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Scientists Find Particle Consistent With Higgs Boson


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Who caused the particle to be in the first place?


I did, but I am trying not to toot my horn about it ... it makes me seem superficial and shallow. And of course it then causes many people to ask for other miracles and frankly at the moment I am just to busy creating the perfect Issan girl to be bothered with minor miracles.

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Who caused the particle to be in the first place?


I did, but I am trying not to toot my horn about it ... it makes me seem superficial and shallow. And of course it then causes many people to ask for other miracles and frankly at the moment I am just to busy creating the perfect Issan girl to be bothered with minor miracles.

somebody explain to him that the particle would by definition come before an old bearded Anglo-Saxon in a gown!

Edited by cowslip
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Many people - including Einstein have noted that Science, the Arts and Culture progress hand in hand - we will definitely see the results not just in out lifetime but immediately.

So if we get the Higgs Boson are we in for another Broadway Musical?


A good link to Krauss thanks. But why is the universe flat? What other big bangs result in an explosion that is flat?

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Many people - including Einstein have noted that Science, the Arts and Culture progress hand in hand - we will definitely see the results not just in out lifetime but immediately.

So if we get the Higgs Boson are we in for another Broadway Musical?


A good link to Krauss thanks. But why is the universe flat? What other big bangs result in an explosion that is flat?

You mean on the lines of "Peter Higgs, Superstar"?

apparently one scientist involved is already being "crucified" in his home country......

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GentlemanJim: Krauss posits what he calls a "metaverse." His explanation is very complex but in essence he says that the universe that we are aware of may just be part of a bigger whole so there might have been or are being or will be other bangs besides our "big bang." His book is mind-bending but a good read. Highly recommended.

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GentlemanJim: Sorry to ignore your basic question but the concept of a "flat" universe means that it is expanding continuously and limitlessly so far as we can tell. The other ideas proposed were that of a curved universe or a saddle-shaped universe which would affect how the universe expands but Krauss explains how the flatness of the universe is proven by the observation of light from many supernovae in many galaxies. It has to do with the red shift first discovered by Hubble back in the early part of the twentieth century. I can''t remember the date exactly.

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In today's Tokyo edition of the International Herald Tribune, which I assume is the same edition as published in Bangkok, there was an article on the editorial page (6) by Steven Weinberg entitled Why the Higgs bosun matters. Weinberg points out that at the end of the nineteenth century, physicists were investigating how electrical currents acted when passing through a near vacuum. This led to knowledge about the electron, without which much of today's technology would be impossible. So the Higgs bosun may lead to amazing new technologies!

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