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Isaan Farmers Meeting No. 6


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Hello All,

This is a new topic carrying on from "Volunteer wanted to host next Isaan farmers meeting".

It seems to have been established that I will be hosting the next one at my farm in Mahasarakam and would like to welcome as many of you farmers out there as possible.

This is the first time I have stepped up to do this and both myself and my wife are looking forward to it. By past reports of these meetings it appears to be a great opportunity to get together and exchange ideas on what we are all doing up here (farming wise !!) and of course to meet new friends.

My understanding of the format is you make your way up here on the Saturday morning in time for lunch. I am planning on doing a BBQ on the farm itself, less than 100m from my house. After lunch and farm tour back to house and the bar.....I will provide dinner in the evening and when all are suitably fed and watered back to your hotel for the evening. I will also provide breakfast on Sunday morning for those who want it before everyone heads back home.

As I said above, food will be on me but you will be required to supply beer and or anything else you prefer to drink.

I can arrange the hotel accomodation as we have a brand new short time hotel fairly near us, of course I haven't tried it personally.....but will go and have a look to make sure all is in order.

Kids are welcome, we have a 13yr old boy and he has plently to keep kids amused as long as they can use a joystick or keyboard !!

There is also a small swimming pool at the house for those who want to take the plunge and wi-fi for those who need to keep up to date with their portfolios...

The only thing we need to decide on now is the date. I had suggested the 20th of October which seemed to suit some of the early replies we were getting but was advised yesterday that TV is holding a party on the same date in Khon Kaen. I don't like changing dates on folks once it has been established so it all boils down to how many people were wanting to attend both. If the number is insignificant then I would like to keep it as the 20th, if not then we could change to the 26th. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Attached is a map and details of how to get here.

Looking forward to meeting you soon.


Nong Koon map Model (1).pdf

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Hi Irrigator,

Sounds like you've got it all cracked. October 20 or 26 (or even 27) are OK for us - We are not going to the TV party or weekend in KK.

There will be two of us, my wife and I. Please add us to the list for the local short time hotel, with bathroom en-suite I hope.

Looking forward to meeting you then, also to meeting new people and catching up with old friends.



Edited by WormFarmer
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Hi Irrigator,

Well done. Good details given in your lead in to this topic.

As mentioned, I would very much like to come and join you, hopefully with my wife (but will have to confirm that much nearer the time as she is starting to tap her first 500 rubber trees around that time so slightly depends on weather earlier!!).

Either date is suitable for me.

When it comes to accomodation, like WormFarmer, add me on to the list for Room with Bathroom en-suite.

Many thanks and look forward to meeting you and family.


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So as not to leave it too late let's change the date now and have it on the 26th October and avoid any conflict with the TV party in KK.

That said, keep the replies coming !!


26 October is a Friday, but that's still OK for us because it will be school holidays then.

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We now seem to have few people signed up for this meeting but would love to see a few more.

This should be a great chance for us to pick the minds of those who have been farming here for a long time.

Apart from that, those who not seen the tranquil setting and vistas of Baan Nong Khun would be in shock ad awe..........I may exagerate a tad but would love to see as many of you here as possible.

If you want any other specific details of what "one night in Nong Khun" plus an afternoon would have in store please reply to this post.



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Yes Richard, it's the 27th October.

I will arrange rooms as soon as I get a clear number of who is attending.

Looking forward to having you here with the rest of the chaps.

Now can we encourage any of you other guys out there to attend ??

Some support from the original memebers of this group would be appreciated.



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I'm out of Los at the moment, but will be back in time, and will be there with Jim and possibly a few more friends. Rooms needed for Jim and me, and will confirm more when/if.

Looking forward! biggrin.png

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Hello All,

Thanks for all the positive responses.

Just to confirm, meeting is on Saturday October 27th, location as shown on the map attached to the first post of this thread.

In about another week I will start looking at confirming numbers for hotel reservations.



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Hello All,

Thanks for all the positive responses.

Just to confirm, meeting is on Saturday October 27th, location as shown on the map attached to the first post of this thread.

In about another week I will start looking at confirming numbers for hotel reservations.



Good job done, looks like a good turn out so far. Jim
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I will post a spreadsheet in the next few days of who is coming and accommodation required for verification.

In the meantime, I have checked out a couple of the local "Ritz Carltons" and they are all in the 350-400 per night range. These particular "Ritz Carltons" would appear to be designed for folks who are more of an athletic / hot blooded nature and don't require blankets or a duvet.....although all have air and hot water and..... mirrors...... Good idea.....Bring a duvet !!

Will be in touch again in a few days.



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Less than 2 weeks.....

Attached is a list I have compiled for potential attendees. Could you please take a look and advise what I correct and what is not ?

I would like to provisionally book rooms on Wednesday this coming week ( 17th ) so replies before then would be appreciated.

If others decide they would like to attend after next Wednesday then it will not be a problem. I just want to get the bulk of the bookings out of the way so panick doesn't set in later.....

I have set up the following[attachment phone number that will be good from now until the 29th October so I can be contacted during this period, eg lost en-route.... 0903544565

Any other questions just holler....



Farmer meeting no.6.pdf

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Less than 2 weeks.....

Attached is a list I have compiled for potential attendees. Could you please take a look and advise what I correct and what is not ?

I would like to provisionally book rooms on Wednesday this coming week ( 17th ) so replies before then would be appreciated......................



Hi Irrigator, That's correct for us, - see you on the 27th


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