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Troops And 1,000 Guards For Obama Visit: Thailand


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Troops and 1,000 guards for Obama

Jirapong Prasertpolkrang,

Anapat Deechuay

The Nation


Police officers inspect the front yard of the Thai Khu Fah Building and Government House compound to ensure safety for US President Barack Obama, who is visiting on Sunday.

Huge security team with armoured limo, Black Hawk, the CIA, marines, and water

BANGKOK: -- The US security team will bring drinking water for President Barack Obama and his entourage during his visit to Thailand on Sunday and Monday, according to a source familiar with the security preparations.

"I hear that the White House team will bring their own drinking water for the president and his team. This is to prevent any poisoning or contamination," said the source.

The Government House source added that a similar security precaution was observed when former US president George W Bush and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the Kingdom.

"The Thai officials involved [in the preparation for Obama's visit] are going insane. America is the only country so fussy with their visits. When we visited the White House, we could not request anything. And when they visit us, we again can't request anything from them," the source complained about the long list of requirements from the American side.

On his first foreign trip after his re-election last week, US President Barack Obama will be guarded by more than 1,000 members of his security detail and some 500 Thai soldiers and police when he visits Thailand on Sunday and Monday.

The security detail will include officials from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Marines Corps.

Obama's Air Force One aircraft will be accompanied here by planes carrying his armoured limousines, hi-tech weapons, and a Black Hawk helicopter.

Between 400 and 500 police and military officers - from the Army and the Air Force - will form the Thai security team for Obama during his visit here. The police team includes officers from the Special Branch, Metropolitan Police Bureau, as well as commando and bomb disposal units. The military officers will be from the National Security Centre, Counter-Terrorism Operations Centre, and the Air Force's Security Force Command, which will be responsible for taking care of Air Force One to be parked at the military airport.

The US president's advance security team surveyed the Government House compound for the second day yesterday in preparation for his visit.

They came with officials from the US Embassy and the group members numbered some 20, less than half of those surveying the premises on Monday.

The American team was accompanied by Government House officials and some 20 police officers from the Special Branch. The inspection yesterday focused on the interior of Thai Khufah and Santi Maitri buildings, where a reception ceremony for Obama will take place.

Reporters were not allowed to observe the survey and Special Branch police declined to give details about it.

After Thailand, Obama, in his second term in office, is scheduled to visit Myanmar on Monday, where he is to meet President Thein Sein and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. On Tuesday, Obama will fly to Cambodia, where he will meet with leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations during their 21st summit.


-- The Nation 2012-11-14

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Well, with such professionals in the Thai security detail it's a wonder the President doesn't just hop a flight on Thai Airways and roll in wearing flipflops.

They must be very skilled if they can fulfill their "insane" list of requirements and still have time to tell every detail to local journalists.

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w00t.gif No F16s whistling.gif

They just forgot to report it. wink.png

There will be at LEAST 1 aircraft carrier task group within a tank of gas of Bangkok,

and quietly flying in the vicinity of the Blackhawk and it's emergency backup Blackhawk.

The Thai officials are told thus and such, knowing their mouths can't stop running

and need some tidbits to blather out and save a little face from not having

ANY SAY AT ALL in the security cordons.

But to imagine the politicians are told every security method defies logic.

I am sure certain high ranking Thai military people are more informed,

and have assorted 'communications liaisons' from USM branches with them,

who they have personally known for years. An know how to get things done.

And the Generals, Admirals, etc, also know which side their bread is buttered in the equation.

If needed in 2 minutes flat air space will be cleared and F-16's, Harriers

and choppers will go WHERE they want to go unimpeded.

And then let the Thai Pols whine AFTER it's over.

Not to mention the lingering memory of the NASA debacle from last summer.

No chance the hammer of certitude was coming down,

knowing the Thai political propensity for fudging most anything.

Edited by animatic
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With a recent history of thai, iranian and indonesian bomb-makers conducting terrorism in thailand, only a thai government official would be dumb enough ask why the American President requires such high level security.

Not to mention the previous PM's car was attacked by a mob which wanted to kill him in broad daylight.

Edited by Pimay1
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A waste of US Tax payer's money and Thai govt resources.

What do the US hope to achieve by putting on this flag waving exercise?

Someone ought to tap Barry O on the shoulder and tell him to stay home and fix the issues there (16 trillion US debt!!) before gallivanting over the globe pretending how much of a big shot he is and how important his country is,.. soon to become the ex-super power of the world and the ex-"united" states of America!

Considering he is having a pow wow with Wenjibao, if he can get him change anything from China vis a vis trade, the visit pays for itself 100,000,000,000,000 times over.

Conversely, you could say, Obama is having a meeting with the USA's bank manager, so well worth the trip. Actually quite astonishing that he is having a get together with Wu basically in a foreign country, in a relatively low key way, as though a get together between the two single largest financial power brokers in the world is a small thing. So, yes, have a get together with the only just ex-leader of the country that bank rolls your entire country, is quite an important issue.

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A waste of US Tax payer's money and Thai govt resources.

What do the US hope to achieve by putting on this flag waving exercise?

Someone ought to tap Barry O on the shoulder and tell him to stay home and fix the issues there (16 trillion US debt!!) before gallivanting over the globe pretending how much of a big shot he is and how important his country is,.. soon to become the ex-super power of the world and the ex-"united" states of America!

I take it you are not a Obama supporter? Be sure that whatever the media is saying about his trip the real reasons for his visit in the region will not be told. Secret deals behind closed doors.

'Hasn't bowed or apologized to anybody in awhile - 'needs to get current again. He could've practiced on cabinet members or senior military staff, but they all seem to be leaving (for one reason or another...). Anyway, am surprised they haven't banned alcohol sales during his visit (yet).

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w00t.gif No F16s whistling.gif

They just forgot to report it. wink.png

Along with Two Carriers cruising Bay, Four midrange cruisers monitoring Bankok w/ satellite Recon and Two Nuk Subs off Coast of Pattaya and Karabi...

Nobody better even Sneeze...let alone Fart!

Hot air might be mistaken for Nerve Gas!sick.gifcheesy.gif (No Cabbage soup for those in Government House.... Maybe better yer 4 servings as gift to everyone... Thinking about saving Face ?? How about saving your Ass...)

Edited by davidstipek
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w00t.gif No F16s whistling.gif

They just forgot to report it. wink.png

Along with Two Carriers cruising Bay, Four midrange cruisers monitoring Bankok w/ satellite and Two Nuk Subs off Coast of Pattaya and Karabi...

Nobody better even Sneeze...let alone Fart!

Hot air might be mistaken for Nerve Gas!sick.gifcheesy.gif

If you happen to see the presidential escort look for these two GMC SUVs.

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One can have no idea of the effect on 'Street Cred' Thailand will gain this week with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra a guest Queen Elisabeth II of Great Britain and the Commonwealth before returning to Thailand for a meeting with Barack Obama, President of the USA. Be Proud Thailand.

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politics suck.

we live in thailand but still you all complain like little kids

you talk bad about the president and you talk bad about thailand.

why in the hell are you so not happy with your life.

we come to this country to enjoy our lifes and relax.

if its so bad GO HOME>

if you are not from the USA and you talk bad about the US president get a life.

if you are not Thai and you talk bad about Thailand GET A LIFE

your life is never going to be happy.

and if this posting bothers you

i am sure you will reply with something stupid to say.

good luck haters.

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And then China is coming to Thailand on Tuesday the 20th right after Obama and his entourage leave. What bullshit about bringing their own water from the states. Why can't somebody from his team of 400-500 people just go about 50 meters in any direction to the local 711 and secure the best water in the store. I am embarrassed for the US Presidential team.

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"The Thai police team includes officers from the Special Branch, Metropolitan Police Bureau, as well as commando and bomb disposal units. Military personnel will be drawn from the National Security Centre, Counter-Terrorism Operations Centre, and the Air Force’s Security Force Command, which will be responsible for taking care of Air Force One to be parked at the military airport." Coconuts Bangkok said above.

So is he going to close down Swampy or DM. Unlucky day for Air Asia or THAI ?????

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"The Thai police team includes officers from the Special Branch, Metropolitan Police Bureau, as well as commando and bomb disposal units. Military personnel will be drawn from the National Security Centre, Counter-Terrorism Operations Centre, and the Air Force’s Security Force Command, which will be responsible for taking care of Air Force One to be parked at the military airport." Coconuts Bangkok said above.

So is he going to close down Swampy or DM. Unlucky day for Air Asia or THAI ?????

U Tapao airport is the airport the US have the biggest history with, and still use on yearly excersies, Id imagine its here he will land.

Rumour has it his entourage will go via soi 6 in Pattaya en route to Bangkok.

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