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Two Women Arrested At Don Mueang Airport For Smuggling Yaba In Genitalia


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No photos? No finger pointing?



Come on, guys. Is this the best you can do? No compassion with the two ladies who most likely wiggled like a duck, attracting the attention of keen eyed Immigration officers. The humiliation of a full bodily inspection. The suspicion that some officers might have cameras in their mobiles and soon we'd have a two more facebook celebrities rolleyes.gif

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God, I don't think I can take another vagian "joke," really guys enough already.

As maybe one other here, why didn't they tail them to the person who is likley a boss man. These mules are a dime a dozen IMO, and not likley worth much in regard to stopping the flow. They did not look like hill people to me.

I know people could care less about them, but I feel for people who are exploited. It's easy to do this to the desperate and poor.

They may have even been threatened by thugs, even after arrest. How can they say the have really done good by this. It is a joke.

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God, I don't think I can take another vagian "joke," really guys enough already.

Then stop reading now, this story is good for at least another 10 pages of "jokes".

As for finding the "boss man" why do you think they want to do that? This is a win-win for customs and the "boss man" - customs get a photo op and claim a big success and the "boss man" gets to import a suitcase full of pill whilst everyone is looking the other way.

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We need to see the full re-enactment before we make a judgment on this case.

Speak for yourself! smile.png

(I've always been in favor of genitalia but don't necessarily need to see just anyone's and only in the right circumstance - a cavity search at Don Mueang doesn't sound that erotic to me).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

you'll never know until you try it.

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Clearly these were very small women.

(Read the last sentence ...they arrested a woman last month carrying 6,000 pills in that way..)

But is this an indication of the carrying capacity or the size of the pills?

Being an amateur gynecologist, this is something I could look into.

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I would love to know how they could think something was hidden there ....... do the women walked strangely ?

ask john Wayne he had his yabba stashed up his arse, rumor had it that he walk funny sort of way. with a lithp

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  • 1 month later...

Instead of importing, it's exporting now...

Cocaine in Vagina: Thai Woman Held

It took the police almost three days to extract 80 cocaine-contained capsules, each as big as one’s thumb, from a woman who was detained at the Penang International Airport (PIA) last Wednesday after she swallowed the capsules.

The large-sized woman, who is in her 20s and hails from Thailand, had also risked her life by concealing another cocaine package as big as a cucumber in her vagina, Harian Metro reported.

According to sources, police detained the woman around 5pm following a tip-off.



Thursday, 21 February 2013


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