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I'm currently looking for a job as a .NET software developer (that's more sophisticated stuff than just a plain web designer...).

Does anybody know what salary I could expect in Bangkok?



I'm currently looking for a job as a .NET software developer (that's more sophisticated stuff than just a plain web designer...).

Does anybody know what salary I could expect in Bangkok?


Depends on whether its a thai software house or an international company.

Our place is the later and we pay between 25k (for new grad) upto 50-60k for experienced (Senior)developers. Doesn't matter if its .Net or C++ same rate. According to the staff that work here thats a pretty good rate.

All rates are in baht per month :o and we only take people that don't need a work permit to be employed in bkk.

No vancancies at the moment though in your field but at least you have a guide to the going rate now



I'm currently looking for a job as a .NET software developer (that's more sophisticated stuff than just a plain web designer...).

Does anybody know what salary I could expect in Bangkok?


Depends on whether its a thai software house or an international company.

Our place is the later and we pay between 25k (for new grad) upto 50-60k for experienced (Senior)developers. Doesn't matter if its .Net or C++ same rate. According to the staff that work here thats a pretty good rate.

All rates are in baht per month :o and we only take people that don't need a work permit to be employed in bkk.

No vancancies at the moment though in your field but at least you have a guide to the going rate now

Thanks for these information!

But what do you mean by "we only take people that don't need a work permit"? I thought you (expats) can only work in Thailand with a work permit. Is there another way??



What I mean is that for the vacancies we currently have we will not sponser work permits. Therefore you have to be able to legally work in thailand without a wp.

I only posted the salaries to give you a guide to what you could expect in the local market should you be able to find employment.

best regards



What I mean is that for the vacancies we currently have we will not sponser work permits. Therefore you have to be able to legally work in thailand without a wp.

I only posted the salaries to give you a guide to what you could expect in the local market should you be able to find employment.

best regards


You don't want to hire foreigners because the salary is too low for us and because of the unfair labour regulation that requires a company that hires a foreigner must employ 5 locals.



What I mean is that for the vacancies we currently have we will not sponser work permits. Therefore you have to be able to legally work in thailand without a wp.

I only posted the salaries to give you a guide to what you could expect in the local market should you be able to find employment.

best regards


You don't want to hire foreigners because the salary is too low for us and because of the unfair labour regulation that requires a company that hires a foreigner must employ 5 locals.

You could possibly be right about the salary issue. Many foreigners do not want to work for 60K baht per month when they could make 333K per month back in their home country.

As for your second comment, "unfair" to who... you or the locals (Thai)?

P.S. If your home country has lax employment laws that permit the hiring of foreign nationals over locals, then petition your gov't to change the laws such that they are fairer to you. I wish you good luck. But don't expect Thailand to change their laws so that they are fair to you.

You could possibly be right about the salary issue. Many foreigners do not want to work for 60K baht per month when they could make 333K per month back in their home country.

I did not mean that. 60k is a good starting salary in Thailand and many foreigners would be happy with that.

As for your second comment, "unfair" to who... you or the locals (Thai)?

I refering to both parties.

If your home country has lax employment laws that permit the hiring of foreign nationals over locals, then petition your gov't to change the laws such that they are fairer to you. I wish you good luck. But don't expect Thailand to change their laws so that they are fair to you.

The West has very lax labour law when it comes to hiring foreigners that is why Thai's want to work in the West than lets' say Japan.


Unless you have some special skill, that is not available in the Thai labour

market, you will not get a job.

There are many skilled IT people in Thailand.

It is as simple as that.


I'm currently looking for a job as a .NET software developer (that's more sophisticated stuff than just a plain web designer...).

Does anybody know what salary I could expect in Bangkok?


I have recruited many IT professionals all local Thai with no diffficulty in finding them ...one of the few areas where supply is good and the standards above average .

If I was short of any particular skills a well placed ad would give me Indian IT professionals direct from India at much much cheaper rates than yourself .... Sorry it is supply and demand you do not have a skill in demand or in short supply .

However if you are a trained experienced industrial engineer with a GSD qualification ( good Thai ones are like hens teeth/or rocking horse sh*T )you may get an interview but would be up against 4 or 5 Sri Lankans well qualified and cheaper , if they do not work .. any of the 20 Bangladeshies I trained over the last 4 years cheaper again and very loyal and hard working .sorry Globalisation strikes .

You will have to work under Thai terms and salary you are not the saviour riding in on a white horse to save a third world country . The only way to work expat is to have a skill in short supply and to ensure a future be prepared to move to follow the cash remember, the better the country living the lower the notional or actual hardship allowance built into a salary .

I earn 50% of previous earnings just to be able to stay in Thailand.... my choice also remember

Thats how I have survived I recon I have another 5 years here then ??????? but a bit of luck may change that .

Ref work permits... you and your boss must be able to demonstrate your experience ( young guys have more difficulty ) your special skills, and be able to demonstrate that the skill is not available in Thailand .

Sorry it sounds a bit harsh but reality and truth is

//Edit - Remove statement that if quoted in isolation would cause trouble.

Unless you have some special skill, that is not available in the Thai labour

market, you will not get a job.

There are many skilled IT people in Thailand.

It is as simple as that.

That's it Astral ... you tell im. :D And tell im bout all the world class Thai software companies

who sell their products all around the globe. Let's see, Oracle , naw thays Yanks, SAP, nope

think theys Krauts, Cmon help me out here. :o


Unless you have some special skill, that is not available in the Thai labour

market, you will not get a job.

There are many skilled IT people in Thailand.

It is as simple as that.

That's it Astral ... you tell im. :D And tell im bout all the world class Thai software companies

who sell their products all around the globe. Let's see, Oracle , naw thays Yanks, SAP, nope

think theys Krauts, Cmon help me out here. :o

Actually the company I work for is world class :D Headquartered in Bkk with parent group in the UK, 2000 employees locally and a MS preferred solution provider. :D We mainly use Thailand for C&M of our mature products and some product support.

You don't want to hire foreigners because the salary is too low for us and because of the unfair labour regulation that requires a company that hires a foreigner must employ 5 locals.

Well I can assure that isn't the case. Its simply because we don't need to go outside of thailand for these particular skills. In fact its the same in the US/UK for getting foreigners permits to work requiring that you demonstrate a skillset that is not available locally, and it can be just as difficult to obtain as here.


I.T. is a global market. Therefore your "skills" get a global rate.

It comes down to being the right person in the right spot and having skills that are needed.

As a sugestion, it you go to the trouble of getting your own workpermit etc, then you have a better chance of a job.

how you do that is up to you, but I suggest, as many times to get an attourney and let them do that. If you have an I.T. job in another country the few dollars on legal councel will be well spent. If you can't find an attourney - - - look at the forum sponsor - Sunbelt Asia.

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