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Show Some Respect, Thai Journalists Association Urges Chalerm, Reporters


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After reading other reports, the "he admitted that he was indentured for a long time" in the Google translate makes more sense now and is actually verbatim in part.

Amazingly, as part of this subject, Chalerm said to reporters that he was a servant of Thaksin and been for a long time.

Indentured servants.... like from the 1600's



Edited by Buchholz
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I think if journalist reported the news and not their opinion they would get more respect but now a days news reporters and journalist seem like they have another agenda other than the news. I didn't always feel this way but now I'm of the opinion that freedom of the press is over rated and should be regulated. Democracy is not democracy if the opinionated rich control the news media and force them take push opinions on the general population.

You feel right at home in Thailand then.

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I think if journalist reported the news and not their opinion they would get more respect but now a days news reporters and journalist seem like they have another agenda other than the news. I didn't always feel this way but now I'm of the opinion that freedom of the press is over rated and should be regulated. Democracy is not democracy if the opinionated rich control the news media and force them take push opinions on the general population.

You feel right at home in Thailand then.

Before Chalerm can show respect to anyone he has to know the meaning of respect. It is obvious that he does not know the meaning.

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This is much ado about nothing. The Thai press association should give this young lady a metaphorical smack bottom and tell her to do her job with dignified finesse and to drop her petulant style.

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This is much ado about nothing. The Thai press association should give this young lady a metaphorical smack bottom and tell her to do her job with dignified finesse and to drop her petulant style.

Absolutely not. K'Somchit should be commended for her bravery.

This is symptomatic of the arrogant rudeness of this man and other Moustache Petes (love this expression) in this country. He is a prominent politician and should be able to handle journalists who ask inconvenient question with much more grace.

This Chalerm is just a petulant bully.

Exactly. A corrupt lying bully. I find it amazing how any Farang with an ounce of brains can defend this individual who has specialised in perverting justice. What Thailand needs is more journalists who have the courage to ask politicians difficult questions.

This lady should be supported fully by the Thai Journalist Association, who haven't the balls to do that..

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This is much ado about nothing. The Thai press association should give this young lady a metaphorical smack bottom and tell her to do her job with dignified finesse and to drop her petulant style.

Absolutely not. K'Somchit should be commended for her bravery.

This is symptomatic of the arrogant rudeness of this man and other Moustache Petes (love this exp<b></b>ression) in this country. He is a prominent politician and should be able to handle journalists who ask inconvenient question with much more grace.

This Chalerm is just a petulant bully.

Exactly. A corrupt lying bully. I find it amazing how any Farang with an ounce of brains can defend this individual who has specialised in perverting justice. What Thailand needs is more journalists who have the courage to ask politicians difficult questions.

It's ok, the earlier opinion is a solitary one.

Well, other than for Chalerm's.


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I agree with you, but the 'media' journalists will never do any proper journalism as the vast majority of those who work for the Nation and the other paper have all been educated abroad, and for the large part have probably benefited from the way Thai society is. Blood is thicker than water.

What has educated abroad got anything to do with the price of the cats dinner? If anything, it should possibly have broadened their horizons and given them a better understanding of what a political journalist should really be doing. If the ability to write English is the be all and end all of a requirement for a journalist at the Nation, I would prefer they use google translate, and actually get off their backside and do some journalistic work.

As opposed to asking banal meaningless questions and giving these supposed public servants an easy time. Show some respect? They are working for the THAI people, supposedly each and every one of them, and ANYONE has the right to ask the ANYTHING, ANYTIME. That's democracy.

While I agree with your sentiments, I'd hold off on using google translate as a google translate of a Thai news article (one of the most decipherable ones at that) on this topic.

After being drawn to the funk - Thaksin lackey.

Journalists MThai. News reported. After a few moments ago, Facebook's Somchit Miss New Zealand with newborn knot reporter for Channel 7 debate on the questioning of the Act on the Protection of the assembly of the Organization of Siam.

That led to the phrase "If you accuse me of that Democratic sympathies, not contempt. What if I call you that. "Thaksin lackey" is libelous or not.

Such issues lead to a police captain's celebrate with inappropriate behavior. Especially in the social media world. Before the. Preliminaries celebration. Announced that it would not be interviewed if there is Somchit. Due to lazy to fight. And he admitted that he was indentured for a long time.

MThai News (link to original article in Thai)



Give it time, but sometimes, the writing is so bad in the nation it really is incredulous.

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I agree with you, but the 'media' journalists will never do any proper journalism as the vast majority of those who work for the Nation and the other paper have all been educated abroad, and for the large part have probably benefited from the way Thai society is. Blood is thicker than water.

What has educated abroad got anything to do with the price of the cats dinner? If anything, it should possibly have broadened their horizons and given them a better understanding of what a political journalist should really be doing. If the ability to write English is the be all and end all of a requirement for a journalist at the Nation, I would prefer they use google translate, and actually get off their backside and do some journalistic work.

As opposed to asking banal meaningless questions and giving these supposed public servants an easy time. Show some respect? They are working for the THAI people, supposedly each and every one of them, and ANYONE has the right to ask the ANYTHING, ANYTIME. That's democracy.

While I agree with your sentiments, I'd hold off on using google translate as a google translate of a Thai news article (one of the most decipherable ones at that) on this topic.

After being drawn to the funk - Thaksin lackey.

Journalists MThai. News reported. After a few moments ago, Facebook's Somchit Miss New Zealand with newborn knot reporter for Channel 7 debate on the questioning of the Act on the Protection of the assembly of the Organization of Siam.

That led to the phrase "If you accuse me of that Democratic sympathies, not contempt. What if I call you that. "Thaksin lackey" is libelous or not.

Such issues lead to a police captain's celebrate with inappropriate behavior. Especially in the social media world. Before the. Preliminaries celebration. Announced that it would not be interviewed if there is Somchit. Due to lazy to fight. And he admitted that he was indentured for a long time.

MThai News (link to original article in Thai)


Give it time, but sometimes, the writing is so bad in the nation it really is incredulous.

Agreeably, it is at times.

It occurs in all English-language news in Thailand, be it TNT, MCOT, Bangkok Post, Voice TV, etc.

In regards to Google Translate, perhaps if all the Thai journalists with these media organizations would undertake the ancillary task to "contribute a better translation" as displayed in the example below, it would become much more viable and useful.



Even better if the Education Ministry devoted some of their frivolous man-hours to accomplish the same job.

The benefits to Thailand, as well as other countries, would be tremendous.


Edited by Buchholz
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This is much ado about nothing. The Thai press association should give this young lady a metaphorical smack bottom and tell her to do her job with dignified finesse and to drop her petulant style.

I can understand why the rather chunky man feels intimidated by this rather small woman as their IQs are almost exactly in inverse proportion to their weights.

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She told The Nation she had been reporting without bias and posed harsh questions towards officials in all governments.

i wonder did she ever pose those harsh questions to that guy she wrote two books about, regarding 2010?

anyway, they're both correct.. she obviously is sympathetic to the dems and an unbiased reporter and chalerm's obviously under thaksins thumb, there'll be no cases brought and their little spat just gave him an excuse to avoid answering reporters questions if she's in attendance.

she kept on asking what political party was behind PS, why would she do that, what answer would she expect?

it's actually going to get to her, as other reporters will want to interview him and will see her presence as obstructing their work.

she already seems to be trying to 'reconcile' via facebook, i don't think she's laughing up her sleeve tbh as the poster above suggests.

Newspaper publishers in a democratic society have a right to represent different political views. Western politicians have to take questions from all sides of the spectrum. There is no need for The Nation to take a balanced view, any more than for the red shirt media to do so.

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This is much ado about nothing. The Thai press association should give this young lady a metaphorical smack bottom and tell her to do her job with dignified finesse and to drop her petulant style.

I can understand why the rather chunky man feels intimidated by this rather small woman as their IQs are almost exactly in inverse proportion to their weights.

I would not underestimate the (cunning) intelligence of Chalerm. Or his ruthlessness and impunity.

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What is the fuss? Sanan raped a journalist in a hotel and got away with it, Chalerm insults journalists and will get away with it too. Thai journalists are in a matter of fact no more than messengers. They write down what a hot shot says, no questions asked. Most of them are completely useless anyhow.

But Somjit did ask questions and Chalerm didn't like it. Actually a considerable number of Thai journalists do ask questions, you should try watching Thai PBS in the evening or Channel 5 in the morning.

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In 2007, then premier Samak Sundaravej asked a journalist if he had a sexual affair the night before in reaction to his question about who was behind selection of his party's MP candidates, saying it was a matter of internal (domestic) affairs.

Classic Samak in an article that replicates the tactics of the OP's Chalerm written 4 and a half years later:

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej routinely harasses reporters and attempts to intimidate the media with his foul mouth, a coalition of Thai journalism groups charged Saturday. The Organizations of Media Occupations said the tactics are aimed at giving the public the impression that the media is the source of all the country's problems.

"This is the new method of intimidation," the group said in a statement coinciding with World Press Freedom Day. "Samak has been using the state media, the state television to scolded the media with rude and dirty words with his intention to intimidate the media from reporting the news in a straightforward way."

It also accused the government of using criminal defamation laws to stifle the media, and the prime minister of using state-owned media outlets to counter stories that run in the privately owned media. "This behavior reflects his intolerance toward different views, which entirely contradicts (the) culture of democracy," the group said of Samak.


Let the dead rest...

...you mean guys like Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Idi Amin........i don't agree, absolutly not ever should they find rest and pass into oblivion....

Exactly my thought too.

While they indeed rest for sure (or not, according to your convictions); we have to live with the consequences of their deeds.

But a Buddhist friend told me he couldn't blame Samak: he was dead. A religious restraint.

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Amazing. Politician gets angry about being asked difficult questions.

Yes, it's horrendous to ask them to actually think on their feet,

and not rant or simply make un-substantiated accusations

and then walk away unquestioned.

Surely it's in the fragrant PM's job-description, to walk away unquestioned, under the current government ? And DPMs are fair-game ! wink.png

Or does it only appear that way ? rolleyes.gif

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ANYONE has the right to ask the ANYTHING, ANYTIME. That's democracy.

That is the grade school propaganda rhetoric, correct.

Pray tell, where can one find this democracy you speak of?

Wikileaks are sitting on the rocket fuel that made Power freak out in a way I have never heard of or seen Power do; a multi-national global power as large as Amazon was literally forced to tear up the First Amendment. But Assange is sitting on the rocket fuel because if he releases it, he loses his leverage. If they kill him, it gets released. I have no idea how it will pan out but there are some rumours that Assange might not be as anti-corporation as he would paint himself. But this is drifting away from the topic; I just dislike the endless hypocrisy that suggests that Thailand's democracy is somehow non-democratic whilst the non-democratic democracies are asserted to resemble the primary school propaganda marketing rhetoric.

Come on. For as long as humans seek 'advantage' over humans, we will all drill our species further and further into worthlessness. We may well have crashed past the 0.00 mark already, if the scientists estimates on the polar ice cap having 4 years to total meltdown are accurate, etc. That's DEMOCRACY outside the delusions of the rhetoric and the marketing. Distract the slaves with football and trivialities and domestic terror campaigns, destroy the world with limited liability corporations competing to destroy the planet.

Well we want cheaper consumables don't we? 30,000 children under the age of 5 / day sacrificed on the altar of our Needy. It's merely part of the part of the price we pay to get our consumption fix. Make sure you give Thanks to the God who made all this possible for you. Happy Thanksgiving. Try not to think of the 150,000,000 Americans who no longer exist because they prepared for Peace and learned the truth about the Cross of Jesus going on before....

...the Christian Democratic Soldiers marching as to War.

Thailand is far from perfect but if you want to play the comparison game, Thailand isn't going to lose a H2H comparison with many Western First World democratic plantations. They're not invading other nations? They could, of course. They're a regional power. By all means, criticise but do it with some objectivity.

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