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Thai People Are Some Of The Worlds Greatest Farmers!


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That is one positive thing I have seen here and I can't say its true with all of them, BUT the traditional Thai method of farming without use of pesticides and hormones is quite admirable! But GM and the NWCO is quite trendy and convenient just like 7-11 and KFC......

The free ranging of chickens, ducks, buffallo and cattle is also really a positive observation I've made.

I wish the west would regress.....

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Although it is true that some farmers are managing to do quite well by growing organically, I wouldn't think that it is so different from the west percentage-wise.

The free ranging of chickens, ducks, buffallo and cattle is also really a positive observation I've made.

I wish the west would regress.

You may well feel differently if you had suffered because of these free range animals. Fencing is just too expensive for most people, but without it, other people's chickens will scratch and destroy seedling beds. Ducks can devastate a vegetable crop in a short period. People will take out their cattle to graze and often leave them unnattended and not tethered. If I don't keep the gate shut on my garden, cows will get in.

Some of these cattle owners often believe that they have a right to graze their livestock on crop residues without getting permission from the landowner. Somebody recently left their cattle to graze on a cassava field that had just been harvested. The cows soon moved onto young cassava that was planted a few months ago and they did a lot of damage.

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Farming free range chickens in Thailand was completely banned circa 2004. It was a measure taken to protect chickens from bird flu since it is contracted by migrating birds to outdoor flocks.

There are free ranging chickens around peoples yards except in cases where they use too many poisons in the nearby fields that winds up killing all the chickens.

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Look in any of the "local" shops by me and all you can see is row after row of Chemicals for every fruit and vegetable under the sun, right next ti them is row after row of weedkillers including Paraquat which we need a poisons register to sign for in the UK.

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I think they are good from what I have seen, but I admit I dont know many.

Actually I don;t know jack all about farming. You put something in soil, pee on it or water it and it grows.

Once grown, pick and eat.

Thats my knowlegde of farming.

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I think they are good from what I have seen, but I admit I dont know many.

Actually I don;t know jack all about farming. You put something in soil, pee on it or water it and it grows.

Once grown, pick and eat.

Thats my knowlegde of farming.

Well at least you've made clear the facts on which your opinion is based, unlike the OP, who seems to base his opinions on his own fantasies.

I prefer to rely on the 30-second documentaries that you get on free-to-air television between the shows, to learn about the various great products and innovative environmental efforts of agribusiness and the oil giants


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Thailand has one of the worst farming....a lot chemicals.

Free ranging of chicken is not allowed. You know CP (food and animal feed) were good friends with Thaksin at this time so this unwanted competition was forbidden.

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Well at least you've made clear the facts on which your opinion is based, unlike the OP, who seems to base his opinions on his own fantasies.


SC ... aren’t you rushing to genderfy the OP.

'He' could be a 'she' ... could even be an Alien for all we know.

So ... a tad to presumptive SC me thinks.

I have a few connections over in the Farming Forum and I'll ask a representative to drop by and comment on the OP's thought for some knowledgeable local perspective.

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I think they are good from what I have seen, but I admit I dont know many.

Actually I don;t know jack all about farming. You put something in soil, pee on it or water it and it grows.

Once grown, pick and eat.

Thats my knowlegde of farming.

Well at least you've made clear the facts on which your opinion is based, unlike the OP, who seems to base his opinions on his own fantasies.

I prefer to rely on the 30-second documentaries that you get on free-to-air television between the shows, to learn about the various great products and innovative environmental efforts of agribusiness and the oil giants



I apologize for my attempt at COMPLIMENTING Thailand in a rather sarcastic manner. Everyone here loves to argue and crack whips like Hitler in Schindlers List....

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