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Girlfriend Want To Move In With Me - Comments?


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Two important things I see here:


Move your stuff out when go home will tell her you do not trust her.

Getting a copy of her ID card is another way to tell her you do not trust her.

My suggestion would be to introduce her at the Juristic office for your condominium as a person sharing with you and may be using your room when you are not there , they will probably want to take a copy of ID card.

She will be studding at Uni, so is not likely to skip town and if she does move out with half or even all your stuff, if you reported her to the police you would be making a lot of trouble for her.

Question is, when you meet her on a dating site were you or/and her mentioning longterm "till death do use part" relationship or just fun?

I am looking for a long-term relationship, but never mentioned marriage or "till death do use part" relationship.

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No No No AND NO AGAIN..........!!

Dont let them move in.........Take it from me it is an utter nightmare and expensive and opens you up to a myriad of "loss of face claims" should you want to remove her from your place or the relationship breaks up..........!

Please tell me more. Do you have any personal experience or first hand knowledge of such a situation??

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I live with my Thai gf and have been away on business a few times, and my stuff was always there when I got back. I had no reason to think it wouldn't be and it never crossed my mind. You're 58 years old, so surely you have enough experience to be able to judge people. I doubt she'll run away with your stuff. If you earn more than her, of course you'll have to pay for some things, but that's the same in any culture, even UK, USA etc. If she's not a bar girl then there's no reason you should have any problems at all. Only problem I can see is the huge age difference. She obviously wants some security, as do all people. Hell, even I'd shack up with an older woman if I was poor and she was rich. Doesn't mean money would be the only reason. Relationships are complex and not all about love at all, even in Western societies. People marry and stick together for lots of other reasons. If you're both happy with living together, then go for it. I can't see that you have anything to lose. I can't see the point of renting a room for it. That's just a solution for paranoid people. Either you want to be with her or you don't. You're old enough to make this decision yourself.

One additional thing. If you break up she'll just move out. Seen it plenty of times. Never seen any drama. There's nothing really different about Thai women in that respect. But I'm talking about non-bar girls. I don't have any bar girl experience, so can't comment. But from reading these forums, it seems that is is mostly bar girls and uneducated people that cause problems. Dating an educated girl is no different to dating back home. That's my experience and that of others I know that are in the same situation.

So please don't listen to all the rubbish posted on this forum that claims all Thai women are the same. Many on here have never even met a decent Thai woman.

Thank you for your advice and comments.

I have had many relatiosnhips with many Thai women, numerous ones were educated and held jobs like teacher, municipal inspector, waitress or secretary. Others held jobs in massage parlours, and many, many worked at the coconut bar on beach road. She does seem like the most decent woman I have met in the last 6 years, but she may also be a very good actress.

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My only comment is that I am unable to deal with women acting like kids. It can be funny as a one-off, but as an regular occurrence would drive me nuts. Maybe I have no patience to help someone grow up.

Whatever happens, good luck.

hmm...how long does it take them to grow up then?

My ex, 33 years, like a spoilt brat but for certain does throw a very scary tantrum when she dont get her own way. After live with her and got away i decide i will NEVER put myself through this again

Sadly, have not met another since then who do not act in this very same way and loose all hope to even find someone sane sad.png

To the OP, you are old enough now, trust me this situation you consider will make you to age very quickly!!

I lived with girls when i was in 40's and is bad enough, i could not put up with their BS at and old agerolleyes.gif

I do understand what you are saying, and I do appreciate your recommendations. In order to mitigate the potential stress that a young woman could bring to bear on an old man like me, I laid out some ground rules for her, in writing, and discussed them with her, several weeks ago. I told her the type of woman I seek and if she is not the one for me, or does not want to adhere to the list, she should look for someone else because I will be looking for someone else.

Here are my thoughts about what I would like to see in my one good woman:

1. Honest, open, trustworthy and truthful;

2. Pleasant, warm, charming and kind personalty; clean, neat, attractive, slim, presentable appearance;

3. Respectful, polite, appreciative, supportive and courteous to me;

4. Loving, affection, and devoted to me;

5. Sexually intimate, seductive, keeps me happy in bed;

6. Reliable, responsible and loyal;

7. Tolerant, understanding, forgiving of mistakes and broad minded;

8. Flexible, allowing me to pursue activities and interests with others and without her;

9. She is not a person who nags, irritates, annoys, demands, is difficult nor gets angry easily;

10. Communicates, shares her ideas and thoughts, listens to me;

11. Has a healthy lifestyle. Does not do illegal activities, gamble and does not associate with people who engage in illegal activities.

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Whoau!!! What a list! Does such a person exist,of either sex...My woman of 20 years is by far the best I met in my life,but she could not come even close to your demands.It is of course your right to deside what you demand from a GF,I´m just saying,that I think you have to look in heaven for that one.Good luck with that!

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Now you're starting to lose me, Cigar7.

Geez, you began your search on an internet dating site for the perfect mate. I guess you were searching the profiles to determine if your list could be checked off.

It really sounds like you're going to Big C to buy a new flat screen TV.

Remember there is no Consumer Reports for available women.

I wonder if you're prospective lady has a similar list and how well you would do in meeting her requirements.

Many of the qualities on your list somewaht go without saying but it paints a picture of perfection - never going to happen.

Amazingly to me, you left out the one quality which tends to get one through many of the rough spots that occur in every relationship and that's called "a sense of humor". IMHO, without that, any relationship is going to be BORING, no matter how well she may meet your list of ideal qualities.

BTW, you're are looking for a human being and we all have our frailities and we all make mistakes. You seem to imply that should she ever breach one of your requirements, she is out the door. What a way for someone to have to live. I doubt it will be the foundation for a successful relationship but the reasons for its eventual failure.

My young lady and I make it work because I have been there, done that. I am very forgiving and most of all, easy going. Interestingly, she does meet many of these qualities but every one? No way. However, she and I are always laughing and that seems to pave a very smooth relationship road.

However, I doubt that you will ever let your lady pursue her own activities and interests with others and without you, as you require of her.

My lady meets up with her friends often although not for a girl's night out but really I guess she could be doing anything. However, I trust her, for better or worse, and definitely am not spending all our "away time" fretting about whether she is being good or bad.

I fear that you may be far too insecure to deal with someone so young and that insecurity will be your downfall. Remmeber all the negative psotings on this thread about relationships with Thai women? I assure you those failures had at least as much to do with the men as the Thai ladies, no matter what they say.

However, good luck to you but you are way over thnking what constitutes a successful relationship.

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Are you pulling our leg, or are you the perfect dream for a 19 year old? You have to really be joking about this. Any Thai with any sense would walk right out, when presented with a list like that. And the best part is "forgiving of mistakes"! If she went for all that BS, then she is super clever and waiting to take everything. Or most likely, she didnt understand one word of your list of rules. She never ask for money, <deleted>! Who do you think will take care of her? Man, you really need a crash course in Thai women. In one year, she will have a baby, and will have her lifetime insurance policy. Not your kid?? hahaha, it will be!! You will be paying forever, and it wont even help if you leave the country!!

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My only comment is that I am unable to deal with women acting like kids. It can be funny as a one-off, but as an regular occurrence would drive me nuts. Maybe I have no patience to help someone grow up.

Whatever happens, good luck.

hmm...how long does it take them to grow up then?

My ex, 33 years, like a spoilt brat but for certain does throw a very scary tantrum when she dont get her own way. After live with her and got away i decide i will NEVER put myself through this again

Sadly, have not met another since then who do not act in this very same way and loose all hope to even find someone sane sad.png

To the OP, you are old enough now, trust me this situation you consider will make you to age very quickly!!

I lived with girls when i was in 40's and is bad enough, i could not put up with their BS at and old agerolleyes.gif

I do understand what you are saying, and I do appreciate your recommendations. In order to mitigate the potential stress that a young woman could bring to bear on an old man like me, I laid out some ground rules for her, in writing, and discussed them with her, several weeks ago. I told her the type of woman I seek and if she is not the one for me, or does not want to adhere to the list, she should look for someone else because I will be looking for someone else.

Here are my thoughts about what I would like to see in my one good woman:

1. Honest, open, trustworthy and truthful;

2. Pleasant, warm, charming and kind personalty; clean, neat, attractive, slim, presentable appearance;

3. Respectful, polite, appreciative, supportive and courteous to me;

4. Loving, affection, and devoted to me;

5. Sexually intimate, seductive, keeps me happy in bed;

6. Reliable, responsible and loyal;

7. Tolerant, understanding, forgiving of mistakes and broad minded;

8. Flexible, allowing me to pursue activities and interests with others and without her;

9. She is not a person who nags, irritates, annoys, demands, is difficult nor gets angry easily;

10. Communicates, shares her ideas and thoughts, listens to me;

11. Has a healthy lifestyle. Does not do illegal activities, gamble and does not associate with people who engage in illegal activities.

Why don't you ask Headgame to draft up a legal contract based on this?

Seriously, what could you possibly talk about in pidgin English to someone that could almost be your Granddaughter?

You seem well meaning, and given your OP and "dating" Coconut Bar girls, sex seems pretty high on your list. Nothing wrong with that, but don't get all tangled up in emotion to justify your bent. Call it as it is - you want a regular girl in return for taking care of her.

Give her a stipend. Let her find her own apartment. Call her when you want to see her. You are 58. You don't need the stress that this kid will bring you.

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PS, Headgame gave you the polite side of the story, mine was a bit strong, but take your pick, both can be accurate. I would say, you are way out of your league, and that sweet kitty cat, can turn into a screaming ally cat. We all would like a 19yo, but usually short time, because most of us understand that she wouldnt hang around for very long, just as long until the money ran out. That can happen with older too, but at least the older understand that their chances of getting another rich one, are a bit slimmer.

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Here are my thoughts about what I would like to see in my one good woman:

1. Honest, open, trustworthy and truthful;

2. Pleasant, warm, charming and kind personalty; clean, neat, attractive, slim, presentable appearance;

3. Respectful, polite, appreciative, supportive and courteous to me;

4. Loving, affection, and devoted to me;

5. Sexually intimate, seductive, keeps me happy in bed;

6. Reliable, responsible and loyal;

7. Tolerant, understanding, forgiving of mistakes and broad minded;

8. Flexible, allowing me to pursue activities and interests with others and without her;

9. She is not a person who nags, irritates, annoys, demands, is difficult nor gets angry easily;

10. Communicates, shares her ideas and thoughts, listens to me;

11. Has a healthy lifestyle. Does not do illegal activities, gamble and does not associate with people who engage in illegal activities.

Seeing this list, I think, you must have one of this rose tinted glasses on your nose!

No offense, but you're trying to push the discussion, don't you? But the direction .....!

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No No No AND NO AGAIN..........!!

Dont let them move in.........Take it from me it is an utter nightmare and expensive and opens you up to a myriad of "loss of face claims" should you want to remove her from your place or the relationship breaks up..........!

Please tell me more. Do you have any personal experience or first hand knowledge of such a situation??

I refer you to # 83.........

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Go for it man you only live once and at your pushing on years now it's nice to have a young bit of skirt hanging around the place, but just make sure you keep your finances out of view.

Why would he need a live in girl to have young skirt available. He mentioned he was getting 2 new skirts a week before. Keep it real. At that age gap there's a 99.9% probability it's all about business from her end.... she's just working the OP slowly.... and it's working fine!

Did the OP not even think how she was going to pay for her tuition fees?

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58 and 22... now think ........

I think 5555555

There's one born every minute!

As a 58 yo man what do you think a 22 yo woman sees in you?

Do the decant think, pay for her tuition and all her expenses until she finishes uni and leaves you for a young Thai guy, same as the older Thai sponsors do with these young college girls. Rent her own place for her, don't give her access to your stuff. it's a fairly standard deal over here.

What I think she sees in me are the advantages of an older man:

1. Maturity and Wisdom

2. Stable

3. Responsible

4. Loyal

5. Open minded

6. More time together

7. Better sex

8. More appreciative

9. Better quality of life

Yes, I am willing to pay for her tuition.

... and if you believe this you're a dreamer. 22 year old girls normally think with their hearts where love is concerned. They don't sit down to rationalize it like you're trying to do.

She can have you for certain benefits and younger Thais for others... and even supplementary Farang relationships while you're away. It's win-win for her. Not so for you.

Even if she comes to Pattaya as a "nice" girl, she'll soon learn from the others the "best" way to behave.

Edited by tropo
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I do understand what you are saying, and I do appreciate your recommendations. In order to mitigate the potential stress that a young woman could bring to bear on an old man like me, I laid out some ground rules for her, in writing, and discussed them with her, several weeks ago. I told her the type of woman I seek and if she is not the one for me, or does not want to adhere to the list, she should look for someone else because I will be looking for someone else.

Here are my thoughts about what I would like to see in my one good woman:

1. Honest, open, trustworthy and truthful;

2. Pleasant, warm, charming and kind personalty; clean, neat, attractive, slim, presentable appearance;

3. Respectful, polite, appreciative, supportive and courteous to me;

4. Loving, affection, and devoted to me;

5. Sexually intimate, seductive, keeps me happy in bed;

6. Reliable, responsible and loyal;

7. Tolerant, understanding, forgiving of mistakes and broad minded;

8. Flexible, allowing me to pursue activities and interests with others and without her;

9. She is not a person who nags, irritates, annoys, demands, is difficult nor gets angry easily;

10. Communicates, shares her ideas and thoughts, listens to me;

11. Has a healthy lifestyle. Does not do illegal activities, gamble and does not associate with people who engage in illegal activities.

Holy cow!

An admirable list OP. A lot of western women dating now hold very similar ones I have found

A list more likely to be ticked off by someone with a bit more life experience than a 20 year old?

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OP........when you review the answers you get on this thread please understand that there is a malicious undercurrent of people who are rotten jealous that you can afford to fly back and forth to Canada when it suits you. The mere fact that you can do that is your blessing and your salvation, as one of these days if you decide you can't be bothered continuing with the relationship then just pack up your things and go.

So what if your taking a risk of losing a few possessions if your lady skips when your back in Canada? whoop de whoo, it's only the normal flotsam and jetsam of a relationship fall out.

It's also staggering that so many people have commented about the age difference, who gives a fork? what's it got to do with you? it's her choice and the OP get's to live the dream for a while, and who knows, forever.

I'm also highly amused at some of the members that have put forward relationship advice, one in particular has been elevated to mystical status in Pattaya when the reality is this particular guy has caused carnage in his relationships all his adult life. It's not what you read, it's reading between the lines that's important. Some of the guys on this topic are in serious need of self awareness classes.

Anyway, you are in the same happy position that I am in, I can move between Thailand and Scotland when it suits me, and I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year. I have no intention of ever settling in Thailand, I reckon about 6 months a year will be plenty. I love my country and my family here in Scotland and I won't abandon either of them. Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ), if that had to end then so be it, in fact more to the point, big deal. I'll get another one in a heartbeat. The green eyed monster is at play here, don't pay attention to it.

I'm not going to advise you to move the lady in, you'll know if you like her enough for that, and if the conversation flows easily and you feel comfortable with her. Sit just about anywhere in Pattaya and you'll see plenty of miserable looking women trailing around behind their boyfriends, don't be that guy.

Just maintain your independence and flexibility, and you'll be perfectly fine.

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Yep, gawd we can see it but the OP can't. ...........

I'm constantly gob-smacked at these old guys (60s) that think a young and attractive girl (20s) is with them for anything except the money. Amazing levels of self delusion.

On a personal basis.

My misses is 20 years younger than me ...... and even that would be stretching the old credibility quite a bit.

My personality is not great, my heart is not generous, and I could only be described as 'handsome' by someone that really loves prunes.

Now that's reality for you!

.........you forgot to mention that you've never been with a bar girl, as in, never ever!! and that your prostitute sister in law set you up with your wife. You now live on a farm in darkest Nan and your the foremost expert on farang/Thai relationships in the World.

Maybe it's just me, but it looks like a fairytale from the Brothers Grimm..........Thai tart with a heart picks out Prince Pruning from the crowd of pool players in a Pattaya bar, and transports him back to the homestead where the grateful sister goes down on bended knee and thanks her for the special delivery farang takeaway.

Oh, and your new wife is now wanting you to marry a third sister too and live happily ever after in a menage a trois, on the farm, in Nan.

<deleted>........and then you have the cheek to come on this thread and pass comment. cheesy.gif

OP......this is an example of what I was saying about some people need to go to self awareness classes, I'm not trolling Tommo, I'm regurgitating what he has written about his relationship status this year........trust me, there are even worse examples on this thread, be careful who you ask advice from. coffee1.gif

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OP........when you review the answers you get on this thread please understand that there is a malicious undercurrent of people who are rotten jealous that you can afford to fly back and forth to Canada when it suits you. The mere fact that you can do that is your blessing and your salvation, as one of these days if you decide you can't be bothered continuing with the relationship then just pack up your things and go.

So what if your taking a risk of losing a few possessions if your lady skips when your back in Canada? whoop de whoo, it's only the normal flotsam and jetsam of a relationship fall out.

It's also staggering that so many people have commented about the age difference, who gives a fork? what's it got to do with you? it's her choice and the OP get's to live the dream for a while, and who knows, forever.

I'm also highly amused at some of the members that have put forward relationship advice, one in particular has been elevated to mystical status in Pattaya when the reality is this particular guy has caused carnage in his relationships all his adult life. It's not what you read, it's reading between the lines that's important. Some of the guys on this topic are in serious need of self awareness classes.

Anyway, you are in the same happy position that I am in, I can move between Thailand and Scotland when it suits me, and I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year. I have no intention of ever settling in Thailand, I reckon about 6 months a year will be plenty. I love my country and my family here in Scotland and I won't abandon either of them. Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ), if that had to end then so be it, in fact more to the point, big deal. I'll get another one in a heartbeat. The green eyed monster is at play here, don't pay attention to it.

I'm not going to advise you to move the lady in, you'll know if you like her enough for that, and if the conversation flows easily and you feel comfortable with her. Sit just about anywhere in Pattaya and you'll see plenty of miserable looking women trailing around behind their boyfriends, don't be that guy.

Just maintain your independence and flexibility, and you'll be perfectly fine.

You do your handle justice....

If you didn't spend most of your post putting everyone else down and attempting to elevate yourself to superstar status some of your advice could have been useful, but it seems pretty obvious you're using this post as an excuse to brag.

I for one are not the slightest bit envious of you or the OP. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It's not always easy for guys who get emotionally hooked on one "special" girl to just give it all up and move on. The idea is to avoid bad relationships at all costs, not experiment with them and waste time and money. There was a reason why the OP posted here for advice.

Unfortunately you're not giving any good advice.

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OP........when you review the answers you get on this thread please understand that there is a malicious undercurrent of people who are rotten jealous that you can afford to fly back and forth to Canada when it suits you. The mere fact that you can do that is your blessing and your salvation, as one of these days if you decide you can't be bothered continuing with the relationship then just pack up your things and go.

So what if your taking a risk of losing a few possessions if your lady skips when your back in Canada? whoop de whoo, it's only the normal flotsam and jetsam of a relationship fall out.

It's also staggering that so many people have commented about the age difference, who gives a fork? what's it got to do with you? it's her choice and the OP get's to live the dream for a while, and who knows, forever.

I'm also highly amused at some of the members that have put forward relationship advice, one in particular has been elevated to mystical status in Pattaya when the reality is this particular guy has caused carnage in his relationships all his adult life. It's not what you read, it's reading between the lines that's important. Some of the guys on this topic are in serious need of self awareness classes.

Anyway, you are in the same happy position that I am in, I can move between Thailand and Scotland when it suits me, and I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year. I have no intention of ever settling in Thailand, I reckon about 6 months a year will be plenty. I love my country and my family here in Scotland and I won't abandon either of them. Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ), if that had to end then so be it, in fact more to the point, big deal. I'll get another one in a heartbeat. The green eyed monster is at play here, don't pay attention to it.

I'm not going to advise you to move the lady in, you'll know if you like her enough for that, and if the conversation flows easily and you feel comfortable with her. Sit just about anywhere in Pattaya and you'll see plenty of miserable looking women trailing around behind their boyfriends, don't be that guy.

Just maintain your independence and flexibility, and you'll be perfectly fine.

You do your handle justice....

If you didn't spend most of your post putting everyone else down and attempting to elevate yourself to superstar status some of your advice could have been useful, but it seems pretty obvious you're using this post as an excuse to brag.

I for one are not the slightest bit envious of you or the OP. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It's not always easy for guys who get emotionally hooked on one "special" girl to just give it all up and move on. The idea is to avoid bad relationships at all costs, not experiment with them and waste time and money. There was a reason why the OP posted here for advice.

Unfortunately you're not giving any good advice.

I'm giving plenty of good advice Tropo, the forum is polluted by jealous and insecure types. These guys rage at guys like me that can come and go when we please, and the OP is in that category too.

I'm entitled to warn the OP that he's got to be careful what he listens too.....the green eyed monster is at play with many of the replies, and I did point out that the fact he can fly out whenever it suits him is his salvation.

I take on fully your point about people becoming "emotionally hooked", that's an issue the OP will have to face alone, as we all do. On a side note I find it interesting that you find a statement of fact to be "bragging", there are thousands upon thousands of guys like me that can take Thailand or leave it whenever it suits us, what are we to do? be quiet because it doesn't suit you? I think not.

I've stated my position clearly, as far as I can see no one else has stated that view to the OP, now it's up to him to sift through what has been written and draw his own conclusion.

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I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year.

Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ),

I'll get another one in a heartbeat.

Oh dear - if anyone needs self-awareness classes, it's you pal.

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I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year.

Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ),

I'll get another one in a heartbeat.

Oh dear - if anyone needs self-awareness classes, it's you pal.

Nope......but thanks for taking the time to snip my post. Feeling insecure are we? coffee1.gif

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I spend more on annual holidays than many respondents here earn in a year.

Even though I have a stunningly beautiful 29 year old gf in CM ( I'm 46 ),

I'll get another one in a heartbeat.

Oh dear - if anyone needs self-awareness classes, it's you pal.

Nope......but thanks for taking the time to snip my post. Feeling insecure are we? coffee1.gif

However, Mahayana Buddhism also advocates humility as a moral precept. As such it is often expressed in terms of exhortation against an arrogant or haughty attitude. Being a sign of ego-centeredness, pride is seen as impeding acceptance of the Buddha's teachings and progress towards spiritual liberation. Buddhist practitioners believe that only a humble mind can readily recognize its own defilements of craving (or greed), aversion (or hatred) and ignorance, thereby embarking on the path of enlightenment and liberation.

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A fabulous exhortation.......tell me the exhortation for jealousy now.......and follow it up with the exhortation for hypocrisy.

You'll find those two attributes running through this thread far more than arrogance.

My gawd.....we've even got guys boasting about being with dozens of Thai women setting themselves up as experts on relation advice.

The only thing they are expert on is relationship failure......or is that arrogant of me to say so?

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A fabulous exhortation.......tell me the exhortation for jealousy now.......and follow it up with the exhortation for hypocrisy.

You'll find those two attributes running through this thread far more than arrogance.

My gawd.....we've even got guys boasting about being with dozens of Thai women setting themselves up as experts on relation advice.

The only thing they are expert on is relationship failure......or is that arrogant of me to say so?

Is a bit.

"let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

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I have had many relatiosnhips with many Thai women, numerous ones were educated and held jobs like teacher, municipal inspector, waitress or secretary. Others held jobs in massage parlours, and many, many worked at the coconut bar on beach road. She does seem like the most decent woman I have met in the last 6 years, but she may also be a very good actress.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you in the first place!

But, if you had so many, many many relationships with Thai women, even numerous ones, don't you think you should be a little more careful with:

A: yourself ?

B: see how she reacts when you ask her to live by herself in her own small place in Pattaya somewhere for let's say the first 6 months?

Maybe ask her that she should focus on her study during the week and enjoy the weekends with you?

I don't intent to insult you but if you had so many different relationships in a relatively short period of time in Thailand, isn't it time to look in the mirror and ask yourself:

"why and where did all those relationships go wrong" ? sick.gif

Your own topic isn't about starting yet another relationship, since there are thousands of nice, decent young ladies out there wishing and praying to Buddha for a nice man...but this topic is about YOUR OWN insecurity.

That's why you started this topic.

If you would be secure and selfconfident you would never have opened a topic about YET another affair (one of the many many many, even numerous ones) with a woman and ask a virtual audience about their opinion about YOUR life and so many relationships.

Nothing personal but intended to wake you up wink.png

Edited by LaoPo
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Correct........and the OP is entitled to know that there are plenty of sinners throwing stones in his direction.

The OP is in the ideal situation, he can take or leave Thailand as it suits him.....by his own words a decent young lady wants to move in with him and he finds himself subjected to a barrage of abuse by several members here.

My gawd, you would think it was newsworthy that the age gap was an issue. I'm pretty sure the OP has already acknowledged that??? ....and the risk of financial loss? wow, who would have thought eh?

I know the true story behind four of the most vocal members on this thread and if you knew it too Londoedan, you wouldn't be having a go at me.....your jaw would hit the deck at their audacity at giving advice to anybody.

It's a sick joke. As per usual though people fly in with both feet cos they read things at face value. It's time some members took into account that some of us actually know each other in real life.

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