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PAD Vows To Fight Reconciliation Bills 'Till The End'


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3,000 yellow shirts against a possible force of over 10,000 red shirts. I think the red shirts win in this country. Good luck Thailand. We'll keep out of your business and just be here for what Thailand's really good at. Living unfortunately, is not one of them.

They are helpless against the 500 black shirts with AKA-47 and M79......

But if such a fight start, who knows what it triggers......Both at the army as also at the south.....I don't think Thaksin would do that, the aftershocks would wash away his government as well.

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Its not Bs it was available in the Amsterdam report (who you will have to discredit). Of course its only opinion buts whats your based on. If you run the video slowly you can stop it when the flash grenade goes off and you can see the molten metal rising from the ground. One grenade thrown lands right in the middle of 6 officers. What is the likely hood of that. The likely hood of a grenade rolled in from 10 m is very possible. What other soldiers were killed now

When you ask a rhetorical question, it is a good idea to have SOME idea of the answer. What is the likely hood (sic) of that? Well, when training in the Aus Army, we were hitting 2" wide sticks (supports for the targets) from 50m. With a little refresher, I bet I could put one in your shirt pocket at 100m, and possibly 200m. I certainly could 40 years ago.

Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

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What video??? That's complete BS.

The grenades that the red shirts were using at other times during the protests were launched, not thrown.

Its not Bs it was available in the Amsterdam report (who you will have to discredit). Of course its only opinion buts whats your based on. If you run the video slowly you can stop it when the flash grenade goes off and you can see the molten metal rising from the ground. One grenade thrown lands right in the middle of 6 officers. What is the likely hood of that. The likely hood of a grenade rolled in from 10 m is very possible. What other soldiers were killed now

Amsterdam report clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The man in charge for Thaksins PR.

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Its not Bs it was available in the Amsterdam report (who you will have to discredit). Of course its only opinion buts whats your based on. If you run the video slowly you can stop it when the flash grenade goes off and you can see the molten metal rising from the ground. One grenade thrown lands right in the middle of 6 officers. What is the likely hood of that. The likely hood of a grenade rolled in from 10 m is very possible. What other soldiers were killed now

A flash grenade flashes and doesn't cause molten metal.

If it was a grenade that was going to blow people up, which it did, you would hardly be safe from injury at 10 metres. What would be the point of grenades if you couldn't hit a target from 50 metres? Also, I've seen people throw balls 50 m or more with accuracy within a metre. I'm not saying a grenade would be as easy, but also not impossible.

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International Media Covers PAD's Protest Against Reconciliation Bill

BANGKOK: -- International media are covering the latest political rally of the People's Alliance for Democracy against the national reconciliation bill, as well as the commotion among MPs at the Parliament yesterday.

International news agencies, namely AP, AFP, BBC, Reuters and Gulf News, have reported on the latest political rally of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the group's first major gathering since the protest in 2008 that resulted in the ouster of the Thaksin Shinawatra administration.

AFP quoted PAD leader and former MP Somkiat Pongpaiboon as saying that this rally aims to protest against the government's attempt to use the national reconciliation bill to bring Thaksin back to his home soil and absolve him of his corruption and terrorism charges.

Somkiat that added the PAD will do all it can to put a stop to the reconciliation bill and any attempt to meddle with democracy.


-- Tan Network 2012-05-31


I hope they printed the whole story as to rather than to rather than reconciliation all the bill will do is further divide the nation and white wash criminals.

It may hurt some bodies feelings but any one that thinks these bills will bring reconciliation has lights on nobody home in there head. And that is being kind to them.

On the other hand it might bring a little reconciliation in the red shirt ranks as they are showing signs of a split.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Video of the chaos at the end of Parliament today in Thailand: /via @bkkbase



You notice the compliant police are right there ready to help their friends prevent alternate points to be made in the discussion, which of course then becomes protests at the general unfairness.

It is clear that these RECONCILIATION BILLS are so divisive,

than only Brute Force can keep the protests back from the dias.

Really wonderful tactics for bringing the public back together.

'You will be happy if you do as we say,

there is no other choice, do as we say.'

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There is a good chance of a civil war, unless the Thai people are allowed to vote on amnesty for TS or no amnesty for TS.

People should not have a vote on which businessmen or politicians should be above the law. Nobody should be above the law. Votes and opinions don't come into it. Laws regarding grand-larceny and corporate banditry are there to stop society sliding back to the age of club-wielding troglodytes, the laws are a safety net for civilisation and if you break those laws you should face justice.

I agree, but if the PTP force this through without allowing for the Thai people to vote in majority for it, it will turn ugly real fast.

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Oh here we go again! The PAD = People against Democarcy are going to destroy the Thailand's tourism industry again. I just love it.

Unless you consider they are just reacting to provocation, and not the root cause.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Video of the chaos at the end of Parliament today in Thailand: /via @bkkbase



You notice the compliant police are right there ready to help their friends prevent alternate points to be made in the discussion, which of course then becomes protests at the general unfairness.

It is clear that these RECONCILIATION BILLS are so divisive,

than only Brute Force can keep the protests back from the dias.

Really wonderful tactics for bringing the public back together.

'You will be happy if you do as we say,

there is no other choice, do as we say.'

I see the PTP storm troopers were at the ready.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Video of the chaos at the end of Parliament today in Thailand: /via @bkkbase



You notice the compliant police are right there ready to help their friends prevent alternate points to be made in the discussion, which of course then becomes protests at the general unfairness.

It is clear that these RECONCILIATION BILLS are so divisive,

than only Brute Force can keep the protests back from the dias.

Really wonderful tactics for bringing the public back together.

'You will be happy if you do as we say,

there is no other choice, do as we say.'

But the reconciliation bill works!

Democrats and PAD hated each other

Multicolor and PAD didn't like each other

inside the PAD was complete split

Now the are all conciliated

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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

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Perhaps he's taken the double standards thing to heart. After all, he did whitewash himself, much to the outrage of some here.

Strangely, that outrage doesn't seem to apply to whitewashing Thaksin.

amazing that one doesn't get so upset about a signature for the high-bid in an open auction after verifying its legality but might think that a military take-over of a civil government is a a little more serious.

yes, strange that difference in outrage...

military took over an illegal civil government and gave back democracy.....

We shall not forget that this government was in power by illegal means and that it was a 1 party parliament like in the Soviet Union.

I guess the constitution and everything was illegal, ... and the coup gave Thailand democracy.

you live in a fantasy world, sir.

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Perhaps he's taken the double standards thing to heart. After all, he did whitewash himself, much to the outrage of some here.

Strangely, that outrage doesn't seem to apply to whitewashing Thaksin.

amazing that one doesn't get so upset about a signature for the high-bid in an open auction after verifying its legality but might think that a military take-over of a civil government is a a little more serious.

yes, strange that difference in outrage...

military took over an illegal civil government and gave back democracy.....

We shall not forget that this government was in power by illegal means and that it was a 1 party parliament like in the Soviet Union.

I guess the constitution and everything was illegal, ... and the coup gave Thailand democracy.

you live in a fantasy world, sir.

You don't have a response to MY answer to your 10:54 post? You like to ask questions, but not respond to difficult answers?

Nothing yet about the changes that "tore up" the constitution?

Edited by OzMick
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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

What do you reckon Tragic, get rid of all the corrupt and criminal politicians forever and start afresh?

That would wipe out most of the movers and shakers in Thailand.

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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

That vote no, wasn't counted in most places so neither you nor I know how many it was. But it was nonsense....

And Sondhi might be a bad businessman, but he hasn't stolen taxpayers money. That makes a big difference.

And Thaksin won the election only with massive vote buying. That isn't really an achievement. My dog would win the election if it hands out enough money.

And these "criminal" acts are answered, they are all at court and different than Thaksin they do not run. Sondhi lost already and he appealed the verdict while Thaksin did a run and tried to bribe the court.

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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

Well once again we need to get it into everybody's heads on here that most TV contributors in 'news' tend to be a little more educated than the 'you're either with us or against us' mentality. Thaksin AND Sondhi should be in jail, as should every leader of whatever colour who incited violence and mob aggression. The sooner they are ALL banged up, the sooner this country may have a chance of moving forward. There should be no amnesty for criminal behaviour full stop. I don't care if the leaders wear red, yellow or are stark bollo** naked, as long as they dutifully work for this nation , its people and their Monarchy then that is all that is required. People elected by the people to work in the interests of the people. Just because some of us detest the PTP and Red policies does not mean we support Yellow.

All of the guilty going to jail isn't going to happen. That means to be fair, an amnesty will have to be given to all the guilty ones.

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Perhaps he's taken the double standards thing to heart. After all, he did whitewash himself, much to the outrage of some here.

Strangely, that outrage doesn't seem to apply to whitewashing Thaksin.

amazing that one doesn't get so upset about a signature for the high-bid in an open auction after verifying its legality but might think that a military take-over of a civil government is a a little more serious.

yes, strange that difference in outrage...

military took over an illegal civil government and gave back democracy.....

We shall not forget that this government was in power by illegal means and that it was a 1 party parliament like in the Soviet Union.

I guess the constitution and everything was illegal, ... and the coup gave Thailand democracy.

you live in a fantasy world, sir.

Maybe you read a little history, what all happened before the coup. And how the caretaker time was out, how he couldn't fill the parliament. That people could only vote for 1 party.

Everything forgotten??

Military promised to make a fair constitution and give back democracy.

They hold a public referendum for the constitution (1997 constitution had never passed a public referendum).

Than they hold elections which the PPP won. (So the army didn't cheat the results).

So what is wrong here?? I didn't hear any argument from your side, so I wounder who is dreaming.

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

Well once again we need to get it into everybody's heads on here that most TV contributors in 'news' tend to be a little more educated than the 'you're either with us or against us' mentality. Thaksin AND Sondhi should be in jail, as should every leader of whatever colour who incited violence and mob aggression. The sooner they are ALL banged up, the sooner this country may have a chance of moving forward. There should be no amnesty for criminal behaviour full stop. I don't care if the leaders wear red, yellow or are stark bollo** naked, as long as they dutifully work for this nation , its people and their Monarchy then that is all that is required. People elected by the people to work in the interests of the people. Just because some of us detest the PTP and Red policies does not mean we support Yellow.

All of the guilty going to jail isn't going to happen. That means to be fair, an amnesty will have to be given to all the guilty ones.

But in the amnesty is no place for corruption which was long before everything.

And it can be even less, if this person want to come back and rule (with corruption again).

If the amnesty bill would include, that for example, Mr. Thaksin signs that he won't do anything politically again + all his family members don't do anything again + he pays a symbolic amount of say 50 Billions back than everyone could be happy I think.

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The bills are a step backwards for democracy and the rule of law in Thailand..........

So far no cases have been brought in connection with the violence and Human Rights Watch in April warned that if adopted the bill would "undermine justice".

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

It wasn't a stranglehold on Bangkok,

they had one corner and were repeatedly attacked by Red Shirts there.

They did take Government house but ONLY GH and the one street there,

but this only after being brutally attacked at parliament which included attacks.

And likely Sae Dangs undercover crew was lobbing grenades,

as he said they would, at PAD people in GH yard for several nights

causing great injuries to many. Then they took the airport after

staying at GH became untenable because of the grenade attacks.

They did not roam around Bangkok picking targets as they saw fit;

The Reds did: Election Commisions Offices, Telecom Up Link,

assorted intersections for months, and the shopping district for months.

or causing street fights as they marched along.

The Reds did all this the following TWO years.

The yellows staged troublesome protests and one march on parliament,

and of course 1 week at the airport, they will pay for that in Thai time, not western time.

The reds DID cause a stranglehold on most of Bangkok

and particularly the financial engine of the city. No question about that.

This is Campfired Kettle calling the freshly cleaned teapot black

Sorry that argument does not float.

Edited by animatic
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Luckily Yingluck has plausible deniability as she doesnt attend parliment...........Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of Thaksin, has repeatedly declined to comment on the law, claiming it is the duty of the parliament to decide....... Therefore despite being the PM she has no responsibility for what parliment does.

Go figure.

Edited by waza
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- deleted -

amazing that one doesn't get so upset about a signature for the high-bid in an open auction after verifying its legality but might think that a military take-over of a civil government is a a little more serious.

yes, strange that difference in outrage...

military took over an illegal civil government and gave back democracy.....

We shall not forget that this government was in power by illegal means and that it was a 1 party parliament like in the Soviet Union.

I guess the constitution and everything was illegal, ... and the coup gave Thailand democracy.

you live in a fantasy world, sir.

Maybe you read a little history, what all happened before the coup. And how the caretaker time was out, how he couldn't fill the parliament. That people could only vote for 1 party.

Everything forgotten??

Military promised to make a fair constitution and give back democracy.

They hold a public referendum for the constitution (1997 constitution had never passed a public referendum).

Than they hold elections which the PPP won. (So the army didn't cheat the results).

So what is wrong here?? I didn't hear any argument from your side, so I wounder who is dreaming.

You will say anything to justify the coup. But that doesn't make it history.

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