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Ip Blues


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For the last few days, my IP address is constantly resetting itself. This occurs 2 or 3 times an hour and lasts from a couple of seconds to relatively but annoyingly long time. What's going on? Is there a way to prevent this? Is anyone else experiencing this? My package is the True's SME.

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Fair enough - from the sounds of it i think youre seeing the outward facing IP of True - so the problem could lay with them - I would think that you will be using one of their Dynamic NAT addresses.

can you do a Start > Run > type "cmd" > and at the prompt type "ipconfig /all"

see if this IP address matches what you get back from www.whatismyip.com

If it doesnt match then the problem is not at your end

If it does match... erm... ill answer tomorrow - cos im off home now

out of interest though - try the following and post your results - at command prompt

ipconfig /release

and wait for the message saying released - your ip will show as as will dns etc - type

ipconfig /renew

wait for new address and see if this has made any difference - i would doubt it but worth a try

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can you do a Start > Run > type "cmd" > and at the prompt type "ipconfig /all"

see if this IP address matches what you get back from www.whatismyip.com

If it doesnt match then the problem is not at your end

If it does match... erm... ill answer tomorrow - cos im off home now

It doesn't match. The address are my router settings, not the ISP's IP.

out of interest though - try the following and post your results - at command prompt

ipconfig /release

and wait for the message saying released - your ip will show as as will dns etc

Sure does.

- type

ipconfig /renew

wait for new address and see if this has made any difference - i would doubt it but worth a try

No change.

Thanks so far.

Edited by melus
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If you know how to access your router software, e.g. via a web interface or something, you might try to see if the logs show anything.

However, as stated above, your line is probably getting reset and it may be difficult to determine if the cause is True, your modem, the line from the phone central office to your home, or the wiring in your home. Have you attached any new phones/faxes/modems to the same phone line as the ADSL? Did you use a signal splitter/filter? Has there been any construction or other work that could affect your building wiring (or rain where you are located)?

Oddly enough, I have noticed that my True home package is keeping the same IP address for several days in a row lately, instead of changing every 24 hrs. Their system is a mystery to me...

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