 911 I was due to go on holiday to Egypt with my GF.

She refused to go, or fly anywhere else for that matter, saying go without me.

I called an old friend and asked him if he fancied a holiday in Thailand, somewhere I had longed to go for many years.

A few days later we landed in BKK and after another few days came down to Pattaya. Had the best holiday ever, and was back three other times seeing some more of the country, (and also marrying a nice Thai lady,) before relocating here about one year after that first visit.

Good timing as I was getting very disillusioned with the UK, and was luckily in the position to retire 15 years early.

No regrets after 39 months of having a good and happy life here.

Also that friend I originally came on holiday with, moved a few hundred yards down the road to me about 9 months ago. :o


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"She heard about a place

People were smiling,

Spoke about the red man's ways

And how they loved the land.

They came from everywhere

To the great divide,

Searching for a place to stay

Or a place to hide".

(Eagles, "The Last Resort")

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From the USA.. 2003 - I had planned to have a 2 week vacation to visit one of my ex-Grad students in Singapore for a week (I'd never been, and was embarrased to admit total lack of geographical knowledge of SE Asia generally..! ), then thought I'd visit a friend in HKong for a weekend.. and I needed somewhere else to spend another week. I thought, why not Thailand? Bangkok has always had that "racy charm", I'd heard.. and I could use some "racy charm" as I was also breaking up with a bf in the US..

So, after a week in quiet, calm SG I flew to BKK, checked into my hotel in Patpong, and at 8.00pm walked out into Suriwong Rd into the street market to find the bars - and got SEVERE culture-shock. BKK was about as opposite from SG as I could imagine. :o Wow.

Although SG still intrigues me, I've now visited BKK 12 times since...


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