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Did Thai Wife Dating Ruin Thailand?......


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Wasn't the thread about wives and mail order brides and such? How did it get to hookers? Or is the case being made that they are the same thing? Is a woman who marries a man from another country automatically a hooker?

There is not a lot of difference in many cases, Kelly. Women have been using their bodies to negotiate a better deal for themselves ever since Adam and Eve. Men have only been too happy to go along with the deals. Call it what you will. It's only that the hypocrites try to separate the arrangement in different wording to put themselves in a better light. Clean off the jargon and it's the same thing.

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I'm thinking all the Thai hookers ruined the perception of Thailand forever.

Maybe true, but many more countries have many more hookers. America has numerous times the amount but doesn't have the reputation.

Numerous times per capita? I wonder. (If you mean total number then you might consider the vast difference in population size.)

What I know is that America doesn't have anywhere near the number of different types of commercial sex venues so openly available and such a massive part of the mainstream economy and culture.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Ok how about India or Brazil ?

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I might agree that their was a time between mail order brides and internet dating when I would have agreed with you. But I think the world has moved beyond that now.

I don't like to take "snippits" out of someone's text because it often changes the original meaning, but this sentence holds true in most of North America and most certainly most of Canada. MrRealDeal's first reply was excellent.

The same could be said about gay bashing. 20 years ago in Canada, gay bashing was common, but not so much today. Most people have slowly opened their eyes to the real world. I've never noticed any ridicule of men with Asian wives or girl friends in Canada because I grew up in Vancouver where there is a huge mix of Asians and other ethnic groups. In fact, the term "Hongcouver" was used to describe the number of Chinese in Vancouver.

The internet today has completely changed the world and it has been a hard adjustment for some older people. My father still has friends who have never been on a computer and don't own cell phones.

I haven't spent too much time in Great Britain so I can't say what it's like as far as mixing of races. All I get is second hand information from my sister in London and we seldom talk about those things.

Hi Rene, its great to have a females pov on this mostly male general topic forum. Ive seen your posts ,so bit off topic, but Blether wont mind(much), tell us bout yourself, what are your interests in Thailand? and also these threads on TVF? Whats a females view on Thai girls and western men?
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I think this picture answers the OP regarding how people think in the UK,while it may be light hearted British banter it's offensive for others no doubts.

So what your saying is in the UK, people judge books by their cover?...I see what your aim is, but these people are here rightly as you and I are and thus have the human rights you also do, including the basic rights of feeling love and being happy. Dont be mean, thats what your doing. Let them live their life without prejudice and judgement. Its not your job to do so.
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I think this picture answers the OP regarding how people think in the UK,while it may be light hearted British banter it's offensive for others no doubts.

So what your saying is in the UK, people judge books by their cover?...I see what your aim is, but these people are here rightly as you and I are and thus have the human rights you also do, including the basic rights of feeling love and being happy. Dont be mean, thats what your doing. Let them live their life without prejudice and judgement. Its not your job to do so.

Also the whole joke is that the Thai lady in the picture stands up to pee, still un pc but hey.

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I think the bad perception started with the GI's and R&R breaks in Bangkok in the Vietnam war era. When I came to Thailand 30 years ago I had never heard of mail order brides from Thailand, and knew nothing of the reputation of certain red light areas. I did not even know they exisited. Only a couple of people in my circle had even heard of Thailand, but those two immediately started sniggering and mentioning the name Patpong, Soi Cowboy, etc. Places that owe their beginings to R&R.

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The world has changed a lot over the last ten or twenty years, its a lot smaller now. Attitudes are slowly changing towards interracial relationships, walking through my home town you can't help seeing different nationalities.

It was only a matter of time before they started to mate with the locals.

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I went home for xmas and had a family party in a pub in the UK.

First stereotypical view was "you getting a 'thai bride'?" - and the other bit of stick I got was ladyboy related... so I think you have to just accept this kind of stuff when you go home as that's still what people think about when I tell them I live in Thailand I am afraid.

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for those in the UK with their Thai partners you can thank comedy shows like 'Little Britain' with Ting Tong from Tooting character and the stereotypical farang Mr Dudley and his combover hair...it's been mentioned in quite a few other comedy shows poking fun but that show was huge and brought more awareness throughout all the generations...

What people on here also need to remember is theres a lot of narrow minded people the world over who have hardly travelled never mind had the finances to do it so all they know is what they see on the tele....

I am 39 years old, my wife 26 years old but as per usual looks a lot younger being petite and a lot slimmer to the majority of farang women...when she first arrived here in UK 2 1/2 years ago we went down the local pub and I noticed some looks but nothing was ever said apart from a group of blokes who wolf whistled one night when we was leaving....I was quite proud in how I handled that scenario as I turned round and blew them a kiss to which the rest of the pub thought was hilarious and then turned their attention on the wolf whistlers....if I was 10 years younger I would have probably handled it with fists first and got a beating.

I have never been asked if I got my wife as a mail order bride but then majority of people who know me know I lived there for best part of 10 years.

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A Thai girl I used to see for a few years back in London still gets snide remarks from people asking "Did you divorce your English husband" even though she's never been married.

It's weird because she looks Chinese and she only experiences this negativity towards her country of birth when she tells people she's Thai.

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I haven't seen anyone mention the otherside of the coin yet.

Visiting freinds last weekend the wife was explaining to them how when we are in Thailand most Thai's will assume she is a Bar girl because she is with a Farang.

It will only be after they have spoken to her that they will realise there mistake.

The fact that she is prepared to put up with this makes me love her only more, this is not a oneway street.

Same here...but that is the narrow minded thinking of a racist bunch of retarded people.....in general, not all..but a hell of a lot.

It is along the same intelligent thought level of all foreigners are rich because they are fat.....what about the fat thais in every village ??

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Any criticism of an older man looking for a younger women can only stem from a combination of prudery, snobbery, and envy. There are plenty of wealthy western men who hook up with younger western women and it's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why the double standard?

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I t all started (1980"s)in Australia with the PHILIPPINE girls coming and marring men 3 times their age and taking everything from them. This was frowned upon by all Australians. Then it started with Thailand and all the bar girls in their country, as this went all around the world to all the men . And even though prostitution is illegal in this country they still allow it . Take a walk in walking street and you get offered all the sex shows you want , and this goes all around the worlds as well.

Sure other countries have their sex industry but it is keep quite compared to Thailand . This industry invites all the perverts from every country to come here , What is Thailand really known for?

Even the capital's name BANGKOK has people laughing and saying "lets do it" maybe I am wrong . who knows

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I t all started (1980"s)in Australia with the PHILIPPINE girls coming and marring men 3 times their age and taking everything from them. This was frowned upon by all Australians. Then it started with Thailand and all the bar girls in their country, as this went all around the world to all the men . And even though prostitution is illegal in this country they still allow it . Take a walk in walking street and you get offered all the sex shows you want , and this goes all around the worlds as well.

Sure other countries have their sex industry but it is keep quite compared to Thailand . This industry invites all the perverts from every country to come here , What is Thailand really known for?

Even the capital's name BANGKOK has people laughing and saying "lets do it" maybe I am wrong . who knows

Talk about a blatant case of ethnocentrism. I have rarely seen a worse one.biggrin.png

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I haven't seen anyone mention the otherside of the coin yet.

Visiting freinds last weekend the wife was explaining to them how when we are in Thailand most Thai's will assume she is a Bar girl because she is with a Farang.

It will only be after they have spoken to her that they will realise there mistake.

The fact that she is prepared to put up with this makes me love her only more, this is not a oneway street.

Like most falang will assume here in the west, she is a mail order.

Same same, not different.

Like I said, who gives a <deleted>. Not me and not you....so who?

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Any criticism of an older man looking for a younger women can only stem from a combination of prudery, snobbery, and envy. There are plenty of wealthy western men who hook up with younger western women and it's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why the double standard?

What is a young guy to do when his lady love leaves him for an older man?smile.png It can't be his fault or the ladies fault. It must be the devil.biggrin.png

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Any criticism of an older man looking for a younger women can only stem from a combination of prudery, snobbery, and envy. There are plenty of wealthy western men who hook up with younger western women and it's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why the double standard?

It's not really a double standard because the "standard" those people are refereing to or complaining about is not just young girls and older rich men , the "standard" they are mocking is the going overseas part, because they can't get a young girl in their own country. Your notion of 18-25 year old hotties getting with 62 and older men in the west as being "normal" is another nonsense exaguration of reality and would not be normal at all. Edited by MrRealDeal
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I t all started (1980"s)in Australia with the PHILIPPINE girls coming and marring men 3 times their age and taking everything from them. This was frowned upon by all Australians. Then it started with Thailand and all the bar girls in their country, as this went all around the world to all the men . And even though prostitution is illegal in this country they still allow it . Take a walk in walking street and you get offered all the sex shows you want , and this goes all around the worlds as well.

Sure other countries have their sex industry but it is keep quite compared to Thailand . This industry invites all the perverts from every country to come here , What is Thailand really known for?

Even the capital's name BANGKOK has people laughing and saying "lets do it" maybe I am wrong . who knows

rolleyes.gifEver been to Europe?... Ive got a friend who owns a club in Ibiza called Patcha. He hates Thailand, cant stand the place. His Dad is my next door neighbour in the Thai village but his Dad has also lived in Pattaya for 25years. He hates visiting his dad, cant stand Pattaya and Ive asked him why?.... no reason, but he finds its just a filthy hole and he cant wait to leave. So the girls and cheap prices mean nothing to some.

BTW, if you or anyones still laughing at the name Bangkok, its beyond a joke, its just dumb. Really.

Edited by krisb
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Any criticism of an older man looking for a younger women can only stem from a combination of prudery, snobbery, and envy. There are plenty of wealthy western men who hook up with younger western women and it's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why the double standard?

What is a young guy to do when his lady love leaves him for an older man?smile.png It can't be his fault or the ladies fault. It must be the devil.biggrin.png

w00t.gif Stop, Im gonna have nightmares.
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Any criticism of an older man looking for a younger women can only stem from a combination of prudery, snobbery, and envy. There are plenty of wealthy western men who hook up with younger western women and it's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why the double standard?

It's not really a double standard because the "standard" those people are refereing to or complaining about is not just young girls and older rich men , the "standard" they are mocking is the going overseas part, because they can't get a young girl in their own country. Your notion of 18-25 year old hotties getting with 62 and older men in the west as being "normal" is another nonsense exaguration of reality and would not be normal at all.

For a rich guy in the West it is normal. Thailand has a lower standard of living so the guys who would not be rich in the West are rich in Thailand. In the West it is called a trophy wife. In Thailand it is called a normal wife. I know. Been there done that and got the tee shirt.smile.png

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