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Yingluck, Thaksin At Odds?

Lite Beer

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I'm always amused with posters here calling Yingluck a puppet. What they fail to realize is that she is a woman. I have never been able to tell a woman anything, not my sister in particular. My Thai wife knows everything. My wife does consult me about major decisions then she does exactly what she wants to do.

Theirs is much more of a father/daughter relationship. Quite different than a sibling or spousal relationship.

Yingluck publicly declined to get involved in politics numerous times. It was only when the election was rapidly approaching and with no suitable PM candidate for the position that met Thaksin's approval, eg. his turning down the proposal for his brother Payup to become PM, did Yingluck finally relent after a family clan meeting in Dubai, and agree to become PM. A scant 49 days later, she was in the position.

She did what she wanted (avoid politics) for quite some time... but eventually acquiesced to her brother's decision, which she has for most of her life, eg. going to school in the USA, fulfilling fluff positions in his corporations, etc.


Prime Minister "Payup"?????

Now that's funnybiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Edited by gp2002
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As someone who generally avoids the prognostication that so many others are fond of, I very rarely ever try to predict anything in Thai politics. It's needless and most often incorrect, not matter who is gazing into the crystal ball.

I appreciate you recognizing you misspoke.

To be honest

An easy search engine look could cut your "suffering" to mere seconds of time, but I can appreciate you'd prefer to laugh something off rather than admit you misspoke, but no worries. It's common here to categorically state others of saying things they didn't say.

Come on buchholz it's about time you shared the secret of this amazing thai visa search engine. Why don't you give theblether (and me) a blow by blow account of how one would search

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Posted Yesterday, 07:27

How To Use Search ?

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[...] the longer TS is out of the country the less power he will wield.

In my opinion a very optimistic view.

Those who voted PTP into power are deeply devoted to Thaksin. Any attempt by this mediocre lineup of second class politicians to run their own show and all it takes Thaksin is one of his infamous "phone-ins" at a redshirt reunion where he will claim that a faction of PTP is actively conspiring with the army, the Dems and the Bangkok elites to prevent his return.

How long do you think can Little Clueless and the White Liar survive in office when Thida and her Red Army march on Bangkok with bottles?

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[...] the longer TS is out of the country the less power he will wield.

In my opinion a very optimistic view.

Those who voted PTP into power are deeply devoted to Thaksin. Any attempt by this mediocre lineup of second class politicians to run their own show and all it takes Thaksin is one of his infamous "phone-ins" at a redshirt reunion where he will claim that a faction of PTP is actively conspiring with the army, the Dems and the Bangkok elites to prevent his return.

How long do you think can Little Clueless and the White Liar survive in office when Thida and her Red Army march on Bangkok with bottles?

Now that would be interesting to see. I am not so sure that TS will be able to swing that (anymore). PTP conspiring with the Dems? Not even the red shirts will believe that lie. Not exactly a white lie is it?

Thida seems to have some very strong opinions of her own. A PTP/Red shirt conflict? It would be their end.

Then again, who knows? This is Thailand after all. Cliche, I know.

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[...] the longer TS is out of the country the less power he will wield.

In my opinion a very optimistic view.

Those who voted PTP into power are deeply devoted to Thaksin. Any attempt by this mediocre lineup of second class politicians to run their own show and all it takes Thaksin is one of his infamous "phone-ins" at a redshirt reunion where he will claim that a faction of PTP is actively conspiring with the army, the Dems and the Bangkok elites to prevent his return.

How long do you think can Little Clueless and the White Liar survive in office when Thida and her Red Army march on Bangkok with bottles?

Your taking a nihilistic view, maybe that is to balance my optimistic view? ........you know what the consequences of what you suggest would be.

There is a total refusal on the part of far too many people to accept and realize that TS is not in the position today that he expected to be, and that is quite simply due to the fact that he does not wield the power that many of you allocate to him............and there are forces at play that even he knows he cannot control.

His continued absence from the country is becoming that most dangerous thing for him.........an embarrassment. Powerful people can survive many things but they cannot survive ridicule and being the object of laughter. That's coming down the road for him.

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If Yingluck is now getting pissed at Shinawatra pulling her strings, now would be a good time to cut them. (Wishful thinking).

But she,s a Shinawatra A.W.

I always thought sh*t was always of more sustance, albeit not in a complimentary way mind.

Cutting stringy stools / t*rds hmmm ermm.gif

marshbags laugh.png

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Impetuous teens are often at odds with a parent.


At the risk of picking a fight Buchholz..............you and many others expected TS to be back by now. You didn't expect a new generation of politicians to start roosting in the nest of power.

The longer TS is out of the country the more irrelevant he and his acolytes will become.......and the more power and confidence will flow to his sister.

It's happening below your nose and you can't see it. coffee1.gif

I seriously hope you are right.

Me too. biggrin.png

I would like to see a poll of how many people here have called it completely wrong for the past year.................day in and day out they have railed about the same subject............the impending return of TS.

To me he is further away than ever........and Yingluck's people are starting to empire build. People don't give up the levers of power easily once they get their hands on them. This has been true throughout history and it will become true in this case too.

I really don't think the impending return of Thaksin has been the point. The point has been the trying to get him back when their was serious problems being ignored. You know like a flood and later the need to reassure businesses that ?Thailand is going to do some thing about it. Instead of doing that they try to white wash Thaksin and send his clone sister around the world trying to convince business that Thailand is safe. In the mean time they just do a little bit of work to help prevent the occurrence of a flood.

They think business outside Thailand are stupid and will not come and take a look at what is happening where they want to invest their money. Just send a pretty face to say ha we are really making progress in stopping this from happening again.

They are doing nothing about the problem in the deep South. Thereby not attracting business to it.

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Congratulations are in order to everyone who has contributed to the thread which apart from one or two idiot postings which were swiftly dealt with...............fairly

I usually flip through them when I,m reading catch up especially 3 pages worth but I wanted to read them all in case I missed some of the observations, some serious, others funny or a mixture of both.

Just how a good debate should be.

Kudos fellow posters if I can post this without sounding sarcastic or condescending.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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I'n pretty sure you have predicted his return in the past however if you say you did not then I will retire and lick my wounds. wai.gif

As someone who generally avoids the prognostication that so many others are fond of, I very rarely ever try to predict anything in Thai politics. It's needless and most often incorrect, not matter who is gazing into the crystal ball.

I appreciate you recognizing you misspoke.


To be honest with you I was dreading going through a years worth of content biggrin.png

It's better to retire wounded than add to my suffering. rolleyes.gif

You two should get a room.

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Actually, it's been the red side, both on the forum and in the government, that have been promising us that he'll be back. "His conviction was politically motivated... He'll be back for his daughter's wedding/birthday/graduation... There are secret talks going on with "the elite"... The people love him and want him back...blah de blah de blah... " Fortunately, the country still has a working opposition, despite the efforts of the government to "destroy" it, and enough people to make a stand against the whitewashing of his crimes that the government is furiously trying to get written into law, or the promise might have become true.

It could very well be possible that the non red faction of the PTP is making an attempt to gain control,or at least remain in their seats, especially following Jatuporns deserving of a place speech, but I doubt Yingluck has a clue about what's really going on. She's being manipulated by both sides and bumbles along in her own little world while her advsors take shots at each other.

It is entirely possible that a non red shirt PT lover is working behind the scenes to get him back so he can fatally finally settle old differences. And we all know Thaksin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sharp enough to be aware of the possibility.

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I'm always amused with posters here calling Yingluck a puppet. What they fail to realize is that she is a woman. I have never been able to tell a woman anything, not my sister in particular. My Thai wife knows everything. My wife does consult me about major decisions then she does exactly what she wants to do.

Theirs is much more of a father/daughter relationship. Quite different than a sibling or spousal relationship.

Yingluck publicly declined to get involved in politics numerous times. It was only when the election was rapidly approaching and with no suitable PM candidate for the position that met Thaksin's approval, eg. his turning down the proposal for his brother Payup to become PM, did Yingluck finally relent after a family clan meeting in Dubai, and agree to become PM. A scant 49 days later, she was in the position.

She did what she wanted (avoid politics) for quite some time... but eventually acquiesced to her brother's decision, which she has for most of her life, eg. going to school in the USA, fulfilling fluff positions in his corporations, etc.


Prime Minister "Payup"?????

Now that's funnybiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Not being a native English speaker, I failed to catch it initially, but many thanks!clap2.gif

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Your taking a nihilistic view, maybe that is to balance my optimistic view? ........you know what the consequences of what you suggest would be.

There is a total refusal on the part of far too many people to accept and realize that TS is not in the position today that he expected to be, and that is quite simply due to the fact that he does not wield the power that many of you allocate to him............and there are forces at play that even he knows he cannot control.

His continued absence from the country is becoming that most dangerous thing for him.........an embarrassment. Powerful people can survive many things but they cannot survive ridicule and being the object of laughter. That's coming down the road for him.

Thaksin currently wields about the same power as he did in 2006. He thought he would wield more by now, so he could return without some of the issues hanging over him. That hasn't worked out so well for him ... yet.

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It is entirely possible that a non red shirt PT lover is working behind the scenes to get him back so he can fatally finally settle old differences. And we all know Thaksin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sharp enough to be aware of the possibility.

Whatever happened since 2008-02-28 with k. Thaksin saying

"He insisted he wanted to live peacefully as a "normal citizen", with no desire to seek revenge against the military leaders who forced him out of power."


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Your taking a nihilistic view, maybe that is to balance my optimistic view? ........you know what the consequences of what you suggest would be.

There is a total refusal on the part of far too many people to accept and realize that TS is not in the position today that he expected to be, and that is quite simply due to the fact that he does not wield the power that many of you allocate to him............and there are forces at play that even he knows he cannot control.

His continued absence from the country is becoming that most dangerous thing for him.........an embarrassment. Powerful people can survive many things but they cannot survive ridicule and being the object of laughter. That's coming down the road for him.

Thaksin currently wields about the same power as he did in 2006. He thought he would wield more by now, so he could return without some of the issues hanging over him. That hasn't worked out so well for him ... yet.

Well I'm not stupid enough to not know that events can change circumstances

I know you are very sswitched on as to the ins and outs of the TS story, far more tha I am............what's he waiting for? Where is he going to get the additional power from?

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It is entirely possible that a non red shirt PT lover is working behind the scenes to get him back so he can fatally finally settle old differences. And we all know Thaksin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sharp enough to be aware of the possibility.

Whatever happened since 2008-02-28 with k. Thaksin saying

"He insisted he wanted to live peacefully as a "normal citizen", with no desire to seek revenge against the military leaders who forced him out of power."


I would love for Thaksin to be invited to a live CNN or equivalent interview, and the interviewer changing from a prepared question list, to one of "you prevuously stated xyz, but now you are doing almost exactly the opposite".

Wonder if the guy would tough it out, or walk off the set. Maybe we could hope, and see him do a Chuwit, and belt the interviewer. That would make my day! laugh.png

Edited by RogueExpat
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From a 2011-05-30 interview

"ZOE DANIEL: So if you came back permanently, what would you see your role being?

THAKSIN SHINAWATRA: I still want to be lecturers, that's my dream. Playing golf. Giving guidance for my children to - for their business endeavour. That's what I really want to."


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Your taking a nihilistic view, maybe that is to balance my optimistic view? ........you know what the consequences of what you suggest would be.

There is a total refusal on the part of far too many people to accept and realize that TS is not in the position today that he expected to be, and that is quite simply due to the fact that he does not wield the power that many of you allocate to him............and there are forces at play that even he knows he cannot control.

His continued absence from the country is becoming that most dangerous thing for him.........an embarrassment. Powerful people can survive many things but they cannot survive ridicule and being the object of laughter. That's coming down the road for him.

Thaksin currently wields about the same power as he did in 2006. He thought he would wield more by now, so he could return without some of the issues hanging over him. That hasn't worked out so well for him ... yet.

Well I'm not stupid enough to not know that events can change circumstances

I know you are very sswitched on as to the ins and outs of the TS story, far more tha I am............what's he waiting for? Where is he going to get the additional power from?

New appointments, retirements, inactive positions, shuffling.

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It is entirely possible that a non red shirt PT lover is working behind the scenes to get him back so he can fatally finally settle old differences. And we all know Thaksin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sharp enough to be aware of the possibility.

Whatever happened since 2008-02-28 with k. Thaksin saying

"He insisted he wanted to live peacefully as a "normal citizen", with no desire to seek revenge against the military leaders who forced him out of power."


I think they had the green light from nongovernmental elites.

You are going to have to be a little more precise with your dating of what Thaksin said. It changed from day to day.

Did he say it in the morning ,afternoon or night time.

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The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............



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The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


Pussytator ? (or its shorter anglo-saxon derived equivalent)

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Maybe I'm barking mad however my reading of court politics throughout history ( and that's a hobby of mine ) is that it's the courtiers that turn the heads........the OP is a story about court politics and that's where the danger lies for TS.......the court will split.......and he will not be able to do anything about it.

The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

Read the story again...................an attempt to blacken a name back fired..........it won't be the last time the rule of unintended consequences comes into play.

Game of Thrones is a good television series which truly mimics the feudalistic power struggles going on in Thailand.

Spot on, sir. And what a series it is. Read all the books with much pleasure.

Actually, I think theblether has a point. Although TS has not become irrelevant, it might just be that the new power "elite" are starting to get comfy in their places. The upcoming re-shuffle should make things a little clearer. Instructions and "suggestions" might still come out of Dubai, but you know how it is. Talking on Skype is just not the same. " Yeah sorry the connection is bad, we talk later, na?"

It will be interesting to see how YS develops as a leader. If she is starting to collect a court of friendlies and sycophants, they might not all be selected by Big Brother T. If the YS group is blocking the TS faction from contacting her, that would certainly be new.

Her government might become just a tad more popular/credible (by Thai standards) if she manages to get rid of Jatuporn and Chalerm. Both are liabilities.

One an instigator who is basically a street thug, the other a barking bully with questionable morals and shady sons. Both have a heavy sense of entitlement.

All the bravado about TS returning is starting to look silly. Every day he stays away, the less likely it is.

The day she manages to get those 2 to <deleted>, she will have come into her own.

One can only pray that your above underlined statement is correct,but after the demeaning American round of Thai Restaurant speeches (hasty retreat and retiring with loss of face),to raise his publicity,it does look as though he's running short on ideas publicity wise.

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It is entirely possible that a non red shirt PT lover is working behind the scenes to get him back so he can fatally finally settle old differences. And we all know Thaksin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sharp enough to be aware of the possibility.

Whatever happened since 2008-02-28 with k. Thaksin saying

"He insisted he wanted to live peacefully as a "normal citizen", with no desire to seek revenge against the military leaders who forced him out of power."


I think they had the green light from nongovernmental elites.

You are going to have to be a little more precise with your dating of what Thaksin said. It changed from day to day.

Did he say it in the morning ,afternoon or night time.

This is what Thaksin said on the 6 april 2006. A must read.


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