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Thai National Banged Up Abroad


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I posted that link up from a more reputable source already (who MCOT stole it from in the first place I guess). Replying without reading the thread? tut tut.

It won't be a big story in Hong Kong. There's a Zimbabwean lass about to be shot in China for this who went through the same ordeal. Bet she is lying as well. It won't be a big story anywhere. Hong Kong courts average a minimum of 6 trafficking cases a day (36 on one day last week) so no matter what, it will be lost. I can show the court listing though. Sorry that I posted something that you in your infinite wisdom do not believe on the basis that you post on Thai Visa all day so must be right about everything. Seriously, sorry about this. Must be tough believing that everything you think must be right. However, you are basing this on your gut feel, and I am basing it on real information. Nevertheless I bow to your 97000 posts and accept that you are right, and she flew over there to get money and on the plane back, being a fat lass, ate 14 packets of nuts and shat coke all over HK immigration like a gattling gun.

Put it this way; I know the girl. Actually, I do not like her, never have, but that is besides the point. However, I do know that she is actually not a lying bargirl type. She was lonely, desperate for attention and true love following her divorce from a violent cheating rat Thai guy that has kept her daughter with limited access (due to his daddy being a "someone") and believed these Nigerian scum bags stories. She's not a Yaba toking junkie, nor is she a hooker. Just a girl who was desperately lonely and unhappy with her life. Faced with a guy who had a cute picture, flew her over to meet him and all looking good she did something stupid and took a life destroying chance for a better life.

FYI - Drug mules get about 1k USD. She earn't about half that each month doing her work, and had no pressing need for money for lots of money quickly. So any consideration that she knew what was going on from the start is a none starter. She got there, the guy she thought was sending for her was white; only met black dudes. So, you think that she would say "umm ok, so it was not your picture but sure, I'll swallow 700g of coke for you" (it was swallowed, not in a bag or suitcase as per the article). Of course not. So, on balance, I tend to believe her. Nothing else adds up no matter how many posts on TV you have sir.

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Sorry that I posted something that you in your infinite wisdom do not believe on the basis that you post on Thai Visa all day so must be right about everything. Seriously, sorry about this. Must be tough believing that everything you think must be right.

Snide remarks like that aren't very convincing.

This is not a fight who is right or wrong, it is a discussion about some incident we know only from hearsay. You have no doubts that it happend as posted, some people have their doubts, and that's what a forum discussion is about. No need to take it personally.

Nevertheless I bow to your 97000 posts and accept that you are right,

I already thought nobody would notice that joke and I should find a better one. You made my day!

Well, to end this, we agree that we disagree.

But I'm seriously interested in the outcome. If you get some new information an that matter, please let us know.

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Sorry that I posted something that you in your infinite wisdom do not believe on the basis that you post on Thai Visa all day so must be right about everything. Seriously, sorry about this. Must be tough believing that everything you think must be right.

Snide remarks like that aren't very convincing.

This is not a fight who is right or wrong, it is a discussion about some incident we know only from hearsay. You have no doubts that it happend as posted, some people have their doubts, and that's what a forum discussion is about. No need to take it personally.

Nevertheless I bow to your 97000 posts and accept that you are right,

I already thought nobody would notice that joke and I should find a better one. You made my day!

Well, to end this, we agree that we disagree.

But I'm seriously interested in the outcome. If you get some new information an that matter, please let us know.

Thank god that is a joke - was thinking when I saw that just how much time do you have to spend on here to get 97000 posts.

The actual indisputable facts are that she was arrested at HK with 700g of coke inside her. She did it, is blatantly guilty. The reasons as to why are open to discussion and hearsay which yes, I agree it is hear say. So actually we do not disagree. The outcome will be that she will be sent down for most likely 25 yrs in Tai Lam prison which will make her late forties when she gets out;her daughter grown up and forgotten about her mum (I hope in a way the daughter does not think she did this just to make some money for her), and she will enter back into Thai society with nothing all because she fell for a ruse. I don't that much like her but I do feel desperately sorry for her. On the positive side, at least we have an excuse for regular trips back to my old stomping ground. "Shall we go up country this weekend?" .... "ohh no, I think we should go visit @(&$@ instead.Is it OK if I hang out with the guys whilst there?"

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Why didn't she hand herself in as soon as she got to the airport. There was more chance of them believing her story than actually arriving in HK and saying nothing.

If this is true, it is tragic. But I just don't see how people can be so stupid.

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Why didn't she hand herself in as soon as she got to the airport. There was more chance of them believing her story than actually arriving in HK and saying nothing.

If this is true, it is tragic. But I just don't see how people can be so stupid.

I was just about to post the same thing. I have full sympathy for anyone subjected to rape and threats - I can't even imagine the full horror of the ordeal outlined by the OP - however the woman should simply have gone through check-in and told the airport authorities and been deported. Or put it another way, if I were a female drug smuggler and got caught I too would claim I'd been raped and threatened.

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Why didn't she hand herself in as soon as she got to the airport. There was more chance of them believing her story than actually arriving in HK and saying nothing.

If this is true, it is tragic. But I just don't see how people can be so stupid.

I was just about to post the same thing. I have full sympathy for anyone subjected to rape and threats - I can't even imagine the full horror of the ordeal outlined by the OP - however the woman should simply have gone through check-in and told the airport authorities and been deported. Or put it another way, if I were a female drug smuggler and got caught I too would claim I'd been raped and threatened.

In Brazil. Would you? How would you like to be in a Brazil prison for 30 years? Why would they believe a Thai girl in Brazil? Where else? Brunei? get that one wrong and you end up shot. HK? Well, almost there, traumatised, and I am assuming you have not been through that for a week so can't really empathise with her thought process. I have never ever heard of someone walking up to the law and saying "I have a belly full of drugs". I bet they have heard bad things many times though and believe them as much as you do. Doesn't mean it can not be true though. Flip it Aussiebebe; imagine a female close to you went to a guys house, then claimed she was raped a few days later. You gonna tell her "Bullshit! You went there and girls cry rape sometimes so it never happened" ?

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Unless the girl starts talking and naming names nothing will happen. A drug capture is big news for any country, if she is Thai or not makes little difference. If she can prove her story then happy days. If not she will be left to rot. In a nutshell.

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Unless the girl starts talking and naming names nothing will happen. A drug capture is big news for any country, if she is Thai or not makes little difference. If she can prove her story then happy days. If not she will be left to rot. In a nutshell.

700 grams of coke would not even make the small print. Check out this link;


Shows who has been in the magistrate courts; trafficking drugs will be appearance for committal (bumped up to a higher court, and then won't return to the lower ones). now do a search for the word trafficking - 47 cases for committal. On one day. About as news worthy as man caught pissing in letterbox. As for telling names; what names? the fake guys name? how can you prove you have been raped by people in another country? Maybe she has a appetite for group rough sex with well endowed blokes? She can't prove f#$k all; and there is no mitigation for drug trafficking but this, as I have repeated a thousand times, is not why I posted it up. 1) Warning other people to try harder to stop these girls getting caught upin these scams by these drug dealing scum 2)find out support charities in HK that can help her during her 20+ ys in jail. Last part achieved, first part is ongoing. Thanks for dropping by though.

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I posted that link up from a more reputable source already (who MCOT stole it from in the first place I guess). Replying without reading the thread? tut tut.

It won't be a big story in Hong Kong. There's a Zimbabwean lass about to be shot in China for this who went through the same ordeal. Bet she is lying as well. It won't be a big story anywhere. Hong Kong courts average a minimum of 6 trafficking cases a day (36 on one day last week) so no matter what, it will be lost. I can show the court listing though. Sorry that I posted something that you in your infinite wisdom do not believe on the basis that you post on Thai Visa all day so must be right about everything. Seriously, sorry about this. Must be tough believing that everything you think must be right. However, you are basing this on your gut feel, and I am basing it on real information. Nevertheless I bow to your 97000 posts and accept that you are right, and she flew over there to get money and on the plane back, being a fat lass, ate 14 packets of nuts and shat coke all over HK immigration like a gattling gun.

Put it this way; I know the girl. Actually, I do not like her, never have, but that is besides the point. However, I do know that she is actually not a lying bargirl type. She was lonely, desperate for attention and true love following her divorce from a violent cheating rat Thai guy that has kept her daughter with limited access (due to his daddy being a "someone") and believed these Nigerian scum bags stories. She's not a Yaba toking junkie, nor is she a hooker. Just a girl who was desperately lonely and unhappy with her life. Faced with a guy who had a cute picture, flew her over to meet him and all looking good she did something stupid and took a life destroying chance for a better life.

FYI - Drug mules get about 1k USD. She earn't about half that each month doing her work, and had no pressing need for money for lots of money quickly. So any consideration that she knew what was going on from the start is a none starter. She got there, the guy she thought was sending for her was white; only met black dudes. So, you think that she would say "umm ok, so it was not your picture but sure, I'll swallow 700g of coke for you" (it was swallowed, not in a bag or suitcase as per the article). Of course not. So, on balance, I tend to believe her. Nothing else adds up no matter how many posts on TV you have sir.

thats the main part that makes no sence ..... why would she say hey you 5 nasty looking black dudes , why don't I just go with you ! ? ......... not 1 chance in a million
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I posted that link up from a more reputable source already (who MCOT stole it from in the first place I guess). Replying without reading the thread? tut tut.

It won't be a big story in Hong Kong. There's a Zimbabwean lass about to be shot in China for this who went through the same ordeal. Bet she is lying as well. It won't be a big story anywhere. Hong Kong courts average a minimum of 6 trafficking cases a day (36 on one day last week) so no matter what, it will be lost. I can show the court listing though. Sorry that I posted something that you in your infinite wisdom do not believe on the basis that you post on Thai Visa all day so must be right about everything. Seriously, sorry about this. Must be tough believing that everything you think must be right. However, you are basing this on your gut feel, and I am basing it on real information. Nevertheless I bow to your 97000 posts and accept that you are right, and she flew over there to get money and on the plane back, being a fat lass, ate 14 packets of nuts and shat coke all over HK immigration like a gattling gun.

Put it this way; I know the girl. Actually, I do not like her, never have, but that is besides the point. However, I do know that she is actually not a lying bargirl type. She was lonely, desperate for attention and true love following her divorce from a violent cheating rat Thai guy that has kept her daughter with limited access (due to his daddy being a "someone") and believed these Nigerian scum bags stories. She's not a Yaba toking junkie, nor is she a hooker. Just a girl who was desperately lonely and unhappy with her life. Faced with a guy who had a cute picture, flew her over to meet him and all looking good she did something stupid and took a life destroying chance for a better life.

FYI - Drug mules get about 1k USD. She earn't about half that each month doing her work, and had no pressing need for money for lots of money quickly. So any consideration that she knew what was going on from the start is a none starter. She got there, the guy she thought was sending for her was white; only met black dudes. So, you think that she would say "umm ok, so it was not your picture but sure, I'll swallow 700g of coke for you" (it was swallowed, not in a bag or suitcase as per the article). Of course not. So, on balance, I tend to believe her. Nothing else adds up no matter how many posts on TV you have sir.

thats the main part that makes no sence ..... why would she say hey you 5 nasty looking black dudes , why don't I just go with you ! ? ......... not 1 chance in a million

MrRealDeal (sorry, can not take anyone seriously who calls himself that without that person having a massive sense of irony).

Were you dropped on your head as a child? You are alone. You do not know anything about the place you are in. You get to an airport and see A black chap holding a sign with your name on it. What you going to do? What is the chance that there is another person on the plane with the same name? With her name, about 1 chance in a billion. You have clinged onto the idea that she gets off the plane and 5 dudes put a blanket on her head, rapes her in arrivals, bundles her into a van and off they go with a cheery toot toot to the feckless Brazilian coppers. However, in your desperation to act like the real deal, you omit to realise one simple point. They are clever. She was stupid. They were deceitful and well practised, she was naive and scared. So before you continue to prove yourself to be the answer to the question "who's not the sharpest chisel in the tool box? ... Him, he's the realdeal" just step back. Look forward to you picking a minute hole in something else I have written though so carry on if you chose.

P.s., I use the word "minute" as in "Exceptionally small; tiny" not as in 60 seconds. Hope that helps MrRealDeal

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Warhammer - Completely agree. I have the feeling that this see no evil hear no evil produces a country full of very naive people.

This is a very sad episode, but I take exception to you blaming Thai society for this dastardly deed. That's a stretch, and a rather asinine one. People everywhere get taken all the time, and it's a result of victims being desperate people. Whether it's desperation for money or love, same ending. Don't we have loads of farangs getting taken by Thai girls (or other) on dating sites all the time? Do they come from a country "full of very naive people?" Why do TV members come up with such idiotic suggestions?

None of the Thai women that I know are desperate for money or love, they were just naive because of lack of knowledge of dangers of the world outside of Thailand. There are people like that where I am from, but it seems to be more prevalent in Thailand than America.

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Another fantastic 3rd hand story ......... take it with a grain of salt all the way around. How many drug runners don't have a big bag of excuses about how it's not really their fault ? ....... and yes I read the "story" and thats just what it is, a story, based on 2nd and 3rd hand accounts and based on believeing everything you were told or heard , that's just as silly as the girl in the story was supposed to be , the real truth lies someplace in the middle, if the story is even remotely accurate, and if you believe she wasn't headed there to do it in the first place even though she pretended not to be.

Yeah I was raped repeatedly , I was forced to carry a bunch of drugs , the evedence is right here for you to see , I really don't want to do it , but even though the doctors and police can plainly see my story is true ..... I'm gonna do it anyhow

It's only believeable if you swallow all the other fantastic stories that are not believable as well.

Their is a difference between this happening all the time and people telling stories about it happening all the time

The 5 black guys kinapping her in broad daylight at an international airport is my favorite nonsense part of the story. why ? Because if you wanted to trick or kidnap someone you wouldn't make it obvious by sending 5 black guys you would send one. But when telling a nonsense story 5 black guys sounds better in the story ...... until you think about how stupid and unrealistc that would be for 30 seconds.

My second favorite part is that you don't go through imigration when you fly through an airport, and you don't stop for a day when running drugs in your stomach for obvious reasons , so that part of the story is nonsense as well , you neither stop and stay needing to go to imigration , and you don't get to imigration by staying in the airport getting a connecting flight onwards to Thailand. You only see imigration when you are leaving airports not changing flights and you don't leave airports with a stomach full of drugs just so you have to swollow them the next day.

Unless it's your first port of entry and in this case it's not.

I completely agree you. Its either a fictionnal story either the thai girl was just an accomplice.

Last day i was watching a documentary about mule between Europe and South America.

Here 2 cases scenario:

Usually drug dealer dont harm their mule, its the opposite . Because the mule carry 100 of thousand us dollars in drugs, its completely nonsense to harm your mule before the trip. Drug dealer always pay them a huge sum of money (and the girl was so greedy that she didnt refuse...)

The another case, its when you have huge debt with drug dealer. They offer you to pay back your debt and carry drug. If you dont do it they will

harm you and your family. As she is a thai girl, drug dealer from Brazil cannot harm his family...

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Another fantastic 3rd hand story ......... take it with a grain of salt all the way around. How many drug runners don't have a big bag of excuses about how it's not really their fault ? ....... and yes I read the "story" and thats just what it is, a story, based on 2nd and 3rd hand accounts and based on believeing everything you were told or heard , that's just as silly as the girl in the story was supposed to be , the real truth lies someplace in the middle, if the story is even remotely accurate, and if you believe she wasn't headed there to do it in the first place even though she pretended not to be.

Yeah I was raped repeatedly , I was forced to carry a bunch of drugs , the evedence is right here for you to see , I really don't want to do it , but even though the doctors and police can plainly see my story is true ..... I'm gonna do it anyhow

It's only believeable if you swallow all the other fantastic stories that are not believable as well.

Their is a difference between this happening all the time and people telling stories about it happening all the time

The 5 black guys kinapping her in broad daylight at an international airport is my favorite nonsense part of the story. why ? Because if you wanted to trick or kidnap someone you wouldn't make it obvious by sending 5 black guys you would send one. But when telling a nonsense story 5 black guys sounds better in the story ...... until you think about how stupid and unrealistc that would be for 30 seconds.

My second favorite part is that you don't go through imigration when you fly through an airport, and you don't stop for a day when running drugs in your stomach for obvious reasons , so that part of the story is nonsense as well , you neither stop and stay needing to go to imigration , and you don't get to imigration by staying in the airport getting a connecting flight onwards to Thailand. You only see imigration when you are leaving airports not changing flights and you don't leave airports with a stomach full of drugs just so you have to swollow them the next day.

Unless it's your first port of entry and in this case it's not.

I completely agree you. Its either a fictionnal story either the thai girl was just an accomplice.

Last day i was watching a documentary about mule between Europe and South America.

Here 2 cases scenario:

Usually drug dealer dont harm their mule, its the opposite . Because the mule carry 100 of thousand us dollars in drugs, its completely nonsense to harm your mule before the trip. Drug dealer always pay them a huge sum of money (and the girl was so greedy that she didnt refuse...)

The another case, its when you have huge debt with drug dealer. They offer you to pay back your debt and carry drug. If you dont do it they will

harm you and your family. As she is a thai girl, drug dealer from Brazil cannot harm his family...

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Virtually no knowledge can be lethal.

Drug mules are paid 1k USD. Not a "huge sum of money". Street value of 700g is hardly a huge sum of money. Is 30k baht a huge sum of money to Thais? No. Regardless of what you watched on your TV program, you are talking about people carrying suitcases full; not a girl with 700g in her gut. No relevance at all.

So to be clear, you think the only reason people carry drugs is for money or to pay back drugs debt? Did you happen to read any of this thread at all before chipping in your ill informed opinion? Ummm no. Have a peak. Governments all around the world have worked it out a little more accurately than you have, not least those with a large number of Thai ladies rotting in their prisons.

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Street value of 700g is hardly a huge sum of money.

She had 700 grams? Even at wholesale prices that is worth tens of thousands of dollars (Hong Kong prices are supposedly at $30k-$50k per kilo) and on the street it would be $100 or more per gram. So yes, it is a lot of money. Especially to entrust to someone you supposedly just raped and beat the shit out of for a week. That is a lot of coke.

This woman is most likely full of it. Everyone who gets caught makes up an excuse. Someone in her situation (husband left her, depressed, child taken away, not too bright, broke, etc) is very vulnerable to these types of idiotic schemes. Easily manipulated by someone pretending to be interested in her and promising a great life once this is done.

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Street value of 700g is hardly a huge sum of money.

She had 700 grams? Even at wholesale prices that is worth tens of thousands of dollars (Hong Kong prices are supposedly at $30k-$50k per kilo) and on the street it would be $100 or more per gram. So yes, it is a lot of money. Especially to entrust to someone you supposedly just raped and beat the shit out of for a week. That is a lot of coke.

This woman is most likely full of it. Everyone who gets caught makes up an excuse. Someone in her situation (husband left her, depressed, child taken away, not too bright, broke, etc) is very vulnerable to these types of idiotic schemes. Easily manipulated by someone pretending to be interested in her and promising a great life once this is done.

She's not broke - <deleted> read the thread. She is not broke. 1k USD is not that much money to her. SHE IS NOT BROKE

<deleted> - you people.

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She's not broke - <deleted> read the thread. She is not broke. 1k USD is not that much money to her. SHE IS NOT BROKE

<deleted> - you people.

Hahaha You sure are defensive of your drug smuggling friend. Well everything else applies. And broke is relative. She's still depressed and fat and her husband left her and took her kid and she flew off to Brazil to meet some guy on the internet. She seems like a textbook example of someone who could be easily manipulated in to doing this. Who knows how much or what she was promised, but what she was carrying inside of her was worth tens of thousands of dollars.

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She's not broke - <deleted> read the thread. She is not broke. 1k USD is not that much money to her. SHE IS NOT BROKE

<deleted> - you people.

Hahaha You sure are defensive of your drug smuggling friend. Well everything else applies. And broke is relative. She's still depressed and fat and her husband left her and took her kid and she flew off to Brazil to meet some guy on the internet. She seems like a textbook example of someone who could be easily manipulated in to doing this. Who knows how much or what she was promised, but what she was carrying inside of her was worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Indeed - you seem to grasp the fact then that she was not doing it for the cash, and was manipulated in another form. I am a tad defensive but for no other reason that some people are asking questions, making valid assumptions based on contents of the threads, whilst others turn up a few days later and post "this is all a load of Bullshit" sat on their bar stool on pattaya. Same person who posts a story about some gym monkey in Pattaya getting a smack and says "don't believe me, ask him yourself". That bears no more veracity than my post; umm don't believe me, ask her... so must be true.

Facts are she is guilty as hell. I have said this from post one. She will get 20+ yrs for this. I was asking for prisoner groups that can assist her whilst she is there and to post as a warning.

Now, to all the people that think this is a bull shit post, answer me this. Your wife's friend tells her she has met some guy on line from brazil, chatted a bit, and is not going to fly her over to visit him because they are in love. You hear about this so what do you do? If anyone answers "well your post is a load of shit, so I will keep shtum and let her chose her fate Karma style" then you need to be chemically castrated to stop procreation.

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Some combative and baiting posts have been removed. Read and digest the comments in this thread before posting. Further more, even the use of bold in quoted posts is in effect altering quoted content and not allowed:

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

Learn to use the Insert quotation feature when replying to certain parts of a post.

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I beleive the story 100% , I have heard countless similar stories ,it's a VERY common occurance , it is a favoured tactic by drug cartels to get drugs from A to B , there are probably 1000's of duped drug mules laguishing in prisons around the world.They target the vunerable and more than often women.I have a freind who has been in Bangkwang for 18 years and it's no joke , I visit him every month.I am sincerely sorry for the lady and hope that the judge shows some leniency.

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Thai women, in my experience, do not do nearly enough if any research on important matters.

The same could said about a lot of farang who make the decision to settle in Thailand with little realistic "research" on what life will be like in a place they apparently believe will be a fantasy tropical paradise. Then after a fairly short period of time, as reality finally sinks in, the fairy tale life they envisioned turns out to exist solely in their imagination and they start to whine, moan, complain to all and sundry, especially on ThaiVisa forums.

Nobody loves them. Nobody in Thailand understands them or takes their sage advice. Nothing compares favorably to life back in farang-utopia. Grocery store cashiers don't blow them kisses everytime they hand them a 1000 baht note for a 30 baht purchase. Every elderly farang who dies in Thailand was the victim of dark forces. Every Thai is involved in a conspiracy against them. Politicians and police in Thailand aren't the paragons of virtue typical in the US and Europe. Thai businessmen aren't as savvy as those back in heaven-on-earth, aka Europe or America (current economic collapse taking place in those places aside).

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The last story I came across of that type was a Russian lady who had fallen into the same trap in Brazil. They had even paid her air fare to get her over. Big business, small risk, disgusting and devastating consequences for the women who are subjected to that sexual torture and used as drug mules.

The world is full of scumbags. sad.png

The world most certainly is full of scumbags Blether, in every country in the world. just as it is full of very nice people in every country in the world.
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Thanks for sharing that Suradit69, but what exactly has that got to do with anything in this thread? There are about 50 other threads covering "Farang go home" on this board so perhaps cut and paste that over there.

I was responding to comment made in this thread about Thai women who are, according to the person who made the comment, unlikely to do research before traveling to another country. Why would a reference to something said in this thread have to be pasted into a different thread? Whenever Thai bashing happens, I'll feel free to respond in the same thread, thank you.

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Thanks for sharing that Suradit69, but what exactly has that got to do with anything in this thread? There are about 50 other threads covering "Farang go home" on this board so perhaps cut and paste that over there.

I was responding to comment made in this thread about Thai women who are, according to the person who made the comment, unlikely to do research before traveling to another country. Why would a reference to something said in this thread have to be pasted into a different thread? Whenever Thai bashing happens, I'll feel free to respond in the same thread, thank you.

Don't thank me, no need. But it was a one liner ages ago, and you drag it out and write a diatribe about your personal bugbears which have nothing to do with the thread. Nothing. Just a load of the same old rubbish that is on other threads. Sure, validity in what you say, but has nothing to do with the thread. Of course, I might be mistaken, but I do not see written next to your name "TV Visa Official Protector of the Thais". It appears that you skim read the thread just to check for a potential slight against the Thai people, responded to that, then went to skim read the next one..... when will it end?

Anyway, thanks for your input though - very worth while whistling.gif

(p.s,, underlining something makes you come across like a teacher, confronted with an Adult who will not agree with everything you say. All a bit naff really :) )

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Gang-banged for a week...

Gang raped. There is a major difference.

Verb: Gang-bang

1. Have group sex

2. Rape by multiple different people one after another

Source: WordWeb Pro.

Feel a bit childish having to do that.....................thumbsup.gif

The term gang rape is far more pertinent, there is absolutely zero confusion then to what happened. Gang bang can, and often does, imply something completely different. If you're dealing with something like this the most appropriate choice of words are those that leave absolutely no room for misinterpretation.

Your very own definition supports me on that. Notice 'have group sex' is given as the primary definition.

From Merriam-Webster:

gang rape


Definition of GANG RAPE

: rape of one person by several attackers in succession

gang–rape transitive verb

Leaves zero room for misunderstanding.

I sincerely hope you never consider law as a career.

You have absolutely no problems with that!

If law is your profession, then pedantic responses like that to a terminology used to briefly outline the OP's original post, on a forum, would likely mean something to you.

I will be more careful in future with my choice of words.

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All I tried to point out was that the story is 2nd and 3rd hand by the time you hear it , and it was the story that said 5 black men took her from the airport , And yeah their aint 1 chance in a million a girl would get into a car with 5 black strangers , holding a sign or not. I never said you were bsing anyone I said the story is not believable as others have noted as well. Was I dropped on my head ? probabbly once or twice smile.png

And once again for the record ..... these nonsense stories do NOT happen all the time ...... the storys happen , the act does not. ...... But I guess that depends on your defenition of all the time, because it does happen once in a while.

If they were really clever they would have known she would get caught in Hong Kong , so how clever were they ? Clever enough to get everything right except the part of having a hope in hell of getting the drugs to the street.

Is anyone seriously gona say with a straight face that Thai girls are kidnapped in Brasil to carry drugs to Hong Kong ..... a lot ? I can't even type it without laughing !

Their is so much foolish about this story if you can't see it I don't know what to tell ya.

Thier is a line 10 miles long of people willing to carry drugs for money, setting out on a plan to trick a Thai girl to force her to do it, as opposed to getting one of the millions of poor people in Brasil willing to do it, of many nationalitys, is so far fetched it's simply implausable and foolish. Drug dealers are not scholars but even they have more sence than that.

Gee lets waste our time yacking on the internet with random Thai girls in hopes that after we rape them they will carry drugs for us instead of call the cops , as opposed to do it like we did yesterday and last week, that way we leave a paper trail so she can prove her story , yeah drug dealers love leaving paper trails of evedence now don't they. Oh wait I know they were at an internet cafe or on a proxy server ..... doesn't matter she still has the emails on her end and could prove her story IF IT WAS TRUE.

Can't you see how goofy it is to think drug runners are wasting their time yacking with girls on the net , to rape them and make them carry drugs , when their is a line a mile long of willing drug runners ?

I would also point out she was already warned by you it was a scam , but then got in the car with 5 strangers anyhow ? implausable

The make a scam, show her a picture, and can't even find someone who matches the picture ? implausable , highly unlikely , and foolish to believe

They are in the bisness of running drugs to Hong Kong but don't know she will get questioned at imigration ? implasuable and foolish to believe

They risk 10K of drugs on someone they just raped and someone who is GUARENTEED to get questioned by the cops\imigration (according to you) ? Really ? get real dude

Everything is this story on all sides shows implausable actions , on the part of the scammers and on her part , but mostly your part for believing it all.

All I can say is you have a lot to learn about how people get people to run drugs , and how drug running is done. The last thing that would ever be done is send someone that will get additional questioning by the cops, well maybe the second to the last thing , the last would be sending that person right after you raped them. It makes for a nice horror story but it's fiction all the way around dude.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Welcome Back MrRealDeal.

"because it does happen once in a while."

Good. Glad you agree that it most likely the truth then.

" If they were really clever they would have known she would get caught in Hong Kong , so how clever were they ? "

Not heard of a Decoy?

"carry drugs for us instead of call the cop"

Swallow, not carry.

I posted quite a few links on here from other stories charting this. As they were in response to another walking street warrior being a <Snip>, they were removed. Go have a look for yourself.

Edited by metisdead
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I realise from some peoples perspective the rape thing actually adds to the believability of the story , but in the real world drug runners need to be as relaxed as possible, blend in as well as possible, not have imigration issues, ect. Just the fact she was recently raped and scared out of her wits would put her off the list of people any drug runner would use , because being that shaken and nervous would pretty much guarentee your drugs would get confiscated, and drug running types know that very well.

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I know she swallowed them "carry" is a generic term for running drugs. A decoy ? You mean all the cops were so busy with her so the suitcase could get by ? LOL ...... Come on man your cracking me up now ! Or better yet they had a line of 10 girls they had just raped from parts unknown and they knew she would get the attention ? Yeah ooooooooooook 10K of drugs for that ? nope more like a gram ! lol

Since they were removed I can't see them now can I ? .... You said ... they were removed ...... Go have a look for yourself ..... and I am the one who was dropped on his head ? jk

And to answer your question ..... No I have never heard of somone swallowing 10K of drugs just to be a decoy ...... fell free to send me a link showing me how it happens all the time !

The last part I will comment on that makes no sense is .... Some lady has a 6 digit prison number she got from someone , but has no idea what the number is or what it's for ? Are we supposed to belive that ? O here Mrs. so and so here is a 6 digit number about your friend\ daughter (I forget) but I'm not going to mention it's her prision number ? Yeah ooooooooooook And Mrs, so and so , doesn't even bother to ask ? Geeee i'm worried about this girl but not worried anough to ask what the number is about ? LOL

Edited by MrRealDeal
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