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The Olympic Legacy ... What Has It Done For You?


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Well the Olympics are done and dusted ... what has it done for you?

Do you have an increased desire to rekindle that sporting passion.

Maybe swim a length or two in the Olympic Pool?

Has the success of TEAM GB lifted the general sense of Doom and Gloom that the UK feels sometimes?

From the inception of the bid proposal the London Olympic Committee were thinking about the Legacy ...

Right from the very beginning of our bid in 2003, London 2012 has been about what can be achieved through the inspiration and power of sport, using it as a catalyst for positive change and inspiration.

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Bored David, you seem to be a bit how to say 'in love with this subject, London Olympics', ok it was good, well done to all Brits rah rah rah. Move on.

On topic, no I do not feel like taking up marathon running or sailing anytime soon.

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As a 'Brit', I'm delighted that we did so well in the Olympic's, and I was really relieved that there were no major 'incidents;, but goodness knows what it cost to 'police the events'?

From a point of view of a 'World wide competition' I now believe that it has gone completely into the 'professional sporting scenario'. The 'Olympics were resurrected to bring about the competition between 'AMATEUR ATHLETES', not, professionals; who now receive all kinds of full time sponsorship (some in your face and some not) from many sources - be that the Country they represent, or Universities and College's/Manufacturers/individual sponsors who provide these 'Athlete's' with all the training facilities/livelihood and end 'Degrees/ honours' that seem to abound in the world of 'Sport' today.

What the Hxll is professional Tennis or Basketball doing in the 'Olympics? These people, who normally win, 'EARN' their living playing the game, so why should they be in the Olympics?. I'm a keen golfer, and like to follow the sport; but I for one do not want to see 'Golf' (Amateur or Professional) incorporated into the Olympics for the same reason as Tennis or Basketball or Ice Hockey . The 'Olympics' has now become a fully blown business, with all the corruption that goes with it, both internal and external and I for one would like to see it return to its roots as an Amateur sport based on the original competitive events.

Just as an aside can you remember who won the 'hop, skip, and jump? ', never mind this time but last year,They' didn't train on jam sandwiches and tea, I rest my case.

Gold (1st or any) medals are a great achievement for any individual in any event, but for goodness sake let us make it achievable for any individual from any country who is capable and willing to expend the time and energy to achieve such stardom - not just the one's that have got the biggest backers/pockets!

I end by sayIng, that I love all kinds of sport and have been privileged to enjoy many in my lifetime, and hope that seeing people competing gives others the will to try for themselves for the future - even if it is just helps them to keep themselves healthy and mobile into old age. That is one 'Gold Medal' we can all work towards awarding ourselves, and one that many of the 'Top Achiever Countries - medal wise' are severely lacking in - obesity reigns in so many of them.

Keep fit, keep healthy, work at it, you'r a long time dead and remember you golfers -ALL the putts are uphill from then onwards!

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For those of us that live in Olympic boroughs, it still is going on and is starting to get a bit on the nose.. It was fun when the actual Olympics was on though.

I had enough of it when I was in Wanstead last year...I'm glad I've moved to greener pastures!

I will have a wander around next summer I think and see what the "legacy" really means....how is the shopping centre? East London badly needed that in any case!!

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I think mainly you are right it has lifted the Doom and Gloom,from a previously dispirited Nation somewhat,and strangely the escapees on the run from the UK have gone pretty silent too. Perhaps the Courts and Banks have given them a reprieve?

Seems like the Paralympics have kicked off with another 3 hour,amazing opening Ceremony.

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What has it done for me? It has shown me how useless (and dishonest) the local BBC telecast is. For weeks leading up to the Olympics, they were advertising that they will "be there" with "all the latest from the Olympics bla bla" giving the impression that they might at least have some decent reports (and I did not expect live telecast) of key moments. In the end, it was just an anchor person yapping with almost irrelevant studio guests OVERLOOKING the stadium; they might as well be on the moon. Not once did they venture in to show any events, be they live or delayed. At least the Aussie network and even Al Jazeera showed some footage of key moments in their reports.

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What's more amazing is the PM gave a nice old pre opening ceremony speech about how we should admire people with disabilities when he is cutting disability benefits. Rot in hell Cameron!

The usual Breathtaking Hypocracy!

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