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How Do You Pronounce Praewa?


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Looks like แพรวา which is a common girl's name and is also a special kind of silk cloth.

Prae - แพร - the vowel is pronounced like air, or spare

Wa - วา - pronounced as you would read it in English.

In the context of current affairs, there has recently been an incident where a rich Thai girl named Praewa caused 9 deaths in a traffic accident. She was under 18 at the time which means she did not have a driving license, yet she got away with a suspended sentence and a ban from driving until age 25. It has been a hot topic for the last 2 years so it's worth bearing in mind that when someone says this name they could be referring to this incident.

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I'd guess he is asking about เพราะว่า, which means "because." As was already mentioned the "aw" in "awesome" is probably the best way to think of it. It's the same sound as in เก่าะ (island) - which of course we transliterate as "koh" in English.

Additionally, แปล means "translate," so ส้มแบลว่าอะไรภาษาอังกฤษ = How is "orange" translated into English? Further, this word would be transliterated as "pLae(wa)"

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