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Lovely Spider


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Every once in a while we get a huntsman spider in the house. They don't last very long. It's only about one night before they lose a leg or two. Soon they are struggling along on four legs and the next day they are gone. I don't know if is a tookae or the jingjoks that are eating them.

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I've had one in my bathroom for a few days now...

As long as he keeps his distance, I don't mind (now that I'm used to them), but this morning he was right next to the loo when I NEEDED to use it! I used a broom to move him, but they can jump - which is v un-nerving biggrin.png.

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they bite. we have ones, not the exact same but similar. they prowl aroudn here in evenings, my dogs are terrified of them and will stand and bark at them and then run to the sofa. but they (the spiders) are good hunters andi prefer them over the webby types that are small and possibly poisonous and make webs (of which i have a phobia, along with ketchup.) large spider, hunter, uses size, teeth, body build and not venom. small and innocuous, uses venom and/or web and venom.

past few years have seen fewer. used to be all over the kibbutz. maybe they have no prey to eat, as we build more, and maintain a good progarm against flies, mossies etc (organic/natural not chemical methods). more buildings, more cement and less earth /ground.

less bees. fewer scorpions. less geckos. (nothing to eat also i guess). the urbanization around us is killing off t he unseen unsung wildlife. even if they give me the creepycrawlies, i stil miss them. plenty of ants. too bad they arent the edible kind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

... (of which i have a phobia, along with ketchup.) ...

You have "ketchup phobia"? Wow! I love that stuff, never heard of anyone being afraid of it.

It's common enough to have a medical name "Mortuusequusphobia", I assume that learning to pronounce it will result in your being cured.

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