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Extremely Annoying Female News Announcer On Pattaya People Television


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Does anyone else find this announcer extremely annoying? If you've heard her you'll know exactly who I mean.

She reads news stories about death and destruction like she is reading upbeat children's stories.

Can someone shoot her or teach her how to read news stories. How did she get this job?

Edited by tropo
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Thankfully for me I lead a fairly outdoor life but when I do come back to my lair the selection on cable television here is appalling to say the least. I have mentioned before on Thai Visa that each announcer / voice over has their own slant on how to say the word "PATTAYA"

Jesus...it cannot be that hard to ask a local how you pronounce it correctly.... !!!

I find all the voices annoying to a varying degree - the Radio Announcers DJ's are stereo typical "Smashy and Nicey" geeks that have limited vocabulary skills as they repeat themselves endlessly.

For years now there has been about 3 English speaking channels - well there still is - But now in the last year we have about 20 Russian language channels....they have totally taken over....

The market traders at the Theprasit week end market can now count and barter in Russian......Amazing Thailand....

If these TV and Radio companies want to have people tuning in they need to seriously look at their operating style and stop showing cafe / bar / eating houses that provide Thai food and Fallang food - DOH ! show me one that does not ???

The person who provides the English subtitles has the language skills of an 8 year old, constantly use of the word "got"but never have, calling the viewers "you guys" and all the spelling is just beyond belief....

So after these 2 rants - I suspect the moderators will move in and padlock this thread

BTW - The American lady got the job because she is "upbeat and annoying" is she the same one that bawls out about "Mooee Thai Boxing" from slow moving pick up trucks with blaring loudpseakers ?

Edited by lonewolf99
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Thankfully for me I lead a fairly outdoor life but when I do come back to my lair the selection on cable television here is appalling to say the least. I have mentioned before on Thai Visa that each announcer / voice over has their own slant on how to say the word "PATTAYA"

I hear that station from time to time when my wife tunes in.

You have not heard the announcer I'm referring to yet because if you did you'd know immediately which one it is. For example, she'll talk about people being killed in a car crash, including all details about the corpses, in a voice normally reserved for happy children's bedtime stories.

She makes the most gruesome stories seem like happy, exciting events.

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"Can someone shoot her or teach her how to read news stories. How did she get this job?"

Have you ever seen any farangs on TV or radio here who could hold down the same job in the West? I haven't.

And it isn't restricted to media. Many Farangs who are working in Thailand (and other similar places), and trying to stay here permanently, bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "third-rate".

The only ones that always seem to be competent are the ones who have been brought here for a contract of specific duration and who intend going home afterwards.

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I find the commercials even more annoying and sometimes so ridiculous it's almost unbelievable.

Like if I'm going to buy a condo do they really think having a stupid James Bond type character running down Bali Pier chasing the bad guy with the plans for the new project a good selling point?

Or the woman tied to a chair half naked calling help me help me then the SAS go and rescue her! lmao

Or the patronizing <deleted> who just said he will give you 50k if he don't get your visa then slams the cash on the table. rolleyes.gif

Pattaya TV is a complete joke, there's not much we can do about it but laugh!

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For me some of the british voice overs are the worst, for example the guy doing the "pattaya floating market" advert.

The German guy (or Swiss? Austrian?) doing the Thai Garden Resort ad always cracks me up with his accent - something reminding me about the "hogan's heroes" TV show.

I generally find all the "editorial" reports of Pattaya TV channels a waste of broadcast time, be it the medical advice by the good Dr. Corness (you won't ever need a sleeping pill again if you get one of his books) who seems to refuse to retire, or the holiday destinations presented by the... ummm... old elderly aging lady that is not easy on the eyes - the commentary is on par with the aforementioned Dr.'s books.

Beats me why don't they just show movies interrupted by a news broadcast and advertising?

SciFy (now SyFy) was already bad when I first discovered it some years ago, but it has now hit new lows.

And then the Sophon signal is very unstable and changes almost every day in quality...

TV sucks big time over here, I am happy I can download stuff to watch.

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Or the patronizing <deleted> who just said he will give you 50k if he don't get your visa then slams the cash on the table. rolleyes.gif

Yes, but will he really hand over 50k in cash if he fails to get a visa?

I agree it's all bad, but IMO this news reader takes the cake by an order of magnitude.

I don't mind the girl tied to a chair screaming help.

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Just a quick "second" to the OP's comments on the "Fairy Tales" female announcer. Drives me nuts, too, my friend. Just incredible to me that the people who hired her can't recognize how irritating her style is. You described it perfectly. Exactly like a mother reading bed time stories to her children, no matter the content of the story.

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Just a quick "second" to the OP's comments on the "Fairy Tales" female announcer. Drives me nuts, too, my friend. Just incredible to me that the people who hired her can't recognize how irritating her style is. You described it perfectly. Exactly like a mother reading bed time stories to her children, no matter the content of the story.

May be they did not have a choice of candidates or may be she is a part owner or investor.

I can sort of put up with her, though usually just change the channel .

What I find more irritating is all those adverts where owners put themselves in.

They might be good business people but really bad presenters. The visa guy, condo ads and my fav(not) at the moment is the news cafe, where swede says welcome in 2 languages more often than he winks- for that reason alone I can not even try that place.

Dr Ian is as much fun as a stuffed toy and most of his shows bring up suicidal tendency in me

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Just a quick "second" to the OP's comments on the "Fairy Tales" female announcer. Drives me nuts, too, my friend. Just incredible to me that the people who hired her can't recognize how irritating her style is. You described it perfectly. Exactly like a mother reading bed time stories to her children, no matter the content of the story.

Just listen to the man who hired her when he is doing one of his fawning interviews. Then you might realise why she is there

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Yes, but will he really hand over 50k in cash if he fails to get a visa?

I think you will find that the visa agencies that work on a no-win no-fee basis will only take you on as a client if they are certain that they will be successful. So the question would surely never arise.

A friend of mine took on one of those services (no visa money back) services earlier this year. His girl didn't get the (Australian) visa and the agent was making all sorts of excuses and trying to make out that it was the applicant's fault. I told my mate to push for a refund, but he was talked into a no fee second attempt down the line.

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Just a quick "second" to the OP's comments on the "Fairy Tales" female announcer. Drives me nuts, too, my friend. Just incredible to me that the people who hired her can't recognize how irritating her style is. You described it perfectly. Exactly like a mother reading bed time stories to her children, no matter the content of the story.

Just listen to the man who hired her when he is doing one of his fawning interviews. Then you might realise why she is there

Have you seen the girl behind the voice?

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Lol i dont know if you looked Food Fever on pattaya channel.I really cant believe somebody can put she to work on tv.All she does is go to restaurants and eat dinner and basicly EVERY food that she ever eat is Aroi and mmm smells so good.Every restaurant same thing,sometime she even forget to eat dessert or some food and mention someting about this.

No matter if its restaurant 5000baht per meal of 30baht everything is only aroi and smells good.Not to mention her accent,she is trying to talk with english or american accent but everything she does is having some crazy pirate accent like aaarrrgghh when she try to say some word.Not to mention people who come with her,last time when i looked month before it was some english-thai half guy who spend all time only drinking water haha,or some thai lady which i never even hear to say any word besides pai ka.

I never ever looked something funnnier then pataya channel or pataya people channel,when talking about commercials every one of them should be teach in school how to NOT advertise. From bold guy in no visa no money as he looks like he is making a commercial for loan shark buisness when he puts a money on table who the hell want to make visa with him,to condo commericals what a hell lady strapped in chair and bunch of swat guys can make me think about buying a condo..<deleted>.. Funny that is almost unbeliveable.

On the other hand when talking about real thailand not pattaya i find commercials on thai tv channels 3,5,7 really good.

Edited by DA3NDORPHIN3
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Pattaya People Say no more.

Do you think that Pattaya's other "media giants" are better in any way? I don't.

I would love to explain why I thought other Pattaya Media organisations are better and more honest but that's another story and would probably get me banned. Maybe the news readers for this organisation have experience from voice overs for naughty movies .........

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And I thought I was the only one that hated that silly womans voice!! She must have been a kindergarten teacher in her other life. She can really make a person Sick! I think "third rate" really sums it up. These announcers and advertisers would be in the unemployment line, if they were back home. They dont seem to have a clue, that there are a lot of people that have no idea what they are talking about.

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I used to watch Pattaya People when i first came here purely for the novelty value. A bit like watching someone truly awful and tone deaf at a karaoke show, so bad that they are good if you know what i mean! But it all went downhill when the mighty 'Mick The Hammer' departed, his interviewing skills were truly in a class of their own, and his flagship show, 'Pattaya People Uncut' was essential viewing. I have given up watching PPTV for a couple of years now, and i can honestly say that i feel better each day since i kicked the habit. A bit like giving up smoking!

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Few basic rules the announcers have to abide by.

Restaurant Reviews Paid for by the owner of the establishment so has to be nice. Remember Howard doing it before? Same Same

Condo/Real Estate Programmes Bought and paid for by the developer, so same as above

General Don't worry about the viewers. The have known for years that they are watching sh*te, keep subscribing though, so no ned to improve as no one expects it ever will

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Oke a bit off-topic, but one thing I find really annoying is the problem with not able to hear the interviews on Pattaya Channel because of the loud music which just drowns the voices.

But then again, maybe they are just not worth listening to. whistling.gif

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I'm happy Pattaya People TV discontinued the news in German four years ago, because this guy


was beyond annoying. Bruno Keller, Swiss, a nice chap. Swiss German is largely incomprehensible for standard-German speakers however, if I meet one in Pattaya, we usually settle for English. Bruno also used lots of expressions unknown out of Switzerland.

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Few basic rules the announcers have to abide by.

Restaurant Reviews Paid for by the owner of the establishment so has to be nice.

Condo/Real Estate Programmes Bought and paid for by the developer, so same as above

That is the devil and, because this is Thailand, they also have the deep blue sea of the defamation laws to contend with. Which means no bad comments.

It does make for rather dull viewing when everything is sweetness and light.

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Pattaya media 'Amateur Hour' with all mates / friends standing in as presenters etc.

I have NEVER seen one that could get a media job in a professional organisation,USA / UK / Australia.

But it sure is entertaining

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