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Big Boost To Tourism Sites For Rise In Visitors: Thailand


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Big boost to sites for rise in visitors



BANGKOK: -- The Tourism Department has been allocated Bt4.3 billion in 2014 to continue improving tourism sites nationwide as part of the plan to attract more visitors and drive revenue from the sector to Bt2 trillion in 2015.

The budget for 2014 is substantially higher than the allocations |for this year and next. This year, |the agency has had about Bt1.7 billion to work with, while next year's figure is Bt2.7 billion, Arnupap Gaesornsuwan, the department's acting deputy director-general, said yesterday.

The amount will be used for the agency's three-year tourism site improvement plan, which started early this year. The budget set aside for 2012-2013 has already been more than 70 per cent used up.

In general, 60 per cent of the three-year total will be spent on site renovation and the remainder on the organisation of activities, mainly at the local level. Most of the funding will go to local administrations to help achieve the improvement plan.

He said the budget increase would enable the authorities to improve the Kingdom's tourism sites on a continuous basis.

At present, there are more than 10,000 tourism attractions nationwide, some 1,000 of which have big potential, he said. The budget will go to locations in every region, with sites divided into eight clusters.

Improvements will, it is hoped, lead to longer stays by foreign visitors, thus also increasing tourism revenue.

The Tourism Department, which is part of the Tourism and Sports Ministry, expects the number of foreign visitors to reach 21.8 million this year, an increase of 13 per cent from the 2011 level, while revenue is forecast at Bt930 billion.

Next year, it expects the number to grow by 10 per cent to 24 million, despite the ongoing economic difficulties in Europe and the US.

From January to November, the number of foreign arrivals increased 13.57 per cent to 19.76 million from the same period last year. In November alone, the number grew by 60.57 per cent to 2.07 million.

Arnupap said Thailand should have a wide variety of tourism attractions, similar to Singapore and Malaysia. Next year, the department will study the possibility of building a man-made theme park, and in particular the potential additional income such an attraction might generate.

One possible initiative is a movie town, which would cost more than Bt1 billion.

Study results will be finalised in April, he added.


-- The Nation 2012-12-25

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It's all planned! Clusters! Eight clusters! These Thais have got it nailed! bring the suckers in, get their money, cut it up. Boy oh boy these Thais. They are something else. They sure can run a hustle. Others should take note. These Thais are way ahead of their time. They've got everyone outfoxed. They've got clusters! Boy oh boy, these Thais. They are something else! Longer foreign stays, more food and drink poisoning deaths, more unsolved murders, more hit and run accidents and killings. More, more, more. These Thais, wow!

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" Most of the funding will go to local administrations to help achieve the improvement plan."

This is what it's really all about.

I saw that and my immediate reaction was more people to get there nose in the trough.

What are they doing to improve the tourism rate on tourists that spend money. Most of their tourists now are Asian and a bit tighter with there money.

They talk about the number of tourists but no talk of increased revenues coming in.

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The Tourism Department, which is part of the Tourism and Sports Ministry, expects the number of foreign visitors to reach 21.8 million this year, an increase of 13 per cent from the 2011 level, while revenue is forecast at Bt930 billion.

Next year, it expects the number to grow by 10 per cent to 24 million, despite the ongoing economic difficulties in Europe and the US."

They do realise that the worlds population is not growing at 10% or more per year, right? As long as I have had an interest in Thailand, and have been visiting Thailand, they have been throwing around these rediculously high figures which would make the Chinese economy proud. Years of bantering on here has failed to make the Tourism Authority see that we know their figures are a wee bit skewed.. It would be very interesting to see an international body oversee the counting, and have it administered the same way as most other countries in the world are: One passport in, and out is counted as a single traveler, if by land, sea or air for entry or exit, and that only foreign nationals are counted as tourists (Thais are only domestic tourists in Thailand), and those returning to the country very quickly although return tourists may not be complying with employment or other immigration laws, and probably need to be talked with. That means visa runs do not count as a "new" tourist to Thailand.. simply because your system has loopholes in it does not mean you get to score more brownie points for not doing your job properly.

I have skipped my bi-annual trip to Thailand for the past year (the first time in 7 years), because of the increasing prices, the scamming, and the greediness of Thais which has taken away what I loved about Thailand.. and no, I am not a Khao San Road regular.. I spend on average 6,000-7000 baht a day taking my friends out, having a good time, and staying in good hotels. But I don't get what I used to for that price, in terms of service at restaurants and hotels, and I have to speak in Thai to scare the scammers off, who constantly ask me "first time Thailand sir?", then stop when they get "mai au" back at them.

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Why do they need such a large tourism budget?

They already announced next year they will have 23 million visitors

Seems like they are spending money when they know people are

already coming

My thoughts exactly, TAT constantly make media releases that every year they are breaking new records with tourist numbers. The way they are building up the numbers you will have to go into a lottery to get a tourist visa as it will be standing room only in Thailand. Why do they need to spend billions to attract more? Is this a projected budget surplus that needs to be divided up amongst the peers at TAT? Edited by chooka
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Most of the funding will go to local administrations to help achieve the improvement plan.

This has been miss translated. Should read Most of the funding (tea money) will be put into the hands of already corrupt officials to further extend their bank balances and further their careers with the Red Shirt brigade in support of Herr Thaiksan.

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haha I got to laugh. Not a great deal of farang support for this idea. I just hope that some of the money (if I am feeling optimistic) goes to useful projects and not for tea. "Expanding Swampy" is a great idea, or even fixing swampy would be good. The Thai gov could maybe fix the footpaths in bkk, that would help tourists avoid being run over by cars, and sprained ankles.

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And if course nothing will ever be done about punishing SCAMS, INVESTING IN INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY MEASUREMENTS,… NOTHING to fight the TMAT (Tourism Mafia authority of Thailand),…

Just additional scams to get the under the table money going worst thanever

Edited by MaxLee
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is it time for me and others to just start a "i love thailand so much and it is great and you should come here" website to get part of the big cake ??? off course on the wife's name because farang pay for many things but get no benefits in return, after all, we are only guests like so many thai appologists like to mention all the time

i have an idea for a theme park...

hub-land ... and here you see the hub of scams and overthere the hub of pattaya hotel divers, and overthere the misterious deaths hub

Edited by belg
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Instead of turning the country into another disneyland, no money need be spent in a real effort to lock up the scammers. All it takes is for the BIB to do their job & get out of the scamming business.

IMO tourists come for many reasons and one of the important ones is visiting unspoiled places without ugly 'improvements' to the local areas. As an example just look at the monstrosity of a 'wharf' that they have built on Ko Samet - supposedly a national park.

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I have skipped my bi-annual trip to Thailand for the past year (the first time in 7 years), because of the increasing prices, the scamming, and the greediness of Thais which has taken away what I loved about Thailand.. and no, I am not a Khao San Road regular.. I spend on average 6,000-7000 baht a day taking my friends out, having a good time, and staying in good hotels. But I don't get what I used to for that price, in terms of service at restaurants and hotels, and I have to speak in Thai to scare the scammers off, who constantly ask me "first time Thailand sir?", then stop when they get "mai au" back at them.

If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

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I have skipped my bi-annual trip to Thailand for the past year (the first time in 7 years), because of the increasing prices, the scamming, and the greediness of Thais which has taken away what I loved about Thailand.. and no, I am not a Khao San Road regular.. I spend on average 6,000-7000 baht a day taking my friends out, having a good time, and staying in good hotels. But I don't get what I used to for that price, in terms of service at restaurants and hotels, and I have to speak in Thai to scare the scammers off, who constantly ask me "first time Thailand sir?", then stop when they get "mai au" back at them.

If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

Agreed I have been here 6 years now and the story never changes yet the people keep coming back. If one has never traveled any place else but Thailand it would seem to be Really bad but the fact is it is like many countries that attract tourists. I swear there is an international union for trinket salesmen. Don't see the time share salesmen here in Thailand. Maybe in Phuket or Pattaya. No jet ski scammers here in Chiang Mai. Bangkok has there share of Jewel scammers but you don't hear about it in other cities.

I wonder where the ghost is coming from that has no inflation.

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It's all planned! Clusters! Eight clusters! These Thais have got it nailed! bring the suckers in, get their money, cut it up. Boy oh boy these Thais. They are something else. They sure can run a hustle. Others should take note. These Thais are way ahead of their time. They've got everyone outfoxed. They've got clusters! Boy oh boy, these Thais. They are something else! Longer foreign stays, more food and drink poisoning deaths, more unsolved murders, more hit and run accidents and killings. More, more, more. These Thais, wow!

These anonymous flamers Wow! They can sure throw some words around Wow! Longer trolling post's Wow! More mindless, negative and blanketed generalized statements These trollers Wow!

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is it time for me and others to just start a "i love thailand so much and it is great and you should come here" website to get part of the big cake ??? off course on the wife's name because farang pay for many things but get no benefits in return, after all, we are only guests like so many thai appologists like to mention all the time

i have an idea for a theme park...

hub-land ... and here you see the hub of scams and overthere the hub of pattaya hotel divers, and overthere the misterious deaths hub

Might I propose that the 'hub of mysterious deaths', should better be sited on a balcony of a condominium-block, rather than over there at ground-level ? rolleyes.gif

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It's all planned! Clusters! Eight clusters! These Thais have got it nailed! bring the suckers in, get their money, cut it up. Boy oh boy these Thais. They are something else. They sure can run a hustle. Others should take note. These Thais are way ahead of their time. They've got everyone outfoxed. They've got clusters! Boy oh boy, these Thais. They are something else! Longer foreign stays, more food and drink poisoning deaths, more unsolved murders, more hit and run accidents and killings. More, more, more. These Thais, wow!

These anonymous flamers Wow! They can sure throw some words around Wow! Longer trolling post's Wow! More mindless, negative and blanketed generalized statements These trollers Wow!

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If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

Yes, I am asking myself the same question. Sadly for now I am just forgoing my holiday and keeping it for an extended vacation some other year. Malaysia fell out of favor with me some years ago after I was attacked by a (possibly mentally unwell) Muslim, who told me Malaysia was a Muslim country, not a place for Christians and that I should go back to America.. too bad I am an Atheist from New Zealand :)

You are right, Singapore is about on par as expensive as it is to travel in my own country. Brunei and Indonesia.. I will not visit these countries after my Malaysia experience and several trips to Yala which have shown me that a large proportion of Muslims really do not want me as a young white Male around them at all.

I found the far east of Thailand to be really nice, and the Philippines is good, provided you have a level head, do not over-drink and you make sure you are in a position of control at all times. This means not going home with strangers, not taking strangers to your room and not going somewhere unless you are driving or with a friend in the taxi. I am very tempted to go to Cambodia or Vietnam next time, for a change of scenery.

It is sad for me that the old kindness of Thailand is largely gone, and will probably never get back.

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If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

Yes, I am asking myself the same question. Sadly for now I am just forgoing my holiday and keeping it for an extended vacation some other year. Malaysia fell out of favor with me some years ago after I was attacked by a (possibly mentally unwell) Muslim, who told me Malaysia was a Muslim country, not a place for Christians and that I should go back to America.. too bad I am an Atheist from New Zealand smile.png

You are right, Singapore is about on par as expensive as it is to travel in my own country. Brunei and Indonesia.. I will not visit these countries after my Malaysia experience and several trips to Yala which have shown me that a large proportion of Muslims really do not want me as a young white Male around them at all.

I found the far east of Thailand to be really nice, and the Philippines is good, provided you have a level head, do not over-drink and you make sure you are in a position of control at all times. This means not going home with strangers, not taking strangers to your room and not going somewhere unless you are driving or with a friend in the taxi. I am very tempted to go to Cambodia or Vietnam next time, for a change of scenery.

It is sad for me that the old kindness of Thailand is largely gone, and will probably never get back.

Thailand is a country of 70 million people. If you think all the old kindness is gone it only means you have been reading too much Thai Visa.

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It's all planned! Clusters! Eight clusters! These Thais have got it nailed! bring the suckers in, get their money, cut it up. Boy oh boy these Thais. They are something else. They sure can run a hustle. Others should take note. These Thais are way ahead of their time. They've got everyone outfoxed. They've got clusters! Boy oh boy, these Thais. They are something else! Longer foreign stays, more food and drink poisoning deaths, more unsolved murders, more hit and run accidents and killings. More, more, more. These Thais, wow!

These anonymous flamers Wow! They can sure throw some words around Wow! Longer trolling post's Wow! More mindless, negative and blanketed generalized statements These trollers Wow!


Wow is right. A feel good story about a better life for Thai people and more business and what is the response? Boy these people must have sad lives...whistling.gif

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If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

Yes, I am asking myself the same question. Sadly for now I am just forgoing my holiday and keeping it for an extended vacation some other year. Malaysia fell out of favor with me some years ago after I was attacked by a (possibly mentally unwell) Muslim, who told me Malaysia was a Muslim country, not a place for Christians and that I should go back to America.. too bad I am an Atheist from New Zealand smile.png

You are right, Singapore is about on par as expensive as it is to travel in my own country. Brunei and Indonesia.. I will not visit these countries after my Malaysia experience and several trips to Yala which have shown me that a large proportion of Muslims really do not want me as a young white Male around them at all.

I found the far east of Thailand to be really nice, and the Philippines is good, provided you have a level head, do not over-drink and you make sure you are in a position of control at all times. This means not going home with strangers, not taking strangers to your room and not going somewhere unless you are driving or with a friend in the taxi. I am very tempted to go to Cambodia or Vietnam next time, for a change of scenery.

It is sad for me that the old kindness of Thailand is largely gone, and will probably never get back.

Thailand is a country of 70 million people. If you think all the old kindness is gone it only means you have been reading too much Thai Visa.

His post is clearly referring to vacation areas, not the whole country, and he said it was largely gone, not all gone as you misquoted. He was also clearly relating his personal experience so there is no need to disparage him, especially by a poster with over 3000 posts telling a poster with less than 300 that they read too much TV.

Edited by cloudhopper
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If you are in this part of the world for holidays, where else would you go? Philippines? More scammer and dangerous. Malaysia? Boring. Singapore? Expensive. Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam? Indonesia or Brunei. Despite all the scams I still think Thailand is a much better place overall..

Yes, I am asking myself the same question. Sadly for now I am just forgoing my holiday and keeping it for an extended vacation some other year. Malaysia fell out of favor with me some years ago after I was attacked by a (possibly mentally unwell) Muslim, who told me Malaysia was a Muslim country, not a place for Christians and that I should go back to America.. too bad I am an Atheist from New Zealand smile.png

You are right, Singapore is about on par as expensive as it is to travel in my own country. Brunei and Indonesia.. I will not visit these countries after my Malaysia experience and several trips to Yala which have shown me that a large proportion of Muslims really do not want me as a young white Male around them at all.

I found the far east of Thailand to be really nice, and the Philippines is good, provided you have a level head, do not over-drink and you make sure you are in a position of control at all times. This means not going home with strangers, not taking strangers to your room and not going somewhere unless you are driving or with a friend in the taxi. I am very tempted to go to Cambodia or Vietnam next time, for a change of scenery.

It is sad for me that the old kindness of Thailand is largely gone, and will probably never get back.

Thailand is a country of 70 million people. If you think all the old kindness is gone it only means you have been reading too much Thai Visa.

His post is clearly referring to vacation areas, not the whole country, and he said it was largely gone, not all gone as you misquoted. He was also clearly relating his personal experience so there is no need to disparage him, especially by a poster with over 3000 posts telling a poster with less than 300 that they read too much TV.

What a bunch of W******.

The topic is, “The Tourism Department has been allocated Bt4.3 billion in 2014 to continue improving tourism sites nationwide as part of the plan to attract more visitors and drive revenue from the sector to Bt2 trillion in 2015.”

What follows, “1. the funding will go to local administrations ,2. Boy oh boy, these Thais. more food and drink poisoning deaths, more unsolved murders, more hit and run accidents and killings, 3. More Scammers, more people to get there nose in the trough. 4. I don't get what I used to for that price, in terms of service at restaurants and hotels, and I have to speak in Thai to scare the scammers off, 5. Why do they need such a large tourism budget? 6. Why do they need to spend billions to attract more? 7. Should read Most of the funding (tea money) 8. start on expanding Swampy. even fixing swampy would be good. 9. Tourism Mafia authority of Thailand. 10. look after the infrastructure with the money left over after everyone has got his share of it. 11. just look at the monstrosity of a 'wharf' that they have built on Ko Samet. 12. 'hub of mysterious deaths', 13. the old kindness of Thailand is largely gone, 11. exploit and ruin them .

My gosh what has happened to all you people?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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