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Black Labrador Bites Newborn Baby To Death In Bangkok


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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

Yes absolute stupidity !....as much as I love Labs...Dogs and babies do not mix ! Edited by metisdead
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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

Really this is VERY simple any sane adult would not have a dog and a child together in fact any sane adult would get rid of the dog before the birth, dogs and babies DO NOT MIX doesnt matter how lovely the dog how it would never harm a fly blah blah blah...............so beacsue of this stupidity some kid was mauled to death.

Its not the dogs fault and the dog should not be put down............the owners??? well i cant comment

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Lab? If that is the dog pictured, he looks like a Lab mix, probably mixed with Thai Bangkeaw or something or other. I have owned a pure brown lab and sans the ears, he looked nothing like that dog.

By nature, Labs aren't known to bite and have fantastic temperament when it comes to children but all too often in Thailand, people buy supposed pure breeds but usually they're cross bred with something else. Needless to say, you should never leave a 9 day old child unattended, even more so when there is an unleashed dog around (regardless of the breed)

Whilst I am heartbroken for the loss of the baby, I actually feel bad for the dog considering how he was beaten to death. Yes, the dog may have caused this but a dog is, well, a dog and they don't have the faculties as a human. For all we know, the dog could have just been playing.

You are right Jampola, that is never a full breed labrador, I had one for 14 years back home, for a start, it's face is far too thin.
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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

Don't agree with the broad generalisation about Labradors based purely on personal experience/anecdote. In the UK, labradors have a long-standing reputation for going off on sudden emotional tangents especially where children are concerned - check the statistics if you disagree. But i completely agree with your point about where the responsibility lies.

RIP this poor baby - i cannot imagine how painful this was for all concerned.

The facts say loud and clear : Dogs and Babies do not mix safely, and any parent who is arrogant enough to think they 'Know that dog is harmless', should be locked up - with the dog.

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This is a very usual case for several reasons.

(1) It is a documented fact that even wild animals seem to have a sense that infants are different and do not pose any threat. Short of flat out predators, who would still have to be very, very hungry, it is rare to see an attack on a baby.

(2) It is much more rare to see a dog attack an infant

(3) The breed, Labrador is known for a gentle nature and at least in my part of the world, is not classed as "guard dog" material.

(4) What is not surprising is that Thai Visa Peanut Gallery, with little or no facts to back them up, has condemned the parents. Perhaps if they had been "nice people" (Read: "White") you could see this for what is is. A tragedy few can compare with. You are a hard-hearted lot indeed, and in that, I am being generous, since it means you might have one.

here is the result of a 10 second Google image search


Posting a page full of dogs with babies is just obscene and as for the other comments they equal your photo gallery in my opinion and keeps breeding the myth some dogs are ok.

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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

This is pretty harsh.

Just because the dog got into the baby when Granny was babysitting does not mean it was the norm to give the dog easy access to the child. Accidents happen, perhaps Granny made a mistake.

Either way, it is very low to say the parents have "less than the brain of a chicken and should not be allowed to breed".

You really do have a terrible attitude. This is a tragedy.

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This is a very usual case for several reasons.

(1) It is a documented fact that even wild animals seem to have a sense that infants are different and do not pose any threat. Short of flat out predators, who would still have to be very, very hungry, it is rare to see an attack on a baby.

(2) It is much more rare to see a dog attack an infant

(3) The breed, Labrador is known for a gentle nature and at least in my part of the world, is not classed as "guard dog" material.

(4) What is not surprising is that Thai Visa Peanut Gallery, with little or no facts to back them up, has condemned the parents. Perhaps if they had been "nice people" (Read: "White") you could see this for what is is. A tragedy few can compare with. You are a hard-hearted lot indeed, and in that, I am being generous, since it means you might have one.

here is the result of a 10 second Google image search


Most of your factual claims are wrong. A few minutes reading this chart will show : i) dogs attack babies and toddlers with shocking regularity; ii) Labradors are an emotionally unstable breed, and sometimes attack a member of the family - often a child - without warning. This is common knowledge in that dog-mad country, the UK. Please note, this chart is for Fatalities in one country -->


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A man sees a snake lying frozen on the ground and picks it up and takes it home. He wraps the snake in blankets and warms it up by the fire trying to keep it from dying. The snake slowly comes back to life and then turns to the man and suddenly bites him. The man gasps in shock and asks the snake in disbelief why would he bite him after all he did to save him? The snake replied "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up".

In other words, it is the nature of the animal...a dog bites, a cat scratches, an elephant stomps, etc. and it is unfortunate that we have to be reminded in ways such as this that all animals are still wild at heart.

~Through the unfathomable darkness of tragedy, a little light escapes and hopefully it finds its way to keep another at bay.

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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

What an asinine thing to say.

They left the baby in the care of the mother, not by itself, or in the care of the dog.

We don't know the exact story, but i'm sure they are devastated by this

The time for recriminations, if any, certainly is not now.

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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

That is correct. A Labrador is a very gentle dog. People are afraid of them because of size and looks. It is a retreiver,a good swimmer, loves kids and usually handles anything it picks up with care. I have owed a few (including some golden retreivers) and would not harm a mouse. As stated, a Labrador is not a guard dog; they are intelligent and used by the blind. I suppose it is possible that the dog has harmed with no intent or some other reason...or maybe it was not a Labrador that did this.

Bottom line, know your dog and never beat your dog. And if you do have a guard dog, ensure that it will not be near kids or people.

I feel for the family, Condolences

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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

That is correct. A Labrador is a very gentle dog. People are afraid of them because of size and looks. It is a retreiver,a good swimmer, loves kids and usually handles anything it picks up with care. I have owed a few (including some golden retreivers) and would not harm a mouse. As stated, a Labrador is not a guard dog; they are intelligent and used by the blind. I suppose it is possible that the dog has harmed with no intent or some other reason...or maybe it was not a Labrador that did this.

Bottom line, know your dog and never beat your dog. And if you do have a guard dog, ensure that it will not be near kids or people.

I feel for the family, Condolences

Labrador and Golden Retrievers are certainly not guard dogs. At most they are watch dogs.

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Lab? If that is the dog pictured, he looks like a Lab mix, probably mixed with Thai Bangkeaw or something or other. I have owned a pure brown lab and sans the ears, he looked nothing like that dog.

Of course the Dog in question isn't the Dog pictured, that picture is from Google Images, stolen in other words.

What an inane and thoroughly inaccurate comment. Not only are many of the images in Google images freely useable, but this image appears to have originated on Flickr - as a "freely useable" image which was then used on Wikipedia.

Sorry to hijack a tragic thread but it really gets up my nose when people spout opinions dressed as facts.

(Incidentally, Jampola, the wiki article also explains the difference between American and English labs)

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i feel sorry for them, but i am glad it is THEIR OWN BABY and not someone innocents' other

guard dog (i guess aggressive) + no training or education from the owners + put a little baby as a toy on the floor

maybe it should happen 10x per day, and than, maybe, only maybe, some people would grow some brain cells, but i doubt it

What you say is tragically accurate.

There is a % that does indeed think outside the box and have awareness and high functional level. A very minute % though. We should not condemn the others because it is not their fault specifically, but that of education, etc.

Surely grandmother had no intention of any harm occurring to the baby, she likely lacks cognitive facilities.

Terrible incident.

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I have a 5 years old lab in Thailand, Campbell tested in Jakujack market "spelling probably wrong", with a playful, family but tough education. And even if she is great with kid, I will provide an escape solution if she is unwell with the condition.

You also have to know that mass produced lab, can create some dog not even closed to the lab instinct , the danger is here.

My condolence to the family, never leave a dog alone, they can snap when you less expected it...

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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

This is pretty harsh.

Just because the dog got into the baby when Granny was babysitting does not mean it was the norm to give the dog easy access to the child. Accidents happen, perhaps Granny made a mistake.

Either way, it is very low to say the parents have "less than the brain of a chicken and should not be allowed to breed".

You really do have a terrible attitude. This is a tragedy.

You're right, those words are terribly harsh and rather demeaning for the chicken.

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Very sad day for the parents, can't even start to imagine how they feel.

I agree with you a extremly sad occasion.

There is no excuse other than like humans some dogs are not good.

Normally speaking a Labrador retriever is a friendly dog. Can't imagine some one getting one of them to be a guard dog.

I am glad the father beat the dog to death. It gave him a little bit of comfort.

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It is sometimes the case in the UK, that when couples have a pet dog before they have children, when the first baby arrives, they have to find a new home for the dog as the dog is obviously jealous and shows signs that it could be a danger to the child....growling etc. When the dog is already an established family member this can happen.with ANY dog, however nice and docile they appear to be, and you have to take all necessary precautions to deal with this.

As in so many aspects of Thai life, you cannot blame individuals. This is probably just benign negligence through ignorance. Benign because it is not wilfull, and ignorant in the sense of lack of knowledge and awareness. In this case, of potential danger.

I think this is because the schooling is so poor in Thailand that the education system has and continues to, churn out people with basic literacy but without the ability to actively 'learn' and 'think' about anything beyond their cultural and instinctive basics.

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RIP to th baby, very sad and tragic loss.

On another point Labrador dogs are the softest, gentle, daft dogs and a perfect pet for children!

How a Lab has been made into a guard dog? Killed a child.

Did the dog have rabies?Was it abused and mistreated to make it vicious?

The whole story is ting tong!

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Labrador mauls baby? hmmmm,times, they are a changing,poor little baby, RIP

Apparently a dingo did the same thing in Oz.

It was only last month the Northern Territory coroner came out and presented findings that it was most probably a dingo who snatched and killed the baby, some thirty years after the event.


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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

you are permanently trying to defend dogs, calling people stupid and the dogs normal...

but in fact, you are permanently saying, dogs are monsters...

im not saying, dogs are monsters or they are not, but you are saying it really all the time - in that really weird attempts to defend them...

on the other thread, when a dog bit a 3 year old to death, you would basically say, that the child has to be locked up, because the dog would run free...

dont you see it ? really not ?

are you trolling or really are serious?blink.png

dog is a dog and acts on instinct, whats peoples excuse?

if you have a 9 day old baby, for starters you do not leave it in another room while you go cook or do whatever else.

secondly if you have a guard dog you do not leave doors open to the house where you left your baby sleeping on the sofa.

man i hope you do not have dog and a new bornrolleyes.gif

a guard dog is trained to be aggressive... of course, he shouldnt be ANYWHERE in the house (alone or not)...

there is no need for people to have such dogs and

there is no need to have them on the street..

they have to be removed...

look, who has such dogs (by training, breed etc)..

its people with a high anxiety problem... with low self-esteem...

not all of those will get themselves a dog, but the aggressive dogs and that trained to be do ALWAYS ALWAYS belong to people of that category...

there are more normal dogs out there, if someone "just" wants a dog because its a dog (and not an attacking idiot)...

sure, there is no guarantee, that they will never attack, but its much less likely, than one who was trained or selected for being aggressive...

What a load of rubbish! People wanting to feel safe in their own homes/reduce the risk of burglaries, etc. have "guard dogs". As the name implies, the dogs are there to "guard". Don't know how you came to the conclusion that owners of "such dogs" all suffer from anxiety... Complete rubbish!

I really feel sorry for the little one. For someone so young to die in such a way is always tragic. But, at the end of the day, it's an animal and all animals are "unpredictable". I do find it strange that a Labrador did this - they're usually very, very good-tempered.

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Normally I find these dogs quite placid, but again, I would not leave one around a small baby!

Dogs like to chew and play and I imagine a small baby looks no different to a shoe or any other object it can get in its mouth to chew on.

I don't really want to get into the blame / shame game, I am sure the parents are sufferring enough without loads of condemming posts on various forums.

They and the child have suffered more than most, there but for the grace of god go I!

Please please try and teach your children the consequences of actions and behaviour, this seems so lacking in Thais - they never seem to look to the consequences of their actions - sad sad, condolences to all of their family.

Edited by kingbilly
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Labrador mauls baby? hmmmm,times, they are a changing,poor little baby, RIP

Apparently a dingo did the same thing in Oz.

It was only last month the Northern Territory coroner came out and presented findings that it was most probably a dingo who snatched and killed the baby, some thirty years after the event.



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