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Rock Star Doherty Kicked Out Of Thai Rehab Clinic


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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

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What is amazing is that Richards is still alive after all the heavy drug use.

If you have got the money and control your habit, heroin doesn't have any real negative impact on the body. Most of the problems come from things like unclean needles and lifestyle choices because of the money needed to fuel the addiction. There are those addicts who end up not functioning or dying because they take too much but that is like an alcoholic in terms of many being functioning while others end up in the gutter (literally). My only point is that beyond the addiction (which is huge and destroys many a life), heroin actually doesn't have much of a negative effect on the body like other drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes.

As an addict for 10 years, but not a needle user, 26 years ago, quality from the triangle 96%, I enjoyed your post, both intelligent and educational for many. Left the habit without any doctors help or methadone.

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If Keith put it down - anyone could!

(question: can or could)

If you're referring to the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards...he had the $$$ for a complete 100% blood transfusion to eliminate the smack from his system. Yep...vampire City. He makes no secret that he did this whenever he was hitting it too heavy. Once he was "clean" he'd start the ride all over again. The process is quick and painless but it ain't cheap by any stretch...

There's more than a few clinics (Switzerland comes to mind) that specialize in this treatment. I wonder why old Pete hasn't visited them? Hell of a lot less painful than a bunch of monks whipping your ass and giving you a bowl of rice every now and then...

This is utterly complete nonsense. Keith Richards never had a blood transfusion for heroin and a blood transfusion would NOT do anything to help with withdrawals or get somebody off heroin.

What has been said many times is he TWICE had 100% total blood change,

which removed all but residual heroin from his system.

Snopes says this


This is correct. Keith Richards actually said that this was some bullshit made up by the media .

Sent from my Nexus S using Thaivisa Connect App

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

I second that. Guess I have to chuck out also my Mozart, Beethoven, Mussorgsky and Brahms CDs...

Sent from my Nexus S using Thaivisa Connect App

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

Agreed! Done. So how about you agree now before more robberies, rape, murders, slaughter of an entire family for 1200 baht, 15000 tortures and executions in Mexico each year alone, and then the lives trashed and train wrecks left behind by the drug abusers. I don't see much genocide and torture over a few bottles of Jack Daniels or a packet of Benson and Hedges. It's funny that some of these rich ponces like Doherty won't wear the wrong tee-shirt or shoes in case they have been made by child labourers in India, yet every fix of heroine and cocaine comes at the cost of murders, rapes, tortures and executions, all uploaded on to the internet for extra fun.

Your indirect acceptance of Doherty's right to 'fix' and influence the young by pretending it's cool to be a 'rock 'n' rolla', is an indirect acceptance of all the misery and destruction you would find if you followed the 'audit trail' of those little packets of white powder that you seem to think it's ok for singers, actors and their ilk to take. So, agreed, name and shame and turn them off.

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Give him a kilo of H, a locked room and a needle and let him get on with it! People like this do not deserve to be in the public eye, nor have any fame or attention dished out on them. He was/is a crap singer who came to fame because he dated a beautiful model, it is this fact and his notoriety and bad behaviour that led to him being able to charge high fees for his attendance at events, in no way should an oxygen thief like this be able to afford a 12K a month rehab clinic. There are better people living on the streets of London this very day that deserve a fraction of the opportunities this clown has been given.
Agreed, also all alcoholics should be tied up and have booze poured down their throat until dead.

I agree with both of you when you agree to stop listening to music, watching movies and appreciating works of art done by people who were high.

I second that. Guess I have to chuck out also my Mozart, Beethoven, Mussorgsky and Brahms CDs...

Sent from my Nexus S using Thaivisa Connect App

The concept, in this day and age, that you say you must stop listening to Mozart because he took drugs 300 years ago before you can condemn a drug abuser, who incidentally does not even rank in the top 20 million musicians and artists behind Mozart is simply ridiculous. A drug abuser who, incidentally has been given every chance at the best rehab centers in the world, a chance the yabba freaks living half a mile away from me would simply love. Doherty chooses to live this life for publicity and is one of those people that see's glory and romanticism in the pathetic and sad death of the likes of Amy WInehouse.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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What the 'drug users made your favourite music' theory always fails to understand is that those people were born "gifted" with musical, literary or artistic ability. Some people really do take naturally to certain media, and are able to master it with ease.

Those people would have made great books, works of art and music, even if they had never tried drugs and had been stone-cold sober, they would still have been incredibly gifted and created amazing things.

The fact that they got smashed is not the reason they are gifted, the booze/drugs habits just run parallel alongside the talents that they were born with.


Edited by Yunla
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quote name='cloghead' timestamp='1342701816' post='5499816'

If you're referring to the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards...he had the $$$ for a complete 100% blood transfusion to eliminate the smack from his system. Yep...vampire City. He makes no secret that he did this whenever he was hitting it too heavy. Once he was "clean" he'd start the ride all over again. The process is quick and painless but it ain't cheap by any stretch...

There's more than a few clinics (Switzerland comes to mind) that specialize in this treatment. I wonder why old Pete hasn't visited them? Hell of a lot less painful than a bunch of monks whipping your ass and giving you a bowl of rice every now and then...

This is utterly complete nonsense. Keith Richards never had a blood transfusion for heroin and a blood transfusion would NOT do anything to help with withdrawals or get somebody off heroin.

What has been said many times is he TWICE had 100% total blood change,

which removed all but residual heroin from his system.

Snopes says this


Keith Richards himself later explained how the rumor about his "blood change" treatment began:

Someone asked me how I cleaned up, so I told them I went to Switzerland and had my blood completely changed. I was just fooling around. I opened my jacket and said, 'How do you like my blood change?' That's all it was, a joke. I was fuc_king sick of answering that question. So I gave them a story.

What you failed to post was that KR let this rumor circulate for years. He didn't rebut the claim until 2010.

I let Snopes do the talking

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Petey is in the top ten on several death pools. Look for him to pop his clogs before the end of the year.

Naw,this lad has staying power been like this for years.If he was running in the Grand National my money would be on him.
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What the 'drug users made your favourite music' theory always fails to understand is that those people were born "gifted" with musical, literary or artistic ability. Some people really do take naturally to certain media, and are able to master it with ease.

Those people would have made great books, works of art and music, even if they had never tried drugs and had been stone-cold sober, they would still have been incredibly gifted and created amazing things.

The fact that they got smashed is not the reason they are gifted, the booze/drugs habits just run parallel alongside the talents that they were born with.


You may be right and in some cases they may have made better music or at least produced better music for longer. On the other hand, some of them may have not made any music or art if it were not for drugs. The funny thing about many drugs is that they actually are incredibly great and really can make you better at what you do, especially creative stuff .. when you first use them. The problem is after a certain time they usually take over your life and/or start becoming a negative influence but in the beginning they are incredibly great. No doubt drugs / alcohol have destroyed many a great artists or at least cut their career short but I think in some cases they may have helped to get their careers going.

I think it was Freud or some great thinker back in the day who believed cocaine was a wonder drug and cure for so many ailments ... up until they got addicted.

They other point I think may have been being made is that artists often tend to be different in terms of what we expect a normal person to be in society. If you visit a jail or prison you will find there is a huge percentage of prisoners who have natural ability towards some kind of art or having creative ability. Many great artists and some not so great, often have trouble conforming in the societies we have created.

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You may be right and in some cases they may have made better music or at least produced better music for longer. On the other hand, some of them may have not made any music or art if it were not for drugs. The funny thing about many drugs is that they actually are incredibly great and really can make you better at what you do, especially creative stuff .. when you first use them. The problem is after a certain time they usually take over your life and/or start becoming a negative influence but in the beginning they are incredibly great. No doubt drugs / alcohol have destroyed many a great artists or at least cut their career short but I think in some cases they may have helped to get their careers going.

I think it was Freud or some great thinker back in the day who believed cocaine was a wonder drug and cure for so many ailments ... up until they got addicted.

They other point I think may have been being made is that artists often tend to be different in terms of what we expect a normal person to be in society. If you visit a jail or prison you will find there is a huge percentage of prisoners who have natural ability towards some kind of art or having creative ability. Many great artists and some not so great, often have trouble conforming in the societies we have created.

There is much truth in what you just posted.

I make paintings and write too, I never have anything stronger than a cup of tea. I'm not gifted, but when I am working I can see the limits of my natural ability, and I don't believe that drugs would increase those limits, just broaden the thinking process without actually raising my own ability. It is just my feeling. "I can't decide anything" is the danger of stimulants in the creative process, because suddenly that blank page you were looking at becomes a much bigger blank page, which can cause confusion.

JRR Tolkien, my lifelong hero, wrote all his wonderful books and never went further into drugs than social tea, sherry and casual tobacco pipe-smoking, and he probably took cold-medicines etc. which back then contained cocaine and opium. But he was a really 'normal man' who was never defined by drugs except he was sometimes seen puffing away on his tobacco pipe.

I think that hard drugs affect 'rock and roll' musicians' abilities differently, because 'rock and roll' music itself is really about rebellion and excess and so on. It is not so much an ability-enhancer for them, as a part of the music culture they belong to.


Edited by Yunla
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i need potential partners to operate a rehab clinic now

First you need to get on crack and heroin and then recover as these make the best counselors.

You may be right and in some cases they may have made better music or at least produced better music for longer. On the other hand, some of them may have not made any music or art if it were not for drugs. The funny thing about many drugs is that they actually are incredibly great and really can make you better at what you do, especially creative stuff .. when you first use them. The problem is after a certain time they usually take over your life and/or start becoming a negative influence but in the beginning they are incredibly great. No doubt drugs / alcohol have destroyed many a great artists or at least cut their career short but I think in some cases they may have helped to get their careers going.

I think it was Freud or some great thinker back in the day who believed cocaine was a wonder drug and cure for so many ailments ... up until they got addicted.

They other point I think may have been being made is that artists often tend to be different in terms of what we expect a normal person to be in society. If you visit a jail or prison you will find there is a huge percentage of prisoners who have natural ability towards some kind of art or having creative ability. Many great artists and some not so great, often have trouble conforming in the societies we have created.

There is much truth in what you just posted.

I make paintings and write too, I never have anything stronger than a cup of tea. I'm not gifted, but when I am working I can see the limits of my natural ability, and I don't believe that drugs would increase those limits, just broaden the thinking process without actually raising my own ability. It is just my feeling. "I can't decide anything" is the danger of stimulants in the creative process, because suddenly that blank page you were looking at becomes a much bigger blank page, which can cause confusion.

JRR Tolkien, my lifelong hero, wrote all his wonderful books and never went further into drugs than social tea, sherry and casual tobacco pipe-smoking, and he probably took cold-medicines etc. which back then contained cocaine and opium. But he was a really 'normal man' who was never defined by drugs except he was sometimes seen puffing away on his tobacco pipe.

I think that hard drugs affect 'rock and roll' musicians' abilities differently, because 'rock and roll' music itself is really about rebellion and excess and so on. It is not so much an ability-enhancer for them, as a part of the music culture they belong to.


And just to be clear. I wasn't advocating drug use or talking in absolutes and I certainly believe drug use has destroyed an overwhelming number of more artists than have helped. Was just trying to point out that many people in the arts are different types of thinkers and often have trouble adjusting to the society created by the masses. The other point was that drugs are often actually very good and helpful when we first use them (why we do) but they almost always become a greater hindrance as the use of them continues.

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What the 'drug users made your favourite music' theory always fails to understand is that those people were born "gifted" with musical, literary or artistic ability. Some people really do take naturally to certain media, and are able to master it with ease.

Those people would have made great books, works of art and music, even if they had never tried drugs and had been stone-cold sober, they would still have been incredibly gifted and created amazing things.

The fact that they got smashed is not the reason they are gifted, the booze/drugs habits just run parallel alongside the talents that they were born with.


You may be right and in some cases they may have made better music or at least produced better music for longer. On the other hand, some of them may have not made any music or art if it were not for drugs. The funny thing about many drugs is that they actually are incredibly great and really can make you better at what you do, especially creative stuff .. when you first use them. The problem is after a certain time they usually take over your life and/or start becoming a negative influence but in the beginning they are incredibly great. No doubt drugs / alcohol have destroyed many a great artists or at least cut their career short but I think in some cases they may have helped to get their careers going.

I think it was Freud or some great thinker back in the day who believed cocaine was a wonder drug and cure for so many ailments ... up until they got addicted.

They other point I think may have been being made is that artists often tend to be different in terms of what we expect a normal person to be in society. If you visit a jail or prison you will find there is a huge percentage of prisoners who have natural ability towards some kind of art or having creative ability. Many great artists and some not so great, often have trouble conforming in the societies we have created.

Well I doubt Mozart was partaking of the Opium when he wrote his first concerto aged 5 years. In the USA in the 1950's if you were suffering from stress Doctors would recommend that the new, safe, successful treatment to ease your stress was to start smoking!

The artists, musicians etc who you seem to think perform better when they take drugs are talking nonsense. They are part of the fame brigade and with it comes certain lifestyles 'challenges' if you want to be in with the in crowd, one of them being drugs. I think you will find that most of them claim that drugs helped them create their works as some effort to make the people (their fans) defer some kind of acceptance on their behaviour, it is a way of them transferring their guilt, rather than blame themselves it is easier to blame the demands of their 'art'. Maybe our structured society is not designed to be favourable to right brain dominant people so they never feel they can 'slot' in, so are driven to escape. Freud was wrong about a lot of things.

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I never dated Kate Moss or Keith Richards who I had the pleasure to meet while working at one of their concerts, but I used to get mobbed as a Paul McCartney look alike in the 70's. Was stampeded and almost suffocated at a Jose Feliciano concert In Tokyo ,5,000 poeple wanted me or my clothes or whatever they might get, and many other stories.

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Am I the only one who notice this story is really a press release from "The Cabin rehab" and "leaked" to the press to get some free advertisment at their patient's expense. If this type of patient privacy violation occured in the West they would be sued into bankruptcy and lose their license. Oh wait, this is Thailand, they are licensed as a hotel (look it up if you dont beleive).

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" 'It is important to maintain the integrity of the treatment programme for the other clients to have a good chance of recovery," said Alastair Mordey, part of The Cabin's counselling team."

I have worked as a therapist and consultant at a few very reputable rehabilitation programs and the number one rule in every one of them was to maintain the integrity of the program by keeping all clients' names and information anonymous. The answer to any inquiries was "I am unable to divulge any information about whether someone is or is not enrolled in our program." Had Mr Mordey worked for any of those programs and made the unprofessional and unethical statement above, his services would have been terminated immediately.

It appears that the leak of Mr. Doherty's participation was more about publicity for the clinic than to serve any benefit for the client. I am sure that information would have become public without Mr. Mordey's statement. Of course that is if anybody really cared about it.

I too have worked in similar situations and agree with you 100% that this represents very unethical behavior on the part of the program. Also, while it would certainly be acceptable to dismiss a client for using drugs or violating program protocols, the notion that a client in treatment is not committed to recovery is often the case. A good program assumes that many clients (despite what they tell the staff) have entered treatment to placate others or by court order. It is the job of the program to help these folks accept the nature and severity of their addiction - not bounce them out of the program if they prove too difficult to treat.

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The monk rehabs like Wat Tham Krabok and similar that have been going since the 1950s, with their intense purge-vomiting and serious hardship treatment, is the way to go. If this guy is in Thailand for rehab that is where he should be. The expensive comfortable clinics are not what everyone needs.

The monks rehab is pretty much free, except for donations or small fees. The incentive to quit is that the cathartic shock of purge vomiting, that puts a sort of permanent mental block associated with the drug part of their life and the resulting purge experience, which is permanently ingrained in the person's subconscious. There is a fail rate but the secret is to go back until it works. I know people who did the purge vomiting when they kicked heroin here in 1984. I went up to visit them at the temple gates before and after treatment and it was like meeting a different person.


He already went to Wat Tham Krabok a few years back and left after 3 days. From what I remember reading, you can only go to Wat Tham Krabok once. If you relapse, you break the Buddhist oath of swearing off intoxicants and can not enter the program a second time.
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Am I the only one who notice this story is really a press release from "The Cabin rehab" and "leaked" to the press to get some free advertisment at their patient's expense. If this type of patient privacy violation occured in the West they would be sued into bankruptcy and lose their license. Oh wait, this is Thailand, they are licensed as a hotel (look it up if you dont beleive).

I considered something similar but then wonder if it was the rehab center that released the statement through his own website about how he was going there http://www.albionroo...om/blog/?p=1155 or gave the press in the UK other information about his intention on going there http://www.guardian....ty-t-park-rehab

I am fairly certain he gave them permission to comment.

Edited by Nisa
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