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Obama Says America Needs 'Soul-Searching' On Gun Violence


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Before the shooting, they sent two drivers to every nighttime Detroit delivery, one of whom was armed, Joan McKenna said.

She said police told her: “We’ll never catch this guy, literally, that’s what they said.”

Ryan, a resident of southwest Detroit where the shooting happened, said he would “never let his wife outside after dark.” Would he go outside himself after dark? “Yeah, I would, but I’m armed,” Ryan said


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Just last week someone on this forum was claimimg that only the right was involved in domestic terrorism. Most of these recent nuts have had no rational political agenda at all, but, unfortunately, both sides do have their nutcases.

Has Obama made a public statement yet?

Why would he make a public statement on an event which has not produced a groundswell of comments over a lengthly (news cycle wise) period of time? It would not make any sense for any President to comment on every high profile gun incident in the US. If he did that, he would never have time for lunch.

It would also look bad that a supporter of gay marriage went to shoot up people he disagreed with instead of just a crazy person like at the Batman movie.

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Just last week someone on this forum was claimimg that only the right was involved in domestic terrorism. Most of these recent nuts have had no rational political agenda at all, but, unfortunately, both sides do have their nutcases.

Has Obama made a public statement yet?

Why would he make a public statement on an event which has not produced a groundswell of comments over a lengthly (news cycle wise) period of time? It would not make any sense for any President to comment on every high profile gun incident in the US. If he did that, he would never have time for lunch.

It never stopped him before.


Obama: Police who arrested professor 'acted stupidly'


July 22, 2009

Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. talks Wednesday about his ordeal with Cambridge police.

President Obama said that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "acted stupidly" in arresting a prominent black Harvard professor last week after a confrontation at the man's home.

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.


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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

I think you need to remember that there are probably more game animals in the US than when the first Brits arrived, escaping persecution hundreds of years ago (deer overpopulation is now a problem). Hunting is a billion dollar industry in the US. America has has excellent game conservation laws and the sport is funded by hunting licenses. There are more than 12 million active hunters in the US today. But one has to practice. And target practice takes guns and ammo. There are 90 guns per 100 people in the US. Of course not all of those are for hunting. I'm a black powder hunter. I don't buy ammunition. I cast the lead balls and black powder is readily available.

I spent 6 months in rural Georgia recently and driving the roads at night was dangerous. Deer were all over the place. In one 30 minute stretch of road I saw 9 deer total running along side the road. They need to be culled and if not by hunters, then how?

deer-vehicle collision
occurs when one or more
and a human-operated vehicle collide on a roadway. It can result in deer fatality, property damage, and human injury and/or death.

In 2000, of the 6.1 million lightweight motor vehicle collisions reported in the
, 247,000 crashes involved deer-vehicle collisions.
Deer-vehicle collisions lead to about 200 human deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage every year.
State and federal governments, insurance companies, and drivers spend an addition $3 billion in an effort to reduce and manage the increasing number of deer-vehicle collisions.
The term “deer-vehicle collision” is commonly annotated throughout safety agencies as DVC.

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I would imagine when they wrote about the right to bear arms, they never thought it would lead to the right to bear the types of weapons now available.

What types of arms do Americans have the right to bear currently? Do you know?



Edited by koheesti
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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

I think you need to remember that there are probably more game animals in the US than when the first Brits arrived, escaping persecution hundreds of years ago (deer overpopulation is now a problem). Hunting is a billion dollar industry in the US. America has has excellent game conservation laws and the sport is funded by hunting licenses. There are more than 12 million active hunters in the US today. But one has to practice. And target practice takes guns and ammo. There are 90 guns per 100 people in the US. Of course not all of those are for hunting. I'm a black powder hunter. I don't buy ammunition. I cast the lead balls and black powder is readily available.

I spent 6 months in rural Georgia recently and driving the roads at night was dangerous. Deer were all over the place. In one 30 minute stretch of road I saw 9 deer total running along side the road. They need to be culled and if not by hunters, then how?

deer-vehicle collision
occurs when one or more
and a human-operated vehicle collide on a roadway. It can result in deer fatality, property damage, and human injury and/or death.

In 2000, of the 6.1 million lightweight motor vehicle collisions reported in the
, 247,000 crashes involved deer-vehicle collisions.
Deer-vehicle collisions lead to about 200 human deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage every year.
State and federal governments, insurance companies, and drivers spend an addition $3 billion in an effort to reduce and manage the increasing number of deer-vehicle collisions.
The term “deer-vehicle collision” is commonly annotated throughout safety agencies as DVC.

Time for Bambi burgers. Get your doe permits now.... You can legally bag only 12 deer per season across the Georgia. No more than 10 kills can be antlerless deer; no more than two kills can be antlered deer. Also, if you bag two antlered deer in a hunting trip, one of the kills must have at least four points one inch or longer on one side of the antlers. You can legally use dogs to hunt deer in Georgia. However, you must obtain an additional dog deer hunting license, which costs $5 as of 2010

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I would imagine when they wrote about the right to bear arms, they never thought it would lead to the right to bear the types of weapons now available.

What types of arms do Americans have the right to bear currently? Do you know?

Not a US citizen, but from googling. Technically you could own a nuke, as apparently the 2nd ammendment does not set limits.

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I would imagine when they wrote about the right to bear arms, they never thought it would lead to the right to bear the types of weapons now available.

What types of arms do Americans have the right to bear currently? Do you know?

Not a US citizen, but from googling. Technically you could own a nuke, as apparently the 2nd ammendment does not set limits.

No, sorry. Average citizen only a hunting rifle or shotgun no machine guns anymore. No fully automatic assault rifles. Pistol about the same. Need a permit to carry in almost all cases. It is OK to have an opinion but come somewhere close to reality.

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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

Your delusional to the extreme if you actually believe what you just wrote.

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Second Amendment Exemptions

  • In the 1939 case "United States v. Miller," the Supreme Court ruled that in the case of "a shotgun having a barrel of less than 18 inches in length," the Second Amendment provides no guarantees for the right that type of weapon. In 1994, Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which included a provision for the ban of "assault-style" weapons. Congress failed to renew the bill in 2004; as July 2011, it is legal to own such weapons. There are no current federal restrictions on the type or manner of bow and arrow a citizen may own.

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I would imagine when they wrote about the right to bear arms, they never thought it would lead to the right to bear the types of weapons now available.

What types of arms do Americans have the right to bear currently? Do you know?

Not a US citizen, but from googling. Technically you could own a nuke, as apparently the 2nd ammendment does not set limits.

No, sorry. Average citizen only a hunting rifle or shotgun no machine guns anymore. No fully automatic assault rifles. Pistol about the same. Need a permit to carry in almost all cases. It is OK to have an opinion but come somewhere close to reality.

+1, and Thank You !

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It is pretty much impossible to get rid of the millions of guns that are out there already.

Your right. It might be wise to outlaw the selling of ammunition.

They did it in Australia (gun buyback) and took millions of guns off the populace.

Didnt reduce gun crime one bit.

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No, sorry. Average citizen only a hunting rifle or shotgun no machine guns anymore. No fully automatic assault rifles. Pistol about the same. Need a permit to carry in almost all cases. It is OK to have an opinion but come somewhere close to reality.

Most of these acts have been abrogated by judicial activities.

The Brady Bill does not cover sales at Gun Shows, which have been estimated to be 40% of total sales.

" forty per cent of the guns purchased in the United States are bought from private sellers at gun shows, or through other private exchanges, such as classified ads, which fall under what is known as the “gun-show loophole” and are thus unregulated."

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More nonsense. Automatic weapons are very expensive because it is illegal to buy new ones. You have to find one made before 1986 and go through all of this and that includes gun shows.

. http://www.atf.gov/forms/pdfs/f53204.pdf

Fill out the form, take it to your local law enforcement agency and get them to sign it. You then get your fingerprint card filled, and your picture taken. You attach the fingerprint card and photo to the form and then send it along with a check or money order for 250 to BATF. They then run an extensive background check, and if they can't find anything they send the form back to you with a tax stamp attached. You can now take possession of your gun.

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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

Your delusional to the extreme if you actually believe what you just wrote.

The Delusional ones are those who believe the status Quo is acceptable, Oh and yes what I wrote is not opinion but fact.

The madness from Charlton. even though he's hands are dead.

Edited by metisdead
: Corrected deceased actor's name.
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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

Your delusional to the extreme if you actually believe what you just wrote.

The Delusional ones are those who believe the status Quo is acceptable, Oh and yes what I wrote is not opinion but fact.

The madness from Charlton. even though he's hands are dead.

Your post doesn't even warrant a reply. If you are an American, you should be ashamed of your self. End of story...

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If guns are removed from the public domain then clearly the once a month mass killings in the USA are likely to be reduced , But when those who believe they live in the wild west and cling to the 2nd amendment (or the misinterpretation of it)it makes change difficult. And statements such as "Guns dont kill people, people kill people" from the gun lobby ensure the carnage will continue.

Your delusional to the extreme if you actually believe what you just wrote.

The Delusional ones are those who believe the status Quo is acceptable, Oh and yes what I wrote is not opinion but fact.

The madness from Charlton. even though he's hands are dead.

KK you are probably a nice guy but a tad silly. There are 90 guns for every 100 Americans! America is not a little country like Thailand or Great Britain, it's a big country. 12 million people hunt game. Do you know how much meat that is?

12 million men, women and children go sneaking around in the forest and shoot and gut Bambi just like their mom and dad and grandfather and great, great grandfather did.

Or maybe boar hunting with a 44 magnum? You think Clint Eastwood is the only guy who is good with a 44? Wild boar hunting is dangerous and exciting. It is part of the American culture.

Sure some PC liberals think that hunting and gun ownership is not part of the American tradition but there are 12 million who buy hunting licenses every year who do.

On a personal note I am an American whose life was saved by guys with guns who knew how to use them. Saved from guys from another country with guns who did not know how to use them quite as well.

So I say to Mr Obama, who thinks we need to do some soul searching about gun violence; start by searching for other solutions to sending soldiers all over the place carrying guns.

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