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Thailand Is Still 'Favoured Tourist Destination'


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Never a word from the newspaper on the statistics for foreign sex tourism and which operators cater to this trade. That's probably the operator segment that cheats, manipulates prices and services, and renegs on their deals with Indian and Chinese and other operators. The Thai sex tour operators probably figure what the heck, these guys are coming anyway for sex so why not rip them off. The only fair shake they probably get is from the girls, who probably have to kick back to their Thai operator partner.

This completely untrue, do you even live in Thailand ??.....if you lived here you would know there is no sex toursim or prostitution in Thailand, you are obviously very confused..

And don't go thinking you can shop for a fake Rolex or other knock offs either.

No pirates in Thailand at all, argh matey.

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How favoured Thailand and its rank as a holiday destination is compare to how favoured it once was should TAT know by see who Thailand is popular for now and in the past.

What do you mean?

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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It looks like they're acknowledging that they should be focusing on Russian and Middle Eastern tourists for growth, because, aside from sex tourism enthusiasts, fewer and fewer Western tourists (especially families) are interested in Thailand's scams and polluted, over-developed beaches. Langkawi is beautiful, clean, and minus the general malfeasance seen at Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc.

My wife and I have work in the tourist industry for the last 16 years here in Thailand. I simply have to say you are so wrong it hurts my fingers to type.

Although very popular Pattaya, Phuket, and the rest are not the only attractions in Thailand. Armchair experts make for great reading when one wants to have a short laugh.

Edited by MILT
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Notice they said Indian's, Russians, and Chinese are coming in record numbers. Where most of the scam artist and mafia and yaba problems are on the rise. Thailand must be proud to have them coming...takes the focus off the Red shirts and TS. The indians are bringing more yaba and ice, the russians are extorting more "protection" money from business owners and the chinese are setting up more "boiler room scam" operations. Welcome to Thailand wai.gif No offense to decent and law abiding Indian's Russians, and Chinesecoffee1.gif

Funny, I had always thought the Africans, and Middle Easterns were mostly responsible for smuggling drugs into the country. Thai's, American, Brits and Scandinavian long term expats mostly distribute them in Pattaya. Just today I read that a couple of Americans got caught with Ice and weed in Pattaya.

I also thought Taiwanese nationals were mostly responsible for most scam operations.

Just because they look like Indian and Oriental, do not make them Indians and Chinese. Racial profiling are we.

The Russian part, I'm not too sure about. I am aware there are various Mafia's around. So you might be right, but I highly doubt that they extort money from local Thai business owners. The Thai's I know do not mind losing money to other Thais, but will never stand for losing money to foreigners.

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Cool down.

The first invasion of Burma in these days is sea food.

The best seafood is in Thai Restaurents in Mae Sot.

Every time I go for visa-run to Maesot I have to come back with a cool box with seafood to provide 160 km away the need for a seafoot restaurant of a member of my family (high class cook).

A Burmese guide told me that small resorts at the beach will be no problem.

"But Farang don't need a beach and goot food alone, they want - "sex, drugs and rock'n roll" " - a wise guide, I know him, good English, he showed me the Pagoda in Irriwaddy with some Thai monks.

Edited by lungmi
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Nothing ever going to change here in Los apart from the next red or yellow shirt government it's all a load of ...


You ever here of a toilet? No shamewhistling.gif

you ever 'here' of spell check??? whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifbiggrin.png

The punishment for both of you will be to attend a TOEFL course immediate effect..biggrin.png

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Kondratyuk Ksienia, manager of Primoravtotrans based in Moscow, said the biggest problem her clients faced was the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country.

The last thing the rest of the country needs are swarms of pushy 8ft tall hotpant wearing men with bad haircuts. At least TAT is doing one thing right.

Lack of Russian language? Have they been to pattaya or phuket? All the signs are in thai and russian now instead of thai and english....give me a breakwhistling.gif

Bruce, read the next line where it says the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country. New places Bruce, new ones. Now I don't know about you Bruce but I dont see many Russian signs in Mae Sot.

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Kondratyuk Ksienia, manager of Primoravtotrans based in Moscow, said the biggest problem her clients faced was the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country.

The last thing the rest of the country needs are swarms of pushy 8ft tall hotpant wearing men with bad haircuts. At least TAT is doing one thing right.

Lack of Russian language? Have they been to pattaya or phuket? All the signs are in thai and russian now instead of thai and english....give me a breakwhistling.gif

Bruce, read the next line where it says the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country. New places Bruce, new ones. Now I don't know about you Bruce but I dont see many Russian signs in Mae Sot.

And let's hope it stays that way. Keep 'em in Pattaya and let them rule, but as for the rest of Thailand they can sod off!


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Tourism is on the rise, but are there figures as to exactly who is coming here?

I would assume tour packages from places like China and India are exploding based on the amount of bus tours I see all over the country, and of course Russians are clearly invading, but curious to see the real figures if such info is made public.

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Kondratyuk Ksienia, manager of Primoravtotrans based in Moscow, said the biggest problem her clients faced was the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country.

The last thing the rest of the country needs are swarms of pushy 8ft tall hotpant wearing men with bad haircuts. At least TAT is doing one thing right.

Lack of Russian language? Have they been to pattaya or phuket? All the signs are in thai and russian now instead of thai and english....give me a breakwhistling.gif

Bruce, read the next line where it says the lack of information in the Russian language, which prevented them from exploring new places in the country. New places Bruce, new ones. Now I don't know about you Bruce but I dont see many Russian signs in Mae Sot.

And let's hope it stays that way. Keep 'em in Pattaya and let them rule, but as for the rest of Thailand they can sod off!


I tend to agree with this. Give them Pattaya and maybe even Phuket. They are already taking parts of Cambodia as well, so let them mark their areas and let them have them. Just stay out of the more peaceful, non-scamming parts of Thailand where the rest of us prefer to hang their hat and make a home. They seem to be attracted to the beaches, which is fine. Thailand has done a fine job at ruining most of the best beaches, so again, they can have them.

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It looks like they're acknowledging that they should be focusing on Russian and Middle Eastern tourists for growth, because, aside from sex tourism enthusiasts, fewer and fewer Western tourists (especially families) are interested in Thailand's scams and polluted, over-developed beaches. Langkawi is beautiful, clean, and minus the general malfeasance seen at Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc.

My wife and I have work in the tourist industry for the last 16 years here in Thailand. I simply have to say you are so wrong it hurts my fingers to type.

Although very popular Pattaya, Phuket, and the rest are not the only attractions in Thailand. Armchair experts make for great reading when one wants to have a short laugh.

In your experience as a tour operator, instead of just telling someone they are wrong, do you please care to share with us what you see happening?

I know in Pattaya and parts of BKK I see a large infux of Middle Eastern, Indian, and Russian tourists. Then up north I still see a lot of Americans. Would like to get your POV on what is really happening and where.

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It looks like they're acknowledging that they should be focusing on Russian and Middle Eastern tourists for growth, because, aside from sex tourism enthusiasts, fewer and fewer Western tourists (especially families) are interested in Thailand's scams and polluted, over-developed beaches. Langkawi is beautiful, clean, and minus the general malfeasance seen at Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc.

My wife and I have work in the tourist industry for the last 16 years here in Thailand. I simply have to say you are so wrong it hurts my fingers to type.

Although very popular Pattaya, Phuket, and the rest are not the only attractions in Thailand. Armchair experts make for great reading when one wants to have a short laugh.

Nope, they aren't, but outside of backpacker circles, there is greater demand for infrastructure. I just listed the most accessible and, therefore, most popular tourist destinations in Thailand. Would you care to share some figures (anecdotes, anything) that would relieve me of my ignorance and "armchair" expertise? Congratulations on the sixteen years though. I'm sure you are heretofore eminently qualified to speak objectively about such matters.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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It looks like they're acknowledging that they should be focusing on Russian and Middle Eastern tourists for growth, because, aside from sex tourism enthusiasts, fewer and fewer Western tourists (especially families) are interested in Thailand's scams and polluted, over-developed beaches. Langkawi is beautiful, clean, and minus the general malfeasance seen at Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc.

My wife and I have work in the tourist industry for the last 16 years here in Thailand. I simply have to say you are so wrong it hurts my fingers to type.

Although very popular Pattaya, Phuket, and the rest are not the only attractions in Thailand. Armchair experts make for great reading when one wants to have a short laugh.

Nope, they aren't, but outside of backpacker circles, there is greater demand for infrastructure. I just listed the most accessible and, therefore, most popular tourist destinations in Thailand. Would you care to share some figures (anecdotes, anything) that would relieve me of my ignorance and "armchair" expertise? Congratulations on the sixteen years though. I'm sure you are heretofore eminently qualified to speak objectively about such matters.

Oooooh - handbags! Get them up darlings before I scratch your eyes out - get serious and don't digress!

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"Kondratyuk Ksienia, manager of Primoravtotrans based in Moscow, said the biggest problem her clients faced was the lack of information in the Russian language"

Since when do you visit a foreign country and see signs in every language?

Most places have signs in English as well as the local language, if they don't.....bad luck. Thats traveling!!

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I do wonder if Vietnam, Laos and Myamar need 10 years to develop into tourist attractions.

It took Vietnam, for example, only 3 years to become the biggest rice exporter.

The number of bookings for Birma/Myamar is rising sharply, like the bookings for Vietnam.

Maybe, just maybe, Thailand thinks they can not loose?

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Just wait until even cheaper Myanmar becomes "developed" with a string of resorts lining it's coasts attracting tourists, let's give it 5 years and flights to Myanmar might exceed those to Thailand or be a serious competition to the Thai tourist economy

It will take close to a decade to build the infrastructure needed to support a vibrant tourism industry in Myanmar. Until then, the Thais will do as they please.

Oh Jesus - does that mean 10 more years or seeing your predictable nonsense?

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If the Americans and others decide to develop Burma just as they did in LOS 40 years ago

Is the US planning to invade Vietnam again...whistling.gif ....and its quite offensive to suggest only the American's or other's "decide" to develop Burma, Burma will decide how much it develops...


You must be very naive if you think Burma (or whatever they now call themselves) is going to foot the bill for billions to bring itself into the 21st century. The Americans will surely have their eye on the fossil fuel reserves...ever heard of the Bush family USA ??? Yanks will build airports,highways, hotels etc same as they did in provincial Thailand during and after Vietnam War. All of these rich Thais who slap each other on the back and hand out awards at business functions would still be barefoot andsleeping on hammocks drinking ya-dong if it werent for the Yanks and Japs etc developing this place.

True indeed altho a bit off topic.

The real story line is however, that even if law enforcement in a country is below par, local tour operators scam, lie and deceive, the sex industry is in your face everywhere, that this country can still be a favoured tourist destination.

Because Thailand does offer a lot of value for your money, if you know where (not) to go....

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i cant say this is so over all of thailand but me im living in northeastern seaboard just passed pataya and last 5-8 years with more and more russians comming in and acting like they own the place and treating people like shit , The growing ripp-offs and scams everywere and more and more thai treating us a smilkcows my family and i are thinking of relocating to cambodia

Thai goverment would do better to see what people they atract as tourists , people from russia and india will bring in the fast cash now but will cost them dearly in due time. the tourist market is maybe growing in those countrys but in its losing market share in europe , more are looking to vietnam and maleisia and this for the same price.

We seen the same with russian comming into europe after comunism fall and the flooded all spanish and portugeuse beaches, this is now passed because most russian tourist are not welcome anymore in many places so they are looking to other destinations like our beloved thailand. such a shamesad.png (and yes im not verry funned of russians this due to several problems in my restaurant)

Edited by obi1970
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i cant say this is so over all of thailand but me im living in northeastern seaboard just passed pataya and last 5-8 years with more and more russians comming in and acting like they own the place and treating people like shit , The growing ripp-offs and scams everywere and more and more thai treating us a smilkcows my family and i are thinking of relocating to cambodia

Thai goverment would do better to see what people they atract as tourists , people from russia and india will bring i the fast cash now but will cost them dearly in due time. the tourist market is maybe growing in those countrys but in its losing market share in europe , more are looking to vietnam and maleisia and this for the same price.

We seen the same with russian comming into europe after comunism fall and the flooded all spanish and portugease beaches, this is now passed because most russian tourist are not welcome anymore in many places so they are looking to other destinations like our beloved thailand. such a shamesad.png (and yes im not verry funned of russians this due to several problems in my restaurant)

The problem is Pattaya. Get out of Pattaya.

Thailand is still a wonderful place and there are many cities where you don't have to deal with Russians or treated with the contempt that many of the Pattaya locals treat you with. Sure, you will always be a foreigner and sometimes a walking ATM, but many cities in Thailand are welcoming and a 100% different experience than Pattaya. And no place is perfect. However, you can find much better and safer locations where you don't have to deal with trash, both literally and figuratively.

I lived in Phuket for a while and the same thing happened to me, just overwhelmed with what the place had become. It was great early on but as the years changed, so did the town. Scams everywhere more than ever, extremely rude tourists, horrible locals, inflated prices, and no respect for anyone or anything. Then we moved to Chaing Mai and I am kicking myself in the bum for not doing it years ago. It was the best decision we made and never looked back. I can't imagine raising children in a place like Pattaya or even having a wife there, knowing every where she went some whore monger would be trying to get into her pants. You can have a normal life in a wonderful Thai city, you just have to find the right one for you. As a hint, anywhere you have large amounts of sex tourists, non-stop scams, and Russians, it isn't it.

Good luck.

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and what do you think about 2008's affect on tourism?

was that just something to be "taken as "to be expected" by the average tourist"?

i wonder would you approach that incident with as much passion...

Actually I had a flight to England booked that autumn when the airport was scene of peaceful sit-down protest by the democracy movement. I had to cancel my flight for over three weeks and reschedule my business appointment in England. I didn't mind one bit.

I don't talk with passion, I talk with logic, theres no comparison to the average tourist of peaceful democrat-supporters sitting in the airport (the same kind of sit-down protest that has been done for hundreds of years in the west), to the armed redshirt mob in Bangkok centre with machetes and guns and grenades, threatening (on international TV) to burn "the whole of Bangkok". and arson of shops and centres and looting ATMs and violence and murder. But you are just trolling so it doesn't matter does it.

Edited by Yunla
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Just wait until even cheaper Myanmar becomes "developed" with a string of resorts lining it's coasts attracting tourists, let's give it 5 years and flights to Myanmar might exceed those to Thailand or be a serious competition to the Thai tourist economy

It will take close to a decade to build the infrastructure needed to support a vibrant tourism industry in Myanmar. Until then, the Thais will do as they please.

By "vibrant" do you mean bars, prostitutes, and the rest of that crap? Myanmar can win by differentiating itself, not following the path of Thailand and the Philippines. In this case, its lack of development is the major attraction, and tourists are already flocking there. Pristine beaches and environments Thailand can only dimly remember. Ten years? You gotta be joking!! No time for complacency.

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and what do you think about 2008's affect on tourism?

was that just something to be "taken as "to be expected" by the average tourist"?

i wonder would you approach that incident with as much passion...

Actually I had a flight to England booked that autumn when the airport was scene of peaceful sit-down protest by the democracy movement. I had to cancel my flight for over three weeks and reschedule my business appointment in England. I didn't mind one bit.

I don't talk with passion, I talk with logic, theres no comparison to the average tourist of peaceful democrat-supporters sitting in the airport (the same kind of sit-down protest that has been done for hundreds of years in the west), to the armed redshirt mob in Bangkok centre with machetes and guns and grenades, threatening (on international TV) to burn "the whole of Bangkok". and arson of shops and centres and looting ATMs and violence and murder. But you are just trolling so it doesn't matter does it.

not just trolling, was trying to see if you saw two sides and it's clear you don't.

i believed you were talking about the "kind of thing puts tourists off" and wanted your opinion on 2008 in relation to that statement.... and if you consider that trolling, so be it.

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i cant say this is so over all of thailand but me im living in northeastern seaboard just passed pataya and last 5-8 years with more and more russians comming in and acting like they own the place and treating people like shit , The growing ripp-offs and scams everywere and more and more thai treating us a smilkcows my family and i are thinking of relocating to cambodia

Thai goverment would do better to see what people they atract as tourists , people from russia and india will bring in the fast cash now but will cost them dearly in due time. the tourist market is maybe growing in those countrys but in its losing market share in europe , more are looking to vietnam and maleisia and this for the same price.

We seen the same with russian comming into europe after comunism fall and the flooded all spanish and portugeuse beaches, this is now passed because most russian tourist are not welcome anymore in many places so they are looking to other destinations like our beloved thailand. such a shamesad.png (and yes im not verry funned of russians this due to several problems in my restaurant)

Before you start your rant about the Russian's, you should have looked at the Pattaya rags and see at who is being arrested all the time for drugs and various other offenses, Brits, American's and various other western nationalities, so granted the Russians may not be well behaving tourists but they are not the only ones...

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not just trolling, was trying to see if you saw two sides and it's clear you don't.

i believed you were talking about the "kind of thing puts tourists off" and wanted your opinion on 2008 in relation to that statement.... and if you consider that trolling, so be it.

Yes I answered your post by saying that in the west we have seen peaceful sitdown protest for centuries (as practised by the democrats in the airport) and so to tourists from Europe for example it is not a cause of "shock horror alarm run away!" the same way a meth-head pointing an RPG at your family would be. I did answer your question but you chose to ignore my answer in favour of further trollage.

I think you don't give tourists any credit, to see that most tourists are aware of peoples' right to protest peacefully and are aware of Thailand's colourful politics, and may have to delay or re-route flights if they are caught up in protest, but they draw the line when huge crowds of redmob are doing the scene from Mordor with hordes cheering at a hunched figure onstage who shouts "burn, burn it all!"

Edited by Yunla
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