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Briton's Drug Trial Postponed By Thailand


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Briton's drug trial postponed by Thailand

BANGKOK (Reuters) - British teenager Michael Alan Connell has pleaded not guilty to charges of trying to smuggle into Thailand 3,400 tablets of the drug ecstasy, which could bring him the death penalty.

But court officials said the start of the trial was postponed to February 23 because the 19-year-old did not appoint a lawyer in time.

Connell, wearing a brown jail T-shirt and shorts and holding the chains on his legs in his right hand, is accused of bringing in two jars of body cream from Manchester stuffed with the pills estimated to have a street value of 3.4 million baht.

A lawyer for Connell who declined to be identified told Reuters the teenager could escape the death penalty if convicted if he was cooperative during interrogation and the trial.

--Reuters 2004-01-26

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Hi, I was a member before but it wouldn't allow me to post, So I'm now under this name.

Just wanted to no if there is a site that shows young micheal going to court and a news story ?

Really can't believe he's going to plead not guilty, I've never known a Thai court to find any person who had been arrested for a drug offence tnot guilty.

Don't no what he's playing at but like someone else said a couple of months back that they'll not sentence him to death as he's a farang. But saying that the Thai courts might make an esample of him, Scary thought :o

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Actually, for a period of about ten days from the end of February until early March, Klong Prem prison is quite a useful place to be. I say this not out of flippancy, but because during that period the prison plays host to a wonderful furniture sale.

Basically, the prison grounds are transformed into a sort of giant tent, underneath which there are many small stalls (and a few larger larger ones also) which sell an abundance of furniture made by those unfortunate enough to be detained at His Majesty's pleasure. Almost every prison in Thailand seems to have its own stall, and without exception the merchandise is of acceptable quality and vastly cheaper than what you'd pay elsewhere. Unique pieces, too, abound.

Thanks to fairs held over the last two years, I'm now the proud owner of some surprisingly good teak, paduak and rosewood stuff, and I'll be back there again at the end of next month looking for some more.

The best pieces seems to be made by those examplary inmates at Bang Kwang Central Prison (perhaps due to the overtly western influence which exists there), but be warned - many of this prison's finer exhibits sell out quickly and it's a misguided man who ponders over whether to buy today or to come back and buy tomorrow.

As for what the prison's like on the inside, who cares. I'm not a criminal and never will be

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Anyone who wants to know what Thai jails are like might want to read 'The Damage is Done' about three Australians who were convicted of drug smuggling. The description of their experiences is utterly chilling.

I can't help being ashamed of these pathetic little people, my countrymen, who just keep on doing it. I don't wish death or even decades locked away in ###### upon them, but they do deserve severe punishment, if only for shaming their countries.

Thats the thing that always strikes me about them. They are pathetic. They look pathetic, they must be utterly thick, and utterly gullible. Perhaps those that low on the food chain are going to suffer in one way or the other, but what is about to happen to this 'man' will be worse than he can imagine.

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Johnny Moron - every heard of wrongful imprisonment (and I dont mean this 'great' Briton from Manchester who looks a very sad case).

Or to borrow a quote from Churchill is it a case of 'there but for the grace of God goes....God', as far as your concerned.

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Connell, wearing a brown jail T-shirt and shorts and holding the chains on his legs in his right hand, is accused of bringing in two jars of body cream from Manchester stuffed with the pills estimated to have a street value of 3.4 million baht.

I read recently, that in the UK Ectasy is now cheaper than a pint of beer.

So this fool would have made over 3 million baht pure profit smuggling drugs INTO Thailand :o

As for the death penalty or even life in prison, very harsh for such a relative harmless drug.

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harmless or not,the use of and the selling and importation of ecstasy is against the law in thailand and that dumb <deleted> deserves all he gets.

from what i have read about this character, he is a petty criminal and benefit scrounger back in the uk, and seeing as the uk authorities have been unable to curb his antisocial activities then thankfully he has been stopped by the thais, who will hopefully lock him up for a long time,thereby preventing him from repeating his activities and protecting the public from his nefarious ways.

if he had worked for a living instead of scrounging then he wouldnt be in the position he is.

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If he got no money, who is paying for the lawyer there???? Do they have public defenders??????? paid by tax dollars and cents???????

Also from what I see it looks like he lost some weight and appears thinner. I am surprised he has lasted this long up to date.

Also his father made some visits to him. I feel sorry for the father who has to suffer of this pain seeing his son in such terrible conditions and knowing the fate of his son is out of his hands.

I would say 10 years be the longest to serve for such offense. The person deserves at least a second chance in life to do good. But pleading not guilty is like playing hard ball and that is a chancy gamble under the circumstances unless he can prove otherwise.


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Guest IT Manager
If he got no money, who is paying for the lawyer there???? Do they have public defenders??????? paid by tax dollars and cents???????

Also from what I see it looks like he lost some weight and appears thinner. I am surprised he has lasted this long up to date.

Also his father made some visits to him. I feel sorry for the father who has to suffer of this pain seeing his son in such terrible conditions and knowing the fate of his son is out of his hands.

I would say 10 years be the longest to serve for such offense. The person deserves at least a second chance in life to do good. But pleading not guilty is like playing hard ball and that is a chancy gamble under the circumstances unless he can prove otherwise.


Shut up Dave. What a load of <deleted>.

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If he got no money, who is paying for the lawyer there????  Do they have public defenders???????  paid by tax dollars and cents???????

Also from what I see it looks like he lost some weight and appears thinner.  I am surprised he has lasted this long up to date.

Also his father made some visits to him.  I feel sorry for the father who has to suffer of this pain seeing his son in such terrible conditions and knowing the fate of his son is out of his hands. 

I would say 10 years be the longest to serve for such offense.  The person deserves at least a second chance in life to do good.  But pleading not guilty is like playing hard ball and that is a chancy gamble under the circumstances unless he can prove otherwise.


Shut up Dave. What a load of <deleted>.

I'll second that, Every one deserves a second chance in life. 19 years old! If he was in his mid 20's, 30's then tuff luck.

I came from a broken home when I was 8 years old, got kicked out on the streets at 17. Couldn't claim any benifits, didn't have a driving licence so could find work or get to work.

When sleeping rough, I met some criminals and got involved with crime, Got arrested and ended up in prison for 4 months. This carried on till I was about 22. And decided crime was for mugs. Got a labouring job then saved what I could for driving lessons and my test and passed on the second attempt then got offered a better job which I snapped the mans hand off and now I'm 35 got a nice house, car, pay my taxes, NI. and enjoy what life has to offer.

What I'm trying to say is that this 19 year old lad and many his age take many years before they are muture enough to realise what is wrong and what is right. H e deserves a second chance in life to better himself and pay his taxes and contibute to the country.

People who say he spongers of the state ? Look at these millions of gipsys who are heading to England ? They are coming because they say they will get a nice big house and car. So it's ok for them and not our own ?

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Guest IT Manager
Anyone who wants to know what Thai jails are like might want to read 'The Damage is Done' about three Australians who were convicted of drug smuggling. The description of their experiences is utterly chilling.

I can't help being ashamed of these pathetic little people, my countrymen, who just keep on doing it. I don't wish death or even decades locked away in ###### upon them, but they do deserve severe punishment, if only for shaming their countries.

Thats the thing that always strikes me about them. They are pathetic. They look pathetic, they must be utterly thick, and utterly gullible. Perhaps those that low on the food chain are going to suffer in one way or the other, but what is about to happen to this 'man' will be worse than he can imagine.

FWIW I have just finished reading The Damage Done by Warren Fellowes.

In trying to make his situation appearthat of the Martyr, I believe about 10% of what is written premised on visiting a UK inmate in CM some years ago.

Fellowes himself admits the fault was his, but then writes a book which portrays the prison staff as savages. I am hard pressed to see the book as anything more than a useful way to make a buck to re-organise hisuseless life into some semblence of order.

The issue isn't in fact the nature of the prison IMHO but the nature of the time. Grinding boredom. That was the opinion of the chap I visited who has since been released.

I personally believe the sale is a good example of what I am saying. Jails here are tougher than our western holiday camps, I would surmise, but the up-side is, you are only likely to go there once.

What does that say about the system?

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Oh I see IT, it seems you don't want anyone to have a second chance in life, so you tell me to shut up???????? Well, I pity you in this regard, cause this shows you have no mercy for anyone.

Lucky Boy here from his post got the second chance IT, and he turned his life around. Also I can tell you IT, of many others that I have personally met who have done the same.

Also IT , a human person for the most part (average life span) is 70 if you get lucky. Many do not make it to this Age. So how long is your life???????

The guy is now almost 20, which means he got if all goes well another 50 years give or take. So why not give him a second chance in life to turn his life around, perhaps get married and raise a family?????

He didn't commit murder, he simply did drugs which I don't condone but for what it is worth it is better that they did get this off the streets to spare others. He knows now he made big mistake, must he pay for this with his entire life?????

Best you think of about this IT, it can happen to you or to your family or someone that is close to you. How would you feel if it did. That is why I say everybody is entitled to a second chance in life.

What are you so bitter about, or are you taking it on me personally????


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Guest IT Manager

Actually Dave, no. Have you.

As for second chances, suggest you get to know a bit about me before asking what I know about giving and getting second chances. Even ordinary ones, like still posting in here. Care to tell the members how that came to be after you resigned was it twice or 3 times?

The issue I had actually wasn't about the kid, as I have said to you privately. It was about what you posted. After having spent a total of 3 months in Thailand, you appear to be an expert on everything Thai. I am of the strong opinion, that may be a little mis-placed.

Further, regarding getting personal, my major suggestion is this; find out the real facts before you shoot your mouth off about "just doing drugs". The man who sentenced my son to death was "just doing drugs" as well. He won't be tried for the murder he is committing by proxy, but at 11 years of age, wth no education, my son was not offered "choice" merely a needle full of death. The chap responsible got his 3 years ago. No prison though...just a quickie at the Wat followed by a half hour inferno in the local pra cha.

I take it extremely personally, when someone with absolutely no knowledge of the issues here, and I suspect, there in the US as well, says "just doing drugs".

It wasn't that I was so much having a go at you for being stupid Dave, that's not even part of it. I was talking about you running off at the mouth about issues of which you have absolutley no knowledge in respect to Thailand, and on the balance of proababilities, almosty none of what happens there in America.

If I have personally offended you, my apologies up to a point. :o

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I wander if it was a direct flight or that he had a stopover in Amsterdam.

Qouse there is where most of the sh## comes from.

And the deadpenalty is for a crime like this to much,fore sure he needs to be punnised hard (and he will be) if he did it.

But on the other way like Monty Phyton's Brian sayd: always look at the bright site of life.He dasn't have visa problems anymore for the next 30 or 40 years,he will have some work a place to sleep and free food (Maybe some free sex as well).So what's he complaining about :o

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I wander if it was a direct flight or that he had a stopover in Amsterdam.

Qouse there is where most of the sh## comes from.

And the deadpenalty is for a crime like this to much,fore sure he needs to be punnised hard (and he will be) if he did it.

But on the other way like Monty Phyton's Brian sayd: always look at the bright site of life.He dasn't have visa problems anymore for the next 30 or 40 years,he will have some work a place to sleep and free food (Maybe some free sex as well).So what's he complaining about :o

I think you should make a visit to the jail. This is no picnic.

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Ok here is my reply to IT.

First of what I posted was in response to the news reports, over 98% of it.

Secondly one can learn plenty in 3 months time in Thailand, and I remind you learn not know!! I do not profess to know all about Thailand like some people that I know that do so.

Thirdly I posted somewhat a question of whether or not they have public defenders for the accused in Thailand since the Court in this kids case said he did not have a lawyer in a timely manner. I have never been involved in any legal situations in Thailand and I prefer to hopefully not get involved in the future other than to do things the legal way there. I hope this clears up this part of the posted statement.

Fourth, picking apart the wording just doing drugs covers everything. It means selling, dealing using or having it personally for what ever the reason it may be. Just doing drugs is illegal unless it is prescribed from a Doctor. So to pick words on an individual basis as done before in the past when I got suspended and moderated because one cannot understand me or understand its meaning of what I wrote is going overboard. That is why I even resigned several times of wanting to post anything here because of the scrutiny involved and the nit picking on members who make comments. Everybody is entitiled to speak or to write their minds, and for one to take such contents of it and put the clamps on someone such as moderation or suspension without justification is wrong.

We had our conversation last night and you gave me some answers and not the real answer which should be the truth. I give you lots of space and give you much leeway to understand you and I have no offense to you at all. Your a good man, but for speeches sake be neutral like a Judge is supposed to do and keep your intense private personal convictions neutral.

I may say things from time to time that will not agree with you or with others and this is basic human nature for one to not always agree. I may not agree with you on some of your issues, but do I pick it apart or go word to word in tearing it apart like it is being done to me here in the past and even now up to the present time.

I made a comment about a father who is human and he has feelings too and I feel sorry for him because he does have pain and hurt in his heart. You my friend is a father too and so am I with two daughters, so what I said here is not B/S but the truth.

Last of all I was not running my mouth on any issues concerning Thailand that you seem to say here. I will and might say something as my opinion, on its activities but have vowed to stay out of your visa and residency and permits topics because I will tell you here now. I do not know anything of the legal aspects of those topics. Is this fair enough to you IT?????? If it is in the General or some other issues not related to the Government topics, then I may say something.

There is a lot of things that happen here in America just like in Thailand, and in some cases far much worse than what happens in Thailand. To touch on just one point our President who loves to lie to the public and we are just finding out a lot of that right now. Ok. So as of Thailand, I think the Government encounters some of the problems we have here from time to time. Not all are the same page you know.

I will end here.



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  Secondly one can learn plenty in 3 months time in Thailand, and I remind you learn not know!!  I do not profess to know all about Thailand like some people that I know that do so.

Believe me My Dave Yo, after three months you think you know a lot but in reality you know precisely nothing.

After a year you think you know even more, and in reality you may know a little.

After five years it dawns on you that however much you know or may think you know, you will always be an outsider and will never really know that much.

After a few more years you cease to care. Instead, you just enjoy.

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Johnny, exactly and I agree with you. Sorry for not finishing out the quote and you did it for me due to my absence of brain activity. Anyway, at same token, even tho your there for only 3 months, what I also meant, first day you arrive you don't know a thing or have learned a thing. But by the end of 3 months being there at least you may know your location of your stay and might know a few routes to return to your place from shopping etc, and maybe learn some new sites around etc, or learned a few words, or learned some new Thai foods and cooking.

We learn something every day, even now as I write this, and I am in USA.

But knowing things, that is an ongoing process till we die. We will never ever know anything completely. Basic proven fact.

Anyway your reflection to my quote is superb. Congratulations in adding the necessary ingredients to say exactly what I meant as the total picture.

That is why I said I never profess to know everything, but loves to learn new things every day cause that is one of the challenges of life we all receive and at the end definitely ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been there and seen the temptation of money and the greed that it causes. I never didn't know what I was doing and I never got caught but the risk was there and I knew that if it came down to it I would have to do my time like everybody else.

I dont know the full story of this lad from Manchester - if he knew fully what he was doing then he is going to have time to think about whether or not it was worth while - if he didn't know or understand teh consequences of is actions then I hope that he has a second chance sometime in his life to work things out.

Dealing couriering (spelling) trafficking drugs is all a lucrative business and it pays well if you keep your head and the risks low.

But try and remember that all over the world there are prisoners locked up doing there time without this media coverage - the Hilton is famous has a reputation but Im pretty sure there are worse places than that.

I dont like prison - Ive visited friends in Durham back home and that was still an eye opener, I don't think every drug user pusher dealer etc should be locked up I do believe if you are in control of your mind then you should accept the punishment dealt to you. Be it Thailand Holland UK Brazil,

If you are going to do a crime find out what the cost is - might be longer than you think.

No flaming no abuse ive said my part and I have read everybodies here.

Take it easy and be safe.

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