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American In Thailand


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I.T;I think from my PC,in my home where I and my family speak fair English as my wife teaches it in school everyday.and she called our home when she got off the bus and had my wife pick her up and brought her to our home,out to dinner last night, and then back to the bus terminal this morning.

I think that for farang tourists that do not speak or understand the language,no matter where,that they should take one of the tours that are offered and go with them and the group, they set up Transport, hotels and meals and you are taken where they are more oriented to that type tourist activities,,If you feel comfortable running around on your own out among the "natives" and can get along with not being able to speak and understand the language,and can get your own transport, rooms and food,then go off by your self,but do not think that just because you are a farang that all other farang will gladly drop their own life to accommodate you as tour guide/host and taxi co.

And if this doesn't appeal to you,then stay in the areas where there are large farang communities and most people do understand some English and leave the more rural areas to those that do feel OK there. :o

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Get yourself to a Book Shop and buy yourself

a Thai Phrase Book.

Where on earth is phetchabun ??

And just what exactly are you doing there?

There are MANY places in Thailand that are

all set up to help & look after Foreign Tourists

I suggest you get yourself to one of them pronto.

If like me you do not really want to be in a Tourist

spot and if you really must swan off to the wilds then learn

some of the local lingo first - and then set off again.



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Is this about language difficulties, or really about money?

If it's about language, I don't see how anything posted here could possibly help (though you could try one of the message boards for westerners learning Thai).

It can't be that hard in any case: if you walk into a place offering beds for the night then it's pretty clear to both parties what you want. You hand over your money and go to your room. Simple.

If you want to eat and approach a food vendor, then I am sure he knows you want to buy food. So, point!

I suspect it's really about money and whether you can find someone willing to put you up for the night...in which case, I'd say you're out of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

too weird to contemplate...damsel in distress?, get outta here, this is not Simon Legree, it's the 21 century.

Perhaps another attempt by combined forces of evil to profile inveterate expats as sources of opposition to current revisions in the early closing law or advocates of islamic terrorism...

maybe if we had belly dancers and sheesha (hooka) pipes there would be no problem...the ragheads get away with it that way...

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Maybe she meant Phetchaburi??????????


She means Petchabun Dave....go look at your map...upcountry, north of Bangkok.

I find it surprising, that so many know so little about Thailand, and that they don't seem to know where and how to search for info.

One website, I have found very useful, and which has an excellent map of Thailand, is http://www.thaistudents.com/

When in the detailed map, you can find Phetchabun in the index on the left side.

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