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Sticky Rice...


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Is it just me, or does anyone think that the newly re-named gay magazine "Sticky Rice" chose the wrong name..??

Yes, I know sticky rice is a great Thai/Asian food, BUT in the West, "Sticky Rice" refers to asians-who-prefer-asians. Now, even that's ok (although maybe a bit of a "non-pc" term), but this magazine was created to try and bring the West and the East together a little more in Thailand.

Maybe the new owners didn't consider the cultural ramifications.. but.. I don't know - just doesn't work for me.


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old news ,..but my sister asked me.."bambi , u know what sticky rice queen is?"

i hve no idea ..after that she told me


Bean queen (noun) a gay man who is attracted to Latino or Hispanic men.

Dinge queen (noun) a gay man who finds black men attractive.

Oreo (noun) a black man who holds "white" values. Also fade.

Potato queen (noun) a gay man who has a fetish for Irish men.

Queen of spades (noun) an African American gay man.

Rice queen (noun) 1. a gay Asian man. 2. a gay man who likes Asians.

Snow queen (noun) a non-white man who is attracted to white men.

Sticky rice queen (noun) an Asian man who is attracted to other Asian men.

Tandoori queen (noun) a gay man who is attracted to Indian or Pakistani men.

i just lol :o

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Don't forget:

Matzoh Queen -a gay man who is attracted to Jewish men.

I think Potato Queen is more commonly used to describe Asians attracted to white men.

I have never heard Rice Queen used to describe an Asian person.

I agree the mags name Sticky Rice is just a dumb, wrong choice.

It needs to be changed.

Kind of like when Chevrolet marketed the Nova car in Latin Amercan.

In Spanish, that means does not go.

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Look what a kind soul sent to me..! Great timing.




Phil Graham, the new owner of Sticky Rice Magazine, is giving our readers a little "head start" . He will be announcing a "contest" to determine what the new name of Sticky Rice Magazine should be, if it should be changed. Your help will be most welcomed! (Despite the wording of his offer, I suspect that if more than one person submits a suggested name he chooses, the one who submits it first will be the winner ... he certainly can't award the prize to everyone who submitted a name he considers the winner if it is a popular name!)

"What do you think dear reader? Should we change our name to reflect a new, upscale, expanded #1 Gay Publication of Thailand? Can YOU think of a more appropriate name?

A Prize for a New Name

If you submit a new Name for Sticky Rice, and we decide to change the name to your submission, you will be awarded two nights deluxe accommodation, including breakfast, for two persons at your choice of either the Tarntawan Place Hotel on Suriwong Road in Bangkok or the newly re-opened Club One Seven at Patong Beach in Phuket. Please submit your choice of a new name to replace "Sticky Rice" to [email protected] or via Fax at 038-300-261 (State it is CHANGE your Name contest). Please state your full name, email address and a phone number if currently in

Thailand. Contest closes March 5th, 2006.

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Is it just me, or does anyone think that the newly re-named gay magazine "Sticky Rice" chose the wrong name..??

Yes, I know sticky rice is a great Thai/Asian food, BUT in the West, "Sticky Rice" refers to asians-who-prefer-asians. Now, even that's ok (although maybe a bit of a "non-pc" term), but this magazine was created to try and bring the West and the East together a little more in Thailand.

Maybe the new owners didn't consider the cultural ramifications.. but.. I don't know - just doesn't work for me.


I think 'Jasmine Rice' would have been abetter choice.

Though not steamed rice :o or rice pudding :D

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I read with interest the replys;

however If you look into The history of the original title of the Magazine "THAI GUYS",

you will find that tHe owners had fought legal Battles with the Thai authorities -Who were in the

process of getting It Banned ,They ,The government had already deemed it to Be a pornographic issue because it showed young Thai men is sexualy provocative poses , They had already ordered the owners to stop the semi nud_e pictures ,

I'm told the owners decided to close down "Thai Guys"-and re issued immediately under the title " Sticky Rice"--

which as so many correctly piont out has sexual undertone's-or over tones what ever, ,

A rice queen is an efeminate asian man-----sticky -!!!use your imagination

i dont regard gay men as being queens--------i'm gay -homo sexual-i have attraction to other men,

I regard these men that talk camp and refere to each other a she and her as being Queens -----

i also think guys that dress in womens clothing are the perverts that give gay guys a bad name -pattaya is full of these sickos,---------if i wanted a woman i would go with a real one not some perv who dresses up as one ,

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I read with interest the replys;

however If you look into The history of the original title of the Magazine "THAI GUYS",

you will find that tHe owners had fought legal Battles with the Thai authorities -Who were in the

process of getting It Banned ,They ,The government had already deemed it to Be a pornographic issue because it showed young Thai men is sexualy provocative poses , They had already ordered the owners to stop the semi nud_e pictures ,

I'm told the owners decided to close down "Thai Guys"-and re issued immediately under the title " Sticky Rice"--

which as so many correctly piont out has sexual undertone's-or over tones what ever, ,

A rice queen is an efeminate asian man-----sticky -!!!use your imagination

i dont regard gay men as being queens--------i'm gay -homo sexual-i have attraction to other men,

I regard these men that talk camp and refere to each other a she and her as being Queens -----

i also think guys that dress in womens clothing are the perverts that give gay guys a bad name -pattaya is full of these sickos,---------if i wanted a woman i would go with a real one not some perv who dresses up as one ,

Amazing how bigoted that gay men can be with people that have sexualities that differ from thier own. The bigots amongst heterosexuals don't care what gay people wear! They care about what you do in bed. It is the insecure amongst gay men that just assume heterosexuals see a drag queen and think that all gay men are that way! You don't see the ultra-right wing saying "It is OK for the masculine guys to do ____ and ____; It is just the femme guys doing that to other guys that bother us!" Yes those same ultra-right wing gay hating bigots use pics of drag queens at gay festivals to scare the masses into sending money to them. Showing a picture of a Dr. with his $500,000.00 house and his $100,000.00 car wearing a suit just wouldn't scare people! ((This is the major reason that they object to even sad movies about gays, that show them as human like Broke Back mountain ... hard to hate the human beings in there...))

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I share Mr. Sydney's preference for gay male partners who wear male clothing and act more male than female. However, I don't share his apparent disgust at the flaming flamboyant sisters. Let them do their thing. Even if their flamboyance occasionally detracts from "our" public relations, those flaming sisters have usually done far more to help the movement than I ever did. I snuck around and pretended to be straight, for fear of being ostracized or gay-bashed. Meaning, I did nothing for gay rights except defend it when I had to.

I retract what I said about "Thai Guys" not having any TV scenes. Maybe I'm thinking of other announcements like what Dreaded Ned has on the gay pride parades, but it does seem common, when a media outlet is catering to gay men, to feature pictures of White and Asian men dressed as women. I just kind of ignore it and turn the page; it neither excites nor sickens me. To each their own.

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Greetings... just wanted to add my trademarked term to CP's list in the first post.

"Mashed Potatoes" = GWMs who are into each other. (yucks! can I watch?)

I think the TV/macho thing stems from that very thai concept of the active role being macho/masculine and the passive role being sissy/effeminate. You see this manifested in all aspects of thai culture, magazines, TV, all the go-go boy shows. Not that it does anything for me, I like men who are men. For once, I'll pay good money to watch a macho muscle boy in Tawan top another macho muscle boy.

My suggestion for the magazine "Siam Semen". Do I get my prize now? :o

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