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Is any one else using Open Office?

I upgraded over the weekend to the new version 2, only to find it will not open

my old .doc files.

The Open Office standard of .sxw is fine.

I have had to revert to version 1.1.4



I think it's a Windows related problem. Even some old .doc documents are not readable with the last version of Word.

Have a look here: http://www.oooforum.org/ you'll maybe find a similar case.

That's the tribute you have to pay by using the microsofts programs. And I'll loudly laugh when "vista" will be used by people who thinks the newer the better.

I definitely hate Windows Microsoft. :o


I'm using version 2 , mainly Writer, which I installed directly a month ago (no previous version) and I haven't had any problems yet opening my old .doc files - so maybe it's to do with your upgrade. I'm finding all the programmes in Open Office incredibly slow though, so much so that I'm almost considering going back to Word. :o

I'm finding all the programmes in Open Office incredibly slow though, so much so that I'm almost considering going back to Word. :o

Windows is slow, not Open Office. On My GNY/Linux (Archlinux) distro it open in less than 6 seconds, and works well.

Is your hard disk heavily fragmented, do you have enough RAM ? XP itself need a lot of RAM, more tan 200Mo to work correctly.


It's exact that OO need more RAM than Microsift Office, you're right. But if WinXP was less demanding on RAM OO could work better.

On the other hand, the majority of people using PC and complaining doesn't have a proper license (cheap Panthip copies), so don't complain. If you were using a free (GPL) OS's you will have a lot of people ready to help you. It's sad to see that PC users think that they can copy everything free and use it, without any effort.

I don't have one pirated program in my computer and proud of it. The GPL softwares are far more secure. :o


Yes, I am right. OO is inferior in memory usage and speed to Msoft Office and no amount of wriggling, squirming, blaming XP, unlicensed software or Pantip Plaza will change that. Your implication that I have unlicensed software on my PC is impertinent, libellous and untrue. I use GPL software when it does the job I want - I use proprietary software when it does the job I want. The biggest threat to OS software is not Microsoft - it's the religious fanatics like you who insult people without reason and attempt to deny facts that don't support your cause. :o


I've recently started using Open Office 2 and I have to say I find it a lot slower than M$ Office. However, it does a lot of things much better like styles (which are just chaos in Word, which has *the* most ######ed up implementation of styles I have ever seen anywhere).

Been wanting to bitch about that months. I feel better already :o

[...]it's the religious fanatics like you who insult people without reason and attempt to deny facts that don't support your cause. :o

Do I insult you ? It's true that i'm a little bit integrist about using software without license, but I've re-read my post and I don't see what you can take for an insult. :D

So, up to you, read what you want between the lines. :D


I think it's a Windows related problem. Even some old .doc documents are not readable with the last version of Word.

No it is Open Office.

I reverted to version 1.1.4 that I was using and the file opens perfectly.

Not a very old file, either. Only a year or so.

Will try reinstalling V2 and see what happens.


I was waiting till I heard some feedback on 2 before upgrading from 1.1.4, now I'm glad I did. I find that to open it up initially it takes more ram, but opening up secondart OO programs takes less memory than if you have multiple MS Office programs going.



I think it's a Windows related problem. Even some old .doc documents are not readable with the last version of Word.

No it is Open Office.

I reverted to version 1.1.4 that I was using and the file opens perfectly.

Not a very old file, either. Only a year or so.

Will try reinstalling V2 and see what happens.

I ended up deleting all the old installation files and then reinstalling.

Now it works.

Must remember to install my UK English dictionary!!

No need it was automatically installed along with German and a few others.

Lots of others available for download!!

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