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No Relief In Sight For Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang Airport Immigration Staff


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No Relief in sight for Airport Immigration Staff

By Staff Reporter


BANGKOK: -- After the floods last year forced airlines to move services to Suvarnabhumi … this month sees Bangkok’s second airport, Don Mueang return to service after massive renovations.

Billions of baht has been invested in the duty free and passenger areas as flights are once again transferred back to, what was, the original airport for the capital. 10 year contracts have been agreed with the tax free shops and the lights are back on, waiting for the airlines to come home.

Weary passenger standing in queues at either airport, passport in hand, hand luggage at their feet wishing the immigration officer to speed up and get through the line of people ahead, will be unaware of the struggle faced by the, perhaps cute, uniformed officer who appears to take an eternity to check passports, before finally stamping the visa and offering a weary and repetitive smile to the next in line.

As new runways are planned for the already overloaded International hub, and Don Mueang reopens for business, so the plight of the Immigration officer becomes regular headline news.

According to sources, the job isn’t as simple as checking the expiry dates of the visa and passport of every single passenger, in fact that is just the tip of the iceberg.

A dozen passengers during any day are removed from the line as they show up on the internationally updated computer system as having outstanding warrants.

Hundreds arrive with expired visas, passports that are not actually their own or with other complications that mean they are not qualified to enter or leave the kingdom.

And then there are thousands of passengers who have either not completed their boarding cards or have filled them out incorrectly (bring your own Pen!!).

In each case the officer has to bring the line to a halt and review the case with a superior.

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...igration-staff/

-- pattaya103.com 2012-09-26


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Smile? lol...

The entry ques at Suvarabhumi immigration yesterday evening were que'd right down past the last minute duty free stands, worst I have ever seen it. For those without a fast track card that must have been a 2hr+ wait which for some will have been off the back of a 10hr+ flight.

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Why check people leaving?

Its all about the money machine - potential profits are outstanding for even the slightest hiccup - they hold out their hand for payment. I understand checking for overstay - this alone allows for revenues in the billions of baht per year - otherwise wave the person through without being concerned of other international issues (?) / warrants outside of Thailand - plllllleeeeaaassssse - anything that can potentially pad their pockets - they get BIG BIG payments for holding and surrendering international warrants - so you see we are right back to the money machine - its all about the baht. Do you really think the Thai government is concerned about crimes committed in other countries - its all about the baht.

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Since the Government owns TG time for them to push online check in with passengers inputting their details and share the information with Immigration prior to arrival to ease the congestion. UK/Canada/USA/Australia all know you is on the plane prior to landing.

It's also not totally fair to blame Immigration the airlines only survive with a spoke and hub system so all the flights land at once to feed each other.

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'Might guess worse maybe? I understand that Canada, UK, and the US already have a database-sharing arrangement whereby arriving passengers are checked by the immigration officer, and with so much as a misdemeanor on their record (dui, shoplifting, whatever) from 30 yrs ago (doesn't matter how long) are denied entry. Could this expand to Thailand and other countries?

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Wow, what a nice words... what is the reason? to put the immigration officer in a sunny daylight? I always believe that respect you need to deserve. It never comes by itself and to for me, immigration is a pain in the ass. They never laugh and are always busy with things I ask myself, is that their job? sitting behind the counter, talking with a colleague sitting 50 meters further on and in the meantime let you wait. So please don't clear the immigration officers by excuse them with words like "Hundreds arrive with expired visas, passports that are not actually their own or with other complications that mean they are not qualified to enter or leave the kingdom...". About the immigration (arrival-/departure) card. Old-fashioned! Look to Malaysia... they skipped it already after a long time use as well. Reason? Much too complicated and ... passenger-unfriendly! Words out of the Malaysian media. And see now how fast immigration is, but not in Thailand, they almost do everything to make it unfriendly for visitors accept to spend money! Well, lots of money is invested... hmmm, then invest also some in a computer system which can skip the immigration card. Other countries can do it, but Thailand can't? And last but not least... invest some in communication-skills of the immigration-officers. They like to act in a way of "I have the power to let you in or not"... sick attitude and when you give a smile... mean in sincere and not give a fake smile which I can see all around Thailand when money is involved.

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Why check people leaving?

Ummmmm, Let's have a think..... OH ! maybe they have committed crimes here, and trying to escape, or Interpol has updated outstanding Warrants.

They should do what they do in Canada or the US, check those passports at the ticket counter. Simple, yes?

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Why is it that when anyone wants to exaggerate the amount of time spent in an immigration queue it is always 2 hours?

i stood in line for passport contron 2 hours,
The entry ques at Suvarabhumi immigration yesterday evening were que'd right down past the last minute duty free stands, worst I have ever seen it. For those without a fast track card that must have been a 2hr+ wait


At a busy time it might stretch out to 30 minutes or so - but every post recently complaining about immigration (this & other threads) somehow manage to come up with a 2 hour waiting time.

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Duty Free Shops? I think they mean shop. I'd wager that the corrupt KP has once again secured a monopoly.

I think you'll find that KP is a company that has the concession to run a number of retail outlets. Surely the corruption comes from the people within AOT, the people who issue concessions at the airport.

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A few years ago arrived behind a 747 load of Chinese tourist none spoke English or wrote it. They hadn't filled out their cards arriving at immigration backing up the line to over an hour.

This is very true. Though I hate to generalize about a nation/cultural group, I have to agree that the Chinese are the rudest, most inconsiderate people on the planet...and NOW they have MONEY! You neglected to mention how they brazenly cut into immigration lines...one has to be alert and use one's elbows judiciously to avoid being pushed back by them.

Unfortunately, within 50 years they will--quite literally--rule the world. We are doomed.

Couldn't agree more. Had 2 Chinese sat aside me on a flight to Singapore last year. Both of them where eating noodles and burping aloud and eating like 2 Soi starved Soi dogs....no disrespect Mr Soi dog....I really wanted to vomit.

Now I have a rule anybody who resembles Chinese on any flight on Emirates I asked to be moved, if that fails I get the Airmiles out and book Business Class.

A horrible bunch of peasants who really need to learn some human manors and Etiquette.

Edited by DDuval
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Shame the ' old style ' airline ticket is rarely used because it's about the same size as an immigration landing card. The airline issueing the ticket could pre-print a landing card at the time of issue -- or is that too simple ?

I've often thought the same - they do this when you get a minibus to/from Malaysia, all you do is sign it. First time I was a bit weary, why is the driver taking my passport somewhere, but he took everyone else's so it must be OK. Came back a few minutes later with a pile of printed arrival cards, name, DoB, passport number/expiry etc, sign and go.

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