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Commune Near Chiang Mai


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I like the idea of maintaining a city base. A bit of furniture and it could well save a long drive when may be the designated driver forgot once or thrice he was designated.

This Land is closer to Hang Chat ... 20 mins from Lampang which has most of the services of CM anyway, And it is cheaper. 1.3mb with full chanote. Not such a big splash of cash. I figure a few small homes at 100k each, plus the beginnings of a community building .... expandable as others join, maybe 300k, maybe less as it need not be much to start.

If someone wants to buy something like it and be LEADER, go for it, I'm the RETIRING!!!!!! type.

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Apologies in advance to pick up on a detail, but as soon as a detail is thrown out there it bring up questions and comments in me.. :) Anwyay: 1.3mb.. that can't be for 30 rai right.. but as a price per rai that would be really a lot. Or is that the lease-price for 30 rai for 30 years? (I don't have experience with land lease prices, but it still sounds cheap)

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This is THE beacon site for communes, which now go under the euphemism of Intentional Communities. Scanning the directory listing reveals that about 80% of listings are categorised as “FORMING”. So it’s pretty apparent there’s a lot more talk than action. Does that make talk pointless? I don’t think so. Talk is a bit of a human thing. In this discussion it’s good to just explore possibilities.

One notable difference from most of the communities mentioned in the IC directory and what we have been considering, lies in the Element of Cohesion”. A couple of posters have suggested that a strong element of cohesion is a requirement. Maybe.

But could it be that the seeds of destruction are built into most of these communities with a strong ideological base?

Here’s the theory. At different times of our lives we are attracted to strong principles or fundamentals as they are sometimes called. At this time we tend to the black and white view of the world. Often as we age we realise there really is a fair bit of grey. Perhaps it goes with the cranial covering. A greater acceptance of difference can, in a strongly aligned group, look like BACKSLIDING of or failure to KEEP THE FAITH, (not referring exclusively to religious stuff).

It could be seen that the sheer absence of binding ideologies, (which can be interpreted as diversity) may possibly be a better basis to a Mostly Retired Farang Community. (Is that a MORE FACOM?)

What do you think?

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There was a single, important ideological theme to the commune we lived in. And that theme kept the commune alive and functioning for more than 20 years until the State of California decided that the commune did not meet State 'guidelines' for various needs, i.e. health and safety, and it would cost far more than anyone could imagine to bring it into line with State's requirement.

That single, important idea was ; commitment to each other and the group as a whole. After all, it was a commune. Without commitment to your neighbors, you don't even have a community, much less a commune.

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Re Ideologies

FG "commitment to each other and the group as a whole" sounds like a fine banner to gather under. Many of the intentional community listings on ic.org declare themselves as religious, self sufficiency / organics, etc I am suggesting that polarised purposes, such as food choices or religion are the kind of things that may hold the seeds of destruction within them.

There seems to be a bit of a consciousness in US to consider that the societal structure is about to collapse and provision ought to be made for hard times.

Quite a few are into Co-housing which is a bit of private space a bit of shared space From wiki .. A cohousing[1] community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities. The community is planned, owned and managed by the residents – who also share activities which may include cooking, dining, child care, gardening, and governance of the community. Common facilities may include a kitchen, dining room, laundry, child care facilities, offices, internet access, guest rooms, and recreational features

As a "banner" how does Purposeful Activity and Shared Leisure Living. sound?

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Once you get many foreigners gathered together and the village gossip starts, expect visits from a range of people: The dispossessed who creep around at night, the police who creep around in the day and night, neighbors in need...

They will, however, have a common purpose: To see how they can tap this new deal for money or benefit. If that's not forthcoming, the resentment begins to burn...

I really don't think you want to draw that much attention to yourself.

Edited by chaoyang
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Given some posters concerns over the maximum period of the lease (I had read that 30 yrs is maximum but that 2 options for continuance were available, some say not) I'm currently exploring other options.

Note a lease of over 3 years requires fees to be paid ,,, ( I say that is fair and fine).

Leases outside marriage are pretty good in Thai courts.

I had envisaged a lease where the full sale value of the land is prepaid as the totallity of the lease with no further payments being required.

Other options

1 is USUFRUCT. According to what appears to be a well written paper ... http://www.isaanlawyers.com/Usufruct%20agreements%20in%20Thailand.pdf such an agreement can be made between "a person or an entity (ex: a company)" They go on to say it lasts for the lifetime of the usufructary, however they did not mention what the lifetime of a company might be. Something to look at further as is the right of a majority thai company owner to declare the company dead, or to do anything that renders the usufruct useless.

2. Can a CONDO title be obtained over the "development" This may involve some obligations that are not feasible, eg: all dwellings under one roof.

Again, your thoughts please.

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Sorry for the delayed reply. I'm as sensitive on this issue as you I think..Apologies for any harsh words..I'm genuinely interested and wish to help.... Peace brother.

It's an interesting post and a worthy one but these posts don't last forever. Hopefully you made enough contacts and gathered enough info to help. I see the post is flagging now but if you post a new one asking different specific Qs. then the subject might be revived.

Did you already say how much the 30 year lease costs?

My Qs and your Answers a bit mixed up though.

Q, Is this a mainly personal project? . Yes

Q, I thought so and it's great if you can pull it off.

Q, Sounds like you live a bit far from the action and other Farang. A, Suburban Lampang

It's lonely out there. You'd like to create a small community of mates to hang out with. A mini bar area with daytime manly. bonding activities. Women to cook. Harleys to fix, Ducks to stuff, wine to make, roofs to fix and a pond to fish in. There's nothing wrong with that but so far, I think you make it sound less and less attractive.

A. Which part is less attractive? What would you see as attractive.

Q. I think I might have meant that as personally for me. I've lead and still do lead a very full life. But my philosophy is to gradually wind down and reduce the desire and quest for material sense gratification. Your ideas just didn't appeal to me. I'm an artist, writer, webmaster, vegetarian and most of all seeker of the absolute truth.

From the point of view of older people who should have achieved independence, the idea of having to answer to anyone or to be under a leader sounds abhorrent. They are mostly too proud so it's not attractive. Younger people are more inclined to follow charismatic leaders and worthy projects but you don't appeal to them either.

Q, Re: The $3,000 structure. Have you found any model in this price range or can you give some design and breakdown of costs.

A, Posted 2012-07-13 01:44:51

Eco – nomic Private Space Commune home for 1 or 2 persons

I suggest reading this earlier post might have helped you here.

Q, It wasn't that clear and at that price doesn't seem attractive for your target market of older people who mostly want to enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. It might appeal to monks and singles though.

Also. precautions must be made to avoid Dengue and Malaria.

I've had Malaria 3 times, including a 10 day coma of cerebral malaria in Kashmir. So I'm extra cautious now.

Q. Will you be in charge? A, Someone always needs to be. Usually these projects like said by Folkguitar, fail because people don't get on and mostly not with the leader. Plenty of mild mannered commune leaders turn into Stalin........I think I said that.

Q, OK, but no one knows you. You sound alright now but you might turn into a tyrant. Believe me I've seen it happen often. You need to sell yourself to sell the idea.

A, So do you want a leader or not? Frankly the Leader idea does not appeal to me – I prefer concensus.

Q, Democracy doesn't work either. You might end up with stupid people calling the shots. just like in real politics. A group of wise men and women should decide. But that will be corrupted too. Sorry, I have no solution. It's a headache for the instigator. If you have no experience, don't go there.

From post dated Sunday 7.14 .

A, All members required to serve time on Rotating Management Group ( of say 4)for(say) 1 month at a time. No Management group to consist of more than 2 of the same members within in 1 year. Instigator has permanent membership of management group and casting vote on all matters. All management meetings to be witnessed by 2 non management members and records / recordings kept.If 50 % of members disapprove a decision it is vetoed. SO for example management can't approve the construction of a Taj Mahal unless 50% or more of members want it.

Q, This is what I mean. Your target market want a peaceful and secure life. Not Politics.

Unless it gives some of them a sense of importance or belonging, not many older people will want to get involved in the problems or politics of serving on a committee or Management group.

A, Added .... as the dude that stumped up the cash , for sure the instigator would want their voice heard at meetings, I did not suggest a veto, I even made it clear the instigator could be evicted and provided a plan as to how that could be done

Q, Rightfully so. The owner and sponsor of the project has the last word on everything.

I think this set up would Not be attractive for many people as it's...

Unclear about their legal status....and

They're at the mercy of the owner leader.

They'll be living on an ongoing building site for years.

They have no security.

They're far from the city

They're far from health care and amenities.

They'll be bored

They might feel trapped and cut off.

There are no restaurants or bars.

There are no Shops or Cinemas.

There are no Coffee bars.

There are no markets.

There are no.....People.

There are Mosquitoes.

There are resentful local neighbours.

It's boring.....

Sorry, I went off on one but really, What is the Attraction?

Please put a convincing list.

A. Do you have any other questions?


Edited by TantraMantra
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While searching for Land for Lease in Chiang Mai... I found it hard to find much available.

However, this place looked interesting.... in the San Sai area.

12 Rai of land for rent

The land has a pond size 1 rai, and has 2 small house

1 house is 1 bedroom, 1 Bathroom, partly furnished.

Price was 20,000 per month.... or 240,000 per year or 2,400,000 per 10 years...

Lot cheaper than buying this many Rai from what I saw on the real estate sites.

Might be something the OP finds interested in...

Still looking for that perfect place for a Clothing Optional Resort in Thailand.

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However, this place looked interesting.... in the San Sai area.

12 Rai of land for rent

The land has a pond size 1 rai, and has 2 small house

1 house is 1 bedroom, 1 Bathroom, partly furnished.

Price was 20,000 per month.... or 240,000 per year or 2,400,000 per 10 years...

Lot cheaper than buying this many Rai from what I saw on the real estate sites.

Depends; San Sai is a big place. (See district boundaries here: http://goo.gl/maps/fHMZ ) With a rent that high it seems likely that the intention is for a business to lease it to build a large restaurant or some other commercial activity. Nobody else is going to throw 2.4 mil down the drain over 10 years. ('throwing it down' sounds a bit harsh, but is pretty accurate to describe local perception of renting/leasing in general. Except for an experienced entrepreneur who knows what he can make chucking down a big restaurant or other venture.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I'm sure a property closer to CM would appeal to more people. In a sense nobody knows why, but its true. There is something SAFE about being near a centre of population - this is something I feel in my bones anyway, and why I prefer to do something rural (big preference) but have deferred. I'm scared of being "out there" alone. The crazy thing is I spend my day in my office surrounded by people, Thai partner who speaks English ok, and Thai staff. Its boring and lonely really. Do you think I would troll about on TV if I had an engaging lifestyle. My partner has family commitments and work is quite full on so I end up having 6 nights a week alone anyway. EEEEK. Sorry just a personal freak out here.

Re V'man and 12 Rai for rent. Your interest is appreciated. As WTK said for anyone to feel comfortable about putting even a modest amount of money into developing such a place with the kind of leisure stuff we would want, and more housing, the rent period would have to be at least 30 years.

I am currently trying to find out more about USUFRUCT under a company title. And also exploring usufruct in my son's name. The problem is that usufruct deals die with the usufructee. I had heard from more than one source that a 30 x 3 year lease was available and that under a commercial arrangement 60 x 3 was available. Another poster is adamant this is not the case, These details can be explored if and when some group can be established.

The owners do not care what arrangement they enter into as long as the purchase price is in their hand. The fact that they may get the property back in 30 years is totally incidental.

Previously I have been able to read "market" sentiment and my various businesses have done well. Perhaps there really is no call for community living here. I was thinking a retirement village that was not commercially owned (which is why I used the word commune - I am not into doing a commercial thing, but if I saw someone else do it I'd be very interested as a resident) would appeal as being inexpensive and providing a diverting lifesttyle. I looks like I'm way off track.

I have one more VERY DIFFERENT idea that will likely not involve TV readers, but they may get a kick out of shooting it down. Stay tuned to this CHANNEL for further details.

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OP Quote...I have one more VERY DIFFERENT idea that will likely not involve TV readers, but they may get a kick out of shooting it down. Stay tuned to this CHANNEL for further details.

Lol, yes TV members are very good at shooting down ideas... It's probally best to BUILD it and then listen to all the people say IT CAN'T BE DONE...

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If the OP has not already visited the Panya Project:


Or Pun Pun:


I think he would find it most educational.

Yes, and thank you. I'm very aware of both. Both are oriented toward organic gardening and self sufficiency lifestyle and modelling an alternate lifestyle. Panya is a little more commercial with Permaculture certificate training as their differentiator.

Those who have followed posts here will know that I was addressing the resident farang community, mostly older people who had no strong ideologies, just wanted to live with daily purpose and share their burgeoning (and sometimes burdensome) leisure time.

I steered clear of these kind of examples so as not to orient the discussion in this direction.

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Interesting subject. I think there's a part of many of us that would like to live in a more natural, less stressful, even utopian, way. This has no doubt been an ideal throughout history and tried many times. Henry Ford tried it, Jim Jones tried it, Charles Manson tried it, and on a massive scale Lenin and Mao tried it.

All failed. Maybe some of the extended Mormon families pulled it off -- if left alone by the US govt -- and there was the Wavy Gravy Hog Farm commune in California that apparently continued for quite some time.

But you've always have a lot of egos to deal with and Chiang Mai certainly seems to attract its share of just plain strange foreigners looking to "find themselves" in a different part of the world.

I personally don't think 10 foreigners -- all of whom are no doubt experts shining among the ignorant locals -- can get along well enough for more than a few months to make the thing work.

Also, even if some of the legalities were settled, the Thais will think a certain part of it should be shared with them too, whether it be tools that are borrowed and not returned, monetary help for the neighbors' sick buffaloes, mothers, brothers and cousins, or the police and officials that need to ensure that everyone's paperwork is in order.

I know lots of stories, but the one that sticks in my mind is the German fellow and his Thai wife who refused to get engaged with their Thai neighbors on some farmland. First the stream to their property was diverted and after things escalated, they were just burned out entirely and forced to flee. The neighbors then divided up what was left.

Keeping the peace and any sort of envy or resentment tamped down is nothing to take lightly and actually not simple to achieve.

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"The Commune" a TV Documentary

Moderator Alert. This is a dream idea that no-one will take seriously. It is presented as a COMMERCIAL FILM PRODUCTION possibility. It is not a call for finance or asking for any involvement - just an idea from an overactive mind. I put it here for the amusement of TV readers. It is not intended to transgress any of the rules of TV.


- A Documentary / REALITY TV Series produced by Piquancy Productions


20 Men and 20 Women of diverse age and backgrounds are selected as Actor / Participants in an Eco-Social experiment. Over a period of one year the “cast” go from internet interview and selection, journey to Thailand, are settled on a well situated country estate that is run down and offers only basic living facilities.

Together they determine their course of action. The environment is rich in natural resources but has not been managed. Power and water, some large shed style buildings, a large covered building and various other improvements are in place but the cast will need to decide their direction, learn about and grow a lot of their own food, develop housing, improve and develop conveniences such as running water, decide on resource management questions (eg animal and human wastes) and develop sources of income.

Participants will no doubt share an enthusiasm for eco living, for social interaction and possess an adventurous spirit. They will also have various degrees of English language ability.

Other than that … ? We await whatever eventuates.

Sourcing Participants

An email chain will be initiated. Sample EMAIL

Seeking an international cast of Reality TV / Documentary Participants

THE COMMUNE is a made for TV, reality series. It traces the setting up and first year’s activity of a group of 20 men and 20 women. The project is a documentary. The aim is to capture the social interaction of individuals and the development of a semi sustainable community. This is a relatively low budget commercial production utilizing the skills of Thai nationals who have graduated from The Bangkok Film School. The producers aim to make a profit.

Thailand, Lampang Province, 1 hour from Chiang Mai Airport.

The location has been chosen as being environmentally and culturally challenging. While only 20 minutes to a large city with all modern services, the participants will feel like aliens among the local Thai village people with whom they will need to interact.

The 20 Acre property is very close to a sizeable lake and a large area of natural forest reserve. The property was one man’s dream. A food forest, with hundreds of fruit trees of many species providing year round bounty. Previously the owners actively cared for the property which has many improvements; today it looks as if hasn’t been touched for 2 years. The two large dams are well stocked with fish and the topography varies from easy care flat land to a small hill.

Northern Thailand has a pleasantly moderate to hot climate with a 4 month rainy season beginning in July and a Cool season from November to February.

Cast members must be physically fit, drug free, over 21 years and be able to communicate in base level English. If selected, a
bond of US$3000 is payable to secure a place on the cast. 50% of the bond is refunded after 3 months involvement, the remaining 50% is refunded after 6 months.

Filming of this project will take place over a full 12 months. Prospective cast members MUST give careful thought as to their ability to participate over the entire duration. Selection will be slanted heavily in favor of those who can reasonably explain how they are situated personally such that one year away from their normal life will be possible. Participants will however be free to leave any time.

Additional Cast Members:
An additional 20 cast members will be selected as reserve cast. They will be offered the opportunity to join the Commune In the event of a vacancy occurring within the first 6 months.

Costs: Participants will be responsible for:-

a) their own travel to and from Chiang Mai, Thailand and all costs associated with travel such as immunization, insurance, passports, travel accessories etc.


All personal clothing, purchases and expenses, anything of a personal nature

: The producers will fund all the living expenses of participants. The cast should have no difficulty living well and enjoying themselves. Medical assistance will always be nearby and all cast members will be covered by medical insurance.

There will be a reasonable bank account available for the commune to make purchases of equipment and materials they will need to develop the property.

Cast Revenue Sharing:
The cast will be eligible to share in 10% of the
generated by the project within 3 years of the date of commencement. The Production Company, Piquancy Productions, can give no firm undertaking as to what, if any amount will be available for distribution. They acknowledge that this is the first venture for this Production Company and success is not assured. However it should be noted that it is
not profit that is being made available for distribution to the cast, not profit. Should
sales be made there will be Revenue! This denies the opportunity for the company to fiddle expenses. Revenue will be apportioned according to the time a cast member is involved with the project that exceeds the 3 month minimum

: There will be many reasons prospective cast members will be considering this proposal. The least of these will be financial reward! It is hoped that most will look on this as an exciting opportunity to experience an alternative lifestyle, of learning more about themselves, and of getting close to the culture of Thailand. Personal attitudes will be shaped and character exposed as the cast learns about acceptance, patience and understanding of different personalities and what it takes to achieve together.

: There will be many opportunities to interact with the local population learn about Thai language, crafts, and skills.

: Up to 8 weeks “leave” is available to cast members. Leave taken will impact on Revenue distributions.


Intervention: The producers will stage the experience of the Commune to some extent. Physical and interpersonal challenges may be injected to the experience throughout the year to add interest to the TV program.

More About the Property: The property is an amazing piece of land. It varies in topography allowing for many development options. It is 2/3 surrounded by a stream, 400m to a lake, 85% covered with mature (but neglected) fruit trees, 2 big dams, well stocked with good eating fish. It is within 300m of a medical clinic and 25 minutes of multiple big city hospitals. The immediate community is very poor, 1 general shop that does some food, a temple and about 150 homes. Nearby is a small town of about 15,000 people, and the city is 25 minutes away. There are sufficient buildings to house the 40 participants now. They are solid but unattractive for living long term so the group will want to do some building.

Resources Required: The production company will acquire the property. A film crew of 7 graduates of a TV & Film school, all speaking reasonable English wil be hired along with film gear comprising 3 Camera / Sound sets, editing software, high end PC will be needed.

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"The Commune" a TV Documentary

Moderator Alert. This is a dream idea that no-one will take seriously. It is presented as a COMMERCIAL FILM PRODUCTION possibility. It is not a call for finance or asking for any involvement - just an idea from an overactive mind. I put it here for the amusement of TV readers. It is not intended to transgress any of the rules of TV.


35]- A Documentary / REALITY TV Series produced by Piquancy Productions


20 Men and 20 Women of diverse age and backgrounds are selected as Actor / Participants in an Eco-Social experiment. Over a period of one year the “cast” go from internet interview and selection, journey to Thailand, are settled on a well situated country estate that is run down and offers only basic living facilities.

Together they determine their course of action. The environment is rich in natural resources but has not been managed. Power and water, some large shed style buildings, a large covered building and various other improvements are in place but the cast will need to decide their direction, learn about and grow a lot of their own food, develop housing, improve and develop conveniences such as running water, decide on resource management questions (eg animal and human wastes) and develop sources of income.

Participants will no doubt share an enthusiasm for eco living, for social interaction and possess an adventurous spirit. They will also have various degrees of English language ability.

Other than that … ? We await whatever eventuates.

Sourcing Participants

An email chain will be initiated. Sample EMAIL

Seeking an international cast of Reality TV / Documentary Participants

THE COMMUNE is a made for TV, reality series. It traces the setting up and first year’s activity of a group of 20 men and 20 women. The project is a documentary. The aim is to capture the social interaction of individuals and the development of a semi sustainable community. This is a relatively low budget commercial production utilizing the skills of Thai nationals who have graduated from The Bangkok Film School. The producers aim to make a profit.

Thailand, Lampang Province, 1 hour from Chiang Mai Airport.

The location has been chosen as being environmentally and culturally challenging. While only 20 minutes to a large city with all modern services, the participants will feel like aliens among the local Thai village people with whom they will need to interact.

The 20 Acre property is very close to a sizeable lake and a large area of natural forest reserve. The property was one man’s dream. A food forest, with hundreds of fruit trees of many species providing year round bounty. Previously the owners actively cared for the property which has many improvements; today it looks as if hasn’t been touched for 2 years. The two large dams are well stocked with fish and the topography varies from easy care flat land to a small hill.

Northern Thailand has a pleasantly moderate to hot climate with a 4 month rainy season beginning in July and a Cool season from November to February.

Cast members must be physically fit, drug free, over 21 years and be able to communicate in base level English. If selected, a
bond of US$3000 is payable to secure a place on the cast. 50% of the bond is refunded after 3 months involvement, the remaining 50% is refunded after 6 months.

Filming of this project will take place over a full 12 months. Prospective cast members MUST give careful thought as to their ability to participate over the entire duration. Selection will be slanted heavily in favor of those who can reasonably explain how they are situated personally such that one year away from their normal life will be possible. Participants will however be free to leave any time.

Additional Cast Members:
An additional 20 cast members will be selected as reserve cast. They will be offered the opportunity to join the Commune In the event of a vacancy occurring within the first 6 months.

Costs: Participants will be responsible for:-

a) their own travel to and from Chiang Mai, Thailand and all costs associated with travel such as immunization, insurance, passports, travel accessories etc.


All personal clothing, purchases and expenses, anything of a personal nature

: The producers will fund all the living expenses of participants. The cast should have no difficulty living well and enjoying themselves. Medical assistance will always be nearby and all cast members will be covered by medical insurance.

There will be a reasonable bank account available for the commune to make purchases of equipment and materials they will need to develop the property.

Cast Revenue Sharing:
The cast will be eligible to share in 10% of the
generated by the project within 3 years of the date of commencement. The Production Company, Piquancy Productions, can give no firm undertaking as to what, if any amount will be available for distribution. They acknowledge that this is the first venture for this Production Company and success is not assured. However it should be noted that it is
not profit that is being made available for distribution to the cast, not profit. Should
sales be made there will be Revenue! This denies the opportunity for the company to fiddle expenses. Revenue will be apportioned according to the time a cast member is involved with the project that exceeds the 3 month minimum

: There will be many reasons prospective cast members will be considering this proposal. The least of these will be financial reward! It is hoped that most will look on this as an exciting opportunity to experience an alternative lifestyle, of learning more about themselves, and of getting close to the culture of Thailand. Personal attitudes will be shaped and character exposed as the cast learns about acceptance, patience and understanding of different personalities and what it takes to achieve together.

: There will be many opportunities to interact with the local population learn about Thai language, crafts, and skills.

: Up to 8 weeks “leave” is available to cast members. Leave taken will impact on Revenue distributions.


Intervention: The producers will stage the experience of the Commune to some extent. Physical and interpersonal challenges may be injected to the experience throughout the year to add interest to the TV program.

More About the Property: The property is an amazing piece of land. It varies in topography allowing for many development options. It is 2/3 surrounded by a stream, 400m to a lake, 85% covered with mature (but neglected) fruit trees, 2 big dams, well stocked with good eating fish. It is within 300m of a medical clinic and 25 minutes of multiple big city hospitals. The immediate community is very poor, 1 general shop that does some food, a temple and about 150 homes. Nearby is a small town of about 15,000 people, and the city is 25 minutes away. There are sufficient buildings to house the 40 participants now. They are solid but unattractive for living long term so the group will want to do some building.

Resources Required: The production company will acquire the property. A film crew of 7 graduates of a TV & Film school, all speaking reasonable English wil be hired along with film gear comprising 3 Camera / Sound sets, editing software, high end PC will be needed.

45 years ago I would have been interested. As the hypothetical project indicates but does not say more for the young.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hello Crafted! I'd be very glad to join your activities and just help as a volunteer in building, digging or whatever.My name is Oleg, my cell is 0945737382, my email is <removed>

Edited by onthedarkside
email removed as per forum rules
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