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Quality Of Thai Milk


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Villa has started to import milk from California, comes in the classical large square container thats so common in the states. Its expensive but its real actual milk, not this powder crap.

I just buy strawberry or bannana flavoured milk, it tastes much better, I went off milk in Thailand the first time I had conflakes with Thai milk, mind you the first time I had a Thai steak was the last. It's just not milk, and neither is it steak but oh TIT.

I suppose strawberry or banana flavoured milk would be quite nice with cornflakes. But i wouldn't fancy it much in my morning cuppa. Personally i always try and get Chokchai low fat, tastes fine to me either in tea or with cereals.
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In Australia,I spent ten years working in the dairy industry and can't find anything

over here that comes anywhere near in taste.It may well be that is because of what I

am used to but also it has been mentioned that the feed given to the cows makes a big

difference and I believe that to be true.In Australia,the area where I came from, a mix

of clovers,ryegrass,paspalum and others made up the bulk of pastures that cattle fed on.

You could even taste the difference between the makeup of a particular pasture.Over here

I have not visited a dairy farm but looking at pastures,they look to be made up of course

varieties of feed and to touch on another subject that I believe is why beef from Thailand

is so tough.

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Best not to buy any milk imported from China...

you think the Thai's are less scrupulous when it comes to making money than the Chinese?

Don't think any Thais have been found guilty of killing loads of babies by adding poisonous additives to baby milk. But hey, any excuse to have a pop at Thailand eh! Where do you live again?

Do you think they would announce it if they did or quietly pay off whoever needs it if they could get away with it?. There are limited controls here and money talks, it talks worldwide but its easier here, to deny it is well plain daft.

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Meiji is the only milk that I will drink as is, or pour over corn flakes. It's the only one that tastes like fresh milk.

Of the various UHT brands there are 1 or 2 I would put in coffee. I haven't seen Thai-Danish milk (butter, yes). Some of these 'milks' taste terrible!

The brand that seems most popular in Malaysia is Dutch Lady, and it doesn't taste like milk at all, some chemical concoction that even in coffee I couldn't put enough sugar in to cover the horrible taste. I'm amazed anyone buys this crap (more than once). I'm reluctant to buy any dairy product in the region made by a company with the word 'Dutch' in the name. In Malaysia the good milk is imported from Aus/NZ.

Edited by bendejo
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Best not to buy any milk imported from China...

you think the Thai's are less scrupulous when it comes to making money than the Chinese?

Don't think any Thais have been found guilty of killing loads of babies by adding poisonous additives to baby milk. But hey, any excuse to have a pop at Thailand eh! Where do you live again?

Do you think they would announce it if they did or quietly pay off whoever needs it if they could get away with it?. There are limited controls here and money talks, it talks worldwide but its easier here, to deny it is well plain daft.

There have been a number of cases over the past year or so that

have involved cases of substandard milk being supplied to schools and been

proven that corruption was involved with the companies involved having

thier contract taken off of them and being banned from re-applying.

Edited by Ron19
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Best not to buy any milk imported from China...

you think the Thai's are less scrupulous when it comes to making money than the Chinese?

Don't think any Thais have been found guilty of killing loads of babies by adding poisonous additives to baby milk. But hey, any excuse to have a pop at Thailand eh! Where do you live again?

Do you think they would announce it if they did or quietly pay off whoever needs it if they could get away with it?. There are limited controls here and money talks, it talks worldwide but its easier here, to deny it is well plain daft.

No, you are daft if you think that the Thai agricultural ministry could kill scores of babies with adulterated baby milk and nobody would find out. How about the parents for starters? And money doesn't talk, it swears!
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Ron19, an interesting post. I assume you have links for these numerous occasions over the past year or so where it has been proven that deliberately adulterated milk has been supplied to children by corrupt officials. Or did you just make it up!

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Ron19, an interesting post. I assume you have links for these numerous occasions over the past year or so where it has been proven that deliberately adulterated milk has been supplied to children by corrupt officials. Or did you just make it up!

Just made it up.Go back and look over the past couple of years newspapers. Edited by Ron19
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ahh i love a good milk conversation :)

Have tried them all, and found foremost and chokchai farms (not the umm one, the one with the very small blue label) to be my favorites. Actually I like the california sunshine milk a bit more, but the price is a bit too much. Dutch mill tastes too creamy for me (as someone already mentioned), meiji tastes fine, but I prefer to take my money to the other companies (also as someone above said).

Dairy home (the ones with the small, square shaped containers with a cow and girl) has exceptional choc/straw milk!

When I first moved here, one of the many things I found "cute" is the belief held by some Thais in milk as like a health drink of sorts, something to be drank when sick. I learned this when I fell ill and my boss sent a bunch of boxes of little meiji plain milk. Unfortunately my love of milk is not shared by my gf, who will only drink it when she plans to use the toilet.

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Ron19, an interesting post. I assume you have links for these numerous occasions over the past year or so where it has been proven that deliberately adulterated milk has been supplied to children by corrupt officials. Or did you just make it up!

Just made it up.Go back and look over the past couple of years newspapers.

Haha. I have a feeling that would turn out to be what's known as a wild goose chase!
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Best not to buy any milk imported from China...

you think the Thai's are less scrupulous when it comes to making money than the Chinese?

Don't think any Thais have been found guilty of killing loads of babies by adding poisonous additives to baby milk. But hey, any excuse to have a pop at Thailand eh! Where do you live again?

Thailand, and have lived in China. how about you?

China have been found out because funnily enough the government goes looking for these things and slams the full weight of the law against companies that do it. It WILL happen in Thailand as well. They don't go looking though and if they found out accidentally, the government officials would be bribed to keep quiet.

Where do you live again?

Edited by Tywais
Thai script removed
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There have been a number of cases over the past year or so that

have involved cases of substandard milk being supplied to schools and been

proven that corruption was involved with the companies involved having

thier contract taken off of them and being banned from re-applying.

+1 - run out of my quota of likes!

-1 because you made it up lol.

+ 1 Substantiated by Slapout.

Edited by Pseudolus
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Ex, Ron does remember coorrectly. The suppliers in several provenmses were found to be supplying bad milk to the schools. They may be still operating under different name as the contacts seemed quite good, money wise. In fact there was quite a lot of the powered milk from China found in Thailand, subsquent to that story being broadcast to the world.

I have serious doubts to the perodic inspection, by any agency, so tasked, in this country. where consumables are concerned.

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"Up to 25% of pasteurised and 5% of UHT milk samples supplied to schools nationwide had been found to be contaminated with coliformand e-coli bacteria. "

"Processed food such as sausages and meatballs contained certain preservatives, which contravenes the Food and Drug Administration's regulation that this kind of food must be free of preservatives "

"Of the pork and chicken sausage samples tested, 36% and 75% contained benzoic acid. All the meatball samples were found to contain it and all the chicken meatball samples tested positive for benzoic acid and nitrate."

...not going to post them all up, but you will clearly see that this is rife. Another point for Exsexy to consider is that food contamination happens in the cleanest of worlds with product recalls and public warnings happening all the time. Accidents happen. Things go wrong.

Just refresh my memory the last time you came across such an announcement here? Something saying "Chicken infected with ebola virus - be a tad careful consuming it"

Answer - never.

Also, imported stuff often has recalls on it. These recalls never happen here I bet - right now there is a list of 100 + products you will see in Big C that have recalls on them (google it, you will find it) and at best, Big C will tape them together and selll them buy one get one free to get them out the door as quick as possible.

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Ex, Ron does remember coorrectly. The suppliers in several provenmses were found to be supplying bad milk to the schools. They may be still operating under different name as the contacts seemed quite good, money wise. In fact there was quite a lot of the powered milk from China found in Thailand, subsquent to that story being broadcast to the world.

I have serious doubts to the perodic inspection, by any agency, so tasked, in this country. where consumables are concerned.


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Chokchai is the only one that tastes close to the real milk I used to enjoy visiting my grandparents dairy farm about 50 years ago. That was before it was pasteurised and blanded all to buggery. My sister and I used to wait for the afternoon milking and get the milk with the full NATURAL cream already settling on the top, still warm too. Most people these days would have a cow (!) at the thought of drinking raw, unpasteurised milk just like a calf would get. The days when the milkman would deliver bottled milk where the top quarter of the bottle had already settled out into the rich cream are long gone. All the rest, including anything that claims to be 'fresh' or 'natural' but imported from California must owe a lot to milk powder. I lived in the US for 10 years and the milk wasn't all that great.

Sent from the Back 'o Bennachie with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.

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I eat a bowl of cornflakes or oatmeal with 2% UHT Foremost each morning, and 4 cups of coffee with 1/3 cup of 0% Foremost, nuked for 30sec to take off the chill, then whipped up til frothy. I keep 1-3 2-liter containers in my freezer to avoid going to the supermarket just for milk (we buy nearly everything else in the local markets). I've kept milk in the freezer for up to 2 months. A 2-liter container is good for 24 cups of cappuchino/6 days worth. I've never had a problem with a defrosted container of milk going bad on me before I use it up.

A few observations:

- UHT milk is okay in cereal, but it doesn't froth up the same way as ''fresh'' milk. In fact, it doesn't froth at all. I assume because it's heat-treated to higher temps.....but not really sure.

- On occasion, I've bought other brands of ''fresh'' milk......most all taste the same to me. But they don't all froth up equally. Foremost seems to work best.

- Today, for example, I bought 2 containers of Foremost 0% at Tesco. On the shelf were use-by dates of 09/07/55, 12/07/55, 14/07/55, and 15/07/55. The containers toward the front aren't always the oldest and the ones in the back aren't always the newest. It pays to search through what's available.

- I'll buy milk from a big Lotus, but not one of the outlet Lotus stores. On more than one occasion at an outlet, I've observed things like milk/ice-cream/meats in the aisle, waiting to be put on shelves, for a long time.

Finally, my stove-top Bialetti 1-cup with whipped up Foremost 0% milk, and a scrapping of fresh cinnamon over the top, makes as good a cup of coffee as I've had in any of the many tens of coffee shops around the country. It's great to be retired!


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I do not notice much about the taste of milk when it is in cereal or coffee, so am not picky about the brand. I have to admit that I am not crazy about drinking (unflavored) milk in Thailand. I do not know if it is worse than other places or if I have just lost my taste for it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I haven’t drunk milk in years. In fact, I avoid dairy products, other than the cheese on the occasional pizza. Digesting dairy is a reason some Thai’s think Farang smell. Not a bad smell, but a distinguishable one.

Curious about the additives and/or hormones in different milk products. I understand some of them may cause premature puberty. Any thoughts on that?

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