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Does Truetv Really Return The 2000 Baht Deposit For The Box?


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I'm getting tired of the Vietnamese TV freezing numerous times during prime time and miss the channel selection we had before. So, I'm seriously considering coming clean, and signing up for TrueTV. I visited their office in KSK yesterday.

They claim they have a special promotion with free installation (and some good extra channels free for 3 months), but it struck me as odd that they want me to give 2000 baht "deposit" to the installer. They claimed this deposit would be returned if I terminate the contract after 6 months and return the box to the office. It seems strange that I can't pay the deposit at the office -- it really seems more like paying a non-refundable installation fee if I'm to give it directly to the installer, in cash.

So, has anyone cancelled TrueTV service and actually had the "deposit" returned by them, or should we just figure it's a non-refundable installation fee?

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We went from the monthly plan to the purchase plan earlier this year ( and got new hardware, including the box). We returned the "rented" stuff and got a full refund minus some fees because we had a partial month on the monthly plan.

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We reluctantly went back to TRUE a couple of months ago,visited the Siam IT Store, south of the moat, where True have an office,paid the 2000 baht deposit,got the contract and receipt.Neighbour, after us advisng him where to go, went to the same office and offered the 2000 baht and was told, no, you pay the installer,which he did. So there is no policy, depends on who you talk to.

5 years ago we cancelled our TRUE contract in Bangkok when we moved to CM. Took 2 months to get the 2000 b deposit back and it was in the form of a cheque which took another 3 days to clear through the bank. I belive this is standard proceedure,great if you happen to be leaving the country.

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I had the True Platinum package installled over a month ago on the six month contract and get one month free. Problems have developed and I am not getting all of the channels, as each other channel is working--so for example the even number channels are working then the odd number channels have no service--it is called error 16. I have called True service (the phone number on the box) and they said that they could come in 7 days time to look at the problem.

It seems that there is nobody to speak to in English (at least) at customer service, as I would like to have my account adjusted for the number of days that I have not had full service, and I would like to cancel the contract if I get no satisfaction.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did they do?

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I also recently had True installed. Gave the deposit to the installer, who did a good job and he was very nice and informed, as it seems it's the general practice but I had to ask him to give me a receipt as there is no real procedure put in place for this, don't know if it will do me any good if there is a problem later though. I first called the Siam office which is where I was forwarded to after calling the number on True's website and they told me to come in. The girl there wanted me to give her the deposit but could not answer most of my questions and was not very nice and she kept me waiting for a while she fooled around with the other girls, so when I had enough I went to Airport Plaza where they were great, both professional and helpful. They also told me that Siam just signs up customers and the people in that office are employees of Siam and not True.

Edited by junglechef
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After viewing a blank TV screen since the dream box died, I finally signed up with True TV. The True TV people swore to me that my 2000 baht deposit would be returned to me as long as I used their service for six months or more. Unless the pirates breath life into the dream box, I'll stay with True TV. smile.png

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I had the True Platinum package installled over a month ago on the six month contract and get one month free. Problems have developed and I am not getting all of the channels, as each other channel is working--so for example the even number channels are working then the odd number channels have no service--it is called error 16. I have called True service (the phone number on the box) and they said that they could come in 7 days time to look at the problem.

It seems that there is nobody to speak to in English (at least) at customer service, as I would like to have my account adjusted for the number of days that I have not had full service, and I would like to cancel the contract if I get no satisfaction.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did they do?

A couple of the ladies working in the store in KSK speak pretty good English. Perhaps they could help -- or at least call the customer service dept for you.

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Our pirate's solution to the blank screen was to reposition the dish toward the Vietnamese satellites. Hubby was happy because it was basically the same news channels as with True, but I'm not happy with selection of movie and variety channels. Plus, I was practicing my Thai reading skills by reading the subtitles with the sounded turned off -- especially good with movies I'd already seen, so I had some idea of the plot. Now, I'm actually getting pretty good at reading Vietnamese, which is of no use at all for me!

Plus, the reliability of the Vietnam service is bad. I had a real call to action when the picture froze at least 25 times during an episode of Glee!

So, based on everyone's input, I guess I'm going to become an honest woman with True!

Edited by NancyL
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