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Book Review: A Guide To The Set50 Index

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Ok, so I finally got a change to read the book from one of most distinguished member here, The Moog :D

For those who are doing a bit of "Thai stocks" trading for the fun, this is definitely a good read. However I have a few negative comments about it.

First the book is very well written, professional. Good job. A lot of useful information not available publicly on the official SET/brokers websites were found in the book. That was very helpful.

Also choosing an Index like the SET50 is interesting. It narrows down your selection horizon and help you choose the best and most liquid of the SET traded companies. Definitely something easy to follow for your benchmarking.

Now the negative comments:

1. Not enough "relevant" ratios. I was expecting more complex ratios like Cash Flow to Sales, Sales to Market Cap etc... maybe the info is not available

2. No estimate or forecast for EPS, no Forecast ROE (which I need for my projections)

3. The Stars you attribute to each company is not clearly visible. I couldn't find some of them or forgot about them because I couldn't see them clearly.

4. Book size is too small, not necessarily a negative comment, but I would have prefered a bigger size book.

Other than that, nice :D

Am I the only one to trade Thai stocks in this forum ? It seems that most members here are invested back home or overseas. There are some fantastic deals to be made here. One of them was SHIN :o

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I can't believe nobody is buying Thai stocks on this board :D

What happened to our "resident" specialists and "day traders" on this board :o

out of the market ? where is Harmonica ? :D

Yes, what has happened to the oil expert? Has been a little quiet lately on the western front..... :D

I be well into da sharemarket innit, but me is well likin dem Kasikorn Bank. Cause it got my initials innit.

And me also is going to take a position on CaWOW. Because me like the idea of saying WOW when it go up in price. Wow be well good, especially if me is getting a shock and can say shock! Wow! dem shares is triple in price now.

I know you do something or rather about shares peesua, but is you be one of dem day traders as well is it? I would have tort all dis fundamental would not be so interestin for dem day trada types, as dem like da charts and stuff more dan da div yield an stuff is it?

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