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Tell Me If This Is True ( Pun Intended )


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Where I live recently there is no phone or cable tv available,so only choice is 3G.

I have coverage of Dtac,True and a weak signal from AIS.

I started with Dtac,but however the signal strenght is good ( 70% ) the downloads are very slow.I get download speeds of 17 KB on gmail attachements and everything over 1 Mb is simply disrupted.

So over to True move H. Signal strenght is a steady 45% , which I assume is ample.Speeds are good,but I get disconnected every few minutes, or in other cases I have connection but no data traffic.

So I called their customer service up 2 days ago and explained them my problem, which of course they, those caring people of True, replied that they would take care about and stay in contact.

Today,two days later still no response of them and problem same same,so I contacted them again.

They start about that they don't know my location,however I clearly described it previously.I am in a location 10 Km outside Pattaya, Nong Palai, so I doubt very much that they will have more than 1 signal tower in this area.

On my suggestion that if they know my log in details,they should be able to see which tower I connect to,but there reply was that was not possible. TRUE?

So I announced the lady that if there was no follow up today,I would also cancel my other True subscriptions at my second house.

So about an hour later I got a phone call from their services that 45 % signal strenght is not enough to connect to their services,and that they could not do anything about for the time being. TRUE?

So if 45 % is not enough that means you will have to live right under the <deleted> tower or what?

So in my opinion they are the simply most useless company on the market .TRUE or not?

P.S. : While typing this topic I have been disconnected 4 times.I have tried other aircards,other True sims all with the same result.A few months ago while building the house we had tried out True 3G already,and that time it would disconnect every 3 hours,which was a common problem at that time but which should be fixed by now.

Edited by pipo1000
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If you do a search in this forum there are signal amplifiers you can purchase to boost your 3G/Mobile signal level so it usable for data just do a search of this forum.

I understand what you are saying, but my point was actually, is it true that 45% signal strenght is too low for 3G data connection?
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If you do a search in this forum there are signal amplifiers you can purchase to boost your 3G/Mobile signal level so it usable for data just do a search of this forum.

I understand what you are saying, but my point was actually, is it true that 45% signal strenght is too low for 3G data connection?

Well, signal strength aren't measured in percentages anyway. The bars you see on your phone are a very inaccurate representation of what's really happening, and for the same signal, different manufacturers will display a different number of bars (for example, this is how Apple once "fixed" the reception problem on their iPhone4 if I remember well, by simply changing the formula used to calculate how many bars are displayed: same reception, but more bars. People were satisfied...).

So what the customer service told you means nothing. What happens is probably that you're at the limit of their coverage and in an area which is not their priority (too few potential customers). Your call will be noted in their customer experience system and will be taken into account when they are expanding their coverage, but unless a lot more customers in your area do the same, you might have to wait quite a while until they start working on it. Improving signal strength and coverage is very costly, because most of the time it requires installing additional infrastructure.

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If you do a search in this forum there are signal amplifiers you can purchase to boost your 3G/Mobile signal level so it usable for data just do a search of this forum.

I understand what you are saying, but my point was actually, is it true that 45% signal strenght is too low for 3G data connection?

Well, signal strength aren't measured in percentages anyway. The bars you see on your phone are a very inaccurate representation of what's really happening, and for the same signal, different manufacturers will display a different number of bars (for example, this is how Apple once "fixed" the reception problem on their iPhone4 if I remember well, by simply changing the formula used to calculate how many bars are displayed: same reception, but more bars. People were satisfied...).

So what the customer service told you means nothing. What happens is probably that you're at the limit of their coverage and in an area which is not their priority (too few potential customers). Your call will be noted in their customer experience system and will be taken into account when they are expanding their coverage, but unless a lot more customers in your area do the same, you might have to wait quite a while until they start working on it. Improving signal strength and coverage is very costly, because most of the time it requires installing additional infrastructure.

My signal strenght is not based on some bars on a telephone,it is based on the modem status in my router settings.

If I go to " status " in my router settings I can see modem info and there it will show signal 45%. My current connection with Dtac shows 51% using the same aircard and same router and is never disconnected,but the downloads are very slow.

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The numbers mean nothing, there is no international standard. What True call 45% DTAC might call 10% or any other number. There is also no relevant threshold for useable service that can be compared either.

Remember you are connecting using a mobile data connection. The previous reply citing cell phone bars is quite correct. Your software just presents it as a %.

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