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Wee Jimmy

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I bought a GPRS modem about 1 month ago. I was told if I paid 300 Baht per month I would get 40 hours Internet use . My problem now is that I don't know how to top up my credit.

Have I mistaken what I was told and the credit will run out as it does on my Mobile?

Do I remove the Sim and put it in my mobile to top up?

How do I know how much credit I have left to play with?

Any help would be appreciated.

Wee Jimmy.

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I don't know about your setup, but it sounds like you have one account for both?

I have a mobile with integrated GPRS, use the same SIM for calls and the net and get monthly bills including both uses. I also have a fixed amount of hours per month, any further use is billed on top of the agreed monthly amount (and works out rather expensive).

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Which provider are u using ?. I assume your out in the boonies as GPRS is typically very slow. Better than nothing I guess. ( I use it on my PDA to get mail when I am upcountry, and it suprising how you can run the office even in GPRS through e-mail synchs with office exchange server).

To my knowledge, the GPRS is billed with your normal bill. and if you are on pre-paid, then just keep it topped up.

I could be wrong.

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To my knowledge, the GPRS is billed with your normal bill. and if you are on pre-paid, then just keep it topped up.

That is my experience as well, using a phone as a modem instead of a separate GPRS pc-card. Note, for a pre-paid card you may get a better value by purchasing a high-value top up at a service desk. But, compare the details, because in Thailand the best deal is not always the largest or smallest! When I was doing DTAC pre-paid GPRS, I found that getting the 1000 THB top up was the ideal amount. As I recall, it got to a point where you got more minutes/KB per baht and also the "lifetime" of the account quickly shot out to over a year ahead, so you never have to worry about balance expiring.

Depending on your usage pattern, it may be more cost effective to get a post-paid account with a flat-rate monthly service. When I was using GPRS full-time, I got an AIS 1000 THB/month unlimited plan that was much cheaper than my per-minute rate on the DTAC pre-paid card. The available plans seem to change pretty frequently, so do some research and maybe get a fluent Thai person to call customer service and ask questions on your behalf. Sometimes they know about good rate plans which are not widely known in the mall shops nor on the website.

By the way, you don't have to be far in the boonies to find that it will be months before you get a landline where you have just moved!

Edited by autonomous_unit
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