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Double Pricing Policy In Restaurant


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I don't think these all-you-can-eat BBQ's have menus?

Most just have a big sign saying 99 baht or 199 baht and then some have the "if you want the seafood menu it is more" and some you can pay an extra 20 baht and they will BBQ a bunch of prawns for you.

I understand that you might be upset with the double pricing thing but you have to get over it. You are ready to give up a great deal on a great BBQ over 29 baht?

Most of these places also have a sign written in Thai that says you will be charged for uneaten food, the OP doesnt state if that was the case.

As for the double pricing why didnt the long haired translator raise the issue?

"You are ready to give up a great deal on a great BBQ over 29 baht?"

For me personally yes, I avoid all places that practice this, same as I avoid places with ++.

As for a great deal on a BBQ, lets be honest, sounds as if we are talking about a moo gata place, hardly fine dining.

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Well, considering the average 100 kilo + male farang will probably eat at least 3 times as much as the average 45 kilo female Thai, maybe a price differential is not totally unjustified.ermm.gif

Just my two penneth, although I'm not generally in favour of two tier pricing.

If the OP is correct, I suspect there was a menu was in Thai quoting 129 Baht and the menu in English quoting 150 Baht.

Ah well, not really worth getting to het up about


You have over 7000 posts, so presumably you are VERY familiar with Thai women.

My wife @ 48kg would eat twice the amount I eat & I am 2 times her weight.

She was still chowing down when I was ready to go, they are insatiable with food.

I have no issue if the prices were both 150 baht, it is the 2 tier pricing we need to stamp out.

Maybe they did a time and motion study and found that on average, most Thai women consume less BBQ than most farangs.

They might have even calculated the average mean difference by adding up the mouthfuls consumed by each gender, after taking into account the different size of Asian mouths versus western mouths; and then procured the services of a Nobel prize winning mathematician to calculate that the projected difference in cost would be in the order of 21 Baht per plate, give or take a few satang.

It might surprise you to know that on more than one occasion I have had Thai women complain when served with Thai food in farang restaurants, as the size of the dishes was much too large, and put them off!!!

But that's a subject for another thread.....

I have had that experience as well, when asked why, she said it was too much of the SAME foor. Thais like a variety of dishes, that is why your bin is so high when they get hungry...555

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Just guess and may be wrong, 21 baht is for a bucket of ice. I don't think the restaurant is insane enough to charge 21 baht as Farang fee, especially you came with someone who can read Thai.

The longhaired translator asked why the difference, she said farang price...no second guessing there

It is wrong and it doesn't happen in most of the other buffet BBQ places. I wouldn't even bother going there as there are many other places that don't do that.

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Well, considering the average 100 kilo + male farang will probably eat at least 3 times as much as the average 45 kilo female Thai,

Hmmm, have you ever seen the Thais in action at the free salad bar in Sizzlers or Pizzahut where they are allowed to fill one bowl ? biggrin.png

I used to have lunch at pizza hut in Sriracha occasionaly and the feats of structural engineering by some of the locals in piling the salad high in those little bowls is something to behold.

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I'm not saying that this was the case in the restaurant written about in this thread, but did it ever occur to you that in some tourist attractions, they set the admission price they need to charge to make the business viable, and then they offer what is effectively a discount to Thais to encourage them to go, as most could not afford the full price.

I fully admit that this is probably a rare train of thought in the minds of money grabbing Thai entrepreneurs, but it should not be totally ruled out.

After all, it is exactly what they do in places like Florida, where local residents can get special cheap deals to go into the theme parks, and reductions for senior citizens and children, are commonplace everywhere. I don't hear anyone complaining too much about that.

After all, many tourist places in Thailand do allow farang resi​dents to enter at a lower or maybe a 'discounted' price.

( by producing a work permit or a driving licence)

Just a thought....blink.png

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Moli you say that farangs eat more than thais!!never !! i am 80 kilos my thai wife 50 kilos, she eat twice as much as me everyday.

Maybe she's using up twice as many calories. wink.png

Maybe she will soon be 60 kiloslaugh.png

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They probably charged you for not eating everything.

What a fun night it must be going out with you when at the end of the night you get your wife to ask where the 21 baht extra has come from. How much did you tip? 2 baht? Probably nothing.......

The time it took you to write this thread probably cost you more than 21 baht in eletrcity, internet and time.

Farangs are bigger people than thais so for something like this I would accept being charged more as you are likely to eat more.

I went the zoo yesterday (not the one on walking street) and I paid double what my wife was paying. Double pricing is everywhere not just thailand.

In Orlando the theme parks often have year long tickets for the exact same price as a single day entry for non locals. Its a great way to keep the park busy during the low seasons and in-expensive for local people who have to put up with the tourists.

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It's strange, I tell people about how I got ripped of for 40baht at the cinemas bla bla. I get slammed and called a cheap Charlie bla bla.

It's 21 baht. It is the norm in Thailand.

After 6 hours on a bus, me and my wife stopped for food! My wife ordered the same bowl of noodles as me (though at different times, 5 minutes in between, needed a cig) my wife was charged 30 baht, I was charged 40 baht.

I looked at my wife and smiled.

There's not much you can do about it.

In your case they didn't blatantly rip you off.

Just to throw something in the bag, they possibly could have made a mistake on the bin and charged for a child buffet price and an adult buffet price.

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Well, considering the average 100 kilo + male farang will probably eat at least 3 times as much as the average 45 kilo female Thai, maybe a price differential is not totally unjustified.ermm.gif

I've sat and watched two of the tiniest Thais fill a 4 man table with food at a barbecue and demolish the lot. It's a wonder they didn't eat the table too.

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21 Baht ????????????????????

OMG ! Where's the Price Control Police when you need 'em.???

Let's see that equates to around 68 cents USD

I would have the joint Blacklisted !!!!!!!

I'm amazed that such blatant disregard for Farang is allowed to exist in Thailand. Show me the door quick


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Darkside Blogger: Your logic is reasonable, but incomplete.

Using your example about Florida and senior citizen discounts, children discounts and disabled discounts etc..., All people would receive those discounted prices if they fell into those categories.

It wouldn't matter if they were Thai, Irish, African, Italian or whatever. The rules are not based on nationality, but rather they are based on categories that would apply to all nationals.

For example: If a Thai person visiting Florida entered a venue that stated a discount for elderly people, then the Thai person would receive the same discount as any other nationality, assuming that they were also above the age threshold.

But, using the same example: In Thailand, it seems that most discounts are based on if you are a Thai instead of if you are elderly or a child or some other metric.

So, if an elderly european man, 90 years old walked into the venue in Thailand, he would not be granted a discount for being a senior as the venue wouldn't offer it. If it did, it would probably be written in Thai and not offered, especialy if that person was alone. Again, offers for discounts in Thailand seem to be mainly based on nationality and not other measure such as age or disability.

Interesting enough, I have seen plently of rich Thais get 'discounts' in these venues but poor farang paid full price. Rich, well only if you consider driving a 30 million baht imported vehicle to be rich.

Instead, the staff would charge normal pricing because he is a farang and not a Thai.

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I had the same problem in Lop Buri over 20 years ago. Two menu one English & one in Thai, two different prices for the same meal. When my Thai lady challenged it, the rest back down.

This B/S has been going on in Thailand for many years.

And will continue to do so for many years to come!

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They probably charged you for not eating everything.

What a fun night it must be going out with you when at the end of the night you get your wife to ask where the 21 baht extra has come from. How much did you tip? 2 baht? Probably nothing.......

The time it took you to write this thread probably cost you more than 21 baht in eletrcity, internet and time.

Farangs are bigger people than thais so for something like this I would accept being charged more as you are likely to eat more.

I went the zoo yesterday (not the one on walking street) and I paid double what my wife was paying. Double pricing is everywhere not just thailand.

In Orlando the theme parks often have year long tickets for the exact same price as a single day entry for non locals. Its a great way to keep the park busy during the low seasons and in-expensive for local people who have to put up with the tourists.

Would you also use the same example to put forward the suggestion that Farangs should pay more on the Baht bus

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Listen, this whole post has gone very silly. I understand being upset about double pricing. 21thb is such a small amount but I understand being upset at the principal behind it. It's honestly not clear to me if it was truly a dbl pricing thing or a misunderstanding. If you spoke Thai and didn't need a translator then my guess is that you would have paid the same or at least clearly understood the difference. If you want to be treated more like a Thai then learn their language and stop relying on a translator.

That said, if a restaurant is all you can eat then for a set price then they should stick by that model. Kids typically are charged less as they won't sit still for more than 10 mins and hardly eat anything. But if the restaurant would rather charge based on how much you consume then they should do that. Could you imagine of all you can eat restaurants had multiple prices based on how fat or skinny you are?

If you're not happy with how you were treated then don't leave a tip and don't go back.

Thanks for alerting us to this restaurant and that they might not be playing fair. Maybe this is a simple misunderstanding or maybe it is just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps I'll take the family there for a feed and find out. Was the food good quality?

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150 baht is bloody expensive. I can buy a kilo of meat at the market and add in two bottle of large Changs for the same price coffee1.gif

Yeah but where are you going to prepare it? In your 2000thb per month room?

You just need a set of cooking plates and some kitchen stuff, no big deal.

I eat most of my meals at home as I would do back home.

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Well, considering the average 100 kilo + male farang will probably eat at least 3 times as much as the average 45 kilo female Thai, maybe a price differential is not totally unjustified.ermm.gif

Just my two penneth, although I'm not generally in favour of two tier pricing.

If the OP is correct, I suspect there was a menu was in Thai quoting 129 Baht and the menu in English quoting 150 Baht.

Ah well, not really worth getting to het up about

TITsmile.png????you should see my 46kg missus eating-I couldn't eat half of it.

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150 baht is bloody expensive. I can buy a kilo of meat at the market and add in two bottle of large Changs for the same price coffee1.gif

Yeah but where are you going to prepare it? In your 2000thb per month room?

You just need a set of cooking plates and some kitchen stuff, no big deal.

I eat most of my meals at home as I would do back home.

Oh and do you pay for those or are they included with your 150thb per kilo of meat?

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150 baht is bloody expensive. I can buy a kilo of meat at the market and add in two bottle of large Changs for the same price coffee1.gif

Yeah but where are you going to prepare it? In your 2000thb per month room?

You just need a set of cooking plates and some kitchen stuff, no big deal.

I eat most of my meals at home as I would do back home.

Oh and do you pay for those or are they included with your 150thb per kilo of meat?

small investment, the Chinese cooking ware you can find in the thai shops are really cheap and the cooking plates I got second hand smile.png

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150 baht is bloody expensive. I can buy a kilo of meat at the market and add in two bottle of large Changs for the same price coffee1.gif

Yeah but where are you going to prepare it? In your 2000thb per month room?

You just need a set of cooking plates and some kitchen stuff, no big deal.

I eat most of my meals at home as I would do back home.

Oh and do you pay for those or are they included with your 150thb per kilo of meat?

small investment, the Chinese cooking ware you can find in the thai shops are really cheap and the cooking plates I got second hand smile.png

And is that powered by all your hot air?

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