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Australian, 93, Faces Sexual Assault Charges In Thailand


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This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice.

I don't suppose you've ever heard of senility then?

Most of us won't be here till we're 93, never mind having all our marbles if we made it.

I've heard of senility......is that a defence against paedophilia?

People are responsible for their actions all their lives, not until 65, or 75, or whatever. Old age is no defence against criminal behaviour, and should be no barrier to facing justice. Once again, End of.

Once you face the courts you can use senility as a mitigating factor, but it shouldn't prevent the perpetrator from being taken through the legal process first. As the population ages, and in many cases, continue to live fit and active lives, there are going to be far far more acts of criminal behaviour perpetrated by pensioners, it's a demographic reality.

So old age is no defence, paedophilia is prevalent throughout every adult age group, this is not a go at the elderly..........senility at best could be used as a mitigator, but not as a defence.

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Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

I'd even visit Pattaya to see that!

A novel tourist attraction.

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Based on everything I have read ... it would appear this guy is guilty and assuming he is, he is an idiot for just not pleading guilty as it would almost ensure he would have served no time in Thai prison and simply been kicked out of the country. Thailand is not big on locking up 90+ year olds, especially ones who admit their guilt, show remorse and provided some kind of compensation to the victims. However, not sure if an admission of guilt could screw him back home but assume it will or would be the same as a guilty verdict which seems fairly certain he will receive.

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coffee1.gif 93 years of Age! Jeepers creepers, its a wonder he can even get it up at that age!! coffee1.gif

The report doesn't say he raped them. But one could always do a lot of things that would be categorised as molestation or assault without having to "get it up."

That said, at his age, forget about having to get it up, the more scary part is whether he has the strength or the onions to wage a fight in the event thats it's a frame-up.

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His name does not sound Austrialian to me.

If you want to know for sure look up the old story about him on ThaiVisa and the news ... I could be confusing things but I seem to recall his being born somewhere else but having an Australian passport or something like that in terms of his possibly have dual citizenship.

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dont know anything about this case but higly douht that anybody in their ninties could be a threat sexually to any fit young girl, it would be very easy to dodge and evade him, but there again i could be wrong, just dont know without all the facts and personal knowledge of the man.

Edited by metisdead
: There is no need to post using bold font, bold font removed.
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Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

According to you it's all true !!!!! Right???? Wake up man!

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It is dangerous waspish gossip to make such statements as I read from some of the opinionated experts in here. How many of you are legally trained and competent intellectually enough, as well as complete with the facts of the case to jump to such conclusions, let alone mete rough justice?

Let the judicial system take its course before you make fools of yourselves by vomiting such outrageous, unsustainable prejudicial and surprisingly idiotic comments. For example, did it occur to you that the man at the centre of this, in his advanced age may have some mental illness/dementia? Could there be that there is some other possibility that passed you by in your blood-rush rant?

I am no apologist for paedophilia-far from it-but I am an advocate of fairness and innocent until proven otherwise.

Get a grip on your hysterical overreactions please-at least think before you open your mouth!

You embarrass us all with your ignorance.


The man did recently managed to illegally cross the border into Burma, rent a property whilst there etc etc The accused also allegedly faked physical disability at the time of his arrest. I know it's speculation, but it does put into question that he suffers from the likes of dementia when he was so well organised. As you know sexual assault does not require penetration. Accordingly his age, as some posters suggest, does not disqualify the accused. (Why some posters joke about the accused sexual function due to age in this thread, is beyond me).

Edited by simple1
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It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

When was he convicted of that? huh.png

I also highly suggest people read up on the case of supposed paedo Peter Clements in Phuket a few years ago, and just imagine how his professional life has been utterly destroyed by the Thai police's manner of dealing with such accusations.

Are you referring to Andrew Clements? He was a Phuket teacher who was charged with having sex with a child and later released due to lack of evidence. Australia revoked his passport without a conviction. It seems in his case he was guilty until proven innocent by the Australian government.

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It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

Are you familiar with all the facts of this case, i.e. did you familiarize yourself with the "evidence"?

From my reading of the information made public, it appears that there are holes in the case, in that the evidence is not substabtive and that there is more than reasonable doubt. There is a strong argument to be made that there was no due process and that the case was not overly convincing. IMO there are a lot of vulnerable, weak people that lose legal cases in Thailand because they did not have the strength or money or connections to contest those cases.

I won't be joining the bashing on this one. Not because the chap is old and I feel sorry for him, and not because I always have suspicion of the Thai judicial process, but rather because the evidence is questionable. Ask yourself, what you would do if someone brough similar charges and similar evidence against you when you were 93.. Think about it. You are a decent man,and certainly not a kiddie diddler, but how would you defend yourself and would you have the mental ability and strength to fight the charges?

I'm not wearing this age defence thing.....there have been plenty of cases of elderly paedophiles preying on youngsters in SE Asia over the years, and from memory there was a case of the 79 year old ex-RAF man caught in the act with a boy in Pattaya a few months ago, setting aside the recent story of the 65 year old caught in the toilet cubicle.

The facts of the case may be questioned in court, however to this point this guy has been subjected to an arrest warrant, then subjected to an international arrest warrant, then subjected to an international extradition request, all under the watchful eye of the Australian government and no doubt several NGO's. There has been plenty of official action in this case, involving two governments in the arrest and extradition and the Oz government watching.

I don't know about you, I haven't seen many cases that have went that far on a whim, there more often than not is a conviction at the end of it. In this case he will have his trial, and the evidence will be submitted.

If there was no case to answer ( ie due to the dates clashing with his visit to Oz ) then this case would have collapsed by now.......I see a conviction on the horizon.

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Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

Innocent until proven guilty. Trial by media or trial in a court of law; which do you prefer?

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It appears that the word pedophile only has to be mentioned when the TV judges, juries & executioners have the accused found guilty.

If he is found guilty in a proper court of law, jail him. But the question of extortion does tend to raise its ugly head here & we do know how good the BIB - sometimes in league with others - are at it.

This doesn't look like a clear-cut case, so would'nt it be better to wait for a verdict?

If he hadn't jumped bail we'd already have a verdict.

Edited by firestar
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Don't see this hysteria over a mundane murder. Doesn't compute. Makes me wonder what these super indignants and self righteous posts are hiding.

Except if the murderee is a judge here on tv. LOL never enough of them though. Always too drunk dribbling over their keyboard in judgement.... lets see who gets his money... the brother policeman perhaps?

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Except if the murderee is a judge here on tv. LOL never enough of them though. Always too drunk dribbling over their keyboard in judgement.... lets see who gets his money... the brother policeman perhaps?

International arrest warrant, extradition, etc. Don't know about you but I don't believe it would have gone this far if it was only Somchai the local police man interested in the case.

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The Sydney Morning Herald had a piece on the case in April 2011.


THE family of a 91-year-old Australian arrested in Thailand on underage sex charges are concerned for his well-being. They say he has been denied access to medicine and proper care while in custody.

Karl Kraus, a former South Australian railway worker, says he was the victim of an extortion attempt by Thai authorities, who levelled bogus charges last June when he was arrested for the alleged rape of four young sisters, the youngest of whom was five.

At the time of the arrest, Thai police said they seized pornographic print and electronic images from Mr Kraus's house in Thailand. They said the arrest was part of a wider inquiry into paedophiles in the area.

In a letter to The Sun-Herald, Mr Kraus, who has lived in the northern city of Chiang Mai for more than a decade, said he was pressured for 200,000 baht ($6200) by a Thai businessman in the weeks before the raid and claims he was extorted during his time in custody when it was made clear the charges would be dropped if he paid 450,000 baht ($14,175) to several parties including Thai officials.

He says he was kept in custody in a medical jail facility for five days but denied access to his medication, which caused him health complications.

Mr Kraus also says that when police searched his home, bed linen, computers and photographs were confiscated, along with his bank passbooks, which were used to drain his accounts.

Central to Mr Kraus's claims of innocence is that he is accused of sexualoffences on December 22, 2009, when he says he was in Australia receiving medical treatment for prostate and bladder cancer.

Pedophile is such an ugly word that when seen most people (me included) tend to immediately 'jump on the lynch him bandwagon' however this is Thailand and as such things are almost never as they are portrayed.

I am not defending this or any other person who is accused and subsequently convicted of such offenses, but as I said this is Thailand where money is normally the root of all accusations, corrupt practices, bogus allegations and murder, what strikes me as questionable is (a,) that this guys money has been stolen, (b,) he was apparently out of the country when the alleged offenses took place, and (c,) that the report category states that the poor young girls were raped! At 93 one must question if even with medical aid it is possible to commit rape?

These three things if true are ALL provable and if proved it would in my opinion would add support to this guys denial.

On the other hand if he fails to prove these points, and it can be proved that he was in possession of pornographic material, let him die a slow death from his cancer!

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Just because he has been accused, doesn't mean he actually did anything. Any TV members remember the Ausi girl, about a month back, that accused a man of raping her, she made it up. Imagine if you were accused of this and you didn't actually do any of it.

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