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Eat Our Chicken Or Else, Says Thailand

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"If the importing countries do not reopen their markets Thailand will raise some retaliatory measures on their products.

This remark is so ridiculous. Thai gov. should withdraw this person immediately from office. He is making a lot of damage. But what can you do if the boss is no better? Quo vadis Thailand?

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the thai goverment is so far behind the rest of the world they think there in frist place.the thai goverment must think 2 wrongs make a right.wrong one, lie about having the flu virus ,wrong two ,do nothing about it.so now they think they are right because they killed birds .but have they stopped the bird flu ???no but you better buy our chicken or else.well mr.pm you better catch the train thats going by you or your out of a job.


This chicken feast in Patong - how is it being run ?

Who is cooking all the chickens and eggs - the local government ?

Who is going to eat it - and is it free ?

If it is in Soi Bangla, as stated, then I trust that all the bars will be open, because they'll need all the drunken punters to eat the stuff - no-one else in their right mind will do so, unless at the wrong end of a gun.

Stupidity over this matter seems to be multiplying by the minute - exponentially!

All this fuss over a few - very regrettable - deaths of people who seem to have been directly associated with live birds.

Where is the same fuss over the 800+ deaths on the roads (motorcyclists) over the Christmas / New Year period?

Where is the same fuss over the 800+ deaths on the roads (motorcyclists) over the Christmas / New Year period?

What road deaths, did we have some road deaths recently? Oh, sorry I must have been misinformed again, again, again, again, again.

If the antics ot the Thai Goverment's weren't so serious it woud be a joke, remind me of the famous English TV series "Yes Minister" which was followed by "Yes Prime Minister" again if what you saw wasn't so true it would have been funny.


Nobody cares that people die in thailand !!!!

they are buddhist , whe you have to go, you do, you wil come back? So what's the real problem????


MR toxin and friends (especially his chinese friend from CP) are losing money !!!!

So we will not restore consumer confidence....no....


It's all for the best of ???? ..... thailand ....... you know ?????

Who gives a shit some pour peasants lose their life .....

Certainly not their PM.

He only made an honest mistake you know....

Everybody knows that he made an "honest mistake" and everybody knows that he could only get away with it because he could spend enough Baht to make the judges let him get away with it. The next elections are not untill next year, and the Thais have an incredible short memory for this kind of things

honest mistake? take your <deleted>' brown nose out of thaksin's ass for a second and wake up. HE LIED !! pick one of the articles in the news to read or watch the news on TV and then open your mouth.

thaksin has embarrassed thai people because he is the prime minister and his government is representing THAILAND. your comment about thai people forgetting, this crisis is just starting. how can you possibly say people are going to forget this.


I understand that the PM has ordered Thai Airways to pull all its advertising from the International Herald Tribune following the publication of critical articles suggesting that his administratkion was less than perfect. The ad ban took the IHT's advertising sales people in Paris by surprise because they had been doing rather well with this account.


oh dear

why is everybody using gwb as a role model?

first we get mass executions.

then they upset the farang with putting the sqeeze on them through visa fee's.

then they outlaw scanty clothes.

then they introduce 12 o'clock closing.

then they try to white wash the bird flu outbreak.

(and there are still no public toilets or showers on pattaya beach)

drug dealers deserve to be tried in a court of law - human rights/un (world thai image problem).

world crisis sars/iraq/bad world economy the thai's should lower the visa fee's and make them easer to get. what do we actually take out of thailand, nothing and we put a lot into the thai economy.

scanty clothes - easy targets, tackle social ills like poverty and don't behave like the human body is ugly, it is natrual, you are only giving your children hang ups, which will affect them in later life.

let people enjoy life, the government should be called the anti-life party, closing bars won't stop the young experimenting with sex/drugs/alcohol, they will just go somewhere else to do it, apartment or a park, back of a soi or beach, at least in a bar they are in public.

in 1918 bird flu crossed over to mutate with human flu, this created a super flu, it killed up to 50 million people, this is too serious to cover up or play stupid tit for tat games, we all need to work together to get rid of it. the thai government should have sought help straight away from 'who' and shouldn't have been so arrogant.

please get some young people into the government and modernise thailand because we love this country.

fatty (egg head)


And the hits just keep on coming!

I understand that the PM has ordered Thai Airways to pull all its advertising from the International Herald Tribune following the publication of critical articles suggesting that his administratkion was less than perfect.

One can only imagine the dire financial implications on the IHT. Probably huddling in conference with the equally mortified Advertising Departments at FEER and The Economist. Not!

Like, c'mon already. What is it gonna take? Didn't everyone "get it" last year when the Communist Goverment in Beijing got a black eye last for covering up the SARS epidemic? Do all politicians skip the class where "The truth will out" is taught? Will they ever learn that it is far easier to face the consequences of dealing boldly and forthrightly with a difficult situation than to also mount a rearguard defense of enept and corrupt decision making.

OTOH, think of all the comedy we'd be missing out on if politicians were rational, honest and intelligent?

I deeply regret the impact of this fiasco on the hard working and long suffering chicken farmers and everyone else in Thailand. But at least the news isn't unremittingly bad. We get to laugh our <deleted> off at the performance. Well done. Bravo!


please get some young people into the government and modernise thailand because we love this country.

fatty (egg head)

This is the "youngest" govt. Thailand has ever had, both literally in average age of cabinet members and now, it seems figuratively, in the way they have tackled this avian flu crisis. Unfortunately for the opposition Democrat Party, who recently elected a new party leader, they opted for age over youth, and effectively minimised their chances of presenting a promising option to the electorate in the form of Khun Abhisit. And most people would have to agree that Thaksin has "modernised" the country in every field, apart from governance. :o


Well folks in the paper today Chicago News 8 countries now have been banned from sending any chicks or eggs to USA.

These are the 8 and its official>>>>> Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and China including Hong Kong.

Presto!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Thaskin Bravo, Thanks to China More Bravo!!!!!!!!!

Thailand was blasted totally for covering up the disease for a good month!!!!!!!!

The ban goes for 6 solid months and will not be lifted. These countries so named are now Quarantined.

Here is another chilling fact. If this flu outbreak isn't stopped soon it will meet up with a common human flu bug and recombine into a deadly new form capable of being easily transmitted from person to person. Worst than SARS!!!!!!!!!! If this happens Airline Travel will indeed come to a halt, and it will surely bankrupt all the Airlines.

Once that happens all helli is going to break loose and the big epidemic will begin and it can be like the Bubonic Plague!!!!!!!!

Viruses can mutate very rapidly once it gets a foot hold on to the human version.

This is the CDC Warning Bulletin. They give max 2 months. January is used up. We just have February to go. If this flu is still going on into March we all have a major big problem. Latest is 16 now are dead. Another 35 are suspect. And it is getting bigger by the day.

Also CDC said that they are trying to get the Vaccine out to Europe now and to Russia meant for the poultry. Why???>> because the disease now is heading north and west towards Russia and to the Middle East. They also said if it starts hitting the human population it is going to be a disaster because it takes minimum 12 weeks to develop such vaccine, plus some time to find the cure once it is in its mutated form. So this means by the time the drugs do get out, this disease will have a good 4 months head start on us.

There you have it folks. It is not only Asia's problem now, it is a worldwide problem and the biggest threat short of a Nuclear Attack.

So we all better keep our fingers crossed and hope it does not go any farther than at this stage now, and it is wiped out soon.



So, in their endless quest for image over reality, Thai gov't. has steam-cleaned Sanam Luang to sanitize the place for the big image fest on Saturday Feb. 7. Free chicken, eggs, entertainment by stars with avian nicknames (Thongchai "Bird" Mcintyre), a chicken cooking demo by the antiquarian Bkk. guv, Samak, even an appearance by the finger-lickin' PM himself! Will you do your patriotic duty and show up to eat? Not me, thanks, but I can afford to pay for my meals. This farce will probably succeed in drawing lots of hungry, desperate people who will eat the chicken, as they can't afford to eat clean food anyway.


Talk about playground tactics!! 'Be my friend, or I'll break your action man'.

Are there really grown men running this country, or is that just a vicious rumour, just like the flu was, and just like they want us to believe.

They get my vote for the bungalow award. Absolutely nothing upstairs! :o


Thailand a "First World Country" within 12 months.

First World my arse!!

Well put!

Those who think third world stay third world.


- Says that he wants more "high-end" tourists rather than penny-pinching backpackers (even though many of them will be business people, doctors, lawyers, etc in 5 or 6 years). That third world attitude that they will get rich by skimming off of other rich people. Many so-called high end tourists visiting now originally came as backpackers a decade ago.

- Will not allow forgieners to by even one rai of property, even though few if any first world countries do this. Limit it maybe, but disallowing it totally works against economic growth.

- Said the kingdom would be "drug free" by Dec 5th. By November 30th he was careful not to say "drug free" anymore. Nobody noticed/said anything.

- Says that there will be no more poor people in Thailand. Canada, Australia, USA, Europe, etc, all have poor people despite the fact that each or their GDPs dwarf Thailand. Everybody cheers him on.

- Spoke out against corruption and made his cousin the commander of the army. Anyone scared of what might happen if he loses a close election?

- Promised immediate action when the King requested some accounting of deaths in the drug war. The explanation magicly appeared in two days, then silence. (He knows its another year befor the King will make his next speech).

Remember him marching with the Thai flag to take credit for the "elimination of drugs"? Now when he can't play the hero he runs and hides.

The first world is a long long way away :o


/end rant


Dr. PP>>>>>>> What did I say that was racist :o

I don't recall saying anything of that nature unless your terminology of racist is different compared to USA standards. So what standards concerning racist do you basically apply????

Curious and asking thats all.


Dr. PP>>>>>>> What did I say that was racist :o

I don't recall saying anything of that nature unless your terminology of racist is different compared to USA standards. So what standards concerning racist do you basically apply????

Curious and asking thats all.


It was very anti Thai. The way your mind works I am not surprised that you have no recollection.


Dr PP, I thought it was anti-American. I must have gotten something crossed up over here. :o Did you save the post so I can look at it on private message???




To follow is a journal from a good friend of a friend in Vietnam. I suggest you all take this very serious.

George, I have permission to distribute this. I can send you updates if you like ( I suggest it)

Friday, February 06, 2004

Vietnam - Situation Report – Live

Countdown to a pandemic – predicted between February 3rd to the 23rd, 2004

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Human to Human (H5N1 avian flu – to – common flu / cold virus) mix and mutate


There is one attachment to this report titled, “What I would do”. I suggest you read and print it.


(The term He, Him, His will mean male or female to protect those involved.)

SITREPS (Situation reports):

Nha Trang – me:

I woke up to a small child coughing down the street at around 4:30 AM. This is a time when Vietnamese first begin to get up. Later around 7 AM there were about three people coughing – nothing much, but coughing on street intermittent today.

My wife’s cold symptoms have mostly subsided except slight runny nose. I had a slight headache and mild sore throat yesterday, and today seems better.

Have begun to notice the main pharmacy is getting heaver use. This past week it seems to be 2 – 5 times what I normal see there, picking up in the evenings. I’ve observed the traffic there for about three months.

In main market here today there were some children wearing facemasks – the first time I saw that now. A few other customers were coughing. This appears to be the normal variety, but my concern level is rising.

Danang – gopher1:

As the sun prepares to rise this morning in Danang the roosters are already up and crowing. I no longer see them roaming the neighborhood at will but their hidden call can be heard. I expect they are a very lonely group of roosters, as their flock has flown the coop. Once proud and mighty, king of the roost… today a bewildered, yet apparent survivor – until tomorrow…


Previous Contacts:


We met this evening briefly. If conditions allow it I will try to see oldman again in next few days. He read most of my many-paged notebook I previously copied and I gave him - copies of influenza and SARS material, and he’s been in contact with higher up.

Last night he attending special meeting and everyone is alarmed and concerned of the recent developments in Vietnam and the world (finally). All from that meeting now want the more information. I gave oldman the newest info I had since seeing him last. I also gave him a large box of facemasks, large box of Strepsils, and 19 packets of “Tiffy” flu / cold medicine. (largest ingredient is Paracetamol - 500 mg) I don’t know how effective that is, but the pharmacy may be getting low on Rhumenol (largest ingredient Acetaminophen – 500 mg) I also told him of Cipro. Don’t know if they have here, or he can arrange…

He told me that yesterday the Prime Minister ordered the Ministers (Administers?) to oversee the complete removable of (diseased and sick) chickens in All provinces starting immediately. Each Minister is assigned 1 – 2 Provinces to take charge of. My province is Khanh Hoa, and Minister Hai has this province and Phu Yen Province just to the north of us. There is much complaining about loss of income going on among farmers.

He also told me that Thailand has now (or soon will) begin giving 2 year jail terms to all culler’s not doing their job (effectively), and that Vietnam may (may not) follow. (Strict measures are being taken now)

Oldman has been in process of stocking food and water in earnest for his family and may store up to 3 months worth. Asks me to advise if that would be enough. I don’t know. We previously talked of this and he knows and understands the need for home isolation when the main transfer happens. (h-to-h, see heading on this newsletter)


…students got tired of the gloom and doom (factual material from outside sources), so i had to return to the class book.


My wife and I went to the market yesterday… I no longer get eggs for breakfast. As I turn left I notice a large vacant area I had not noticed before. My wife then tells me this is where the chicken and duck (live) market use to be… it was shut down 3 days ago.

I think this market has been here for years and where you have live chickens and ducks - well, droppings everywhere. I held my breath for as long as I could, the unusually windy day did not help my thoughts. ‘Quail’, and other birds are starting to get the ax here in Danang. Quail are farmed quite heavily here for their meat as well as their eggs.


Me - Q: Do you know if there is any way the bird flu can interact, combine with, change shift, form a new virus, etc. with SARS? If not where can I find out?

A: Intuitively, I think it not possible. Viruses do shift over long periods of time.... But, I have never heard of interactions between 2 causing a mutation or "combination." Remember, viruses are not actually a life form. They are stubs of DNA that take over the reproductive machine in cells.

Don't know where you could find out -- short of asking a virologist with CDC.


Gave me a short list of meds used to treat the symptoms I have. The Vietnamese tend to treat symptoms, not the disease. List was basically (without tide marks) for: flu – “Cam Cum”, for runny nose – “So Mui”, for cough – “Ho”

The medication they prescribe at these local street pharmacies are either 5 – 7 different pills to be taken concurrently (as I took last summer)… or now, ‘Rhumenol Flu 500’ from Tenamyd, Canada. The main ingredient is Acetaminophen with 500 mg.

However – if you have liver problems I suggest you check with your doctor first… there are some side effects and the New England Journal of Medicine has a recent article on it and other meds. Will try to put that here later.




Until I visited with Oldman this evening I felt things were slightly indicating the normal cold / flu was coming back to settle in again. Now, I’ve moved up a notch in concern and vigilance.

While a class in one big city finds the material on bird flu too stressful to discuss, another looks to prepare for the worst.

Medication is looking a little scarce now, and inadequate for the task if an emergency takes place. More people have symptoms of (normal) cold / flu, and maybe that’s from children bringing it home from school. Last week my wife’s grade school aged sister and brother had the cold / flu but have recovered now. They attend in Marble Mountain, near Danang.

Still see almost all here unaffected by sickness, and in happy spirits as always. As I write this children outside gaily playing in the street with others as always this time of evening, when the sun goes down.

Today I put a little more alarm in the way things look, but still pretty much normal around me. I didn’t get out today other than to see Oldman.


Flu Secrets You Should Know

Published: Tuesday, February 3, 2004


China admits bird flu 'weakness'

Thursday, February 5, 2004 Posted: 0516 GMT


China Says It Faces Uphill Battle to Stop Bird Flu

Thu Feb 5, 2004 1:44 AM ET – Reuters


Bird flu death toll reaches 17…

Thu Feb 5, 2004 1:05 PM ET - AFP


Bird Flu May Spread Without Emergency Measures –UN

Thu Feb 5, 2004 10:13 AM ET – Reuters


U.N. Agencies Rebuke Asian Countries Over Bird Flu

Thu Feb 5, 2004 12:50 PM ET – Reuters


Scientists Says 1918 Flu Is Birdlike

Thu Feb 5, 2004 2:01 PM ET – AP Associated Press


Feature Article

Study Shows Why 1918 Flu Epidemic Was Deadliest

Thu Feb 5, 2004 2:03 PM ET - Reuters


NPR – Morning Edition – Dec. 24, 2003

Study: Misconceptions About Flu Abound - click the hotlink


[email protected]

This Week in Science: Mathematics in Biology: 303 (5659)

received - 02/06/2004

selections and boldface by me...

Take care everyone


Mr Vietnam


What I would do

In the 2004 Pandemic

It could save your life

Virus warning – SARS - H5N1 (bird flu), H7N(x), H9N(x) are killer viruses


What you need to know.

- You have only two choices, Prevention and Cure.

- There is no Cure. We are at least 6 months away from an effective vaccination.

- Take Prevention seriously. It means whether you live or die.

- Bird flu (H5N1) is only one of at least 3 potential killer viruses now.

- SARS is back in China, and will not be contained this time.

- The “Main event” will occur when H5N1 is transferred to the common flu / cold virus and mutation begins. (human-to-human in this strain leads to a pandemic)

- Experts have predicted that as many as 1 in 3 people on earth could die from H5N1. If mixing occurs within the 3 (or more) viruses then 90% of the worlds population could die over the next year.

- With mixing and mutations among the 3 viruses the ‘season’ will be prolonged.

- By the time you hear that the Main event has taken place it’s too late.

- After one month the pandemic will take a heavy death toll on the public sector. All telephone and communication systems will be crippled or shut down. All electric, heat, and services will be affected. Plan for it. These (my) communications may stop at any time because of it.

- Provide yourself with all the necessary items you would in an emergency but Long term. This could easily last longer than (2) months. Plan that as well.

- Having no symptoms doesn't mean you don't have the virus. The initial delay may lead to rapid sickness. The last major pandemic of this magnitude killed many within 24 hours from the onset of sickness.

What you need to do.

- Isolate – avoid contact with All others. It’s the Only prevention. You need to do this on or before you hear the Main event has occurred. Do not delay more than 4 days after it has occurred.

- Stock food and water to last at least two months and longer. Begin this step now. You won't have time later and stocks will run out after panic begins.

- Chose one room, or area that you’ll use as final barrier if needed.

- Begin telling family and friends so that they might prepare. You won’t be able to safely accept them (contamination) after the pandemic starts.

- After you are prepared and ready, relax and avoid any further stress.

I believe based on what I know that the Main event will occur in Vietnam between February 3 and February 23 – I’ve begun my countdown. If the Main event does not occur during that time it will occur shortly after.

I’m sorry but I can’t argue this, or stress to you more how strongly I feel about it happening. I have no time now for questions but will help as I can. PRINT THIS.

Thank you, and please be here when this is over.

- Beware the flu -

Dr PP, I thought it was anti-American. I must have gotten something crossed up over here. :o Did you save the post so I can look at it on private message???



once gone it has gone. You talked of Thai's inabilities in the memory areas.


Thanks Mr. Vietnam for your input. However to all others who read my post here, I give you my opinion and that is all. I am not here to scare you or to be considered a moron. Lets be sensible and consider the real potential danger we are being faced with and think positively and be constructive here as adults.

Here is the thing that bothers me most. They are saying that it has not hit humans, yet now 17 are dead from that virus.

This tells me it has mutated and indeed made its way from bird to human . Now it is just a matter of time before it spreads from human to human. The first phase of the mutation has alread completed its course.

The next phase is the biggie, the big if and when the human to human spread begins on a mass scale. Going from human to human can have two ways here. One is less deadly than the other. If it is by contact, then it is harder for this disease to spread rapidly. If it is an airborne virus then we got a major problem.

Are we on the last days????? If what Mr. Vietnam says comes true, the three strains merge and it is airborne, then over 90 percent of the population in this world will get wiped out. There is no way that they can make the vaccinations that fast enough to have as supply.

Even if you are recluse and stay at home inside your little bunker my friends, if this is an airborne virus it is going to get you in some way. Doing this reduces the odds of you getting it, so it will be by luck of the draw if you not get infected.

Currently the deaths have been human to human contact in some cases and bird to human contact on others.

Here is the scary part >>>> if these three strains merge and it becomes the airborne virus, it becomes the super bug.

Also by the way even if we have the first wave of this, usually there is several more waves before it stops. So don't get complacent after the first is finished. Remember OK.

From these reports, Thailand had this flu first in November. It was in South Korea in December and then China and Vietnam got hit recently. If this is true, then Thailand kept it secret for 3 months and there you have it. This virus got the 3 to 4 months head start right there.

Also all it will take is several infected people to fly to other countries and presto.

It might get to the point say if one leaves America to Asia or to Europe to infected countries we might be denied re-entry back to America till this thing is over.

So for what it is worth, I hope and can only hope that we are OK 6 months from now and if not longer.

So lets be positive here and start using our heads and get prepared for the worst case scenario should it take place. Better to be safe than sorry.

Good Luck to you all.


PS. I did say in my previous posts that the CDC was most worried of this month and March. They have the timetable and set February as the most crucial month concerning the bird flu.


The Latest from the USA

Avian Flu Discovered in Delaware

56 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

DOVER, Del. - Delaware officials ordered the destruction of some 12,000 farm chickens on Friday after confirming that the flock was infected by avian influenza.

State agriculture secretary Michael Scuse said the flu strain is different from the one that has spread to the human population in Asia, and that there is no threat to human health.

Scuse would not disclose the location of the infected chicken houses or identify the grower, saying only that it was an independent operation in Kent County.

The strain, known as H7, has the potential to cause severe economic damage if it spreads to the commercial broiler industry, a linchpin of the region's agricultural economy.

Avian influenza spreads easily among animals through nasal and eye secretions, as well as manure.

A lethal form of bird flu has ravaged poultry farms across Asia, where more than 50 million chickens have been slaughtered to stem the disease's spread. At least 18 people have died in Asia from the H5N1 strain. Experts there say there's no sign the virus is changing into one that could spread widely among people.

The U.S. government on Wednesday banned the import of birds from eight Southeast Asian countries.

Guest The Judge

I was under the impression, that all the people who have died to-date where live-chicken handling. As in the children of chicken farmers or the farmers themselves.

I am not trying to take away Taksins' guilt or stupidity, merely pointing out that the deaths do not have a current vector of CHICKEN MEAT. the current vector is contact with live virus via the faeces of live chickens.

That having been said, and being aware that on the world stage, in spite of Dubya holding hands and playing kissy kissy with him, he has always been, on the world stage, as a liar, a corrupter of morals and, ultimately "chicken shit".

IMHO the world needs to be seriously concerned about getting Avian Flu, in any of its' guises, from this chicken-shit PM, not about eating meat from poultry grown by honest men (no I don't refer to CP Foods, they are not honest).

The festivals are a good idea as the government, led by Mr Meathead, have to buy the chicken to feed the people, which means some cash out of the Thai economy, into the pockets of people who really will suffer.

I hope the next few weeks brings more bad news in Thailand, simply because Thai people only see the bad news when there is enough of it, to make them put their heads up and listen. In the listening, perhaps will be the learning. We can only hope so.

Guest The Judge
Yea Mr. Vietnam, he has to tangle with EU first and I betcha I know why.

He has no flair with the Blair, and cannot see his own hair!!!!!!!!

With Bush he'll get some nice tush but feel that push!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New words, new ideas.

I want to be a teacher.

Daveyo, do you know what a drongo is? :o

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