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Seriously Need Help With Adobe Photoshop


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Ok Guys!

I'm facing a serious bad situation here with my PC cancer!

I have XP2 with Thai Language installed!

I can write in Thai in all MS programs, web, etc.

Except, Adobe Products.

Photshop and Acrobat wanna hear nothing about Thai language.

In Photoshop, there's an option to show Asian option! That's on!

I have the version of Central European!

What I can do to make this stupid program write in Thai?

I have Photoshop CS!

It will be very appreciated to know how to fix that!



N.B. I can be the stupid one who doesn't know how, but it's making 2 days that I'm looking to set that, went to Panthip Plaza to buy some Thai Fonts, and nothing's working! So don't worry, I can accept my stupidity! :o

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My girlfriend uses Photoshop 7.5/Illustrator 10/Pagemaker 6.5 and all she did was turn on the Language tools for Thai. Go to Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Language tab, details, settings tab, add the Thai keyboard. Then she changed the language bar (which is on the bottom right) from EN to TH (English to Thail) and then pick a specific Thai font. Then she can type in Thai. I'm not sure if it is different for Photoshop CS.

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Ok Guys!

First, Silurian, thanks for your support!

Actually, all these settings was already on and installed!

Like I said, no problems to write Thai anywhere else except with Adobe products.

Now Bangnabound, thanks for this info!

Actually, there's no thai language pack from Adobe for Photoshop!

The only Thai language pack offered by Adobe, is for Acrobat Reader 7!

I didn't verify if the pack was also included in Acrobat Professional 7.

Definitly, there's a way for sure to write in Thai with Adobe products if they made a Reader with Thai fonts support!

Now the last test I'm doing, is to uninstall Acrobat professional 6 that I was having and try the freeware Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 to see if by miracle, the fonts will not affect positively Photoshop.

If after that, nothing's working, but too bad! I'm gonna bring this cancer at Panthip Plaza to fix this thing!

So thanks anyways but I can't beleive how a (Professional) product like Photoshop don't have a Thai language pack already included or take by default the packs already installed on the Windows system!

I'll give some news on that to know how to fix that because if I'm going to Panthip Plaza for this, but I'll sit beside the Guy and look what he will do!

See ya!


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I have Adobe Photoshop CS2 Version 9.0 and Adobe Acrobat 7.0 and in both can use Thai with no problem. No special installation of language packs for either. Have Windows XP SP2 with Asian language pack installed.

In Photoshop the Thai fonts show up at the very bottom of the font list rather then in alphabetical order as they are in Office applications. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to find them.

Also, you say you installed Thai fonts, were they part of the XP installation (Asian fonts) or did you get them from 3rd party and install them? Will make a difference.

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I looked at my disks again and the ‘Thai fonts for Photoshop’ came on 3rd party disk, not Adobe. My original installation was done by a Thai Graphic designer, and as I remember, he told me the 3rd party fonts where necessary for writing Thai in Photoshop. When I reinstalled, I found he was right. My XP Thai fonts didn’t show up in Adobe, but when I installed the 3rd party fonts they did. Try looking for a Photoshop CD with Thai fonts for Photoshop’ written on it.

Tywais didn’t have this problem. Maybe it has to do with slightly different versions of Windows and Adobe.

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Do you know wich Adobe Photoshop you have? I mean the region! There's different release like Central European, Middle East etc.

I don't know if it can be the cause of my problem here!

For the Thai fonts installed on my PC, first, when I installed XP and XP2 upgrade, I installed from XP the Thai supported files.

I didn't installed Asian Language Support! Realy just the first option about Thai language and complex scripts.

Like I said before, I can use Thai everywhere exept with Adobe Photoshop.

So somethings wrong for sure somewhere!

And Bangnabound!

Do you have a name for the 3rd party fonts for Photoshop?

I've bought yesterday at panthip Plaza a CD including 16 000 thai fonts but when You extract the .ZIP files, you have to place it manually in a font folder! I've tried in the Windows Fonts folder, but not appears in Photoshop!

And for Photoshop, I don't find a Font folder anywhere!

Anyways, if I can fix the problem before Tuesday perfect, but if no, I'll pay a small visit again at Panthip Plaza!

Thanks for all anyways guys!

I'm still on that!


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Do you know wich Adobe Photoshop you have? I mean the region! There's different release like Central European, Middle East etc.

I don't know if it can be the cause of my problem here!

Let's just say I didn't get it in Thailand. :o I looked through the "About" box and shows no mention of anything about 'region' but one article said that CS supports most of the operating system fonts and unicode support is an improvement over previous versions.

I did notice four language sections in the pull down font menu, main (XP) list, Thai, Arabic and Hebrew. I may have also installed East Asian Support though that shouldn't be the issue for you.

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I will give up before I give a ride from the 6 floor to my PC!

Never had these troubles with my Imac and never I'll buy a PC Cancer again!

I'm gonna go to Panthip Plaza, C: and full reinstallation!

Let's see after that!

It can be as stupid as the XP CD Copy bought in Bkk with the XP2 cracked make conflicts somewhere because when I'm trying to install the Asian Language support that I don't need(Japan, Chinese & Korean), it's saying that cannot locate i386 from XP CD!

So PC have the famous synonym+ PROBLEMS

So now, he's reaching the end! :o

Thanks for the support guys!

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Thanks Bangnabound for your offer!

First what I'm gonna do is a clean install of XP2 with Asian Language Pack installed!

I'll see at this moment what's going on with Photoshop!

If realy nothing's working, but I'll probably go to Panthip Plaza with the CPU or will ask your CD to try!

For now, I can't do the new installation of XP because I'm actually downloading a file since 5 days from Edonkey and have 91% of 387megs so I don't wanna cancel this!

Later today(Sunday 3:30pm) but this download will be finished so it will be the time to work again on this problem!

I'll give some news soon!



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Finally, everything's working now after a clean install of XP2!

I think what happened is in concern with the cracked XP2 updater.

Exlanations are that when I installed XP + XP2 the first time, I didn't install the Thai and Asian Language pack during the installation.

After the XP2 installation, I installed the Thai Language pack!

It was working for many MS programs but it was not installed properly due to the Cracked XP2 updated who don't recognize perfectly the Original XP.

So what I did, a clean install and select the Languages packs during the installation of XP!

By that way, with Photoshop it was giving Me 2 fonts who was able to recognize the Thai language.

The quality was poor so with the Thai Fonts I've bought, now I have about 300 fonts type for Thai!

That's excellent!

So thanks for all your suggestions guys!

That's what's happening with copies of CV or DVD sometimes!

Take care!


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