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Hey all,

Tomorow is my big day, 4:30pm i have my interview at a fine, 4 star, well known hotel. the posistion is Rooms Division Manager. Now i have done this before in my home country for a few years and know the typical wages there. In Thailand, i do not. I have been living here now for almost 4 years on my own type O visa (if it matters). I really do not know what to say my asking wage should be. i do not want to risk saying too much nor do i want to say too little. I am wondering if any of you know the answer or an est or even a friend that might answer this for me. i thank you in advance for your replys.

Hotel bound.



I am working more than 10 years now in this business, hotels, retsaurants and resorts.

Try not to mention the salalry by your own! Let them ask you.

Much more important are fllowing point:

Convince them how good you understand the Thai culture.

tell them you will do a lot of training with your staff in the future.

Be very welled dressed.

You are living in 4 years lasting relationship wit the same person.

When it comes to the salary question at the end give them a figure like:" Oh I don't know your budget for this position but I think it will be xxxxxx to xxxxxx Baht."

Try to find out the salary from some friends who are working in similar hotel positions.

I think it should be between 50 to 80k per month.

Good luck for the interview and do not forget to explore their webpage/brochure in advance to get to know all about your work.



I am confident that due to the nature of the role, its duties and how the responsibilities directly impact the Hotel as a whole that the package offered will be one that is commensurate with my experience and befits the prestige of the Hotel Group

Depending on the size of the Hotel


Thai: 45K- 53K per month

Foreigner : 55K-65K


Thai: 40K - 45K

Foreigner: 55K-65K


I'd like to thank you all for your fast, prompt replys. I was worried i'd have none before the interview.

I take it when the talk comes around to wages, it always does, that 55k-65k would be a fair ball park figure. Pretty close to what i was thinking. Nice to see your replys and special thanks to sunbelt. Always good to see your inputs into matters.

Wish me luck.


Great interview guys, but very hard questions. To be able to brush up on my skills, can any one point me in the right direction for a refresher on Rooms Division Manager and his/her rolls etc....

Any help would be greatly appriated. Thanks for all your support.

Great interview guys, but very hard questions. To be able to brush up on my skills, can any one point me in the right direction for a refresher on Rooms Division Manager and his/her rolls etc....

Any help would be greatly appriated. Thanks for all your support.

Room Division Department



Thank you SunBelt for all your help.

Have had the interview but i think after one week and no second call back means a no go on the chances to work for them. Is this typical for Thailand? Go for the interview for Management and then no phone call back to say thank you or you did not make the grade?

Thanks again.


Yes, they usually only contact sucessful candidates in my experience, no-one wants you to lose face my telling you you didn't get it :o, worth giving them a call to confirm though, see if you can speak to one of the people who interviewed you.

Good Luck

Wow, only 55-65k for a job like that? With room rates around $500/day (corporate rate) someone must be earning good money.

Dont know where you get $500 from - even the Oriental is 'only' achieving $250 night for corporate rates. Typical 5* hotel corporate rates in BKK for big volume providers are running around 90-130 US$ per night. 4* will be getting typically 60-110 US$ per room.

Depending on the size of the Hotel


Foreigner : 55K-65K


Them's Engrish teachering wages, but then again he won't have to suffer the indignity of being an 'English teacher.' :o

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