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What Could Stop Me


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In the last week or so i have been unable to get to view the log in page for www.egg.com (a credit card). I get operation timed out. The server is taking to long to respond. This happens with both Firefox and Explorer.

I can log into every other banking log in page and use them without problem.

I have xp2, use firefox, AVG free, and Zonelabs firewall all are up to date.

What could be stopping me viewing this page? I have cleared cache and cookies but that does nothing to help.

Anybody any ideas or experienced similar.


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I assume you are accessing a secure page (https). https connections are inherently slow due to the encryption process - it will also encrypt any images on the web site making it even worse. We also have this problem at CMU where some https sites are reasonable and some just want to keep timing out. One problem could be their server is just quite busy or a slow server. Might try different times of the day to see if there is any difference.

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Thanks tywais I should have mentioned (my fault) I can access this log in page from my friends computer without problem and he runs a similar firewall and antivirus. So I am obviously of the opinion it probably something to do with my settings.


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Thanks tywais I should have mentioned (my fault) I can access this log in page from my friends computer without problem and he runs a similar firewall and antivirus. So I am obviously of the opinion it probably something to do with my settings.


Thanks for the update. One thing is to make sure you are not pointing to a proxy for https, can really slow things up a lot. Also in zonelabs make sure you don't have a site (URL) specific filter set (just guessing since I don't use zonelabs).

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I would not trust with my money any site with the word "egg" in it.

The site appears fast for me, but then I am not in any secure page. You don't give any specifics of what exactly you are looking at. Did you try turning off the firewall ? Have you tried again since?

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Just tried Egg - no problems and you do not need an active X control (unless you use their money manager and then only to see other accounts)

Sometime clearing your Internet cache can help, or remove any cookies from Egg?

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Thanks for the help here. I have tried clearing cookies and the cache and tried connecting with the firewall disabled.

I can navigate to all of the site pages with the exception of "click here to see your accounts" top right corner of each page.

I have tried connecting via manual proxies and auto detect proxies for this network but still the same result - operation timed out. This has been happening now for 4 days.


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