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Thailand Ranked 8Th Most Dangerous Country, The Worst In S E Asia: Global Terrorism Index


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Spent the first half of 2012 in Afghanistan and the 2nd half off and on in Pakistan - apart from the tragic episodes in the South, the rest of Thailand is truly like a paradise in comparison.

Well it is relative of course but there may be those who bought the farm here looking down on you and shaking a finger.

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"Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he did not think incidents in the Muslim-majority South could be considered "terrorism" and that it was the media's fault for creating fear among the public. National Security Council secretary-general Lt-General Paradorn Pattanathabutr agreed, saying the degree of violence in the South could not be regarded as "terrorism".

Well then....Just <deleted> would you two jerkoff's call it then? Tell me.

Just give them some time to think of something.

They are currently busy looking up the word 'euphemism'

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A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.

They are killed because they use violence to further their political and / or religious views. They choose to kill and maim indiscriminently and attack unarmed innocent people becasue they have a different view. Then, like most terrorists, they screem about human rights and being treated fairly if attacked themselves.

Anyone who takes to terrorism relinquishes the right to being treated as a human.

Other than the Tak Bai and Krue Ze Mosque incidents of mistreatment of prisoners, I am not aware the insurgents/terrorists are complaining about being treated unfairly and complaining about their human rights when attacked by security forces. Actually you hardly hear of any proactive action by the security forces. I guess they must be using secret extra judicial killings. It would be a mistake to use the same tactics of mistreatment & torture of prisoners, by some personnel, that the US and some allies used in the Gulf War 11 aftermath and the War on Terror.

In any case some analysts/commentators claim this conflict is being unnecessarily prolonged by "influential people" for personal gain, instead of putting the interest of the Thai people foremost. There any many analyst reports on the Deep South at http://www.openbriefing.org/thinktank/publications/prospects-for-peace-in-thailands-deep-south/

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A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

What do we call them if they are in uniform and have been engaged in systematic persecution of the local indigenous populus for decades with impunity?

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Personally speaking I would call them exactly the same thing. Terrorist or scum, all the same to me.

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A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.

The only people who are getting screwed are the innocent people being murdered because of their beliefs or ethnicity. Only scum do that. I don't care what the provocation is, shooting a teacher or rubber tapper in the back is both cowardly and dispicable.

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It is my understanding that Thailand has had more killings caused by terrorism than any other country in the world. Politacians can call it waht they want but it is just a sign of there inability to understand the problem. Thereby not know how to deal with it.

I guess that is why they are in politics not smart enough to get a real job.

This is not correct, number of killings in the last year were Iraq 1,798 killed, then Pakistan 1,468 killed, next Afghanistan 1,293 killed and so on

Beg to differ I said nothing about in the last year. This has been going on for a lot longer than one year. Reread my post

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Only a matter of time before the Islamists export this little feud further afield. When that happens the government will have to act. More paper dove drops perhaps?

They are not 'Islamists' they are separatists.

What they are is Islamists who want to seperate from Thailand so they can set up a Islamist government. To the best of my knowledge all the acts of terrorism have been commited by Islamists.

That might not tell some people any thing but it speaks a lot to me.

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The report specifically talks to the Impact of Terrorism. So far the acts of terror have been localised in the Deep South provinces and non Thais have not been declared as targets. Should the conflict spread outside of the Deep South, foreigners targeted and so on, Thailand will move up the list due to the impact on tourism and investment in Thailand.

I seem to recall bombings in Bangkok. How should they be described?

Do not know what specific incident/s you are referring, so I assume acts of Thai on Thai political terrorism with minimal loss of life (if any) and property from use of explosives and not connected to the conflict in the Deep South. You may be referring to the one incident with the Iranians and that was an own goal. Not exactly something that would influence an upgrade on Thailand's terrorism grading

I think he is referiing to a few bomb scares on New years eve a few years back in Bangkok. They were not part of the Islamist movement to kill innocent people. Or the red shirt movement to kill innocent people with bombs planted around Bangkok. The only one they killed was one of there own who made a mistake while he was building a bomb.

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It is my understanding that Thailand has had more killings caused by terrorism than any other country in the world. Politacians can call it waht they want but it is just a sign of there inability to understand the problem. Thereby not know how to deal with it.

I guess that is why they are in politics not smart enough to get a real job.

This is not correct, number of killings in the last year were Iraq 1,798 killed, then Pakistan 1,468 killed, next Afghanistan 1,293 killed and so on

Beg to differ I said nothing about in the last year. This has been going on for a lot longer than one year. Reread my post

OK. Thailand approx 5000 deaths and 8300 injuries in the last ten years, view the table at the URL below for comparison with Iraq and Afghanistan for the past five years & you will have your answer. However in one year alone in Iraq, 2007, there were allegedly 44,014 killed, injured or kidnapped due to terrorism.


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Kick out all the Muslims. Problem solved.

Hard to evict 90% of the area's population from their own lands.

How is it their own lands? Is the deep south not part of Thailand? Thailand is Buddist, not Muslim. Kick them out.
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Kick out all the Muslims. Problem solved.

Hard to evict 90% of the area's population from their own lands.

How is it their own lands? Is the deep south not part of Thailand? Thailand is Buddist, not Muslim. Kick them out.

I hope you're trolling because if you aren't your post is shameless bigotry.

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Abhisit was quick to label protesters as terrorists and now he is complaining about the terrorism ranking, it's caused partly by you giving undeserved labels to people in an attempt to excuse the murders by the army and try to justify your orders.

You sir, are obsessed.

Abhisit, however, reiterated that the ranking on the terrorism index was not good for Thailand's image.

What a shame he didn't think about that when he started labeling protestors as terrorists


To be fair when he said that the protesters were firing grenades at people.

To be honest with you the last thing carra wants is reality. It is a waste of time to give him facts.

I wonder if he had a previous incarnation on T V

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Kick out all the Muslims. Problem solved.

Hard to evict 90% of the area's population from their own lands.

How is it their own lands? Is the deep south not part of Thailand? Thailand is Buddist, not Muslim. Kick them out.

I hope you're trolling because if you aren't your post is shameless bigotry.

If I don't want to live in a country that has Muslims murdering people and that makes me a Bigot, then that's what I am. Before you ask, I don't want to live anywhere else, as I find Thailand a safe country to live in and there is only a very small percentage of Muslims here,and I have no intention of ever going to the south.
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Kick out all the Muslims. Problem solved.

Where would they go? Mallasi dosen't want them and they have never been a seperate state always parrt of one kingdom or another. To date they have shown no ability to govern just kill and maim.

Perhaps you should look up the Kingdom of Pattani

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Growing corruption, mushrooming terrorism, rampant electrical failures, a rice price support system that will bankrupt the country, an airport with cracks in its runway, tourists dropping like flies from poisoned food and hotel rooms, and some of the world's most corrupt and incompetent politicians and bureaucrats. Sometimes, you just don't want to even look out the window for fear the whole place will collapse.

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Maybe it's the media I take in, or my cracker face, but Pattaya still comes across as a more dangerous place for me to walk around at night.

Then again, I've never had a Thai person so much as look at me crossly. All of this stuff gets filtered through local media before it reaches my ears. Interesting.

Strange post. I cant work out if you live in Pattaya but have never had a person look crossly or you live elsewhere and read the papers. In either case the post is odd.

I walk at night in Pattaya and at all hours there are honest people taking down or setting up shop, every corner has a motor cycle taxi waiting patiently for fares There is no room for violent crime. The reports of fights usually involve a drunk farange being stupid. But then again Pattaya is a large city so there will be a downtown somewhere where poverty and anger mix into an ugly brew. I like Pattaya and feel totally safe at all hours.

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A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.

They are killed because they use violence to further their political and / or religious views. They choose to kill and maim indiscriminently and attack unarmed innocent people becasue they have a different view. Then, like most terrorists, they screem about human rights and being treated fairly if attacked themselves.

Anyone who takes to terrorism relinquishes the right to being treated as a human.

Where do you get that twaddle from? Did you not see men thrown in the back of Army trucks, piled on top of each other like sardines in a can, suffocating to death, slaughtered at Tak Bai and Krue sa. the disappeared, the Lawyer killed by the police,convicted ,then let go. I.m from Irish stock and our freedom fighters fought the most powerful nation of the time, better to die on your feet than be a slave.
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"Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he did not think incidents in the Muslim-majority South could be considered "terrorism" and that it was the media's fault for creating fear among the public. National Security Council secretary-general Lt-General Paradorn Pattanathabutr agreed, saying the degree of violence in the South could not be regarded as "terrorism"."

Ever heard of domestic terrorism Mr. Prime MInister? You might want to look it up. Thailand is such a beautiful place, but the constant worrying about their image crap is ridiculous. Instead of worrying about the image and putting a band aid on it, how about looking at the problem(s), finding solutions and taking care of the problem for good instead of just worrying about how the country looks to the rest of the world?

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I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good. glad George Washington didn,t think like you.
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I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people

because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good.

glad George Washington didn,t think like you.

I think he would not have agreed with the murder of civilians or indiscriminate bombing. He fought against the military power of the day, not farmers, not teachers, not civilians.

Going off topic a bit but as for GW's views on minorities, was he not a slave owner?

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