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4 Feb Anti-thaksin Demonstration Thread


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Not very charismatic is he? Reading his speech with his face hidden behind his text. If they want to achieve their goal they need someone with a bit more flair.

He has thier attention. Let him try. More will be needed to get the embedded tick ( Tox ) out of the power seat.


I agree mate, more power to them all.

'E' penz, he was sent up after his birthday party, convicted and sentenced to 10 years if my memory serves me correct.

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chownah>> Your pointless bashing isn't helping you.

Here is a quick recap, using the same retoric that has been used by people when trying to defend whatever is under attack. (Hint: Bedlem, NeoCon, Liberals, fight!]

Where's the violence? Where's the gov't's harsh crack down? Where's the censorship of the media? Where's Sondhi? First he was supposed to speak at 6:00 and that got postponed to 6:30 and it is now 6:40 and still no show.....if he's waiting for something big to happen so he can make some heroic gesture then I think he'll have to wait a long long time....but maybe I'm wrong....maybe something dramatic will happen....I see that the diehard Toxin haters here keep spinning and spinnig the events...but the excuses they make are starting to seem like grasping at straws to me....but maybe I'm wrong.

The above would point that you where out to make this out to be a failure, something it wasn't/isn't. But that didn't stop you from posting it.

So, drawing the conclusen that you acctually was trying to watch to coverage, and given some of your other posts, you are either defending or are confused.

If you could clear for us which one it would be great.

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how you made your money is not so important although if you killed people for it then that wouldn't be so good but even that could be overlooked[/color]

That sure does apply to Kam Nan Poh, Chonburi's well known mafia lord.

Anyway, isn't he in prison?

I heard he paid his way out of hiring the hitmen, but got caught up in some other mess and ended up locked up.

He's still walking. The actually had a birthday party for him in Pattaya I think, a few months ago... :o

I,m not sure if this is O.T. but relevant.

This is a very good example of the double standards according to your station.

Even the local English paper feted him on his birthday showing his ill gotten celebrity and did a coverage on the celebrations to this effect, showing him as a V.I.P. instead of a convicted criminal.

It made me feel sick when i saw it.

The paper showed it,s true colours on this one instead of keeping it out of the news.

Remember this man has been convicted of very serious crimes and is only free because of his influences and political connections, not his innocence.

Which sadly give the paper the same double standards on this issue of what the problem with society is and being influenced by people who should know better.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Rally oraganizers provide (most) comforts of home

BANGKOK: -- A small army of volunteers, civil servants, Manager Media Group employees and industrious businesspeople were on hand at the Royal Plaza today to keep the tens of thousands of protesters healthy, fed and hydrated.

Protest organizers estimated that by 7pm this evening they had distributed 22,000 liters of water, and believed the remaining 18,000 liters they had in stock would last through tomorrow morning. They added, however, that they had already run out of ice.

Food vendors plied the plaza selling sausages, squid and sandwiches at prices that were typical of Bangkok. Many participants seemed to have brought their own picnic, however.

Though food and water were in ample supply, many demonstrators complained of a shortage of toilets.

“Everything is fine. We brought our own food. The toilets aren’t very nice but we don’t plan to spend the whole night,” said an 18-year-old student attending the rally with her family.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration supplied only six trucks, each equipped with five portable toilets. Just prior to Sondhi Limthongkul’s main address of the evening, an estimated 1,000 people queued to use the facilities.

“I’ve been waiting here over an hour. There just aren’t enough toilets,” said one middle-aged woman on the line.

On either side of the square, tents had been set up to distribute rally-related accoutrements like flags and scarves, and provide first aid.

Protesters arriving at the Royal plaza received a small wardrobe of yellow goodies, including scarves, armbands, visors, flags and bumper stickers.

Nataporn Rujiruchakorn, an employee of Manager Online who today was in charge of distributing the freebies, said Manager Media Group – the company founded by the rally’s leader – had paid for everything.

Though she refused to disclose the total budget for the accessories, she said the company would distribute 150,000 of each.

Manager Online is also providing a free downloadable cellphone ring tone that announces “Thaksin Get Out” every time a call is received.

Also along the plaza’s edge were kiosks set up to offer first aid, all manned by volunteers who had pooled their resources to pay for medical supplies including bottled water, pain killers, smelling salts and cotton balls.

Sasitorn Tharunmutipong, one such volunteer, said 100 people had willingly agreed to work at the medical tents.

She said there had be no serious injuries, though one person had fainted from the heat. Most people visiting the tent only sought headache remedies.

“They’ve got everything here: food, water and medical care. Most people are middle-aged, so that’s good thing,” said Sithi Tromdep, 40, a businessman who had been at the plaza since 11am.

Though the main square is well lit, the tents on the periphery do not have electricity. Many of the volunteers are worried that as it becomes darker, their jobs will become difficult.

--manager.co.th 2006-02-04

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Just watching the live feed on ASTV via PC and took a moment to scan the other channels on reg thai TV to see what they're covering... Here's a rundown:

Ch 3: Soap

Ch 5: Hi-So stars

Ch 6: (ITV;) Big brother recap

Ch 7: Soap

Ch 9: Singers

Ch 11: Football (recorded)


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20.40: Rally calls for Thaksin's resignation

BANGKOK: -- Government critic Sondhi Limthongkul has delivered a fiery speech to a mass rally of more than 60,000 people, demanding the resignation or firing of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Mr Sondhi criticised the prime minister for more than an hour and half tonight at a huge protest outside Governemt House, at the equestrian statue of King Rama V. The crowd chanted for Mr Thaksin's removal.

Following the speech, Mr Sondhi took a petition to Privy Councillor Gen Prem Tinsulanonda, requesting His Majesty the King to intervene in the political situation, where Mr Thaksin presumably was to be dismissed.

The premier, earlier in the day, said he would remain in office, based on the votes of 19 million Thais, who last year gave him and his Thai Rak Thai party the biggest election victory in Thai history.

"The only person who can tell me to quit is His Majesty the King. If His Majesty whispers to me 'Thaksin please leave,' I'll go," the prime minister told his weekly radio programme Saturday morning.

Mr Sondhi used that against him, blasting Mr Thaksin for suggesting he was a close friend of the king as yet another show of the prime minister's arrogance.

"19 million votes doesn't mean you can do whatever you want," said Mr Sondhi to the receptive, raucious crowd, accusing Thaksin of selling off the country to Singaporean investors.

Despite the strong rhetoric, the rally was peaceful throughout the day on Saturday, and into the night. Many of the protesters seemed likely to remain at the site all night, listening to music and demonstrating against the government.

--Bangkok Post

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I,m not sure if this is O.T. but relevant.

This is a very good example of the double standards according to your station.

Even the local English paper feted him on his birthday showing his ill gotten celebrity and did a coverage on the celebrations to this effect, showing him as a V.I.P. instead of a convicted criminal.

It made me feel sick when i saw it.

The paper showed it,s true colours on this one instead of keeping it out of the news.

Remember this man has been convicted of very serious crimes and is only free because of his influences and political connections, not his innocence.

Which sadly give the paper the same double standards on this issue of what the problem with society is and being influenced by people who should know better.

marshbags :o:D:D

Well, everyone I know had a totally different take on that story. The newspaper didn't "Fete" him - the VIP's did that. The paper simply reported the event and included a photo of the chief guests. Absolutely amazing that a convicted criminal could be feted in this way - I believe the Governer of Chon Buri was there, amongst others. Of course it shows the iniquitous double standards - but not of the newspaper - they're the ones who brought it to our attention - thank you, Bangkok Post! :D:D

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20.40: Rally calls for Thaksin's resignation

"The only person who can tell me to quit is His Majesty the King. If His Majesty whispers to me 'Thaksin please leave,' I'll go," the prime minister told his weekly radio programme Saturday morning.

--Bangkok Post

The question is:

Will His Majesty tell him to do that?

What's your opinion on that and would that be something which is within the Law?


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22:30 Protesters in Bangkok do not play by the rules: Thaksin

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today branded those who gathered at the Royal Plaza as not playing by the rules.

Speaking at a reunion party of Monfort School, Thaksin said this school had taught him to play and respect rules and laws, but those who are now at the Royal Plaza do not play by rules.

Apparently referring to Sondhi Limthongkul, a leading critic who is rallying against him at the Royal Plaza, Thaksin said any society that is led by a thug cannot be existed.

-- The Nation

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Sora-at quits as ICT minister

Published on Feb 04 , 2006

Sora-at Klinpratoom, a member of the Wang Nam Yen faction, announced his resignation as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) minister.

Sources from the faction said Sora-at faxed his resignation to a TV station at 10 pm.

Labour Minister Somsak Thepsutin of the Wang Nam Yon faction called a meeting of the faction at 4 pm to assess the situation, the sources said.

An announcer at the rally site at the Royal Plaza announced the the cheer of the demonstators that Sora-at had resigned.

-The Nation

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PM Thaksin should be allowed to remain in office as long as he hasn't broken the law.

if you don't like the laws, then, vote to change them.

if you don't want to listen to your own laws, then, why should others be expected to?

on the subject of corruption, you should consider the possibility that maybe some of these senators, who are voicing opposition to the PM, are being observed by Thaksin for possible corruption charges.

has anyone ever considered that?

it would be natural for them to speak up now knowing that they may be told to resign later.

anyway, just the same, seeing that no chaos occurred tells me that thailand is more stable than it was in the past. definitely a plus in my mind.

last, and not least, I think people should stop going to the king all the time for help. he is not young anymore, and should not be stressed out by things.

have you read the "boeing study"?


..my 2 cents.

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What's your opinion on that [/color]

My personal opinion, is we should refrain from idle specualtion and idle commentary/opinions regarding HM The King in reference to this. There was a quote in The Nation today, stating a reference from HM The King, wishing for Thais to care for each other. With due respect, let's leave speculation in relation to HM The King out of this.

Meanwhile, when is Sonthi due back from delivering the petition? Seems it took about 45 mins to walk over there, so should be back to address the crowd soon?

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How do you know if he has broken the law? He just tells all the relevant agencies - Revenue Dept, SEC, SET, Finance Ministry what to do and what to say. He's the law to himself. Laws are written and interpreted to suit Mr Taksin. If there's a law that he broke, you aren't going to hear about it.

Senators being observed for corruption charges? Are you serious? It's their last two months in office, they can't stand election again, AFAIK. Taksin had SIX years to nab them. What makes you think that these senatos are corrupt and afraid of Taksin's investigations?

What about academics? Hundreds of them signing letters and petitions asking Taksin to resign?

I doubt that you sincerely believe in what you just said. Are you trying to stir the trouble, eg. discussion on merits of Taksin's government?

This is not the right thread - it's live coverage thread, if you haven't noticed.

This is reply to Haha poster on the previous page

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It was interesting to note that the Phattalung folks have just arrived. According to my b/f they had trouble from the police while trying to get here. Seems they threw nails and "stars" out into the roads, thus flattening many tires. Pojamon did demand that police stop people from other provinces from attending this rally :o More power to those folks! "Out with Thaksin!"

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chownah>> Your pointless bashing isn't helping you.

Here is a quick recap, using the same retoric that has been used by people when trying to defend whatever is under attack. (Hint: Bedlem, NeoCon, Liberals, fight!]

Where's the violence? Where's the gov't's harsh crack down? Where's the censorship of the media? Where's Sondhi? First he was supposed to speak at 6:00 and that got postponed to 6:30 and it is now 6:40 and still no show.....if he's waiting for something big to happen so he can make some heroic gesture then I think he'll have to wait a long long time....but maybe I'm wrong....maybe something dramatic will happen....I see that the diehard Toxin haters here keep spinning and spinnig the events...but the excuses they make are starting to seem like grasping at straws to me....but maybe I'm wrong.

The above would point that you where out to make this out to be a failure, something it wasn't/isn't. But that didn't stop you from posting it.

So, drawing the conclusen that you acctually was trying to watch to coverage, and given some of your other posts, you are either defending or are confused.

If you could clear for us which one it would be great.

I asked where is the violence and the harsh crackdown because alot of the anti-Toxin people here were saying how that is what would happen. As for the censorship of the media....well the march has been covered on at least two broadcast television channels, one FM radio station, one cable television station, and on the internet and in newspapers.....and these are only what I know about...there are probably more......not very effective censorship....if people didn't know about this event it is because the issues addressed or Sondhi himself are not that important to most Thai people....I'm not saying that this is good or bad....I'm only saying that this is my opinion on what is happening with this.

Actually I think it is a big success because there has been no violence. As for it being a succes in being what Sondhi had described in the rhetoric leading up to this...in my opinion it is not. He was comparing it to the students' demonstration back in the '70s I think when they were killed and I believe H.M. The King intervened and a new gov't was formed....I think that's what happened......anyway Sondhi was saying that this demonstration would be of that order and that there was a similar groundswell of public opinion that would bring the gov't down.....frankly I don't see it. I am not discussing who would be better or what would be better.....I'm just trying to describe what I think is really happening....maybe I'm wrong but I don't see a great groundswell of public opinion that is going to topple Toxin....I think that by and large if there was another election held next week, he would be elected again....by a very large majority.....I think that vast majority of Thais like Toxin running the country.....I guess you don't agree with me....oh well....

Quick Edit: You say that my comments aren't helping me......I'm not sure what help you think it is that I won't be getting but frankly I can't see that I have any need for any help....what is that all about?

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How do you know if he has broken the law? He just tells all the relevant agencies - Revenue Dept, SEC, SET, Finance Ministry what to do and what to say. He's the law to himself. Laws are written and interpreted to suit Mr Taksin. If there's a law that he broke, you aren't going to hear about it.

Senators being observed for corruption charges? Are you serious? It's their last two months in office, they can't stand election again, AFAIK. Taksin had SIX years to nab them. What makes you think that these senatos are corrupt and afraid of Taksin's investigations?

What about academics? Hundreds of them signing letters and petitions asking Taksin to resign?

I doubt that you sincerely believe in what you just said. Are you trying to stir the trouble, eg. discussion on merits of Taksin's government?

This is not the right thread - it's live coverage thread, if you haven't noticed.

This is reply to Haha poster on the previous page

I believe everyone has the right to express their opinions. so, I am doing just that.

I just pointed out that if PM thaksin didn't break any laws, he should be allowed to stay in office until his term is up.

if you think that thaksin is making all the laws, then, could it be you are suggesting that there are no other responsible Thai people out there engaged in the making of the laws? is your opinion of thai people that low?

in the states, there are laws that allow for the impeachment of a president. I think you have to have so many signatures before this process can proceed. if the same law is present here, then, do the legal thing and get the signatures.

otherwise, I will continue to exercise my right to express my opinion. thank you.

as for the good things that thaksin has done, all you need to do is look around you. I've been coming here for 12 years, and have lived here for 7 years. in that time, I have seen many changes which overall looks to me like progress.

the fact that no coup occurred today during the "peaceful" demonstration is one example of that progress.

my 2 cents...

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Censorshit these days is about self control. Public TV channels could have given this developing story a priority, but they chose not to. They bet Mr T will still be here tomorrow and they's pay dearly for giving air time to Sondhi protesters.

It's very effective, cos you can't pin on the government - it was TV station's choice.

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Censorshit these days is about self control. Public TV channels could have given this developing story a priority, but they chose not to. They bet Mr T will still be here tomorrow and they's pay dearly for giving air time to Sondhi protesters.

It's very effective, cos you can't pin on the government - it was TV station's choice.

I don't see the censorship that you suggest is present.

for the past week, there have been newspaper articles about sondhi and thaksin. even as I write this string, I can see the news about the demonstration on the nation channel. here on TV, there are over 4 separate threads talking about this demonstration.

if you think there is censorship going on here, I suggest you go to china or north korea to really get a true idea of what censorship is all about.

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Still, as Sondhi returned to address the crowd just now (under circumstances any station might deem a bit compelling or at least of interest to cover) ITV is at this moment showing "Japanese Seri" and the rest of reg Thai TV is showing soaps, boxing and the like. hmmm :o

Imagine a live rally to impeach Blair or Bush and all you get is Baywatch or Coronation St :D

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Perhaps Sondhi's rally will achieve nothing, but if Taksin resigns as a consequence, it will be a shame that TV7 had soaps all night long, for example. Once people's daily fix of Korean soap is over, there's a new PM in the country. Welcome to the real world.

Newspaper articles are nearly nothing in this country. Only about 6% of population read. Read the newspapers, I mean.

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Still, as Sondhi returned to address the crowd just now (under circumstances any station might deem a bit compelling or at least of interest to cover) ITV is at this moment showing "Japanese Seri" and the rest of reg Thai TV is showing soaps, boxing and the like. hmmm :o

Imagine a live rally to impeach Blair or Bush and all you get is Baywatch or Coronation St :D

the time is exactly 12:13am - 13 minutes after midnight. and lo and behold, I'm watching the demonstration on the Nation Channel - TTV. I can't understand most of what they are saying but there is a live picture of people hanging out whereever. for a moment, saw somebody playing the guitar too.

seems like full coverage on this channel for sure.

check it out.

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Still, as Sondhi returned to address the crowd just now (under circumstances any station might deem a bit compelling or at least of interest to cover) ITV is at this moment showing "Japanese Seri" and the rest of reg Thai TV is showing soaps, boxing and the like. hmmm :o

Imagine a live rally to impeach Blair or Bush and all you get is Baywatch or Coronation St :D

the time is exactly 12:13am - 13 minutes after midnight. and lo and behold, I'm watching the demonstration on the Nation Channel - TTV. I can't understand most of what they are saying but there is a live picture of people hanging out whereever. for a moment, saw somebody playing the guitar too.

seems like full coverage on this channel for sure.

check it out.

Exactly how many ppl watch the Nation News Channel btw?

No conspiracy theories here, I'm just stating the obvious. That's all.

PS, no offense to Baywatch or Coronation st fans :D

I could've said WWF Wrestling or ??? (again, no offense) :D :D

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I believe in constructive criticism and also in people having the right to express their opinions.

if you truly feel that something is wrong, and have a need to make a change, I am with you as long as that change is made within the laws of the country you are in.

good luck.

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Sounds like we had a bigger turn out at the last Thai Food festival at Battersea Park.

I asked K.W if she thought she wanted Mr T out and she was adamant that her answer was NO.

He is our Prime Minister and if me and the Thai people decide that we dont want him any more then we will VOTE him out.

(believe he standing down next time anyway..??)

You (meaning... moi :o)are always going on about democracy and freedom and so we will do it the same way.. legitimatley....OK.....

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if you truly feel that something is wrong, and have a need to make a change, I am with you as long as that change is made within the laws of the country you are in.

good luck.

Generically, I agree. Erm, btw, who's rules and how do they influence them? :o

Chok dee :D

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