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Uk Tourist Visa

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My Phils wife who is residing in Manila, and I are going tothe UK next month. My wife called the BE in Manila and asked how long before departure she should apply for the required Visa.

She was told the earlier the better and she should go to the documents office outside the BE Embassy in Manila and obtain a application form, which she did.

She filled out the form and prepared the required documents and then as instructed on the application form she called a BE telephone number and was given an application number. She was then told to buy a bank managers cheque for the required sum and when she has done that and confirmed it with the BE, a motor cycle courier will collect the docs etc from our house.

This in fact happened and the courier closely inspected the documents and then sealing them in an individual bag and locking them in his courier box of he went saying it usually takes about 5 days.

On day four the courier returned with her passport and the required visa - simple ! however he did tell my wife that out of the 30 application he collected only my wife and one other were immediately approved, others were asked to attend an interview.

So in my wifes case it was simple, straight forward and painless but it must be pointed out that she has a number of vis chops in her passport(s) BUT a real eye opener so BE In Bangkok wakey wakey

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a real eye opener so BE In Bangkok wakey wakey
The pertinent points are, I think,
he did tell my wife that out of the 30 application he collected only my wife and one other were immediately approved, others were asked to attend an interview.
it must be pointed out that she has a number of vis chops in her passport(s)
So she is resident in Manila, with a (presumably) British husband who is (presumably) resident with her, or at least not resident in the UK. Has all the necessary documents and has had visas before and complied with the conditions. Not surprising that she was granted her visa so easily!

With the exception of the courier service, in Thailand she would have either posted the application, used the drop box or sent a representative, it seems, from what you have posted, that exactly the same would have happened in Bangkok.

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