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Everything posted by cooked

  1. Drinking water to excess is not the solution. The water will flush away those electrolytes you need to stay safe, so take care to find a solution. This is a problem well known to sports physicians and came to their notice during long endurance runs when athletes were collapsing and sometimes dying. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711#:~:text=Overview,in and around your cells. I'm 76 and ran my slow and easy 10 K this morning, after taking electrolytes (and coffee!), 28°C, 78% humidity. 15 K tomorrow.
  2. Remind me about toxic masculinity again.
  3. Jews were always present in the area, before Islam invaded and bloodily expelled the original inhabitants, including Christians, from large parts of the Middle East including Turkey. The Crusades that the Islamists complain about so bitterly were caused by the mistreatment of Christians and Christian holy places in Israel, as well as the closing of the trade routes and wholesale slave raiding committed by the Arabd throughout the Mediterranean and even up to Iceland and England. I wish we could get away from complaints about what happened many generations ago and try to find a rational solution based on the present situation.
  4. According to the "Palestinians" everyone living in that area is a Palestinian. Arabs living in Israel can do all of that and more. They aren't interested in participating in the Gaza conflict.
  5. Never been there or read much, have you? Palestinians living in Israel can vote, become judges, join the army, work freely. But don't let facts interfere with your joyful commenntaries.
  6. OK. Get them to agree to a two state solution and problems like this would be solved. Those Israelis would either become West Bank citizens or be forced to return. But Hamas (not present in the West Bank), Iran and Syria wouldn't like that, would they? FFS go visit the place for yourself before believing all you read on the 'net. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/348699
  7. Only once needed assistance on the old truck, bloody wheel fell off. I walked (I guess I could have stood looking as helpless as possible by the truck until somebody took me along) to a nearby restaurant, they called somebody they knew and two hours later we were on the road again. Bodge job as it turned out, but we did get home.
  8. It can be. We were told that once our (new) car was 7 years old, we would no longer be able to get First Class. So we changed insurance, and the car is now 11 years old, despite having been to the garage for dents four times (dogs and one somnolent motorcyclist).
  9. Quite right. This always happens in conflicts and especially in guerilla warfare. Hamas made a point of building military strong points in or under hospitals and schools. The fact that " don't know if they send those videos to their mothers or to other soldiers and I don't care." does suggest that you haven't quite grasped what is going on. Israel has constantly since about 1935 proposed a two state solution, retreated from occupied territory only, ageneartion later, to receive the same response: "Kill all the Jews". Maybe you didn't know about that either.
  10. Oh boy. You can find videos of Hamas rapists and murderers gleefully phoning their mothers to boast about how many Jews they just killed. You can also find videos of those deeds actually being done. Many members of the US congress have seen them. You believe everything the UN says is gospel? As I said, oh boy.
  11. Using BMI results can be misleading. It was originally developed by army and navy recruitment agencies, so not really meant for individuals. Try: waist measurement should be less than half your height. No point in discussing diet here as that usually devolves into a fruitless, usually misinformed, discussion.
  12. Last time I went to a small local festival (they were banned in Buriram after this) I really enjoyed seeing monks with cigarettes in their mouths manually preparing gunpowder. I also enjoyed the news of a couple (both married, but not to each other) that got incinerated in a car by a crashing missile. I would go again but now it would be a long drive.
  13. But they reduced tax on imported alcohol didn't they? Not 100% sure I like this new government.
  14. Most of the people responding here seem to be talking about soi dogs, that is to say, they live in cities. Running around just about every possible and impossible trail around our village in Isaan, I only once got bitten, by a dog I thought I knew well enough to trust but had just had some whelps and so got very aggressive. Most dogs will bark and snarl before actually attacking, this one quietly ran up behind me and gave me a nip. I'm afraid that dog had disappeared the next day as I did complain. I tend to plan my running routes in terms of 1: dogs? and 2: possibility of finding sticks lying around near them? I found a new route near me. First time: aggression from two farm dogs. I shouted, they removed themselves.(Never see Farang running) Second time, with stick, less aggro. Third time: one dog came up and ended up letting me stroke him. Most rewarding. Don't get me wrong, I do get to shout on most runs, and it usually works. I'm going to take the same trail tomorrow, but will have a discrete whacking stick about my person, plus some dog biscuits.
  15. LOL, good for you. I was driving a Scamel (illegally) at age 17.
  16. I wonder if people these days know what a double declutch action means? I learnt to drive on a horrible, huge Ford Transit van with a clapped out diesel engine belching clouds of fumes and non-functioning gearbox. I actually managed to change gear without declutching at all, when my dad wasn't around. We had a different approach towards cars in those days... we looked after and controlled the car, seems to me that it's the car that controls the driver nowadays.. big car, must drive fast, MUST overtke, etc....
  17. Every year in our village, after a week or two of heat we get a series of those lovely triple bangs. Same thing when it starts to rain, which will be soon, I hope.
  18. I'm not rich but I never bothered with repairing fans. I have taken them apart, cleaned and lubricated the b****y things, broke down again after a week or two.
  19. I run most mornings and have been over every country lane, farmyard, riverside path up to 10 K distance. Depending on how I'm feeling ( I always give them a SWK) I might shout it out if they don't answer, or ask if they speak Thai. I think that everyone around here, mostly farmers, knows about this bizarre behaviour, I now get kids that I didn't see shouting 'Hellooo' at me. More annoying is when I see a Farang also exercising and he won't say good morning. I get to talk English with an Anglophone about once a month. In the remote mountain, Swiss village I used to live in, people (not all) would get worried and stop their car, bicycle, walk to ask what was wrong if I didn't answer their greetings. Anyway, the above remarks refer to country people; city people don't count.
  20. Prize money? I get lumps of engraved lumps of wood occasionally, called 'prizes'. (Half marathons and marathons). International runners: there are different classes of marathons, from bronze to platinum, and I believe that one of the qualifiers for race organisers is that they have a certain number of elite runners from a certain number of countries. IAAF Road Race Labels - Regulations 8 October 2012 4.2 Races may offer specific incentive place prizes to nationals of the host country to encourage national participation and development. So they want that "Gold Label" appellation in order to have more competitors, at the same time they realise that (probably) no Thai will be winning. Seems fair enough to me. What's not fair? Farangs often have to pay more than the Thais for race entry. Age groups: Many races have age groups ending at "50+" which is discouraging if you're my age, 76. If there's a "60+" age group I might just get a prize. The whole idea of these athletic endeavours is supposed to be to encourage health, and stuff like this just discourages older runners. I think anybody over 75 that completes a foot race should get a prize!
  21. Oh yeah, those stupid Thais. Nearly all the farmers in this village have tried to grow it, in one form or another, and none succeeded. Looks like it won't grow where rice is happy. I did read about two sisters that found out what was needed to make a living from it, not too far away from here. They aren't telling their secret. Meanwhile, I get a few volunteer plants popping up each year, THC probably in the minus region. That last bit was a JOKE FFS.
  22. I was still getting proposals when I was 70, in the village, including the boss lady. I think the word got out that I wasn't available, wasn't rich, was no longer 70. Maybe no longer 'hansum man' either.
  23. Open Google Maps of your area and copy it by hand. Back in the day I actually surveyed streets and villages (utilities). I had an Immigration officer reject my carefully drawn map, internationally recognised symbols were "wrong" and all roads had to be represented by double lines, which on that scale meant they were about 200 metres wide. Never mind, he meant well. It is. or was in pre-Google days, a way to see that you actually lived where you say you do and know the area.
  24. Hi. Angkor Wat is a 5 hour drive away, yet I still haven't seen it. So, question 1: Can I get a visa on arrival at the border? Question 2: can I get car insurance at the border, or is it better to get one here in Thailand? Thanks guys.
  25. Thanks. I'll wait a year or two on that, I watched : which indicates that these aren't suitable for following short term trends
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