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Former Belgian Beer Bar Owner Arrested At His Former Bar In Central Pattaya


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I was there and can be seen in the background of pics. The reality was that he was kicking, trying to bite, cursing and generally making it very difficult to restrain even with all those involved in subduing him. That was inside the station. What it took to get him there can only be imagined. It is not apparent from the pics but he is a very large, powerfully built guy and anywhere else in the world he might have been tasered or gassed. The motorcycle guys did not try to kick him but tried to restrain him. That's all. No bullying or undue force. Just what was necessary to bundle him into cells. When there he made more trouble with Thai prisoners and got a few smacks by them before being isolated where he ranted and raved some more.

Now the funny side of the story is off... We have been joking for a while with this beer-belly farang and now comes the bitter truth from an eyewitness: he was subdued by motorcycle taxis, nothing more. I had hoped for some more fun: that's why this forum is made for!

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I'm sure those mocyc taxi's had the day of their life, beating up a foreigner with the approval of BIB.

Total rubbish. The truth is, there's a sizeable force of moco taxi drivers in Pattaya who are official / documented police volunteers. One guy (about 35 yrs old) helps me enormously with all sorts of errands / finds tradesmen and more when I go to Pattaya to tend some personal matters. He's a highly intelligent and logical guy, no education at all but taught himself to speak quite good English, highly reliable, I've often trusted him with large sums of cash, never ever had a problem, very balanced, doesn't drink, devoted to his wife and kids and wants to do something positive for his community.

He's about as interested in beating up a farang as driving to the moon.

Good post and I agree. I have NEVER heard of a motocy taxi driver beating up a farang. I have used them for years to get anything I want in Thailand: Directions, help with van rentals for moving, Fixing flat tires etc. If it wasn't for these guys Thailand would be a much worse place. And what is wrong with them helping the police anyways? Big fat drunk farang resisting arrest and fighting with the police and a few older motocy taxi drivers help......GOOD ON THEM.

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