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Personal Gym / Economical Solutions?


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Training with a rowing machine and a fitness machine see photo, may add 1 or 2 others. Location= garden

Thinking of something easy to set up and to take down in case I move to another house.

Any ideas? What to consider, ventilation, light?

Economical but inviting enough to work out!


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Your home-gym looks great from the photo, not exactly easy to disassemble when you move, though. From an economical perspective, I see it's got parallel bars for doing dips - that's the best exercise for your chest, shoulder and triceps, just get a weights-belt (sometimes called a dipping belt) which has a chain to add plates or dumbbells for extra resistance. I'd do that before getting into a weights bench or barbells, have a look on youtube to see how freakishly strong some people get doing dips, some can dip with 50kg plates.

Your dipping station doesn't have a back pad - that's an economical way to add more exercises like leg-raises to work your abs without needing a separate bench or anything extra.

You don't seem to have a pull-up bar, that's another gold-standard exercise for your upper body, either get a free-standing one, or a wall-mounted one, or if you have rafters (?, can't tell from the picture), you could just chain up a supermarket-purchased barbell.

As for cardio, invest in a decent jump rope and some foam mats for near the home-gym, there are great online resources for jump rope training programs - don't waste your money on a stationary bike or treadmill before at least trying jump rope training.

Edited by aussiebebe
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Aussibee, wonderful suggestions! It is a nice tool, well designed and executed, was surprised about the price 50.000. It is easier to take apart than it looks.: It does have a pull-up but this is an assembly photo. In short to move it to my future personal gym, no problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I switched from the gym to body weight workouts at home years ago. No need for any expensive gym equipment or to go anywhere. All I need is a bamboo bar and a stability ball. Such good results too and get very usable, balanced strength. Body weight programs can be tailored to suit anyone from the weakest to the toughest and they are less prone to getting injury since you never move more than the weight of your body at one time. I am thankful to have learned about this alternative when I did and highly recommend them. Just choose a program on youtube to get started.

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