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Contaminated Food May Have Killed Canadian Sisters: Phi Phi Island


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How many dentists do you know get pissed up, and at that young female ones?

Don't try to distort meanings and interpretations please.


Two actually...and they are family friends, both female in their early 30's

+ 1 vet

Hence the reason I questioned your comment of "educated" people dont get pissed up....as I know differently...thumbsup.gif

Further not tryin to destort anything....you were one one that that tied education and getting p*ssed together not me..

Edited by Soutpeel
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So you are suggesting only poorly educated people that get inebriated ?.....this thread is getting more bizzare..

Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

So you are suggesting only poorly educated people that get inebriated ?.....this thread is getting more bizzare..

Your conclusion to suggest the above is the bizarre here.

We are talking about two young ladies, one of whom was due to start a dental career.

How many dentists do you know get pissed up, and at that young female ones?

Don't try to distort meanings and interpretations please.


Do you really think booze and drug abuse doesn't occur in all segments of society? Healthcare workers in particular run a high risk of abuse. People are people, young people are young people and young people on vacation in Thailand often get wild on these islands and act out more than they would at home.

We don't know what the cause of death is but putting them above suspicion of something that is not uncommon in their position and age isn't logical.

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The Canadian embassy should send a "private' forensic doctor to do an 'official" autopsy.

Yes, but he will need permission to enter the country and then permission from the thais to conduct his own examination. I believe that the bodies of farangs are cremated very quickly in Thailand also.

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Dr Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, head of the Disease Control Department, said the initial investigation in the room found a large quantity of vomit and faeces. There was evidence of bleeding

The fact that it appears they didn't seek help for their illness and there are no other reports of food poisoning, leads me to suspect they willfully ingested what they believed was an illegal drug.

Do you think they could seek help if they had local BIBs guns pointed at them in the room, or similar?


You really do need to either leave the bar or come back to planet earth. Although a very sad event, your comments are becoming comical.

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The Canadian embassy should send a "private' forensic doctor to do an 'official" autopsy.

Yes, but he will need permission to enter the country and then permission from the thais to conduct his own examination. I believe that the bodies of farangs are cremated very quickly in Thailand also.

What you believe and what is fact is wrong. The bodies will be turned over to the families and it is the embassies responsibility to handle this.

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How many dentists do you know get pissed up, and at that young female ones?

Don't try to distort meanings and interpretations please.


Two actually...and they are family friends, both female in their early 30's

+ 1 vet

Hence the reason I questioned your comment of "educated" people dont get pissed up....as I know differently...thumbsup.gif

Further not tryin to destort anything....you were one one that that tied education and getting p*ssed together not me..

I think everybody does but Mel ... just visit about any university in the west.

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Well, sorry, but I just can't see two well educated girls, one about to start a career in Dentistry and both of whom returned to their room 'early', having participated in drug taking. Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

That would lead to either a case of unfortunate severe poisoning, yet it is latterly reported that the bin was pretty much aimed at well with vomit, and it wasn't a projectile filled room, thus they were able to walk; or that they were forced to remain in the room whilst being ill, and their deaths over-seen to the end, to cover up what went on prior.

Only my opinion, based upon my experiences here, but I am entitled to it. ;)


Yes you are entitled to your opinion, same as I and IMO you need to open your eyes and get out there a bit to see what go's on in the big bad world, lawyers, judges, politicians, policemen,doctors, surgeons and so on take drugs so why wouldn't a soon to be dentist take drugs. Take of those rose tinted specs please.

As for the girls, they may not have taken drugs or been inebriated but none of us know what really happened and this being Thailand we may never know the full truth, all we seem to know for now is that forums are full of sleuths and wannabe Sherlock Holmes who want to speculate as to what happened.

RIP to the girls.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Well, sorry, but I just can't see two well educated girls, one about to start a career in Dentistry and both of whom returned to their room 'early', having participated in drug taking. Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

That would lead to either a case of unfortunate severe poisoning, yet it is latterly reported that the bin was pretty much aimed at well with vomit, and it wasn't a projectile filled room, thus they were able to walk; or that they were forced to remain in the room whilst being ill, and their deaths over-seen to the end, to cover up what went on prior.

Only my opinion, based upon my experiences here, but I am entitled to it. wink.png


OMG i do think you are a bit out of touch?

Univeristy kids are totally drugged out - nothing new about that

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The Canadian embassy should send a "private' forensic doctor to do an 'official" autopsy.

Yes, but he will need permission to enter the country and then permission from the thais to conduct his own examination. I believe that the bodies of farangs are cremated very quickly in Thailand also.

What you believe and what is fact is wrong. The bodies will be turned over to the families and it is the embassies responsibility to handle this.

I'm sure most are hoping that is what will happen.

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quoting mel.

Your conclusion to suggest the above is the bizarre here.

We are talking about two young ladies, one of whom was due to start a dental career.

How many dentists do you know get pissed up, and at that young female ones?

Don't try to distort meanings and interpretations please.


I know dentists that get pissed up and nurses too, and lawyers and doctors..

Jeez are some people really so naive:rolleyes:

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Two Canadians' bodies to be sent to Ramathibodi Hospital

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police will send the bodies of two Canadians who died mysteriously at a hotel in Phi Phi Island to the Ramathibodi Hospital for autopsies.

Audrey and Noemi Belanger were found dead at the Palm Residence Hotel last Friday. Both were in their 20s.

The autopsies will be conducted at the Ramathibodi Hospital upon the request of the Canada embassy in Bangkok.

Institute of Forensic Medicine's commander Maj General Somboon Tantrakul Tuesday said the bodies were initially sent to his institute by the Mueang Krabi Police Station.


-- The Nation 2012-06-19

OK then.... at least... lets see, what they will find out.

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A story came out 3 or 4 weeks ago about 9 thais dying from mushroom poisoning in phuket I think it was.

I have also heard stories of things called mushroom shakes which are apparently a rage amonst party goers on the islands especially during the full moon parties. Shakes laced with powdered mozzie coils. I haven't seen them personally just something I heard about maybe others have more of a clue.

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I think the Public Health officials are being incredibly crass and uncaring speculating about the cause of death. Until positive 100% cause if death is known then the answer to any questions should be " we are still investigating and will not entertain speculation".

My heart goes out to the parents and family of these two girls... to have this loss is mind numbing.. to have this loss and then speculation by authorities on what it could or couldn't have been is cruel torture.

Its normal and expected for a board community to have this type of speculation but Public authorities.. get serious and answer the question without this need to satisfy the press.. show some backbone.

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How much do you want to bet that the forensic teams blame it on the ibuprofen? That's the easiest way to get out of this and save face.....


Ibuprofen has anti-aging qualities through its anti-inflammatory action (aside from occasionally causing stomach ulcers over long term use) it has a good safety record. Magic mushrooms (containing psilocybin and psilocin) don't do much more than create hallucinogenic effects.

Poisions are easy to come by here for example, I easily bought a Dimethyl-organophosphate over the counter. Half of the rear of the packed is taken up with hospital antidote in Thai/ English!

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I am in Montreal now and I am getting ready to move to Bangkok on the 3rd of July. This story is on every ones lips in my office. Everbody keeps asking me what the deal is, as they seem to think that I am the Thai expert since I travel there 3 to 4 times a year.

This story has hit every news agency here in Montreal and people are waiting for answers. It completly baffles them to hear that a proper autopsy has not been carried out yet. Western logic vs. Thai logic. I know, I know - that's another debate.

There may not be that many Canadians travelling to Thailand every year (since airfare is rediculously expensive) but this story is going to make a few Canadian travellers, more specifically from Quebec, think twice about their trip to Thailand.

About the ibuprophen - I just don't get it. Why can I walk into any Canadian drug store and buy a bottle of 120 caplets without a prescription, off the shelves, but in Thailand, I have to do the whole song and dance just to get 10 tabs...

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May very well be shrimp poisoning. I got very very sick in Phuket after eating large shrimps, the expensive ones bought by tourists. I was told that FORMALDEHYDE is used to preserve these expensive shrimps when not sold quickly. Took me 3 years to eat shrimps again. These shrimps are attractive for tourists, at around 500 bahts a kilo or more.


"In humans, the ingestion of formaldehyde has been shown to cause vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, and in extreme cases can cause death;"

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a "real poison" seems likely...

they saw each other dieing and when you see your sister with blood on her lips, you will make it out of the room, no matter what... except you are wholly unable...like that:

The second stage of the intoxication is increasing paralysis. Many victims are unable to move; even sitting may be difficult. There is increasing respiratory distress. Speech is affected,
http://en.wikipedia....toxin#Poisoning (blowfish)

same source:

the victim, although completely paralyzed, may be conscious and in some cases completely lucid until shortly before death

I am with you on this one dingdang.

So is that why the two sisters could not even open the door of their room and crawl out to get some help?

Very sad days for their family and may they both Rest In Peace.


Edited by Kan Win
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A story came out 3 or 4 weeks ago about 9 thais dying from mushroom poisoning in phuket I think it was

Think it was up north, but it didn't make it to this forum.

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About the ibuprophen - I just don't get it. Why can I walk into any Canadian drug store and buy a bottle of 120 caplets without a prescription, off the shelves, but in Thailand, I have to do the whole song and dance just to get 10 tabs...

I had to show my passport in Singapore to buy ibuprofen as without prescription you are only allowed to 10x200mg per week there. Dunno were you go shopping in Thailand, but i never had any problems buying 400/800mg tablets in any amount. Over dosage can be nasty for your stomach, yes, but nothing threatening. But a lot more issues as raised when combined with other drugs or anti-coagulants, hence the restrictions in some countries...

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Yeah, ok ok. Points taken. I just think it's wrong to allude to these girls "POSSIBLY" having taken drugs or being drunk before anything is concrete, purely out of respect.

I'm too hot headed about this topic currently..... as I know what a complete shambles is ahead.

I'm backing out quietly now, as I don't want an undue banning like others have had.


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About the ibuprophen - I just don't get it. Why can I walk into any Canadian drug store and buy a bottle of 120 caplets without a prescription, off the shelves, but in Thailand, I have to do the whole song and dance just to get 10 tabs...

Because it's the main ingredient to make 'meth' aka 'yaa-ice'

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Well, sorry, but I just can't see two well educated girls, one about to start a career in Dentistry and both of whom returned to their room 'early', having participated in drug taking. Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!
I spent 6 years studying at university (with a couple of years living on campus) then another 5 years working in one.

Sorry, I don't agree with your character judgement of educated people.

I'm not saying the 2 girls in question were drug/alcohol (ab)users, but to say they couldn't have because they were educated is a bit nieve.

Edit: sorry, I just saw your other response.

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About the ibuprophen - I just don't get it. Why can I walk into any Canadian drug store and buy a bottle of 120 caplets without a prescription, off the shelves, but in Thailand, I have to do the whole song and dance just to get 10 tabs...

Because it's the main ingredient to make 'meth' aka 'yaa-ice'

Nope, youre both thinking of ephedrine. Ibuprofen is easy to by in Thailand too.

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''But you can buy all sorts of stuff here and some people say it could have been something they bought on the beach. You have to be really careful about what you buy and where you buy it from.''


KRABI, Thailand - A Thai doctor who briefly examined two Canadian sisters found dead in a Thailand hotel room believes they might have been killed after eating toxic mushrooms or potentially deadly puffer fish.


"Police determined they were dead for about 24 hours prior to that and only found a lot of vomit in the room," Jongrak told the AP. "There were neither signs of fighting, nor robbery, but we found many kinds of over-the-counter drugs, including ibuprofen, which can cause serious effects on the stomach."
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