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Thai Death Toll Rises To 202 During New Year's Holidays: Road Safety Centre


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I have been told that Thailand only records deaths from road accidents that occur on the day. Apparently those that die from injuries in the days following are not included in the statistics. If that is the case then the road toll should be much higher. Does anyone know if this is in fact true???

Its true,they only count the dead at the scene of the accident,not the ones that die hours or days later.
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Is anyone really worried, it would't seem so.

It's almost like a national sport in Thailand.

If they were serious they would.....

  • get the underage drivers off the roads
  • get the unlicenced drivers off the roads
  • get the drunks of the roads (this would elliminate 80% of vehicles on the roads)
  • fire any cop taking a bribe and make sure the remaining 10% get off there ass and do the job that they are paid to do (and which they paid to get)
  • annual fitness testing for all vehicles (carried out by honest individuals)
  • get a proper defensive driver education programme in place

It's not rocket science. Western countries have had a declining road toll each year for 60 years. Nuff said.. TiT

(and forget the 'RIP' that's OK for the dead, but, what about the families still here.

Also stop the practice of the police fining drivers, and letting them continue on their journey. When they have a receipt for their first fine that day it seems they only need to show the receipt the next time they are stopped to avoid another fine.

Stop unlicenced young people from riding motor cycles. They are very obvious but somehow as long as the driver has a helmet on (don't worry about the other 3 passengers) they are not touched.

The unlicenced drivers are the worst because they have no idea as to what the road rules are!!!

Where would they house the 100s caught every day at every checkpoint?

No need whatsoever to arrest them. Just give them a fine, impound the motorcy and tell them that they can get it back when they produce a licence.

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Apparently the pretty policewomen dancing did not help...

Lovely show, but it never ceases to amaze me how all these young people all have a chest full of "mean nothing" medal ribbons, just like the Yank armed forces.

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