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Another Motorbike Taxi Accident...


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On my way home from work today I was on the back of a motorbike taxi and he rode close to the curb at quite a speed and he drove into a low branch off a tree. He managed to see it quick enough and dodge, however the branch smacked me right in the face and sent me flying off the back of the motorbike.

The branch bloody hurt! It poked my eye out which instantly started watering and I couldn't open it. I also landed on my elbow on the floor which will have a right bruise tomorrow I'm sure. Luckily my laptop in my bag which was on my back didn't get damaged as I landed right on my back.

Now, I know this was all an accident and I wasn't seriously hurt but it could very well have been the other way. I could have hit my head (no he didn't give me a helmet), I could have actually taken my eye out with the branch or cut myself etc etc. What could have actually happened could have been really serious.

So I was immediately helped up by passers by and got back on the bike and the driver, was very apologetic. I eventually got home in one piece just about but seriously, why does this kind of stuff happen to me?!

I'm just having one of those weeks where I should stay in bed and not bother.

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I saw a motorcycle taxi rider duck under a rising cable barrier on a level crossing a few years ago. Unfortunately the young schoolgirl he was carrying home didn't see it and was lucky not to be decapitated as she was dragged off the back of the bike.

Some of these riders lack any sense of responsibility and most likely any insurance too.

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I saw a motorcycle taxi rider duck under a rising cable barrier on a level crossing a few years ago. Unfortunately the young schoolgirl he was carrying home didn't see it and was lucky not to be decapitated as she was dragged off the back of the bike.

Some of these riders lack any sense of responsibility and most likely any insurance too.

And some also love lao kao....

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I stopped riding motorbike taxis about a year ago.

Even though I never had an accident, the way they drive and their obvious lack of respect even to their own life, just made me decide it's not worth the risk. Even if you "just" have a slight injury, such as a broken arm or leg, it's not worth the time and/or money it saves.

So I walk 15 minutes to the BTS station every time I want to go somewhere, and it's a bit hot, but I am sure I will get there safe...

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Sorry about that, glad you are alright.

Never use them ,myself seen too many lying in the road waiting for rescue, usually after pulling out of a soi without looking and too many motor bike taxi stations with empty whisky bottles nearby.

One guy that hangs around here is one, always drunk, offered me a lift, it took many times for him to accept no, then starting to drive off looking back at me within 5 metres he rode straight into the back of a bus that had been there parked the whole time. Luckily for him he wasn't going fast enough to do more than break some plastic.

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Probably time to invest in a decent helmet of your own....and your own bike to go with it. Stay safe.

I wouldn't dare drive in Bangkok! My death wish isn't that bad... I already do enough getting on the back of a motorbike taxi. I am thinking about investing in a helmet though, especially to and from work.

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Hey phuturatica, just glad to hear that you are OK........you are braver than me.

I always jest to my friends that come here, if you want to scare yourself sh*tless, jump on the back of a motor bike taxi, and see how long you last before you scream "Ahhhhhhhh!!!".. but always remember to keep your knees in.

Try a sedan taxi next time.

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Once in Bangkok i used the motorbike taxi, they are very efficient indeed, i had nothing but praise for the guys..But i have to confess i was praying for all the 20 minutes it took to arrive to my destination.

Yep, a good helmet and some strong shoes i would recommend, and some religious song to sing during the journey.smile.png

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Rule of thumb when in Thailand,don't get on the back of a motorbike that's driven by a Thai.

Glad you were not seriously hurt,and hope you recover soon from your troubles.

Best reply on this. The OP is the only one to blame.

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Probably time to invest in a decent helmet of your own....and your own bike to go with it. Stay safe.

I wouldn't dare drive in Bangkok! My death wish isn't that bad... I already do enough getting on the back of a motorbike taxi. I am thinking about investing in a helmet though, especially to and from work.

Even if you say you feel scared to drive in Bangkok, if your workplace and home are not too far it would not be a bad idea. You can drive slowly and safely and the cost of a basic moped isn't that much.

Glad that your accident wasn't so bad.

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Hoping your eye is ok phuturatica. Speedy recovery.

The strangest accidents seem to occur on motorcycles in Thailand don't they? I still bear the scars on my legs from an incident in Phuket Town many years ago. Correctly and calmy turning left, a pick-up attempted to overtake me mid corner and pinned me between himself and the gutter. Fortunately my wife who was pillion and side-saddle came out of it unscathed. The pick-up sped off, never to be seen again!

On another occasion, we were stopped looking at something while out for a nice evening ride when a pack of about six soi dogs came out of nowhere and looked like they were about to chase us. In a panic, I gunned the throttle, the bike did a partial wheelstand and I sped off not realising my wife had flown off the back and was laying on the ground. I got back to her in time but she'd badly bruised her hip and hit her head on the ground.

Although not funny at the time, we look back and laugh about those accidents now ... as I'm sure you will.

Edited by Songhua
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i hate how the guys at the motorcycle taxi stand i use everyday to get to work all seem to have long flowing hair and of course no helmet. So every morning im exercising my lung power, trying to hold my breath for the entire 1 min ride as their hair flutters in my face, and their scalp fumes engulf me. i probably look funny stretching my head as far backwards as i can.

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Glad no long term damage suffered. I have used these bikes nearly daily since they first came on the scene almost 28 years ago and have only been in one accident. If you are not on a BTS route or live deep in a soi they are unbeatable in terms of value and convenience. Would always recommend wearing a skid lid out on the main roads though.

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