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i m thinking about fly to yangon to get double entry tourist(do they issue it?)

apply for myanmar visa on monday..get it on tuesday..fly on wednesday(holiday..embassy closed at yangon?) apply for the double entry visa and get it on friday,,back thailand saturday...

or better to do it in vientane??

thanks for the advices

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Yangoon from reports are giving 2 entry visas. Your schedule should work.

Vientiane is easier and lower cost. You can fly to Udon Thani and then mini bus to the bridge in Nong Kai. Then getting a visa on arrival for 1500 baht for Laos.

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Yangoon from reports are giving 2 entry visas. Your schedule should work.

Vientiane is easier and lower cost. You can fly to Udon Thani and then mini bus to the bridge in Nong Kai. Then getting a visa on arrival for 1500 baht for Laos.

Or for 30-35US$, paid in green backs!

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Get in line at the Myanmar embassy visa section on the side soi before 9am when they open. Pay the extra bt500 for same day visa, or you could end up waiting 3 days instead of next day as you are planning. Tell them you are planning on flying out the next day, and can not wait, you'll pick up the visa that day after 3pm.

If you take the early AirAsia flight, you might make it to the Thai embassy that same morning depending on traffic. It is about 45 minutes to the Embassy from the airport, and the taxi fare should be $8US. Remember the taxis from the airport want American money, and only PERFECT bills are accepted in Myanmar, with no creases, no marks of any kind, no letters in the serial number, no worn spots (they see lots of worn spots in the middle of the bill where a fold line would be that no one but them would give a second glance at), and newer than 1996. This is very important, as they do refuse not-perfect money. They don't want Thai baht.

I get new American money at the Bangkok Bank on Sukhumvit in $5, $10, and $20, then $100 for money exchange into Kyat. Even with the recent changes, and the government giving the real exchange rate they still want American dollars instead of Kyat. Going back to the airport to leave Myanmar the drivers will take anything, but the taxi mafia from the airport into the city want American dollars, and remember to ask what the price is (think Phuket airport).

You will also need $10US for departure tax at the airport. They don't call it departure tax anymore, but it is the same thing. It's funny, they added the departure tax into the price of the ticket a year ago, so now because of that they added a new fee so the people at the airport don't loose their source of income they had from the old departure tax.

The Thai embassy in Yangon is not busy like in Vientaine. You can be out of there in 30 minutes, and they might even get the visas back to you the same day if they like you. Tell them some story about wanting to go to Inle lake, or Bagan as soon as you can, given how short of a time you have in Myanmar.

Edited by koolbreez
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